1.5. The tenor of the king of Scots letters.

The tenor of the king of Scots letters.

[1] _RIght excellent, right high, and mightie prince, our deerest bro|ther and coosine, we commaund vs vnto you in our maist hartie manner, and receiued fra Raff Heraulde your letters, quhar vntill ye approue and allow the doings of your commissiouners latelie being with ours at the borders of bathe the realmes, for making of redresse quhilk is thought to you and your councell should be continuet and delaet to the fif|teenth day of October. Als ye write slaars by see aught not compeere personallie, but by their attourneys. And in your letters with our herauld Ilaie, ye ascertaine vs ye will naught enter in the treux taken be|twixt the maist christian king and your fa|ther of Aragoun, because ye and others of the hale liege nether should nor may take peace, treux, nor abstinence of warre with your common enimie, without consent of all the confederats. And that the emperor, king of Aragoun, yea and euery of you be bounded to make actuall warre this in|stant sommer against your common enimy. And that so to do is concluded and openlie sworne in Paules kirke at London, vpon S. Markes day last by past. And farther haue denied safe conduct vpon our requests that a seruitor of ours might haue resorted [page 296] to your presence (as our herauld Ilaie re|ports.

[1] Right excellent, right high, and mightie prince, our deerest brother and cousing, the said meeting of our and your commissiou|ners at the borders, was peremptorily ap|pointed betwixt you and vs after diuerse diets, for reformatioun before continuet to the commissiouners meeting, to effect that due redresse suld haue beene made at the said meeting, like as for our part our com|missioners offred to haue made that time. And for your part, no male factor was then arrestet to the said diet. And to glose the same, ye now write that fiaars by see need not compeere personallie, but by their at|tourneis, quhilk is again law of God and man. And get in criminall action all flaars suld naught compeere personallie, na pu|nitioun suld follow for slaughter, and then vane it were to seke farther meetings or redresse. And hereby apperes (as the deed shewes) that ye will nouther keepe god waies of iustice and equitie nor kindnes with vs.

[1] The great wrongs and vnkindnes done before to vs and our leiges we ponderate, quhilk we haue suffred this long time in vpbearing, mainswering, noundressing of attemptates, so as the bill of the taken of inhalding of bastard Heron and his com|plices in your contrie, quha slue our war|dan vnder trust of daies of meeting for iu|stice, & thereof was filat & ordeint to be de|liuerd, in slaing our liege noblemen, vnder color by your folks, in taking of vthers out of our realme prisonet and chanet by the crags in your cuntrie, withhalding of our wiues legacie promist in your diuerse let|ters for despite of vs, slaughter of Androw Barton by your awn commaund, quha than had naught offended to you nor your lieges vnredrest, and breaking of the amity in that behalfe by your deed, and withhal|ding of our ships and artillarie to your vse.

[1] Quharvpon, eft our diuerse requisitions at your wardens, commissiouners, ambas|sadors, & your selfe, ye wrate and als shew by vthers vnto vs, that full redresse suld be made at the said meeting of commissiou|ners, and sa were in hope of reformatioun, or at the lest ye for our sake wald haue des [...]|sted fra inuasioun of our friendes and cou|sings within their awne countries that haue naught offended at you, as we first required you, in fauour of our tender cou|sing the duke of Gelder, quham to destroy and disinherit ye sent your folks, and dud what was in them. And right sa we lately desired for our brother & cousing the maist christen king of France, quham ye haue caused to t [...]e his countrie of Millaine, and now inuades his selfe, quha is with vs in second degree of blude, and hase bene vn|to you kind without offense, and more kin|dar than to vs.

[1] Notwithstanding, in defense of his per|son we mon take part, and thereto ye be|cause of vthers, haue giuen occasion to vs and to our lieges in time by past, nouther doing iustlie nor kindlie toward vs, procee|ding alwaies to the vtter destructioun of our neerest friendes, quha mon doo for vs quhan it shall be necessarie; in euill exam|ple that ye will hereafter be better vnto vs, quham ye lightlie fauour, manifestlie wranged your sister for our sake incontra|rie our writs: and saieng to our herauld that we giue you faire wordes, and thinke the cõtrarie. Indeed such it is, we gaue you words as ye dud vs, trusting that ye suld haue emended to vs, or worthin kinder to our frends for our sakes, and suld naugh|tight haue stopped our seruitors passage to labour peax, that they mought as the papes halines exhorted vs by his breuites to do. And therevpon we were contented to haue ouerseene our harmes, and to haue remitted the same, though vther informa|tioun was made to our halie father pape Iulie, by the cardinall of Yorke, your am|bassador.

[1] And sen you haue now put vs fra our gude beleue through the premisses, and speciallie in denieng of safe conduct to our seruants, to resort to your presence, as your ambassador doctor West instantlie desired we suld sende one of our councell vnto you vpon great matters, and appoin|ting of differences debatable betwixt you and vs, furthering of peax if we might, be|twixt the most christén king & you, we ne|uer hard to this purpose safe conduct deni|ed betwixt Infidels. Herefore we write to you this time at length plainesse of our mind, that we require and desire you to de|sist fra farther inuasioun and vtter destruc|tioun of our brother and cousing the maist christen king, to quham by all confederati|oun, blude and alie, and also by new band quhilk you haue compelled vs latelie to take through your iniuries & harmes with out remedie done dailie vnto vs, our lieges and subiects, we are bounden and oblist for mutuall defense ilk of vthers, like as ye & your confederates be oblist for mutuall in|uasiouns and actuall warre.

[1] Certifieng you, we will take part in de|fense of our brother and cousing the maist christen king, and will do what thing we truist may cause you to desist fra pursute of him, and for deuit and postponit iustice to our lieges we mon giue letters of marque according to the amitie betwixt you and vs, quharto ye haue had little regard in time by past, as we haue ordaint our he|rauld the bearer heereof to say, gif it like you to heare him and gif him credence. Right excellent, right hie & mightie prince our deerest brother and cousing, the Trini|tie haue you in keeping. Geuen vnder our lignet at Edenburgh the twentie sixt day of Iulie.

[1] King Henrie hauing read the letter, and conside|red thereof with aduise of his councell, sent for the The hera [...]d is sent for. herald againe, and told him that he had read and well perceiued the contents of the letters which he had de|liuered to him, and would make him answer with [page 297] condition, that he would promise to declare the samé to his maister. Wherevnto Lion made this answer: The heralds [...]er.

Sir, I am his naturall subiect, and he is my natu|rall lord, and what he commandeth me to say, I may boldlie say with fauour; but the commandements of others I may not, nor dare say vnto my souereigne lord. But your letters sent by me, may declare your maisters pleasure, albeit your answer requireth doo|ings and not saiengs, that is, that you immediatlie should returne home. Then said the king: I will re|turne at my pleasure to your damage, and not at thy maisters summons.
And héerewith he caused an answer to be written to the king of Scots, in forme as followeth.