[1] _FIrst, it was agréed, that all the French|men Articles of the peace. should depart foorth of the realme of Scotland by sea into France, & to that effect should imbarke and make saile French soul|diers depart the realme. within the space of twentie daies next following: and because the Frenchmen had no ships, the Eng|lishmen should lend them ships, and certeine of the Frenchmen remaine as pledges in England, till the same ships were returned.
[1] 2 Item, that they should render the towne of Leith they should render it. Leith, and the Frenchmen to haue their munition, bag, and baggage, to conueie awaie with them at their pleasure, and that the wals of the towne should be throwne downe and demolished.
[1] 3 Item, they should cause monsieur Charlebois The sort be|fore Dunbar to be raced. The English men should depart also. capteine of Dunbar, to demolish and race the fort which they had built before the castell there.
[1] 4 Item, that the Englishmen should raise their siege and depart foorth of Scotland: after the depar|ture from thence of the Frenchmen, and racing of the wals of Leith and Dunbar.
[1] 5 Item, that there should be made an act of obli|uion, An act of ob|liuion to be made. in which the queene of Scotland, with consent of the French king hir husband, should forget and burie in obliuion all attempts made by the lords of Scotland against their authoritie, from the tenth day of March 1558, to the first day of August in the yéere of Grace 1560. And for confirming thereof, a parlement should be holden in Edenburgh, in the moneth of August next insuing, in which parlement the same should be ratified and allowed by the aduise of the estates of the realme of Scotland.
[1] 6 Also it was agréed, that there should be a com|mission A parlement to be kept. [page 375] sent from the French king and the quéene of Scotland, to hold the same parlement to the effect a|foresaid.
[1] 7 Item, that the quéene of Scotland and king of France should cause to blot out and put awaie To put awaie the armes and claime of England. the hearing of the armes of England out of their scutchens.
[1] 8 Item, it was agréed, that there should remaine still in the Ile of Inskith thrée score Frenchmen, and Possession to be kept with souldiers. as manie in the castell of Dunbar, to kéepe (as it were) possession to the queenes vse.
[1] [2] [3] The whole number of the Frenchmen (a few ex|cepted that passed through England) went aboord the English ships in Iulie, and sailed into France, and The French|mẽ depart out of Scotland. in companie with them went the bishop of Glascow and the lord Seton. The Englishmen departed also, and in their way caused the fort of Dunbar to be raced, as by the agréement of the peace it was ap|pointed. A parlement was holden in August, and the A parlement. act of obliuion ratified by the states, & a confession of faith published in the same: it was concluded also A confession of faith publi|shed. to send ambassadors into England, which was doone. And shortlie after, the lords summoned the princi|pall learned men of the realme foorth of the vniuer|sities Learned men called. of saint Andrews, Aberden, Glascow, and other parts, to giue a reason of their faith.
[1] And amongest other of Aberden that tooke vpon A disputation. them to dispute with Iohn Knox, Iohn Wullocke, and maister Goodman [were Iohn Lesle (doctor of Fr. Thin. both lawes, chiefe iudge of the diocesse of Aberden called officiall; who shortlie after was senator of Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 574. the high court, and of councell to the quéene of Scots, and lastlie made bishop of Rosse) Patrike Mirton the treasuror, Iames Straquhine canon, and Alexander Anderson a verie graue diuine. At what time these Roman prelats behaued themselues so well, that they were commanded not to depart the towne; but to be present at the sermons of the ministers.]
[1] [2] [3] [4] In the winter, the lords of the councell gaue facul|ties of benefices to diuerse of their friends, who put Liuings be|stowed. foorth the prelats, and receiued the fruits. The earle of Argile disposed Dunkeild and Dunblan. The earle of Arran had the ordering of the bishoprikes of saint Andrews, also of the abbasies of Dunferm|ling, and Melrosse, and other small benefices. The like was vsed by other noble men, through all parts of the realme. Shortlie after, Francis the French king, husband to the quéene of Scotland, departed this life in December, and Charles his brother was crowned in his place. The quéene being then wi|dow, and Dowager of France, departed from Or|leance (where the court lay when hir husband deceas|sed) and went to the towne of Reimes in Cham|paigne, where she remained till the fifteenth daie of Aprill following.
[1] [2] And then purposing to returne into Scotland, she tooke hir iournie towards Ianuille, and so into Lorraine, there to take leaue of hir kinsfolke by hir The Scotish quéene went into Lorraine. mothers side. The bishop of Glascow, and the ab|bat of Dunfermling Scotishmen, were still atten|dant on hir in this iournie. There were with hir al|so the cardinals of Lorraine and Guise, the duke Daumale, and the marquesse Dalbeuf hir vncles. Fr. Thin. Amongst whom there had béene great disputation touching the quéene of Scotlands returning into hir Buch. lib. 17. owne realme, wherevnto hir vncles were verie wil|ling; although some did séeme to staie the iournie, whose spéeches tended to this effect as followeth.
That the iournie was dangerous, especiallie be|cause the quéene of England did not greatlie fauor it; then that she should come to men by nature bar|barous & seditious, which would not easilie obeie the gouernement of a man. Whereof she had fresh ex|amples before hir eies, of hir father, and of hir mo|ther, whome (when they either could not or durst not openlie oppresse) they forced to a desperation of things with their manie deuises, sith they dailie liued by them in danger of honor or of life.
On the contrarie part, they which would haue the Dowager of France returne to hir naturall coun|trie, and were skilfull of the affaires of Scotland, did allege that those seditions were rather occasio|ned by the default of the kings & gouernors, than of the subiects; whilst they striued to reduce that king|dome (which from the beginning had alwaies béene free) to infinit bondage, and to the frée power of the lawes: which that nation (being more warlike than welthie) could not indure. When contrarilie, they did not onelie defend all their gouernors (which did not attempt the ouerthrow of their liberties) from the outward enimie, and from the inward tumults of the people: but they also made them (through loue and dutie towards their kings) inuincible ouer their enimies, and famous amongest strange nations.
And that the chiefest meane at this time to paci|fie all those troubles in Scotland, was not to make alteration of anie thing in Scotland, from the state wherein euen now it standeth. Wherevpon she resol|ued to come spéedilie into Scotland, whereof more shall be said hereafter; vntill which, we will intreat of other matters doone in Scotland. The quéene of Scots hauing hir mind still setled vpon hir returne into Scotland; Noalius a senator of Burdeaux landed, before this in Scotland (whither he was sent) a little after the end of the publike parlement, for which cause he was staied and turned ouer to the next assemblie of parlement, which was appointed the twelfe kalends of Iune.
But when at that time also the nobilitie assem|bled did not sit in councell, because they were yet vn|certeine of the quéenes mind; in the meane time Iames Steward returned out of France, and brought with him a commission, which gaue them authoritie to hold a parlement, therein to treat and conclude of matters touching the common-wealth. Wherevpon in the end there was audience giuen to the ambassador, the effect of whose legacie was, to renew the old league with France, to vndoo the league with England, and that priests should be re|stored to their liuings, out of which they had beene thrust by violence.
To these things it was answered, that concer|ning the league of France, they were not anie waie guiltie of the breach thereof; and contrarilie that the French had manifoldlie neglected the same; but spe|ciallie of late, in seeking the authoritie of their pub|like libertie, in that they would haue brought the people (their friends and giltles of anie euill) vnto miserable seruitude. For the league with England, they could not by anie meanes dissolue that, except they should be counted most vnthankefull, recom|pense so great a benefit with great wickednes, & con|spire against the defendors of their liberties. And as touching restitution for such as they called priests, they did acknowlege that they had not anie office, vse, or authoritie in the church.
In this councell also it was decréed, to ouerthrow all the monasteries of moonks, for which cause di|uerse were sent out into all places of the realme to execute the same. By occasion whereof, the quéene being in France, and desirous to haue peacefull landing in Scotland; would not for this present meddle with religion, but dissembled the same: al|though Dureus abbat of Ferline, and Iohn Sin|clere latelie appointed bishop of Brechine, did vehe|mentlie persuade and labor hir to the contrarie.
[page 376] In this yeare also on the ninth of March, was the Fr. Thin. 1560. Abbridged out of the printed booke thereof. election of superintendents at Edenburgh, which was published to serue for the election of all other ministers in this forme following (Iohn Knox be|ing the minister thereof.) First was made a sermon, in which these parts were intreated; principallie the necessitie of ministers and superintendents. Se|condlie the crimes & vices that might vnable them of the ministerie. Thirdlie the vertues required in them. Fourthlie & lastlie, whether such as by publike consent of the church were called to such office, might refuse the same.
The sermon finished, it was declared by the same minister Iohn Knox (the maker of that speech or sermon) that the lords of the secret councell had giuen charge and power to the churches of Louthi|an, to choose maister Iohn Spotswood superinten|dent, & that sufficient warning was made by publike edict to the churches of Edenburgh, Luithithgue, Striueling, Treuent, Hadington, & Dunbar, as al|so to earles, lords, barons, gentlemen and others, which haue or might claime to haue voice in the elec|tion to be present that daie at the same houre. And therefore inquisition was made, who were present, and who were absent.
After this was called the said maister Iohn Spots|wood, who answering to his name, the minister Knox demanded, if anie man knew anie crimes or offenses of the said Spotswood, that might disable him to be called to that office. Which thing thrise de|manded, Euerie nation is to haue his peculiar go|uernement in religion, as is best liking to the godlie disposers of the religi|on of that countrie, sith vulgus monstrũ multorum capi| [...]um. there was after question mooued to the whole multitude; if there were anie other whome they would put in election with the said Spotswood. Then the people were asked whether (if they admit|ted the said Spotswood for their superintendent) they would honor and obeie him as Christes minister in euerie thing perteining to his charge.
Wherevnto the people answered that they would, which thus granted, there were further questions and matters touching the articles of the apostles creed, and concerning the state of religion propoun|ded to the superintendent, intended to be created. Wherevnto, when he had answered affirmatiuelie, the people were againe demanded for his allow|ance; which they easilie granted with the consent of the nobilitie. These things thus performed, and a certeine praier (to obteine the spirit of God to be powred into this new elect vessell) finished, the rest of the ministers (if there be anie) and elders of the church present, in signe of their full consent, shall take the elected by the hand.
And so the chiefe minister giuing an especiall be|nediction (the forme whereof is there set downe, with the exhortation which they must also vse to the elected) this election is wholie finished (without anie imposition of hands on his head) and he sufficientlie created a superintendent minister; of whose elec|tion of elders, deacons, excommunications, and o|ther ecclesiasticall regiment, I meane not to speake anie more (as matter impertinent to my discourse, though not to the nature of an ecclesiasticall historie) sith I haue onelie here in hand the politicall and temporall gouernement, and not the discourse of re|ligion and essentiall forme thereof.]
[1] [2] [3] Before this, in the beginning of the winter this Ambassadors sent into England. yeare, the lords sent the earle of Morton and Glen|carne, and the yoong lard of Ledington secretarie, ambassadors into England; to giue thanks to the queens maiestie of England, for the aid which they had receiued of hir, to expell the Frenchmen. The earle of Murreie passed through England into France. He departed from Edenburgh the eigh|teenth 1561. of March, and in Aprill came to Uitrie, as hereafter shall appeare; where he found the quéene, meaning to submit himselfe. But the day before he came, maister Iohn Lesle officiall of Aberden was come thither, who was sent from the earle of Hunt|leie, and other the lords spirituall and temporall of the north parts; he tooke ship in the rode of Aberden, and landing at Brule in Holand, passed through the lowe countries in post till he came to Paris, and from thence vnto Uitrie aforesaid [the eightéenth Fr. Thin. kalends of March] where he found the quéene, whom he most dutifullie saluted.
This is he which before is called the earle of Mur|reie that went into France but not right|lie, for he was not earle vn|till long after this time. After which (being most courteouslie receiued of hir) he opened vnto hir the effect of his ambassage, which consisted speciallie vpon these parts; to admo|nish the queene that she should not suffer hir selfe to be blinded or deceiued with the flattering words of Iames the prior of saint Andrews (hir bastard bro|ther) for his onelie drift was, that he (hauing no French aid with him into Scotland) might obteine of the queene the whole gouernement of the king|dome, vnder the colour whereof he might more easi|lie teare & cleane ouerthrow the catholike religion; which he did assault by all meanes possible.
Wherefore Lesle did with all the firmest aduise and counsell which he might, vrge the queene not to yéeld to his cloked words. For the obteining of which demand from the quéene, he did fitlie ad to his per|suasions, that Iames did rather aspire to the king|dome, than that he fixed his mind and eie vpon the ouerthrow of religion. Wherefore, if she had anie care of hir owne and the realms affaires; she must prouide that this Iames should remaine in France, vntill she were arriued in Scotland, & had pacified all the tumults there.
But if she would not doo so, that yet at least she should take order, that she with hir nauie should land in the north parts of Scotland, & first go to Aberden: for by that meanes she might prouide, that the set|led lords of the religion might soone be pacified, and the rest which were yet wauering, might more fréelie and willinglie be brought againe to the catholike re|ligion. For there was an other order to be vsed in Scotland, than that which the French obserued, whilest they gouerned there; at which time vndoub|tedlie the Scots were hopelesse euer to haue inioied the presence of the queene.
But now, sith that the Scots doo vnderstand, that their quéene (contrarie to their hope) will re|turne vnto them, hir presence will (like the rising sun) so cause the clouds of all tumults to vanish out of the minds of all hir subiects, that they will easilie incline to the mind of the quéene, whatsoeuer she shall thinke, attempt, set downe, or decree, in resto|ring of religion. For the Scots are of that mind towards their princes, as they will in all things o|beie their vpright gouernors; and are accustomed with no lesse mind to resist tyrants, if they vsurpe vpon them in exaction of authoritie.
Wherefore Lesleus did earnestlie persuade the queene in the name of the earle of Huntleie, and the other nobilitie, that she should not giue hir selfe (as vanquished) into the hands of the enimies, and espe|ciallie of Iames Steward hir brother, from whome (as from a founteine) all their seditions haue had beginning. For Iames Cullen (kinsman to the erle of Huntleie, an expert seruitor in the warres by sea and land) was sent foorth with Lesle (as capteine of that iournie) to bring hir safe to Aberden. For all the nobles of the north prouinces will soone be readie with twentie thousand men to gard hir to Eden|burgh, and to defend hir against all the counsels, de|ceipts, and forces of all men.
Which message being thus ended from the mouth of Lesle, the queene commanded him not to depart from hir, vntill she returned into Scotland; and [page 377] further gaue in charge, that letters should be writ|ten to the péeres and nobilitie of Scotland, to let them vnderstand of hir comming into Scotland, & to be a witnesse of hir good will vnto them. The next day after came to the quéene at Uitrie, in Cham|paigne, Iames Steward (which is touched a little be|fore) the prior of S. Andrews. Who after he had in re|uerence doone his dutie, bound himselfe with all fi|delitie, trauell, and diligence, most religiouslie vn|to hir; faithfullie further promising, that he would prouide that the Scots should willinglie obeie hir, without anie forren powers to be brought by hir in|to Scotland.
For it was thought that he went into France for that purpose, to dissuade the quéene that she should not bring any power of the French with hir. But in the end, vttering his mind more fullie, and putting awaie all suspicion of deceit, he did with more fami|liaritie request the quéene to honor him with the erl|dome of Murreie. Wherevnto the queene did cour|teouslie answer, that she would satisfie his request when she came into Scotland. Wherefore, when this Iames perceiued that the queene was somewhat well bent towards him, and that she credited his words, he attended on hir vnto Ianeuille, and there remaining with hir a certeine space, did after go in|to Scotland (as is before said) to prepare the minds of the people, that they might receiue the quéene comming into the realme, with good consent and du|tifull honor; who passing through England, came in|to Scotland in the kalends of Maie.]
[1] [2] The duke of Chatelerault, the earles of Hunt|leie, Atholl, Marshall, and all other the noble men The nobles assemble at Edenburgh. of the realme, aduertised of the quéens comming, assembled at Edenburgh with all possible diligence. In the meane time, whilst the quéene was preparing to take hir iournie, and to come into Scotland, the queene of England set foorth some of hir great ships to the seas, to watch & gard the coasts of hir realme. Whereof they being aduertised in France, sent the abbat of saint Colmes Inch to the quéene of Eng|land, Ships wait in the narrow [...]as. to desire of hir a safe conduct, in case by wind or tempest she chanced to land in England. But be|fore he was returned to Calis therewith, as he was appointed; the quéene and hir retinue were safelie [...] safe conduct required. landed in Scotland, neuerthelesse, the English ships tooke some of the Scotish lords, as the earle of E|glenton his ship, and others, which were brought in|to Certeine ships taken. England, and staied for a time; but were after re|leased, and sent home into Scotland.
[1] [2] The quéene also, by the aduise of the K. of France, sent monsieur Doisell into England, to passe Mans [...] Doisell, through the same into Scotland before hir cõming, there to haue receiued the forts of Dunbar and Ins|keith, of monsieur Charlebois, and to haue kept the same till hir comming. But he was staied, and pas|sed no further than to London: for it was thought that his going into Scotland would turne to no great benefit of that realme: because that he & mon|sieur Rubeie were the principall authors of all the troubles in Scotland, betwixt the queene regent, and the nobilitie there. She was attended on from Pa|ris The quéene was co [...]ied into Calis. vnto Calis with manie noble men; namelie hir six vncles, the dukes of Guise, and Daumall, the cardinall of Lorraine and Guise, the grand prior, and the marquesse Dalbeuf, also the duke de Ne|meurs, and other of hir friends and kinsmen.
[1] [2] There were two gallies prepared, and certeine other ships to go with hir into Scotland, and there She taketh [...] in|to Scotland. went with hir three of hir said vncles, the duke Dau|mall, the grand prior, and the marquesse Dalbeuf: also monsieur Danuille the constables sonne, and diuerse other. She arriued at Leith the twentith day The queene [...] at L [...]th. of August, in the yeare of our Lord 1561, where she was honorablie receiued by the earle of Argile, the lord Erskin, the prior of saint Andrews, and of the burgesss of Edenburgh, and conueied to the ab|beie of Holie rood house. For (as saith Buchanan) Fr. Thin. when some had spread abroad hir landing in Scot|land, the nobilitie and others assembled out of all Buchanan, lib. 17. parts of the realme, as it were to a common spec|tacle.
This did they, partlie to congratulat hir returne, & partlie to shew the dutie which they alwaies bare vnto hir (when she was absent) either to haue thanks therefore, or to preuent the slanders of their enimies; whereof not a few by these beginnings of hir reigne did gesse what would follow; although in those so va|riable motions of the minds of the people, euerie one was verie desirous to sée their queene offred vn|to them (vnlooked for) after so manie haps of both fortunes as had fallen vnto hir. For when she was but six daies old, she lost hir father among the cruell tempests of battell, and was by great diligence brought vp by hir mother (being a chosen and woor|thie person) but yet left as a preie to others, by rea|son of ciuill seditions in Scotland, and of outward warres with other nations, being further laid abroad to all the dangers of frowning fortune, before she could know what euill did meane.
For leauing hir owne countrie, she was nouri|shed as a banished person, and hardlie preserued in life from the weapons of hir enimies, & violence of the seas. After which, fortune began to flatter hir, in that she honored hir with a woorthie mariage, which in truth was to this quéene rather a shadow of ioie, than anie comfort at all. For shortlie after the same, all things were turned to sorrow, by the death of hir new yoong husband, and of hir old and gréeued mo|ther; by losse of hir new kingdome, and by the doubt|full possession of hir old inheritable realme. But as for these things she was both pitied and praised; so was she also for gifts of nature as much loued and fauored; in that, beneficiall nature (or rather good God) had indued hir with a beautifull face, a well composed bodie, an excellent wit, a mild nature, and good behauior; which she had artificiallie furthe|red by courtlie education and affable demeanor. Whereby at the first sight, she wan vnto hir the hearts of most people, and confirmed the loue of hir faithfull subiects.]
[1] [2] [3] Being thus come out of France, she brought in|to Costlie iewels Scotland manie rich and costlie iewels of gold worke, pretious stones, orient pearls, & such like, as excellent and faire as were to be found within Eu|rope, with rich furniture of houshold, as hangings, carpets, counterpoints, and all other necessaries for the furnishing of hir princelie houses. The chiefest part of the hangings and other furniture of house|hold, Hir houshold stuffe. was shipped at Rone, and arriued at Leith in the moneth of October next following. After the quéene of Scots had remained the space of foure or An act made concerning religion. fiue daies at Holie rood house, the duke of Chatele|rault, the earle of Argile, and diuerse other of the no|bilitie being present, there was an act made by the lords of the councell [in which none of the cleargie (as Fr. Thin. saith Lesleus lib. 10. pa. 580) were present] with con|sent of the queene, that to remooue all causes of trouble in time to come for the matter of religion, it was ordeined, that no alteration of the estate of re|ligion publikélie standing within the realme, at hir arriuall in the same, should be made; & that nothing should be attempted, either publikelie or priuatlie to the contrarie, vpon great paine, which was put foorth and published through all parts of the realme with great diligence.
[1] After this, there were eleuen temporall lords, and Some appoin ted to be of the quéenes councell. one bishop chosen to be of thé queenes secret councell, [page 378] by whose aduise she should rule and gouerne things, Secretarie. Comptroller. Lords of the priuie councel. six of them to remaine continuallie with hir in roome of officers, as the secretarie, comptroller, and others. The lords of the priuie councell were these, the duke of Chatelerault, the earle of Huntleie chan|cellor, the earle of Argile, the earle of Atholl, the earle Marshall, the earle of Glencarne, the earle of Mor|ton, the earle of Montrosse, the earle of Erroll, mai|ster Henrie Sinclar bishop of Rosse, and the lord Erskin, with the prior of S. Andrew. Fr. Thin. Buchanan. lib. 16. But among these reioisings of the queenes interteinment into hir kingdome, there happened a light fault, but such as did deepelie enter into the minds of both the fac|tions, of the catholikes (forsooth) and of the reformed religion.
For where it was agréed by the quéene and the nobilitie, that no alteration should be had of religi|on in the publike state, yet was masse permitted to hir and to hir familie priuilie to be vsed. For the preparation wherof whilest the vestments and other things were caried through the hall into the chappell, one of the companie snatched awaie the wax candels and brake them: by occasion whereof (if some of the houshold had not come betwéene to helpe in that ac|tion, and ended the same) all the other furniture had béene throwne downe. Which matter was taken of people diuerslie, some blaming it as a most sawcie part; others interpreting it, that it was onelie doone to trie the patience of the priest; and some iudged and said that the priest was woorthie to be punished with that paine which the scripture appointeth to ido|laters.
Which matter in the verie beginning was appea|sed by Iames the quéenes bastard brother, not yet created, but in expectation earle of Murreie. For which cause he would not offend the quéene, as I suppose, though afterward he not onelie offended hir, but deposed hir, and set vp hir sonne; as more plainlie shall hereafter appeare. At the quieting of this matter (saith Buchanan) George Gordon was greatlie grieued, being a man bent to all occasions of troubles, who thinking now to win fauor to him thereby, did say to the quéenes vncles that were pre|sent, that he would reduce the countrie beyond Ca|lidon vnto the old religion. The which being indéed suspected of manie, and feared by such as had heard manie other things of his wit; they caried the same to the quéenes brother, by meanes whereof this little sparke in the beginning was the occasion of all the long ciuill dissention in Scotland, as I am led to iudge by manie reasons.
But now although the gouernment (as before is Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 587. touched) was appointed to twelue before named, or at lest to six, which by turnes should be assistant to the quéene: yet the whole déed of ruling did in effect de|pend vpon hir bastard brother Iames, by reason of the fauor that the queene especiallie did beare vnto him. Wherefore this Iames, vsing the queenes au|thoritie at his pleasure, did bestow manie liberall gifts vpon his fellowes. Which the nobles so much misliked, that in the end manie of them began eger|lie to beare his authoritie, as hereafter shall be more touched.]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] The duke Daumall, after he had remained with Daumal went with the two gallies into France. The rest went through Eng|land into France. the quéene a certeine time, tooke his leaue of hir, and with the gallies returned into France. The grand prior and monsieur Danuille taried somewhat lon|ger, and passed through England into France. The marquesse Daulbeuf taried in Scotland all the next winter, till the spring of the yéere, and then returned into France through England. The towne of E|denburgh prepared great and costlie triumphs for A preparation of triumphs. the quéenes entering, which shée made into that towne in the moneth of September. After this, she passed vnto Striueling, and from thence to The qu [...] visited the townes. Perth, and then to Dundee, and also to saint An|drews, into which townes she was receiued with great honor and triumph. From saint Andrews she returned vnto Edenburgh, where she remained all the next winter. In December there was a great assemblie of all the principall lords, spirituall and An assemblie of the lords. temporall of the realme; where it was demanded of the prelats, to grant the third part of the fruits of their benefices to the quéene, towards the bearing of The third part of the spi|rituall [...]ngs demanded. hir charges for the maintenance of hir traine, and to susteine the ministers, till some order were taken to mainteine hir houshold, and a gard to tend on hir, by the aduise of the estates.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The prelats agréed for the quéenes pleasure to support hir with the fourth part of the fruits of their benefices, for one yéeres space onelie, to helpe to beare hir charges, and to susteine hir gard; and in the meane time order might be taken by the aduise of the whole estates for the same. But notwithstanding the refusall of the prelates to paie the third part, the lords of the priuie councell made an act, and set foorth letters, that all the prelats and beneficed men should An act for the cleargie. be charged to paie yéerelie to the quéenes comptrol|ler and his collector, the whole thirds of all fruits of their benefices: and that it should be lawfull to the comptroller and his deputies, to take the third of what part of euerie benefice where he best pleased, and to deale therewith at his pleasure: also to haue to doo with the rents of brotherhoods of common churches, and such like. This order hath béene obser|ued euer since, not without great grudge of the pre|lats, and other beneficed men of the realme, and their friends, as well those that professed the reformed re|ligion, as others.
Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 1 [...].Whilest these things were in dooing, William Mettellan the yoonger was sent ambassador into England, to salute the queene of that realme (as the maner is) & to declare the good mind that the quéene of Scots bare vnto hir, & the desire that his mistresse had to haue peace and vnitie preserued betwéene them. Besides all which, and manie other demands touching Scotland (which I suppresse for manie rea|sons, bicause (as Salomon saith) Corregis inscrutabile, & the mysteries of princes gouernment are not to be laid open to common eies and eares) this am|bassador deliuered letters to the queene of England from the nobilitie of Scotland. In which there was a courteous remembrance of hi [...] former fauor and of their good will. Requesting further that the quéene of England would shew a publike and priuat li|king and friendship to their quéene, to the end that the quéene of Scots prouoked by hir benefits, might not onelie remaine stedfast in the amitie alreadie begun: but might also (if it were possible) be dailie more and more fast bound vnto hir: and they for their parts would not omit anie occasion with all good will and diligence to continue this amitie.
To which ambassador the quéene of England made no lesse honorable than wise answer: the effect whereof, because it concerneth matter of great im|portance, & is long and largelie alreadie set downe by Buchanan, in hir maiesties singular commenda|tion to the whole world in the Latine toong, I thinke it not necessarie héere to repeat: and therefore I doo purposelie omit the same, least I might seeme by flat|terie to intrude my pen into the eloquent spéech of hir maiestie: and not being able to deliuer it with such grace as both she spake it, and Buchanan pen|neth it, I might dishonor hir, & ouerthrow my selfe, like vnto Phaeton. For as he, taking vpon him to rule the chariot of the sunne, was by his insufficien|cie therefore consumed with the heat and glorie ther|of; so should I in presuming with vnskill to pen the [page 379] tale of such a woorthie prince, consume my credit, in misordering or defacing the maiestie, grauitie, wise|dome, and life of hir singular wit and eloquence. For which cause, leauing the same, we doo in this sort bring backe our pen to the continuance of the histo|rie of Scotland.
The quéene of Scots had a brother called Iohn, a man desirous of authoritie, but yet not so seuere in [...]. [...]. 17. mind as was Iames the other brother. This Iohn easilie persuading himselfe to obeie the quéene in all things, was the more déere vnto hir, and most fit for hir, desirous (as saith Buchanan, but how trulie I know not) to confound all things. With this Iohn (in absence of the other brother Iames) she did con|sult to hier a companie of souldiers to be about hir, the cause whereof was this. In the night there was a tumult or stur, as though the earle of Arran would, in the absence of the nobilitie, secretlie set vpon the queene, and by strength haue labored to carie hir to his castell, which was fouretéene miles from thence. All which séemeth likely to be but a tale, either for the queenes mind that was estranged from him, or for the immoderat loue which he bare vnto hir: both which were sufficientlie knowen to the common peo|ple. Which tumult being spred abroad, these souldiers after they had all night scowred the fields, riding vp and downe hither & thither, they shewed themselues the next day before the court gates, to the offense of some, and the iest of others.]
[1] The sunday before Shrouetuesdaie, being the eight day of Februarie (as some write) Iames Steward 1562. Iames Ste|ward made earle of Mur|reie. Fr. Thin. then prior of saint Andrewes, and earle of Mar, base brother to the quéene, was made earle of Murreie, [in place (as saith Buchanan) of the earledome of Mar, which belonged to Iohn Areskin] by the quéens speciall gift, and was maried the same day vnto Ag|nis Keith, daughter to the erle Marshall, with great feasts and triumphs, lasting thrée daies. Fr. Thin. Buchanan lib. 17. In which mariage he did so much exceed, that he greatlie of|fended the minds of his friends, and ministred mat|ter to his enimies to speake euill of him; and that the more vehementlie, because he had before time in all his life behaued himselfe far more temperatlie than he did at this time.]
[1] The quéene of England desirous to haue a mée|ting betwixt hir and the quéene of Scots hir coosine, The quéene of England desi|rous to speake with the quéene of Scotland. sent diuerse messengers with letters, desiring hir most instantlie to come to Yorke, where she would méet hir, to talke with hir of diuerse matters, that might make to the confirmation of the amitie and friendship which nature had knit betwéene them, by coniunction and affinitie of bloud. And after consul|tation had with hir councell, the quéene of Scots a|gréed thereto: and so they were appointed to méet at Yorke in the moneth of Iulie next following. But when things were prepared and put in a readinesse for the iournie, the queene of England sent woord to the quéene of Scots, that she could not keepe the ap|pointment made for their méeting, desiring hir to The méeting tune was dis|appointed. haue hir excused for that time. Which message was accepted, and so the iournie staied.
[1] Fr. Thin. Buchan. li. 17.Much about this time, or rather somewhat be|fore, as in truth I suppose it was, Iames Hamilton being duke of Chatelerault, and father to the earle of Arran, first wrote to the quéene, then after went he vnto hir to saint Andrewes, and with manie praiers requested hir that she would vpon sufficient pledges deliuer to him the earle Bothwell, and Gawen Ha|milton, but he could not obteine anie thing therein at hir hands. At what time also the quéene went to Dunbreton (which Hamilton held since the time that he was gouernor) to demand the deliuerie of the same into hir hands, which was accordinglie deliue|red vnto hir.] Shortlie after, the quéene of Scots tooke hir iournie towards the north parts of Scot|land, The quéene made h [...]r pro|gresse into the north parts of Scotland. Lord Ogil [...] and Iohn Gordon fight togither. and set from Striueling in the moneth of Au|gust.
[1] [2] [3] About this time it chanced that the lord Ogil [...], and Iohn Gordon of Finnater, sonne to the earle of Huntleie, met on the [...] of Edenburgh & fought, where (after manie blowes and stripes giuen and ta|ken) the lord Ogiluie and his companie were hurt. Wherefore Iohn Gordon was taken, & put in ward at the tolbuith of Edenburgh, out of which he esca|ped, Iohn Gordon breaketh pri|son. after he had remained prisoner therein about twentie daies and tooke his waie northward: where|vpon followed great trouble shortlie after to the house of Huntle [...]. The quéene accompanied with the earles of Argile, Murreie, and Morton, the lord Er|skin, and others, passed forwards in hir iournie to|wards the north part, and caused Iohn Gordon of Iohn Gordon is summoned by the qu [...]. Finnater to be summoned to appéere and answer the law at Aberden, for breaking prison, and hurting the lord Ogiluie. The quéene comming to the towne Gordon is [...] with a [...]. of Aberden, was honorablie receiued with diuerse orations, and Latine enterludes, before the gram|mar schoole and college.
Fr. Thin. Buchanan lib. [...]. These things thus doone at Aberden, as the quéene determined to go further, she was intreated by Iohn Le [...]e a noble man, and follower of the Gor|dons, to vouchsafe his house in hir waie, being 12 miles from the towne: to which she granted, & went vnto the same. This place, because it was no com|mon place of resort, was thought verie conuenient for the execu [...]on of the earle of Murreie, whose death was conspired (as after shall appeere.) Where vpon Le [...]e, who was not ignorant of this secret counsell, besought the queene that she would not laie such a note of infamie vpon him and his familie, that he should seeme to haue betraied the chiefest brother of the quéene, no euill man, and one that was not his enimie, whereby he might come vnto his death at his house. Wherevpon it then ceassed, and the next night was also quietlie passed ouer at Rothmie, a towne of the Abernethians, because the next day the quéens was determined to go to Strabogie.]
[1] [2] Where vpon the earle of Huntleie, hauing before heard that his sonne was thus summoned, assembled the principall earles, lords, barons, and gentlemen of the north, who came with him to Aberden, to helpe his son at the law day appointed for his appéerance, which was in September. The earle came vnto the quéene himselfe, and at length it was agreed, that his sonne the said Iohn Gordon should returne to prison Gordon is commanded to Striueling cast [...]. againe in Striueling castell, there to remaine du|ring the quéenes pleasure. But he following the euill counsell of s [...]e yoong heads that were with him, neither fulfilled the quéenes pleasure, nor his fathers He disobeied. appointment, but attempted to reuenge his extreme handling (as he tooke it) vpon the earle of Murreie, whome he put most in blame for the rigor shewed a|gainst him, but his enterprise tooke not effect. Now the quéene aduertised of his disobedience, went not to Strabogie, notwithstanding there was great pre|paration made for hir in that place, for the receiuing of hir and hir traine: but she went vnto Balwanie, the earle of Athols place, and from thence to Kin|los, to Tarnewaie, and so came to Inuernesse, and there lodged.
[1] [2] [3] [4] In this meane while, the earle of Huntleie, purpo|sing to attend on the queene at Inuernesse, caused prouision to be made in the castell for his lodging. The quéene suspecting his dealing, least this should The quéene suspected the earle of Hunt|leie. be doone vpon some policie, commanded the kéepers of the castell to render the same to one of hir heralds: but it was not deliuered till the next day, and there|fore the capteine of that castell called Alexander Gor|don, Alexander Gordon was hanged. for refusing to deliuer it, was hanged vpon the [page 380] towne bridge. The lord Gordon & his brother Iohn Gordon of Finnater came that night within a little space distant from the towne of Inuernesse, which caused great feare in the towne, so that there was a diligent watch all that night. The earle of Huntleie being come to Kinlosse, and hearing that the castell of Inuernesse was commanded to be giuen vp into the hands of an herald, sent with all diligence to the kéepers, that they should deliuer it, & returned him|selfe to Strabogie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The quéene remained in Inuernesse the space of foure or fiue daies, where the principall capteine of the clanes of the countrie came to hir, and with a great companie [of the ancient Scots (as hath Bu|chanan) Fr. Thin. whereof the chiefe were the Fraisers and Murreies, valiant families in those parts] conueied hir to Spine, where she was informed that the earle of Huntleie had gathered an armie to come against hir, and made their assemble at Spaie. Héerevpon, they tooke with them all the artillerie ouer Spine, and caried the same in carts, and all other kind of munition, and passed forward to Bamf that night. The earle of Huntleie all this while came not foorth of Strabogie. The quéene as she passed forward; rode to the place of F [...]nater, and there in hir owne pre|sence, caused the kéepers thereof to be charged to de|liuer it, which they refused to doo. From Bamf the quéene rode to the lard of Geichtis place, called Geicht, and the next day there was great preparation for hir entrie into the new towne of Aberden. She lodged one night in the bishops palace, and the next She came to Aberden. day she was honorablie receiued, and lodged in the prouosts house of the towne, where she remained all the time of hir abode in Aberden.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] After this, the lord Iohn prior of Coldingham, with diuerse gentlemen, was sent against the earle The earle of Huntleie is sent for. of Huntleie to Strabogie, but he was escaped be|fore they approched. The ladie Huntleie receiued them verie courteouslie, and gaue them good inter|teinement, and so they returned. There was charge giuen to Louthian, Fife, Angus, Stratherne, the Merns, and to the shire of Aberden, to come to A|berden quarterlie, euerie countrie to remaine there fiftéene daies; and so they did, during the time of hir abiding there. The earle of Huntleie sent his wife in message to the quéene and councell, but she was The ladie Huntleie is sent vnto the quéene. not admitted to come within a mile of them, but commanded to returne. After this, he sent a messen|ger, offering to enter in ward till his cause might be tried by the whole nobilitie: but this was refused. In the meane time all the principall of the Gordons that The Gordõs are impriso|ned. were landed men, were charged to enter into ward. About the same time Iames Hepborne earle of Bothwell, who (vpon displeasure conceiued against The earle Bothwell escaped out of prison. him about a quarell betwixt him and the earle of Arrane, had béene committed to prison in Easter wéeke last before past) escaped out of Dauids tower in Edenburgh at a window.
Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 17. The earle of Huntleie, vnderstanding by his friends at the court how things passed, determined to flie to the mounteins: but after (trusting to the pro|mises of his friends) he determined to abide battell in a place of some strength. Wherevpon in October he came with his armie to Cornethie in Mar. By reason whereof the earle of Murreie, who at the first had scarse a hundred horssemen with him, began with Iames Dowglasse earle of Moorton, and Pa|trike Lindseie, to lead an armie against his eni|mies, and gathered a greater number of eight hun|dred people of the regions adioining. Wherefore he first placed souldiers about the water passages, to kéepe all those places, that Huntleie should not es|cape, and with the rest went forward on a soft pase, to méet his enimie: whose comming Huntleie did a|bide, with thrée hundred men, kéeping their places, al|though not a few of that companie were fled from the Gordons the night before.
When the earle of Murreie was come to the side of a hill, from whence he might sée all the marishes a|bout him, he incamped there in a slender order of battell. At length the armies met, at what time ma|nie on the earle of Murreie his side did flée awaie, hauing before giuen a signe to the enimie. But the earle Murreie, which saw there was no succour in fléeing, stood to it valiantlie, called his men togither, set vpon the enimie, caused them (which before fol|lowed his men fleeing awaie) now to flie as fast backe as they came forward. Which change of for|tune when the traitors that before fled did perceiue, they came afresh and pursued the Huntleies, and (to cleare them from the first fault) committed all the slaughter that was doone that daie.
[1] [2] There was killed of the part of Huntleie a hun|dred and twentie, and a hundred taken: but on the o|ther side not one. Amongst such as were taken, was the earle Huntleie himselfe, and his two sons, Iohn and Adam. But the father being old and short brea|thed by reason of his grossenes, was slaine betweene the hands of such as tooke him, and the rest were late in the night brought to Aberden.] The quéene séemed sorie for the earles death. But in Nouember Iohn Gordon was beheaded in Aberden, and shortlie af|ter Iohn Gordon is beheaded. the quéene returned southwards, leauing foure commissioners in Aberden, the treasuror, maister Iames Macgill, maister Iohn Spens of Cundie, and the lard of Pettarrow, to compound for the es|chets of them that were in the field with the earle of Huntleie. Great summes of monie were taken and leuied of them for that trespasse. Fr. Th [...]. Buchanan. lib. 178. The earle Bothwell was commanded the fift kalends of De|cember by an herald to yéeld himselfe againe to pri|son, but because he would not, he was declared a pub|like enimie.]
[1] The lord George Gordon, eldest sonne to the earle The lord Gordon is ta|ken prisoner. 1563. Buch. 1562. of Huntleie, was taken by the duke of Chatelerault his father in law, at Cumernoull, and brought to E|denburgh, where he was put in the castell, and after by a iurie conuict, forfalted, and condemned to die, and sent to Dunbar castell, there to remaine in ward, where he continued till the yéere of God, 1565. Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 17. At this time was a monie mulct set vpon such as did eat flesh in the time of Lent. The setting foorth thereof was not so much for religion, as for publike commoditie, by the iudgement of Buchanan. The archbishop of saint Andrewes, because (after an edict made therefore at the quéenes comming into Scotland) he did not absteine from hearing and sai|eng masse, was committed prisoner to the castell of Edenburgh, and the rest that were found in such acti|ons were fined, with promise of a greater punish|ment to be laied vpon them, if they were found of|fending againe in that sort.]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The quéene held a parlement in Edenburgh, where 1563. A parlement. the earle of Huntleis dead bodie was brought pre|sent before the estates in the tolbuith, and forfalted. The earle of Sutherland George Gordon was for|falted The act of ob|liuion ratified. also, and diuerse other of their friends. And in this parlement the act of obliuion was ratified and approoued, and diuerse other new acts made. This The quéene goeth on pro|gresse. yeere in August, the quéene went on progresse into Argile. This yéere deceassed diuerse councellors or se|nators of the college of Iustice, as maister Iohn Stephanson chancellor of Glascow, and the prouost of Corstrophine. In place of the first, maister Iohn Le|sle, New officers. officiall of Aberden, was promoted; and in the prouosts place maister Iames Baulfour succéeded. There came an ambassador from the king of Swe|den, 1564. Ambassadors from Swed [...] to treat of a mariage to be contracted with she [page 381] quéene; but his message was not regarded. The se|cond of Iulie, Henrie S [...]cler bishop of Rosse ship|ped at Leith to passe into France, to procure some The bishop of Rosse went [...]to France. [...] of his disease. He was cut of the stone in Pa|ris, and died the second of Ianuarie next after. There succéeded to that bishoprike of R [...]sse, maister Iohn Lesle, [...]arson of Oue [...], being then one of the sena|tors of the session and college of iustic [...].
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] In the moneth of August, the quéene passed into A [...] in progresse, and from thence to Badzenocht, The qu [...]nes progresse. to Inuernesse, and to the [...] of Rosse, and re|t [...]ned through Murreie to Ga [...]ie, Aberden, Dunnoter, and so to Edenburgh, where she remai|ned the next winter. In the moneth of October, the earle of Lennox came into Scotland, and for his The earle of Lennox came into Scot|land. cause there was a parlement holden in December, in which he was restored to all his [...] [...]nors, and dignities, within that realme. In December also, the bishop of Dunblane d [...]eassed, and after him succée|ded maister William Chesiholme his brothers [...]. In Ianuarie, the quéene tooke hir iourneie through Fife, and in manie gentlemens places was banket|ted. A progresse. In which time, Henrie Steward, lord Da [...]leie, Lord [...] into Scotland. [...] goodlie man of personage, and sonne to the earle of Lennox, came into Scotland, where he came to the quéenes presence in the Weames, the ninth day of Februarie. The quéene so well liked him, that she as|sembled all the temporall lords togither at Striue|ling, 156 [...]. A parlement. in the moneth of Aprill, and there obteined of them their consents, that she might marrie the said lord Darneleie. After this, he was made earle of Lord Darne|leie is made lord of Rosse. Rosse.
[1] [2] [3] [4] In the meane time, the quéene of England sent sir Nicholas Throckmorton into Scotland, to vnder|stand The quéene of England dis|suaded that ma [...]age. the proceedings in the quéenes mariage with the lord Darneleie, and for other affaires, who came to the assemblie at Striueling to that effect. The quéene of Scots sent maister Iohn Haie abbat of Balmerinoch into England to the quéene, to miti|gat hir displeasure towards the lord Darneleie, and to obteine hir consent to the mariage; who answered, that she ment to send an ambassador of hir owne in|to Ambassage sent into Scotland. Scotland for that and other causes, and (according to hir promise) she sent one. Shortlie after, certeine capte [...]s & men of warre in saint Andrewes, Dun|d [...]e, and saint Iohns towne, receiued monie about The earle of Murreie a [...] vnto the quéene. the same time of the earle of Murreie, to take part with him, for the which they were after punished. Af|ter the assemblie at Striueling, the queene séemed not to like of the earle of Murreie so well as she had doone before: wherevpon he departed the court, and repaired to saint Andrewes, where (through the coun|sell of certeine persons) he sought waies to stop the mariage.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The quéene neuerthelesse sent the bishop of Dun|blane to Rome for a dispensation to marrie with the Dispensation had from Rome for to marrie. lord Darneleie, being hir coosine in the second degrée of consanguinitie, which he obteined, & sent it home shortlie after. The quéene was then principallie counselled by the earles of Atholl, and Lennox, the lord Ruthwen, and their friends. In the meane time, the earle of Murreie persuaded the duke of Chatele|rault, the earle of Argile, and sundrie other, to méet at Consultation to stop the ma|riage. Striueling, where they made a bond to stop the ma|riage, alledging the same to be made for mainte|nance of the religion. The queene aduertised there|of, released the lord Gordon foorth of prison, wherein he had béene kept within the castell of Dunbar, and Gordon is created earle of Huntleie. Bothwell is sent for. [...]r. Thin. restoring him to his fathers lands, created him earle of Huntleie. She also sent for the earle of Bothwell to returne home, who was banished, and was then in France [and the earle of Southerland to returne out of Flanders.]
[1] [2] In the moneth of Iulie, the lord Darneleie earle Lord Darne [...] of Rosse was made duke of Alban [...]e. And on satur|daie [...] is made duke of [...]. Lord [...] is procla|med king. The quéene is maried. at euen, the eight and twentith daie of the same moneth, before the mariage, he was proclamed king by the quéenes commandement at the market crosse of Edenburgh. And on the nine and [...]ntith daie of the same moneth, he was married to the quéene in the chappell of Holie rood house, at fiue of the clocke in the morning. Shortlie after, the duke of Chatele|rault, the earles of Argile, Murreie, and their com|p [...]ces Certein lords refuse to ap|peere before the queene. were summoned to appeere before the queene and hir councell within six daies; & because they re|fused so to doo, they were put to the [...]orne.
Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 17. The king and queene therevpon assemble their power, and by a herald demand the deliuerie of the castell of Hamilton. But (he returning without the effect of his message) they addresse themselues to warre.
At what t [...]e the lords of the congregation were at some variance amongest themselues, as se|uered into diuerse opinions: for the Hamiltons that were of greatest power in those places, did affirme, that they should haue no firme conditions of peace, except the king and quéene were made awaie: [...]or so long as they were in health, they could hope for [...] thing but new warres, new deceipts, and dissembled peace; a thing farre more dangerous than open war.For though manie times the iniuries of priuat per|sons maie be laied downe by trauell and persu [...]sion, Wicked coun|sell alwaies woorst to th [...] giuer. and maie be recompensed againe with great com|modities: yet there is no waie to appease the displea|sure of kings, but by taking them awaie.
Upon which bad speech, the earles of Murreie and of Glencarne (which well vnderstood that the Ha|miltons did not séeke the publike commoditie, but their owne priuat riches as persons that were next to the crowne after the queens death) did abhor the slaughter and gouernement of the Hamiltons, whom of late they had felt to be both cruell and coue|tous: and did therefore giue more mild and sound counsell,
saieng that this dissention being ciuill, was not yet come to be bloudie: in which hitherto they had onelie contended with words & not with swords, being not yet so far, but that (if it were possible) the same might be ended with honest conditions.
To the persuasion whereof, he said that there were manie in the camps of the two princes, which gréedilie desired to heare of peace, & would not faile to further their endeuor therein, nor to defend them|selues & their cause with néedfull weapons: all which did perchance foresée that the king and quéene (by reason of their youth) had not yet faulted so greatlie, as that it turned to the vtter ouerthrow of the com|mon-wealth; & if they haue faults (as who hath not) they were such as were rather to their owne priuat reproch than otherwise, and therefore they ought not to be punished with flat death: but rather to be cu|red with easier remedies. For he did remember it to haue alwaies beene obserued heretofore, that in the life of kings, we should alwaies couer their se|cret vices, we should mildlie interpret their doubt|full faults, and we should with patience beare their knowne euils: so that they did not by them bring vtter destruction to the common-wealth.
[1] When this opinion was pleasing to most of the hearers, the other Hamiltons (except Iames, which was head of that familie) determined to rest in qui|et; but he accompanied with sixtéene horsses remai|ned with the lords. Who being now so weakened of their power, that they could neither wage battell, nor safelie passe to their owne; did giue place to the time, and went that night to Hamilton.] The quéene assembled an armie, and went to Glascow to pur|sue them [at what time (as saith Buchanan) the earle of Lennox was made warden of the eas [...] marches, and the duke and earles with other of their compa|nie [page 382] came to Edenburgh, where the castell shot off at An armie ga|thered against them. The lords went vnto D [...]nfreis. them, and therefore they departed towards Dun|freis, and were receiued by the lord Heris.
[1] [2] The quéene hearing thereof, by aduise of hir coun|cell assembled foorth of all the parts of the whole realme an armie, appointing the same to be at Beg|gar, in the beginning of October, to pursue the re|bels. In the meane time, she hearing that the towns Certeine townes are punished. of saint Andrews, Dundée, and saint Iohns towne, had helped the lords to raise men of warre for their support, passed thither hirselfe, and tooke inquisition thereof, giuing order in those townes, that no such thing should afterwards be put in practise. But there were none that suffered death for that matter; but diuerse were committed to prison in the north parts of the realme, as the prouost and bailzzeis of saint Andrews: also certeine of the towne of Dundée, and saint Iohns towne, and other were banished; and diuerse barons, as Lundie, Lango, and Bal|ward, were sent to Aberden, and to other parts, where they remained the winter following.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] About this time, the quéene tooke the castell of Tantallon from the earle [...]f Morton, because he was suspected to fauor the rebels. The kéeping there|of was giuen to the earle of Atholl. The quéene re|turning A great armie [...] to Edenburgh in September, prepared all things necessarie for the armie, and departing from Edenburgh, came to Beggar, where all the noble men with their retinues were assembled the eight of October. From thence they passed forward to Dun|freis. In the meane time, the duke of Chatelerault, the earles of Murreie, Glenearne, Roths, the lord Ochiltre, the abbat of Kilwinning, the lards of Grange, Cuningham, Herdie, Pettarrow, maister Iames Haliburton tutor of Petcur, and others, hearing of the quéens comming with an armie, fled into England & came to Caerleill, where they were The lords fled into Eng|land. receiued, the earle of Bedford at that time being lord lientenant of the north.
[1] [2] [3] The lord Heris then maister of Maxwell conuei|ed them to the water of Sulweie, and afterward re|turned to Dunfreis to the quéene, where (of hir cle|mencie) he got pardon of his offense; and the lards T [...]ir con| [...]rs not their pardon. of Lochinwar and Drunlanrig likewise. After the armie had taried certeine daies, putting direction for obseruing of good order in the countrie, the quéen The quéene retned a|gaine into Edenburgh. The quéene sent into France for aid. returned to Edenburgh, where she remained all the next winter. The queene sent the maister Dauid Chalmer chancellor of Rosse into France to the the king, with letters for his assistance against hir rebels. And shortlie after, the French king sent a gentleman called monsieur Maluoiser into Scot|land, with verie friendlie letters vnto the quéene, promising his helpe & assistance against the rebels; which message was most thankefullie receiued, and the said Maluoiser honorablie at his departure re|warded.
[1] The duke of Chatelerault, and the other lords with him departed from Caerleill to Newcastell vpon The lords send to the quéene of England. Tine, and from thence sent the earle of Murreie, and the abbat of Kilwinning to the queene of Eng|land, making sute to hir grace for aid to be restored to their countrie againe. The quéens maiestie promi|sed them, that she would send a gentleman to the quéene hir sister, and moue hir in their fauors, as she The quéene of England sent to the quéene of Scots. did; and so they returned to Newcastell, where the duke of Chatelerault, perceiuing no other helpe ap|pearing, sent the abbat of Kilwinning into Scot|land to the quéene with letters, submitting himselfe to hir graces will, and so he obteined pardon for him and his friends, with licence to passe into France, there to remaine the space of fiue yeares, and short|lie after he passed through England, and so ouer in|to France, according to his appointment.
[1] [2] The king passed the most part of that winter in the The king went a haw|king. countries of Fife, Stratherne, Striuelingshire, & Louthian, spending his time in hawking. The queene remained at Edenburgh with the nobilitie, and because she was conceiued with child, trauelled little abroad Fr. Thin. About this time was a new order ta|ken for placing the king and quéens name in all their writings and patents. For where, vntill this Bucha. lib. 17. time, the kings name was set before the queens: now quite contrarie, the name of the quéene was written before the kings: besides which, afterward the quéene hir selfe would onelie set hir name to the writings in place of hirs and his; and Dauid the se|cretarie was appointed in his place to haue a stampe of the kings name, to vse when néed required.]
[1] [2] In the meane time a parlement was called, to be A parlement. holden in the moneth of March next insuing, and summons decréed against the earle of Murreie, The lords that were exiled are summoned. and the other lords that remained in England, and also against the earle of Argile, lieng then in his countrie of Argile to heare them forfalted. The French king sent monsieur Rambeueullet into The king re|ceiued the or|der of saint Michaell. Scotland, as ambassador from him to the quéene, with commission, to make the king hir husband knight of the order of S. Michaell. Which with great solemnitie and reuerence was accomplished in the 1566. chappell of Holie rood house the tenth of Februarie, being sunday: after the which, the said Rambeueul|let returned into France, being highlie rewar|ded.
[1] From that time that the parlement was procla|med, and the summons also published, the earle of Murreis friends being in Scotland, neuer ceassed to séeke all the waies and means they could deuise to staie the same: in so much that the earle of Mor|ton, They per|suade with the king. the lord Ruthwen, and the lord Lindseie, secret|lie persuaded the king to staie the parlement, and al|so to consent to the restoring of the erle of Murreie and his complices, making to him faithfull promise, that if he would follow their counsell, he should be made & crowned king of Scotland absolutelie, and The king soone persu [...]|ded. the quéene so to haue lesse to doo with the gouerne|ment afterwards, where through he agréed to them.
[1] And so after the parlement was assembled, the lords of the articles being chosen the seuenth day of March, they perceiuing the forfalture like to procéed, and iudgement thereof to be giuen, the eleuenth of March next following, the king with the assistance of the said earle of Morton, the lords Ruthwen, and Lindseie, entred into the quéens priuie chamber a|bout eight of the clocke in the night, being saturday, and the ninth of March; where being arriued in war|like, The king to entred into the quéens priuie cham|ber. manner, the lord Ruthwen declared vnto the queene, that they would not suffer hir anie longer to haue the gouernement of the realme, to abuse the same by the counsell of strangers, as she had doone; and therefore pulled violentlie out of hir chamber Dauid Richeo an Italian, that was one of hir se|cretaries, Dauid Ri|cheo is slaine. crieng pitiouslie, Iustitia, Iustitia: and in hir vtter chamber they suddenlie slue him with great crueltie. The king himselfe was also present, and his dagger was likewise found sticking in the dead bodie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The quéene was shut vp within hir chamber, and certeine appointed to attend hir, and to kéepe all the doores and gates about the palace. The earles of The earle of Huntleie is fled and the residue also. Huntleie and Bothwell escaped by a backe window foorth in their chamber, wherof the king and his com|panie were right sorie. The erle of Atholl and others being with him, departed in the night season by a ferrie ouer the Forth, called the quéenes ferrie, and went to S. Iohns towne. On the morow being sun|day (the quéene being secretlie kept) proclamation was made, that all the lords that had voice in parle|ment, [page 383] st [...]id depart out of the towne of Edenburgh: [...]. and after noone the same day, the earles of Murreie and Rothes. with other of their companies that came foorth from Newcastell the saturday before, came to the abb [...]e of Ho [...] rood house about fit of [...] clocke in the after noone, where they were thank|ful [...] rece [...]ued by the king and his companie. They [...]ake also with the quéene, who had no great comfort of their comming.
[1] [2] The morrow following being monday the earle of Murreie, and the other that were summoned, pas|s [...]d to the tolbuith of Edenburgh, & made their pro|t [...]station there, that they were readie to answer in [...]. parlement, and none appeared to accuse them. After [...]. it was concluded to keepe the queene in streict ward. But by hir politike demeanor, their purpose in [...] behalfe was broken: for by secret conference with the king, she persuaded him to thinke, that hee [...]. had [...]omed himselfe with those that would be his de|struction, if it happened with hir otherwise than well; as was no iesi [...] to [...]e doubted by reason of the high displeasure that she had taken being quicke with child: through the which persuasion, and other mis [...]|king of things, he departed secretlie with hir in the [...]. [...]ght season, accompanied onlie with two men, and first came vnto Setton, and afterward from chence to Dunbar.
[1] [2] [3] Thither the earles of Huntle [...]e and Bothwell [...] repa [...]red, by whose counsell and others then [...]. with hir, she caused proclamation to be made in di|uerse parts of the realme, charging all manner of men in feats of warre, to come vnto hir to Dun|bar [...]. & to passe from thence vnto Edenburgh within f [...] daies after. She also sent letters to the same ef|fect vnto diuerse noble men of the realme, who pre|pared themselues with great diligence to meet hir. The earle of Murreie and the rest of the lords being with him, hearing the preparation that was made against them, and perceiuing themselues not able to resist, thought good euerie of them to seeke some particular meane to obteine remission at the quéens hands. Which they obteined all of them, except the [...]: ear [...]e of Morton, the lords Ruthwen, Lindseie, and such other as were with them at the murther of Da|uid Rich [...]. Wherevpon they d [...]sparing of pardon, f [...]d into England; where the lord Ruthwen died at [...]. [...] after; as in place ye shall heare.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The earle of Lennor, being partaker with them, came to Dunbar, and got pardon: the earle of Glen|carne [...] and the lard of Cunningham head came thi| [...] also, and were pardoned. Likewise the earle of Rothes purchased his pardon at the same t [...]e. The earles of A [...]gile and Murre [...]e, and the lord Bold, be|ing at L [...]thquo, sent to the quéene for their pardon, and ab [...]ned it, being commanded neuerthelesse to [...] Argile, and to remaine there during hir graces pleasure, which commandement they obeied. The eightéenth of March, the quéene well accom|pan [...]d came to Hadington towards night: and on [...]. the ninteenth day, the bishop of saint A [...]ws, and the [...] met hir at Muskelburgh, and so like|wise did the lords Leuingston, Fleming, Hume, Borthwike, and manie other noble men, and con|u [...]ed hir vnto Edenburgh.
[1] [2] [3] She lodged in the bishop of Dunkelds lodging, [...] there a certeine space, hauing with hir the [...] of Huntle [...]e, Atholl, Bothwell, Crawford, Mar|sh [...]ll, Southerland, Cathnes, the bishops of saint An|drews and Rosse; the lords Leuingston, Fleming, and diuerse other noble men, by whose counsell order was taken for redressing of the state of the realme, whereby the same was shortlie brought to great quietnesse. After this, the quéene perceiuing hirselfe to draw neere the time of hir deliuerance, went to the castell of Edenburgh, there to remaine till shée were deliuered of hir birth. In the moneth of Ma [...]e, Thomas Scot shiriffe, deputie of Perth, & a pr [...]est called sir Henrie Yair, seruant to the lord Ruthwen. [...] murthe [...]. were apprehended for being dooers in the [...]aughter of Dauid, and were hanged and quartered. Their heads were set aloft, the one on the tower in the ab|beie, and the other on the nether bow.
[1] [2] [3] In the moneth of Apr [...]ll this yeere the bishop of Bre [...]n president of the session, deceassed, and in his roome succeeded to that bishoprike, a friend and cou|sine to the earle of Argile called Campbell. In the end of Aprill, the queene wi [...]ing to haue the earles of Argile and Murreie [...] with the rest of the councell, sent for them to come to the castell of E denburgh, Th [...] [...] a [...] the [...] where all griefs and controuersies that rested betw [...]rt them on the one side, and the earles of Huntleie, Atholl. & Bothwell on the other side, were referred to the queene, who agreed them, and they [...] remained with hir the residue of the summer. The queene hearing that the earle of Morton, the lord The queen [...] [...] su [...] to th [...] que [...] [...]. Ruthwen, and the other their assistants were rece [...]|ued in England, and remained at Newcastell: shee sent maister Iames Ch [...]rnton chantor of Murrei [...], with letters to the queene of England, and also to the king of France, and other hir friends there: de|claring by the ten [...]: of the same letters the abuse and presumptuous attempts of certeine hir subiects against hir desiring them not to receiue them with|in their realmes [...] dominions.
[1] [2] [3] Shortlie after the queene of England sent a gen|tleman The que [...] of England hir answer. called Henrie K [...]grew into Scotland, with letters and message to the queene, promising to cause them to depart foorth of hir realme of England: and withall sent vnto them warning to depart betwixt that present time, and midsummer then next insuing. But in the meane time the lord [...] Ruthwen repe [...]ted. Ruthwen departed this life at Newcastell, with great repentance of his former life: giuing God thanks, for that he had lent him time to call to him for mercie and forgiuenesse, whereof he did assure himselfe. And from thencefoorth the earle of Morton, and the maister of Ruthwen, remained secretlie neere to Anwike, and other places of the borders, till they obteined pardon, and were restored. About this time there came from the king of France a wise a|ged A [...] ambassa [...] from the king of France. gentleman, named mons [...]eur is Crocke, as his ambassador, and remained in Scotland all the win|ter following.
[1] In the moneth of Iune the quéene perceiuing the time of hir deliuerance to approch wrote vnto all the principall noble men of hir realme, to come and re|maine within the towne of Edenburgh, during the time of hir deliuerance, where they assembled: and the king hir husband, with the earles of Argile, Mur|reie, Atholl, and Mar, remained with hir in the ca|stell; and the earle of Huntle [...]e, Bothwell, and the [...]ant of the lords lodged in the towne. And vpon the nintéenth day of the same moneth of Iune, be|twixt 10 and 11 of the clocke before noone, hir grace was deliuered of a goodlie man-child, to the great A prin [...] borne. comfort of hir highnesse, and all hir subiects, whereof the nobilitie did greatlie reio [...]se. And incontinentlie all the artillerie in the castell was sh [...]t off, and all the lords and people came togither in the church of saint Giles, to giue thanks to almightie God for his great and beneficiall goodnes shewed to them, in gi|uing to them a prince, and withall made their hum|ble praiers vnto his diuine maiestie, to indue him with the feare of God, with vertue and knowledge to gouerne the realme and subiects thereof, when so|euer the same should fall into his hands.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The same night at seuen, there were great fires for ioy made in the towne of Edenburgh, and in all [page 384] the countrie about, and likewise through all the whole realme, as by aduertisements were certified therof. The queene remained still in the castell of E|denburgh all the moneth of Iulie following, till shée had recouered hir health and strength. In the begin|ning of August, she passed vp the water of Forth to Allowaie, where she remained certeine daies, the earles of Murreie and Mar being of companie with hir, and there the king hir husband came to visit hir. The same time monsieur Maluoisir came into Scot|land from the king of France, bringing letters to the quéene, who was conueied by the bishop of Rosse to Allowaie, where he was ioifullie receiued, courte|ouslie interteined, and highly rewarded. The queene of England sent maister Henrie Killegrew to the quéene with the like message, reioising for hir safe and happie deliuerance, who likewise was receiued in most thankefull maner, and well rewarded.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Here is to be noted, that shortlie after she was The princes godfathers & godmothers. brought to bed, she sent one of hir gentlemen called monsieur Clarimoich, with letters to the king of France, and to the duke of Sauoie: desiring them to send ambassadors, which in their name (as godfa|thers) might receiue hir son at the baptisme. More|ouer, she sent Iames Meluine to the quéene of Eng|land with the like message, desiring hir maiestie to be godmother [who by hir ambassador Francis earle of Bedford, sent a present to the quéene of Scots, Fr. Thin. I. Stow pa. 1131 in quart. (as I. Stow hath noted) a fount of gold curiouslie wrought & inamelled, weieng 333 ounces, amoun|ting in value to 1043 pounds 19 shillings of Eng|lish monie.] These princes were glad hereof, and promised to send ambassadors to that effect, as after|ward they did. In the later end of August, the quéene accompanied with the king hir husband, the erles of Huntleie, Murreie, Bothwell, and diuerse other, went into Meggat land, there to passe the time in hunting, where they remained certeine daies: and returning to Edenburgh, caused the prince to b [...] conueied vnto Striueling castell, where he was committed in kéeping to the lord Erskin, after erle of Mar, and his ladie. And from thence the quéene went on progresse into Glen Arkeneie.
Fr. Thin. Buchan. li. 17. The king as a solitarie person goeth to Striue|ling, after which the quéene determineth to go to Ied|worth to assemble a parlement. About the beginning of October, Bothwell prepareth a iournie into Lid|disdale, where he was hurt with a caleeuer by a base théefe. Whervpon with vncerteine life he was ca|ried to the castell of Hermitage, to which the quéene (hearing of his mishap) came, attended with a small traine from Bothwike, and from thence hauing séene Bothwell, did in short time after returne to Bothwike, whither shée caused Bothwell to bée brought: after whose comming thither, the quéene fell so grieuouslie sicke, that she was in danger of hir life, at what time the king came thither vnto hir.
[1] [2] [3] In Ianuarie the king came to Glascow, where he fell sicke, and remoouing from thence went to E|denburgh, 1567. and the quéene accompanied him. She lodged at Holie rood house, but hée was lodged at a house within the towne, néere to the Kirke a field, within the which, on the tenth of the moneth of Fe|bruarie in the night he was shamefullie murthered, togither with one Wiliam Parat. He was cast in|to The king murthered. 1566. Stow. an orchard, and herewith the house was blowne vp with gunpowder. [Some giue report of his death, but touch not the maner thereof, onelie sai|eng that he was shamefullie murthered in a mor|ning (a heauie breakefast) by his owne (but vnnatu|rall and rebellious) people, whose innocent blood cri|eth out for vengeance at the hands of God, who in iustice will (when he séeth due time) giue them their portion with malefactors agréeable to their merits.
[1] The earle of Bothwell was euen at the first vehe|mentlie The earle of Bothwell murthered the king. suspected to be the principall offendor in this most heinous and detestable murther. But the mat|ter was so handled, that he was not onelie acquit by an assise, as they call it; but also shortlie after maried the quéene. By reason wherof, the suspicion that men had alreadie conceiued, that she should be also priuie to the murther, was nothing diminished. But as I haue not to deale in that matter, so yet it is mani|fest, that some of the Scotish nobilitie, sore repining and maligning at such the speedie aduancement of Bothwell, who (as euerie man persuaded himselfe, was the principall author of the murther) got them to armes on the sudden, before the quéene or Both|well were aduertised of their meaning, they being The lords get them to armes. then at Borthwike castell, eight miles distant from Edenburgh.
Fr. Thin. Thus leauing the lords awhile at Edenburgh, we will say somewhat out of Buchanan, of things doone by Bothwell & the quéene, before that she was taken by these noble men of the congregation, ha|uing at that time taken armes against hir. After Bucha [...]. li. 17. the death of hir husband, whome she had caused to be buried not farre from Dauid Richeo hir secretarie, slaine (as was thought) by the meanes of the king of Scots: the queene (I say) after that, and also after the clearing of Bothwell from the murther of hir husband, was forceablie taken (as she was on hir iournie) by the earle Bothwell, and caried to his ca|stell, where she remained not long, but yet honora|blie interteined. Which fact of his bred great mislike in the peoples minds, and brought him in danger of his life, had not the queene (of hir clemencie) pardo|ned him the same.
This doone, there was à consultation had for a mariage to be solemnized betwéene hir and the earle Bothwell, which (after a diuorse had betwéene this earle and his then wife Katharine Gordon, granted by the iudges spirituall & temporall; and after the so|lemne bands asked betwéene the said earle Iames Hepborne, and the quéene Marie Steward) was with great solemnitie of the nobilitie (by their hands in writing consenting therevnto) consummat at E|denburgh. Against which onelie the bishop of Orke|nie was found to resist; and at which monsieur de Crocke the French ambassador then in Scotland would not be present: being a thing which did greatly occasion the Edenburgers to mislike of the queene.
Which mariage bréeding some euill opinion of the said quéene of Scots, not onelie in hir owne realme, but in the mouths of forreine nations, shee wiselie consulteth with hir friends, how she might establish hir power, and prouide to saue hirselfe and hir kingdome from tumults and insurrections. Wherevpon, first she determineth to send an ambas|sador into France, to reconcile the minds of the king, and of the Guises, offended with this mari|age. Which office of ambassage was laid vpon Wil|liam bishop of Dunblane, with this charge (as saith Buchanan) almost word for word.
First, you shall excuse to the king, and to our vn|cles, that our mariage (to be consummate) came to their eares, before that we had opened our counsell touching that matter by anie messengers. This ex|cuse (as it were to a foundation) dooth leane to the true exposition of his whole life, and chief [...]ie to the offices and duties of the duke or capteine of the Or|cades towards vs, euen vnto that day in which it sée|med good to vs to take him to husband. For the ope|ning of the historie whereof you shall take occasion to treat from the beginning of the last times of his adolescencie (youth, or yéeres of discretion, as wée terme it) in this sort.
That when he first began to manage his owne af|faires [page 385] (being from the death of his father one of the chiefe of the nobilitie) he did wholie dedicate himselfe to the dutie and seruice of the princes and kings of Scotland, as one borne of a famous familie for his ancient nobilitie, & of great reuenues in this king|dome which he possesseth by right of inheritance. At that time also he did especiallie and altogither con|secrate himselfe to our mother, whilest she had the gouernement of the realme.
In which dutie towards hir, he did so constantlie perseuere, that although the greater part of the no|bilitie, and almost all the townes were fallen from hir obedience (vnder the colour of religion) yet hée would neuer decline from hir authoritie, as a per|son that could not be woone by anie promises or be|nefits, or feared with anie threats, or losse of his li|uings, to neglect his dutie in anie part vnto hir: but that he wold rather suffer his principall house, which was the head of his patrimonie, with his plentifull and pretious store of furniture thereof to be taken from him, and all his other lands to be left for spoile to the enimie, than violate his faith to our mother. Besides which, being destitute of helpe both of vs and our people (when the English host was brought by our domesticall enimies into the bowels of our kingdome, which directed their weapons to none o|ther marke, than that our now husband at that time earle Bothwell, should by force be inforced to flie) he fled into France, forsaking all his patrimonie, where he honored me with all dutie and seruice (that hée might) vntill my returne into Scotland.
Neither are those exploits to be omitted, which were doone by him in the warres against the Eng|lish before my returne into mine owne countrie, where he shewed such parts of warlike valure and graue wisedome, that he was iudged (being then ve|rie yoong) méet to haue the gouernment of ancient persons, to be made chiefe capteine of the armie of the countrie, & also to be chosen or substitute depu|tie and chancellor: as in truth he was. In which of|fice he did not deceiue the hope and expectation which men conceiued of him. For (by his affaires valiant|lie atchiued) he left a singular praise and fame of him, as well amongst his owne people, as amongst the enimies.
After our returne into Scotland, he emploied all his indeuor to the inlarging of our authoritie, and spared not to put himselfe in danger, in subduing those rebels which dwell about the borders of Eng|land. The dispatch wherof being shortlie performed, and they brought to great quiet, he was appointed to doo the like in all the other parts of the kingdome. But as enuie dooth alwaies accompanie vertue, so the Scots repining thereat, and desirous of innoua|tion, did labor to diminish our fauour towards him (for his great labors imploied in our behalfe) in mis|construing his good deeds.
By which in the end they wrought so much with me, that we committed him to prison; partlie to sa|tisfie the minds of such as were emulous against him, and could not brooke the increase of his follow|ing honor and greatnesse; and partlie to appease such seditions as were likelie then to breake foorth to the destruction of the whole kingdome. But he (escaping out of prison) got him into France, to giue place to the power of his enimies, where he remained almost two yéeres next following. At what time the authors of the former sedition, forgetting my clemencie to|wards them, and their dutie towards vs, did raise warre, and tooke weapons against their quéene.
From thence was he called backe into Scotland, & being restored to his former honors & possessions, he was againe made generall of all the armie: by whose helpe our authoritie began afresh so to florish, that all the rebels (suddenlie forsaking their coun|trie) were inforced to flie into England, vntill part of them vpon humble submission were receiued a|new into our fauour. But how traitorouslie I was handled by the rest that were restored (and especiallie such, whose ancestors I had with benefits most pro|moted) our vncle is not ignorant, and therefore we will touch that no more.
Neither is it to be ouerpassed in silence, with what diligence he deliuered me from the hands of such as deteined me prisoner, and with what speed (and singu|lar prouidence of his) I did both escape from prison, and recouered my former authoritie: after that I had dispersed the factions of the coniurators and se|ditious persons. In which trulie I am inforced to confesse, that his dutie and diligence at that time shewed towards me, was so acceptable vnto me, that I could neuer after forget it. These things al|though they be great of themselues, yet he hath hi|therto incresed them with such diligence and careful|nesse, that we cannot desire greater dutie, or wish more assured trust in anie man, than we haue found in him; vntill these last times which followed the de|ceasse of our husband.
But from that time, as his thoughts did séeme to tend higher, so his actions did after a sort séeme to be more insolent. And although the matter went so far, that we were to take all things in the best part: yet these things did then most greeuouslie offend me; but especiallie his arrogancie, in that he thought that there were not other sufficient abilities in vs, to re|compense his deseruings, vnlesse we gaue our selfe to him in mariage. Touching which, at the first he v|sed secret reasons and counsels: but in the end, when he saw them not to succeed after his mind, at length, shewing an open contempt of my authoritie, he fled to the benefit of violence, and vsed force (to the end his attempt might not want due effect) to bring me vnder his gouernement.
Wherefore all this course of his life maie be an example, to shew how craftilie they can contriue their drifts (in attempting great things) vntill they haue obteined their purpose. For I did suppose, that all this his continuall dutie and carefulnesse in spée|die obeieng of my commandements, had not issued from anie other founteine, than of a vehement desire to shew his obedience and good will towards me: neither did I hope that a litle more fauourable coun|tenance (which we are accustomed to vse to the more woorthie persons, to the end to win their minds to be more obedient to vs in dutie) should so haue raised his stomach (more than anie others) that he would promise to himselfe anie larger good will to procéed from me towards him, than he had before.
But he taking aduantage of all haps, & drawing all things (that chanced) to the furtherance of his purpose, and kéeping all his counsels secret from me, did still shew his accustomed dutie, nourished my old fauour to him, & secretlie attempted a new thing by the helpe of the nobilitie. Which he brought to passe with such spéedie diligence, that (vnknowen to me) he obteined of the péeres of the realme (in the assem|blie of the parlement héere) a writing with all their hands set therevnto, for the more credit of the same. In which writing was conteined, that they did not onlie assent vnto the mariage; but that they also fur|ther promised to spend their life and goods (offered to all dangers) in the executing thereof, and that they would be vtter enimies to all such as should labor to hinder it. For the more easie obteining of whose con|sents in this sort, he had persuaded the said nobilitie, that the same was not doone against my mind and consent. At length, when he had purchased this wri|ting from them, he began by litle and little (with ear|nest [page 386] intreaties & flatteries) to obteine our consent. But when at the first our answers did not content his desire, he began to laie before me almost all those things, which are accustomed to happen in the at|tempt of such matters.
First, the outward tokens of our good fauour to|wards him, the reasons by which our friends or his e|nimies might hinder the same, & manie other things which being obiected or willinglie happening, might frustrate his hope, or change the minds of such as had before subscribed. At length (fortune fauouring him therein) he determined to pursue the matter, & in one instance to hazard his hope and life about the same. Wherefore, when he had determined with himselfe, with all importunitie to attempt the successe of his determination, he foure daies after hauing conue|nient time and place therefore in the high waie, set vpon me with a strong band, as I was comming from séeing of my déere sonne, and with great spéed caried me to Dunbar.
Which euill déed how gréeuouslie we tooke (espe|ciallie doone by him, from whome all our subiects ne|uer looked to haue such things to procéed) euerie bo|die maie easilie consider. For there I did vpbraid him, with what fauour I haue alwaies vsed him, what honorable opinion I haue had of him and of his conditions in my spéech vsed to others, and of his vnthankefulnesse to me therefore; with all other things that might deliuer me out of his hands. These matters I laied against him with bitter words. But his answers therevnto were more mild, and tempe|red with gentler spéeches, in this, that he would still vse all honor and dutie towards vs, and labor by all means to haue our good will, whom he would not of|fend.
As touching this, that he had against our will cari|ed vs into one of our own castels, he humblie craued pardon therefore (in that he was inforced therevnto) although in the same he had forgotten that reue|rence and dutie, which euerie subiect owght vnto vs. Wherevnto he added, that he did the same for our safetie and defense. At which time also he began to re|peat vnto me the whole course of his life, lamenting his fortune, to haue them (whome he neuer hurt) so gréeuouslie offended with him, that their malice had not ouerpassed anie occasions vniustlie to hurt him withall.
But especiallie in this, that their great enuie had burdened him with the murther of the king, and that his power was vnequall to resist the secret conspira|cies of his enimies, whome he could not know; be|cause they did in shew and spéeches dissemble their friendship: & not knowing them, there was no waie for him to foresée and auoid their deceipts. Whose ex|treme hatred was now growen to such height, that he could not liue in safetie in anie place, or at anie time, except he might be assured of the quéenes vn|changeable fauour towards him. Which certeintie of hir fauor could not be shewed but by this one meane, to persuade hir selfe to receiue him into the mariage bed. At what time he did most holilie sweare, that he gaped not after anie extraordinarie gouernement, or that he would leape to the highest step of supreme rule thereby; but onlie to reape this fruit thereof, that he might serue and obeie hir as long as he liued, in such sort as he did before. Whervnto he added the de|lights of such spéeches as that matter required.
But in the end, when he saw that we could not be mooued therevnto, either with praiers or promises, he shewed vnto vs what he had doone with the whole nobilitie, and the chiefe of the parlement, and what they againe had promised vnder their hands. Which being suddenlie and vnhoped for laied against vs, whether it did with iust cause greatlie astonish vs, we leaue to the consideration of the king, the quéene, our vncles, and the rest of our friends. Wherefore, when I perceiued my selfe a prisoner vnder the power of an other man, farre from the helpe of all those whose counsell I did and should haue vsed; yea and that I saw them before my face, in whose former faith and wisedome I did repose my selfe; whose strength did defend our authoritie, and without which our power was but small or none: when (I say) I had seene all these to haue vowed themselues to serue his de|sire, and that I was alone left a [...]reie for him, I did with my selfe in my mind consider manie things, but could bring none of them to effect.
Besides which, he gaue to vs but short time to take anie aduise, but incontinentlie and importunatlie did still vrge the same vnto me. At length, when I saw no waie to escape by flight, nor anie person of all our kingdome which had anie care of our libertie (for we well perceiued by their hands giuen, and by their deepe silence at that time, that they were all drawen to take his part) I was compelled (after that I a lit|tle pacified mine anger & displeasure against him) to refer my selfe to the discusse and consideration of his demands, & to laie before my selfe his dutie in times past, and the hope which we had of the following con|tinuance of the same towards vs.
And further, how gree [...]ouslie our people would suffer a strange king, and hea [...]lie receiue one vnac|quainted, and not invred with their lawes and cu|stoms, that they would not suffer me long to liue vn|maried, and that the people (being by nature facti|ous) could not be kept in obedience, except our au|thoritie were supported and practised by a man which could equall them in bearing labor, and were able to bridle the insolencie of rebels in the administration of the common wealth: the weight of which charge, our power (being weakened and almost brought to nothing by continuall tumults and rebellions, since, our comming into Scotland) was not able anie longer to susteine. For by reason of these seditions, we were inforced to appoint foure or more deputies in diuerse parts of our realmes, which afterward al|so did (vnder the colour of the authoritie which they were permitted to vse vnder vs) inforce our owne subiects to take armes against vs.
For all which causes, when we well perceiued that if we labored to preserue the dignitie of kinglie ma|iestie, that they would inforce me to mariage, that our people could not abide a forren prince, and that a|mongest our owne subiects, there was not anie which for the nobilitie of his familie, for his wisdome and valure, or for other vertues of bodie and mind, might be preferred before or equalled vnto him, I commanded my selfe to ioine with the whole con|sent of the parlement, and assemblie of the nobilitie before mentioned. After that my former constant de|termination was thus somewhat mollified by these and other reasons, he did wring from me partlie by force, and partlie by intreatie, a promise to him of mariage.
Which doone, we could not yet by anie meanes and persuasion obteine of him (fearing an alteration in our mind) that the time wherein this mariage should be performed, might be deferred so long, as that we might participat the same with the king and quéene of France, and such other friends as we had remai|ning in those parts. For he beginning with a bold at|tempt (after that he had once thereby atteined the first step of his desire) did neuer after that ceasse to ioine importunat praiers to his persuasions and ar|guments of reason, vntill he did without violence inforce vs to set end to the woorke begun, and that at such time, and after such order, as seemed most con|uenient vnto him for the execution of his determi|nation. [page 387] In which matter I cannot dissemble, but that I was otherwise intreated by him, than either I would or had deserued.
For he was more carefull to satisfie them, by whose consent (shewed at the beginning) he thought himselfe to haue obteined his purpose (though he did both deceiue them and mée) than to gratifie me, or to weie how méet it were for me, being brought vp in the precepts and rites of our religion; from which, neither he nor anie man liuing, whilest I did liue, could draw me awaie (aliue) by anie action. In which thing trulie, though we doo acknowledge our error, yet we willinglie desire, that the king and quéene his mother, our vncle, or anie friend of ours, doo not ex postulat with him, nor anie waie laie the fault vn|to his charge.
For sith things be now so ended, as that they cannot be againe vndoone, we take all things in the best part: & as he is in déed, so he is to be accounted our husband, whome from henceforwards we haue determined both to loue & reuerence. Wherefore all they which professe themselues to be our friends, must also shew the like to him which is ioined vnto vs with an indissoluble knot. And although he hath in manie things behaued himselfe lesse diligentlie, & almost ouer-rashlie, which we willinglie impute to his immoderat affection towards vs; yet we desire the king, the quéene, our vncle, and the rest of our friends, no lesse to loue and fauor him, than if all things had till this day béene doone after their aduise and determination; in the behalfe of which our hus|band, we promise that he shall in all things (which shalbe required of him hereafter) alwaies grati|fie them in what he maie.
These remedies being found to defend the quéens credit amongst forren princes, other remedies were to be sought for defense of hir owne person against hir owne subiects. Wherefore (after that the earle of Murreie was appointed to remaine as banished be|yond the seas in France, whither he tooke his iour|nie through England) the quéene (deliuered of such a feare as he was to hir, & therfore better able to rule, or at least to make better shift, with such other as were coniured, to vse Buchanans word, against hir) vsed what diligence she might to gather forces, espe|ciallie in the Mers and east Louthian.]
[1] [2] [3] And thinking that the enterprise of the lords had The quéene gathereth for|ces. beene broken and disappointed, they marched from Dunbar on saturdaie the fourth of Iune, first to Hathington, & there resting till the euen, set forward to Gladismore, and taking there deliberation in the matter; they lodged that night at Seiton, and in the morning marched in order of battell towards Carbarrie hill. Carbarrie hill, an [...] there chose foorth a plot of ground of great aduantage, appointing to fight on foot, be|cause the power of the lords in number of horsse|men, was stronger than the quéens, and of greater experience. There were with the quéene and Both|well, the lords Setton, Yester, and Borthwike; al|so the lards of Wauchton, Bas, Ormiston, Wea|derburne, Blackater, and Langton. They had with them also two hundred harquebusiers waged, and The number of the quéens power. of great artilleric some field péeces. Their whole number was estéemed to be about 2000: but the more part of them were commons & countriemen.
[1] [2] The earles of Morton, Atholl, Mar, Glencarne, the lords of Hume, Lindseie, Ruthwen, Sempill, Sauquhar; the lards of Drumlangrid, Tulibar|den, The power of the lords. Grange, and yoong Sesford, were assembled togither at Edenburgh with a power like in num|ber to the quéens, but for the more part consisting of gentlemen, although not furnished with anie num|ber of harquebusiers, except a few of the townsmen of Edenburgh, that willinglie ioined with them in that quarrell. Upon the fifteenth of Iune, they came foorth of the towne, and approched their aduersaries. But there was monsieur la Croque, the French kings ambassadour, who tooke great paine, in tra|uelling betwixt the parties to reduce them to some a|gréement. Fr. Thin.
Who by his interpretor laid before them how carefullie he had studied for the commoditie & tranquillitie of the publike state of Scotland before Bucha. lib. 18. this; and that now also he caried the same mind with him. Wherefore he did vehementlie desire (if it were possible) that the matter might be so taken vp, for the commoditie of both parties; that it might be ended without force or bloudshed. For the compas|sing whereof, he would imploic all his trauell, sith the quéene also did not refuse to heare the counsell & persuasion of peace. For the more certeintie wherof, he did at that time promise them pardon and vtter forgetfulnesse of all things passed before time; & did with great holinesse there pledge him selfe, that no hurt should fall vnto anie man there, for taking weapon against the highest gouernor.
After that the interpretor had deliuered these things, the earle of Morton answered, that he did not take armor against the quéene; but against him that had killed the king. Whome if the queene would deliuer to punishment, or separat him from hir; she should well vnderstand, that they & the rest of hir sub|iects held nothing more déere vnto them, than tocon|tinue in their dutifull obedience: without which gran|ted to them, there could be no agréement made; be|cause they came not thither to craue pardon for anie offense which they had committed (wherevnto the earle of Glenearne added) but rather to giue pardon to such as had offended.]
[1] [2] Wherfore the ambassador Croque returned backe to Edenburgh, and the quéens part began to de|crease, diuerse shrinking awaie from hir; so that af|ter it began to grow towards the euening, Both|well fled to the castell of Dunbar. But the quéene desirous to talke with William Kircadie the lard of Grange, went to him, accompanied onelie with one The quéene commeth to the lords. capteine, and after some talke with him, she passed to the lords, who tooke hir with them to Edenburgh, [she being in a short garment, base, & worne, com|ming Fr. Thin. a little beneath hir knees (as saith Buchanan) of which lords she requested that they would suffer hir to depart, & not to keepe hir in that sort.] The Ha|miltons were on the waie comming to assist the queene, with seuen or eight hundred horssemen; but before they could reach to the place, the queene was in the hands of the lords, and so they returned.
[1] The lard of Cragmiller [then prouost of Eden|burgh] Fr. Thin. and sir Iames Balfure also the capteine of the castell, were ioined in this confederacie with the lords, as shortlie after it appeared. The quéene after this was conueied ouer the Forth, and brought to The quéene is sent to Lochleuin. Lochleuin, where she was appointed to remaine in ward vnder the safe kéeping of William Dowglas lard of that place. The earle Bothwell, escaping to Dunbar, found meanes to flée into Denmarke, where he was staied and committed to prison, where|in at length he died. Diuerse persons afterwards were apprehended as parties to the murther of the king, and therevpon condemned, were executed, confessing the said earle to be the principall executor of the same murther. Fr. Thin. Leauing the quéene therfore in this miserable plight, we will not yet forget (for the honor she once had) to set downe certeine verses made by Alexander Seton a Scot, in the commen|dation of hir ancestors, and of hir; who in the first yeares of hir gouernement vsed hir selfe to the good liking of all hir subiects. In which verses Seton dooth further meane, that Lesle should hereafter set foorth hir gouernement, as he hath doone that of the [page 388] other king before hir. The verses be as followeth.
[1] [2] THe ninetéenth of Iulie, Charles Iames the yoong prince of Scotland, after a sermon made Iames the sixt. by Iohn Knox, was crowned king of the Scots in Sterling church, where were read certeine letters of commission and procuration, with the quéens priuie seale at them for the establishing of the same coro|nation. The first, for hir resignation of the crowne and gouernement of the yoong prince hir sonne. The second, to authorize the earle of Murreie to be regent during the kings minoritie. The third, to giue au|thoritie and power to seuen other ioining with the said earle of Murreie, in case he should refuse to ex|ercise the same alone; that is to say, the duke of Cha|telerault, the earls of Lennox, Argile, Atholl, Mor|ton, Glencarne, and Mar. The tenors of which let|ters of commission and procuration doo héere insue, as we find them imprinted at Edenburgh by Ro|bert Lekpreuic printer to the king of Scots, the sixt of Aprill 1568, among the acts of parlement begun and holden at Edenburgh, the fiftéenth of December, in the yeare 1567, by Iames earle of Murreie lord Abernethie, &c: regent vnto the said king.