[1] _HAuing by your singular curte|sie receiued great help in my description of the riuers & streames of Britaine, and by conference of my trauell with the platforms of those few shires of England which are by your infinite charges alre|die finished (as the rest shall be in time by Gods helpe, for the inestimable be|nefit of such as inhabit this Iland) not a little polished those rough courses of diuers waters not exactly before time described by Le|land our countrieman, or any ancient writer, I could not deuise a|ny thing more agreeable with mine abilitie and your good nature (which greatlie fauoureth any thing that is doone for a commo|ditie vnto many) than to shew some token of my thankefulnesse for these your manifold kindnesses, by the dedication of my sim|ple translation of the description of Scotland at this time vnto your worship.