1.13. The tenor of the commission, where|by Marie the queene of Scots resigneth the crowne to hir sonne, appointeth his gardians, and maketh the earle of Murreie regent.

The tenor of the commission, where|by Marie the queene of Scots resigneth the crowne to hir sonne, appointeth his gardians, and maketh the earle of Murreie regent.

[1] [2] _MArie be the grace of God quene of Scotis, to all and sindrie our iudgeis and mini|steris of law, liegis and subiect is, quhome it effeiris to quhais knalege thir our letteris sall come, greting. Forsamekle as by lang irkesome and tedious trauell takin by vs, in the gouernament of this our realme and liegis thairof, we are sa vexit and weriit, that our bodie, spirit, and sensis are altogeddir become vnhabill langer to trauell in that rowme: and thairfore we haue dimittit and renun|cit the office of gouernament of this our realme and liegis thairof, in fauouris of our anelie maist deir sonne, natiue prince of this our realme. And be|cause of his tender zouth and inhabilitie to vse the said gouernament in his awin persoun, during his minoritie, we haue constitute our derrest brother Iames earle of Murreie, lord Abernethie, &c: re|gent to our said sonne, realme and liegis foirsaidis.

[1] [2] And in respect that our said derrest brother is actu|allie furth of our realme, and cannot instantlie be present to accept the said office of regentrie vpon him, and vse and exerce the samin during our saidis derrest sonis minoritie; we quhill his returning within our relme, or in cais of his deceis haue maid, constitute, namit, appointit, & ordainit, and by thir our letteris makis, constitutis, namis, appointis, and ordainis our traist consingis and counsalouris, Iames duke of Chatelerault, earle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, Matho earle of Leuinax, lord Dern|leie, &c: Archibald earle of Argile, lord Campbell and Lorne, &c: Iohn earle of Atholl, Iames earle of Mortoun, Alexander earle of Glencarne, and Iohn earle of Mar, regentis to our said derrest son, realme and liegis; & in cais our said brother Iames earle of Murreie cum within our realme, and refu|sis to accept the said office of regentrie vpon his sin|gular persoun, we make, constitute, name, ap|point, and ordeine, our traist consingis and coun|sallouris foirsaidis, and our said brother regentis of our said deir sonne, realme, and liegis.

[1] Geuand, grantand, and committand to thame, or onie fiue of thame coniunctlie full power for our said sonne, and in his name to ressaue resignatiounis of landis, make dispositiounis of wairdis, nonentres| [...]is, releuis, mariageis, beneficis, eschetis, officis, and vtheris casualiteis and priuilegeis, quhat sum|euer concerning the said office, signatouris thair vpon to make, subscriue, and cause be past through the seillis. And to vse and exerce the said office of regentrie in all thingis, priuilegeis, and commo|diteis, siclike as fréelie and with als greit libertie as [...]nie regent or gouernor to vs or our predecessouris vsit the samin in ony times bigan. Promittand to hald firme and stabill in the word and faith of ane prince, to quhatsumeuer thingis our saidis traist cousingis dois in the premissis.

[1] Charging heirfore zow all and sindrie our iudgeis and ministeris of law, liegis and subiectis fo [...]rsaidis, to answer and obeie to our saidis traist consingis, regentis foirsadis in all and sindrie thingis concer|ning the said office of regentrie, during our said der|rest sonis minoritie, and ay and quhill he be of the age of seuenteene zeiris compleit. As ze and ilke ane of zow will declair zow lui [...]ng subiectis to our said maist deir son, zour natiue prince, and vnder all paine, charge, and offense that ze and ilke ane of zow maie commit and inrin agains his maiestie in that pairt. Subscriuit with our hand, and giuen vn|der our priuie seill, at Lochleuin; the foure and twen|tith day of Iulij, and of our reigne the fiue and twen|tith zeir.