Snippet: 1 of 1 (1587, Volume 4, p. 5) [page 5] The contents of the chapters conteined in this booke.
[1] - 1 _OF the bounds of Albion, with the sundrie commodities thereof, and
of the great infirmities that fall vnto the people there for their
intemperan|cie: and finallie of the religion vsed there in old
- 2 The description of the east, west, and middle borders of Scotland,
with the most notable townes and flouds thereof.
- 3 The description of Gallowaie, Kile, Carricke, and Cunningham, with
the nota|ble townes, lakes, and riuers in the same.
- 4 The situation of Renfrew, Cliddesdale, Lennox, Lowmund, Argile,
Loughqua|ber, Lorne and Kentire, with all the notable things conteined in
the same.
- 5 Of Rosse, Stranauerne, and Murrey land, with such lakes and riuers
as are to bee touched there.
- 6 Of Boene, Anze, Buquhane, Mar, Mernes, Fiffe & Angus, with
the lakes, flouds, abbeis, townes, and other notable commodities there to
be seene and found.
- 7 Of Louthian, Striuelin, Menteith, Calidon wood, Bowgewall, Gareoth,
with the notable cities, castels and flouds thereof.
- 8 Of the great plentie of hares, harts, and other wild beasts in
Scotland, also of the strange nature of sundrie Scotish dogs, and of the
nature of salmon.
- 9 Of sundrie kinds of muskles and cockles in Scotland, and pearles
gotten in the same. Of vncouth and strange fish there to be seene, and of
the nature of the herbe Citisus, commonlie called Hadder.
- 10 Of the Iles of Scotland, and such notable things as are to be found
in them.
- 11 Of the nature of their Claike geese, and diuerse maner of their
procreation, and of the Ile of Thule.
- 12 The description of Orkeney, and Shetland, with other sundrie small
Iles, and of the maners and conditions of the people dwelling in the
- 13 Of the maners of the Scots in these daies, and their comparison
with the beha|uiour of the old and such as liued long since within this
- 14 The description of an ancient Pict, and such as dwelled beyond the
wall of Hadrian.
- 15 Of bishoprikes, vniuersities, and counties in Scotland.