18.5. The charter of Gallewaie with new liberties confirmed.

The charter of Gallewaie with new liberties confirmed.

_FIrst, that no writ of Sub poena shall be war|ded out of the chancerie against anie in|habitant in Gallewaie, vntill the partie which sueth out the writ, haue put in good and sufficient suerties before the lord chancellor, or the maior of Gallewaie to prosecute the same with effect.

That no new office nor officer be erected in the towne of Gallewaie by anie deputie or gouernour, otherwise than as they in times past haue vsed to doo.

That the maior by the aduise of foure alder|men, and other foure discreet men of the towne vpon good considerations may grant safe conduct and pro|tection to English rebels and Irish enimies.

That the merchants of the towne which shall buie anie wares or merchandize of strange merchants, shall put in good and sufficient bands before the maior that he will well and trulie make paiment vnto the said merchant stranger for his debt and dutie.

That if anie inhabitant in the towne doo vse anie vndecent & vnreuerent speach to the maior, that he shall be punished according to the qualitie of the fault and offense.

That the maior, bailiffes, and inhabitants shall inioy, vse, and exercise all their ancient liberties, v|sages, and customes.

That in all actions tried before the maior, the par|tie condemned shall paie reasonable costs, and the said maior shall not take anie fee for anie sentence, called Oleigethe.

That no dead bodie shall be interred or buried within the towne and walles of Gallewaie.

That when anie strange merchants come to their port and hauen, that the same be serched and viewed for weapons and munitions, and that none aboue the number of ten persons of the said ship shall come into the said towne.

That no stranger be suffered to take the view of the strength of the towne, nor to walke on the wals.

That the maior from time to time doo take the mu|ster and view of all the able men, and of their furni|ture and armour.

That all vnseruiceable people in time of seruice be sent out of the towne.

That sufficient vittels from time to time be pre|pared to serue the towne for ten moneths at the least before hand.

That a storehouse be prouided alwais in the towne for a staple of vittels to be kept there at all times. [page 166] From thense his lordship by sundrie iournies came to Athlon and so to Dublin; where about thrée miles before he came to the citie, William Noris newlie William No|ris [...]wlie come out of England [...]teth the lord iustice. arriued out of England, and accompanied with cer|taine gentlemen, met him with a hundred and fiftie horssemen, well furnished and well horssed with En|glish geldings, euerie man wearing a red cote with a yellow lace, who attended his lordship into the ci|tie, and from thense he was assigned and sent vnto Capteine Noris sent [...]te at the Newrie. the Newrie, where he died verie shortlie after vpon the fiue and twentith of December 1579. His hart was consumed, his splene corrupted, and his braine mixt with filthie matter. His bands were diuided and deliuered to either capteins. And immediatlie vpon his entrance into the citie, he sent for Iaques Wingfield master of the ordinance, and by order h [...] was commanded as prisoner to kéepe his chamber for his contempt, bicause he did not attend the lord iustice into Mounster as he was commanded; but vpon his submission after foure daies he was relea|sed. And vpon the death of Francis Agard esquier, sir Henrie Harington, who had married one of his Sir Henrie Harington is made fen [...]|shall of the Obirues. daughters and heires, was by vertue of certeine letters from out of England, appointed to be sene|shall of the Obirues, as his father in law before was. The earle of Desmond and his two brethren sent a proud and an arrogant letter vnder their The proud letters of the earle of Des|mond. hands, dated the nine and twentith of Nouember 1579, to the lord iustice, aduertising, that they were all entered into the defense of the catholike faith, with great authoritie both from the popes holinesse and king Philip, who haue vndertaken to defend and mainteine them, and therefore persuaded the lord iu|stice to ioine with them.

The lord iustice, hauing set the pale in some order, & hauing committed the same to the gouerne|ment of the erle of Kildare, he made a new iourneie The lord iu|stice entreth a new iourneie into Moun|ster. into Mounster, and departed out of Dublin the eigh|tienth of Ianuarie 1579, with such companies and forces as he thought good for that seruice, and tooke his iourneies along by the sea coasts; and being come to Waterford, there he kept sessions, & sat in person The lord iu|stice kéepeth sess [...]s at [...]ord. at the same. And from thense taking Tinneterne in his waie he came to Wexford, the fiue and twen|tith of Ianuarie 1579, by water from Ballihacke in certeine botes verie well appointed by the maior of the citie. And before he came thither, sir William Stanleie, sir Peter Carew, and capteine George Carew, and capteine Piers, issued out of the citie with their foure bands, and neere to the shore in the view of his lordship, they presented him with a iollie skirmish, and so retired themselues, to make ward against his landing. The bulworks, gates, and cur|teins of the citie were beautified with ensignes and shot in warlike maner, and then all the shot of the ships in the hauen, and a great ranke of chambers vpon the keie, togither with the shot of the souldiers, were discharged, and gaue his lordship a lustie and a great thundering peale.

At his landing the maior and aldermen araied in The lord iu|stice receiued honourablie into Water|ford. their scarlet gownes met him, and presented vnto his lordship the sword and the keies of the gates, which foorthwith he redeliuered vnto them againe, and the sword the maior bare and caried before his lordship. He went first to the church, and by the waie vpon two seuerall stages made for the purpose, there were two orations made vnto him in Latine; and at his returne from the church, he had the third in English at the doore of his lodging. And to this citie the earle of Ormond came vnto him, and they being togither, letters were sent from sir William Mor|gan of aduertisement, that the traitors were come downe about Dungaruon and Yoghall. Whervpon one hundred horssemen vnder capteine Zouch, and Sentleger, and foure hundred footmen vnder sir William Stanleie, sir Peter Carew, capteine George Carew, & capteine Piers were dispatched to serue against them.

The lord iustice from Waterford, vpon notice of the trouble dailie increasing, sent a commission of the eleuenth of Februarie, to sir Warham Sentle|ger to be prouost marshall, authorising him to pro|céed according to the course of marshall law against all offendors, as the nature of his or their offenses did merit and deserue; so that the partie offendor be not able to dispend fortie shillings by the yeare in The articles of a cõmission for the mar|shall law. land, or annuitie, or be not woorth ten pounds in goods: also that vpon good causes he maie parlée and talke with anie rebell, and grant him a protection for ten daies: that he shall banish all idlers & stur|die beggers: that he shall apprehend aiders of out|lawes and théeues, and execute all idle persons ta|ken by night: that he shall giue in the name and names of such as shall refuse to aid and assist him: that in dooing of his seruice, he shall take horsse-meat and mans-meat where he list, in anie mans house for one night: that euerie gentleman and noble man doo deliuer him a booke of all the names of their seruants and followers: that he shall put in execu|tion all statutes against merchants and other penall lawes, and the same to sée to be read and published in euerie church by the parson and curat of the same: and that he doo euerie moneth certifie the lord iu|stice how manie persons, and of their offenses and qualities, that he shall execute and put to death: with sundrie other articles, which generallie are compri|sed in euerie commission for the marshall law.

The lord iustice, after that he had rested about thrée weekes at Waterford, he remooued and went to Clomnell, where the earle of Ormond met him, being the fiftéenth of Februarie 1579, and from thense he went by iourneies vnto Limerike, where The chancel|lor of Lime|rike sent to ward for treason. the chancellor of Limerike vpon suspicion of trea|son was committed to prison, and his lodging being searched, manie masse bookes and other popish trash, togither with an instrument of the earle of Des|monds libertie palantine of Kerrie was found. He was after indicted, arreigned, and found guiltie, but in the end pardoned. And the bishop likewise was The bishop committed prisoner to his owne house. vpon some suspicion committed prisoner vnto his owne house.

And out of Limerike he marched the tenth of March to Rathkell, where within one houre the erle of Ormond came vnto him, and there consulted for the manner of the persecution of the enimie. Which when they had agréed vpon, they passed the next mor|ning ouer the bridge of Adare, and by the waie they burned and spoiled the countrie, and went to Rath|kell. Now when they had amended the bridge which the rebels had destroied, and made passable, they pas|sed ouer the same into Connilo, where the lord iu|stice and the earle of Ordmond diuided their com|panies, and as they marched they burned and de|stroied the countrie, and they both that night incam|ped within one mile at Kilcolman. And there it was aduertised, that Nicholas Parker lieutenant vnto capteine Fenton, comming from Limerike with fiue horssemen, and thrée shot, which were of the gar|rison at Adare, he was set vpon at Rathkell by a hundred traitors, which did discharge sixtéene or eigh|téene Nicholas Parker verie valiantlie de|fendeth him|selfe. shot at him, and sundrie darts, before he espied them: but he and Iames Fenton the capteins bro|ther, and Guidon, so bestirred themselues, that they gaue the enimie the repulse, and slue their leader, with fiue or six others, and so came safe to the campe, but with the hurt of one of their horsses.

The souldiers likewise in the campe were so hot vpon the spurre, & so eger vpon the vile rebels, that [page 167] that day they spared neither man, woman, nor child, but all was committed to the sword. The same daie, a souldier of the marshals incountered with two lu|stie Kernes, the one of them he slue, and the other he compelled to carrie his fellows head with him to the campe: which when he had doone, his head also was cut off and laid by his fellowes. The next daie follow|ing, being the twelfe of March, the lord iustice and the earle diuided their armie into two seuerall com|panies by two ensignes and thrée togither, the lord iustice taking the one side, and the other taking the other side of Slewlougher, and so they searched the woods, burned the towne, and killed that daie about foure hundred men, and returned the same night with all the cattell which they found that daie.

And the said lords, being not satisfied with this daies seruice, they did likewise the next daie diuide themselues, spoiled and consumed the whole countrie vntill it was night. And being then incamped néere togither, the baron of Lexnew came to the earle of Ormond, whome the earle in the next morning brought before the lord deputie, where he in most The baron of Lexnew sub|mitteth him selfe. humble maner yéelded, and submitted himselfe to his lordships deuotion, promising and presenting his seruice with all dutifulnesse. And then, when after great trauels they had maruellouslie wasted and spoiled the countrie, they appointed to march to Ca|rigofoile, and to laie siege to the same: for in it laie the greatest force of the Desmonds, and which was garded and kept by the Spaniards. This castell stan|deth in the riuer, and at euerie full sea both it and the The castell of Carigofoile is besieged. bannes about it are inuironed with the said flouds and flowing waters. Assoone as they were incam|ped, the lord iustice approched the castell so néere as he could, to take the view thereof, that accordinglie he might consider the most fittest places for the laieng of the shot for the batterie: and then he commanded capteine George Carew to take out certeine shot, and to go with him in this seruice. Now the Spani|ards The lord iu|stice and cap|teine Carew take the view of the castell. hauing espied them, spent manie shot vpon them, and where the lord iustice verie hardlie escaped with his life, and from being slaine with a musket shot. When his lordship vpon this view had determi|ned what he would doo, he caused the canon shot to be The castell besieged. planted in the place most fi [...] for the batterie, for other|wise the fort was not to be assaulted.

In the same were sixtéene Spaniards and fiftie others vnder one Iulio an Italian, who at the re|quest of the countesse of Desmond vndertooke the kéeping of it, and who reported himselfe to be a ve|rie The proud brags of the Spaniard. notable enginer: & standing vpon his reputati|on, he plied the campe with continuall shot, putting out an ensigne and railing with manie bad speeches against hir maiestie; declaring also that they kept it for the king of Spaine and so still would, vntill further aid were sent from him: and which in verie déed was dailie looked for. Before the canons and o|ther battering péeces could be vnladen, they spent the time, occupieng the one the other with such deui|ses as they thought good for the seruices. And the Spaniards, hauing the aduantage, did by their often shot hurt and kill some Englishmen, namelie a souldior of sir George Bourchiers, one of sir Henrie Wallops, & one of capteine Zouches: and sir Wil|liam Stanleie comming with his companie to the trenches to take the ward of capteine George Ca|rew, which kept the watch that night past, was hurt with a musket shot out of the castell in the necke. Assoone as the ordinance was vnladen and planted, they began forthwith to batter the fort with thrée ca|nons, The castell is battered with shot. a culuering, and a demie culuering; and in short time they so beat it, that the house fell and filled the ditches: by meanes whereof the same became to be assaultable.

Capteine Macworth, who had the ward of that daie, entred into the vtter banne by a doore that the Capteine Macworth first entreth the castell. souldiors had broken, and was maister of it present|lie. The Spaniards thervpon retired to a turret that was vpon the wall of the barbican, & some sought other places to hide and to saue themselues, but that part of the castell was beaten downe: and then capteine Macworth recouered the possession of the whole, and did put fiftie to the sword, of which nine|teene The castell of Carigofoile is taken. were found to be Spaniards; and six others he tooke, whereof one was a woman, which were exe|cuted in the campe. None were saued that daie but onelie the capteine Iulio, whome the lord iustice The bragging Spaniard is taken and hanged. kept for certeine considerations two or thrée daies: but in the end he was hanged as the rest were be|fore him. The next daie, being the first of Aprill one thousand fiue hundred and fourescore, the ordinan|ces 1580 were remoued and caried to the ship, which with all such souldiors as were sicke and hurt were sent to Limerike, to be relieued and cured. This castell, one of the princpallest and chiefest forts thus recoue|red, there resteth onelie the house and castell of As|ketten: and the lord iustice, and the earle of Ormond thought nothing more necessarie, than euen forth|with to march to Asketten, and to incampe there and to besiege it, euen as they had doone to this fort of Carigofoile. Where when they came, the two lords The castell of Asketten ap|pointed to be besieged. diuided themselues, the one taking the one side, and the other taking the other side of the water: and vp|on the third of Aprill they incamped at the said ca|stell, the lord iustice lieng in the abbeie, and the earle of Ormond vpon the further side of the riuer.

The lord iustice viewed the place, and found no waie possible to place anie watch or ward néere to the castell, by reason of the great disaduantage of the rockes which laie altogither vpon the castell. While the campe laie there, sir William Stanleie, Sir William Stanleie and capteine George Ca|rew besiege the castell of Balliloghan. capteine George Carew, and capteine Walker went to giue siege vnto the castell of Balliloghan, a strong house of the Desmonds, and which was warded vntill this time against hir maiestie. The ward had no sooner the sight and view of these three ensignes, but that they fired the house and fled: but The warders forsake the ca|stell. they were so narrowlie pursued, that the leader of them and some of his companie were ouertaken and slaine. Whilest the siege laie at Asketten, sir Hen|rie Wallop treasuror at warres came from Lime|rike to the campe the fourth of Aprill 1580: and the verie same night following, being a verie darke and close night, the warders of the castell fearing the example of the execution doone at Carigofoile, and doubting the sequele of the lord iustice prepara|tion The warders of Asketten forsake the ca|stell, and by a traine set it on fire. made for the batterie to be laid against it, did abandon and forsake the castell verie secretlie about midnight, leauing a traine of pouder to set it on fire, which consumed & burned a great part of the same: but the principall towers remained vntouched. The warders by fauor of the darke night escaped into the woods.

This castell thus recouered, the earle of Desmond had neuer a castell in all Mounster which was war|ded The castell of Asketten is taken. against hir maiestie: but all were now at hir deuotion. The lord iustice being possessed of Asket|ten, he appointed a strong garrison to reside there, and placed sir Peter Carew, and sir Henrie Wal|lops companie in the castell; and capteine George A ward pla|ced at Asket|ten. Carew, and capteine Hollingworth to be in the ab|beie, and so vpon the fift of Aprill he dislodged with the rest of the armie, and went vnto Limerike: com|manding the capteins to cut down the woods on both sides of the riuer, that the botes might passe fréelie to and fro. At his comming to Limerike, all things now séeming to be at peace, the earle of Ormond The armie is dispersed, and the garrisons are sent to their places appointed. returned home to Kilkennie, & certeine of the coun|cell [page 168] which had followed in this iourneie rode to Dub|lin: and sir Nicholas Malbie departed into Con|nagh. And notwithstanding that the most part of the armie was now dispersed into garrisons: yet the seruices of euerie of them neuer abated. For al|waies as the time of seruice required, the Irishmen were issued out vpon, and most commonlie had the worst side. And the lord iustice himselfe taking an oc|casion to visit the ward at Adare, he passed by water, and capteine Case went by land, and after a time spent in searching the woods, they returned with a preie of one thousand and two hundred kine, and verie good store of shéepe, besides the slaughter of manie traitors.

At his being and during his abode in Limerike, vpon the fifteenth of Maie, he receiued hir maiestes commission vnder the broad seale of England to be lord iustice (where before he held the same by the e|lection and order of the councell) and therewith also one other commission, for creating of sir William A commission to create sir William Burke to be baron. Burke baron of castell Connall, with a yearelie pension of one hundred markes during his life. And from this time, the lord iustice spent this sum|mer in Mounster, trauelling to and fro through out the whole prouince: he himselfe and euerie other capteine in his seuerall garrison dooing such seruice vpon the rebels as by occasion was offred. The lord iustice vpon the fiftéenth of Iune, after that he had marched a few miles in Mac Aulies countrie, spoi|ling, defacing, and burning the same, he passed through the boggie mounteine of Slewlougher in|to Kerrie, and there he discouered a great preie of the countrie; and pursuing the same, by the voward of his horssemen, and he himselfe in person tooke a|bout two thousand kine, besides store of shéepe and garons, with part of the traitors masking apparell. The earle of Desmond, the countesse his wife, and The earle of Desmond and his wife and doctor San|ders in perill to be taken. doctor Sanders little thinking of this matter, esca|ped verie hardlie; and their priest for hast was faine to leaue his gowne behind. The like seruice he did the next daie, being the fiue and twentith of Iune at Castelmange. But at this time, a great mutinie began amongest the souldiors vnder sir George A mutinie a|mong the soul|diors for lacke of vittels. Bourchier, capteine Macworth, and capteine Dow|dall, by reason of their wants: but his lordship with such lenitie and courtesie handled the matter, that they departed from him well satisfied. Likewise sir Sir Cormac Mac Teige dooth a péece of seruice vpon sir Iames of Desmond. Cormac Mac Teige shiriffe of the countie of Corke did notable seruice vpon sir Iames of Desmond; which sir Iames vpon the fourth of August made a roade into Muskroie, and tooke a great preie from the foresaid sir Cormac. Wherevpon his brother Donnell assembleth his brothers tenants and coun|trie and followed the preie, and recouered the same: sir Iames, who thought it to be too great a dishonor and reproch to depart with anie thing which he had in hand, withstanding the matter.

Wherevpon they fell at hand-fight. In which con|flict and fight the said Donnell behaued himselfe so valiantlie, and his companie so lustilie stucke to the matter, that the preie was recouered, and sir Iames himselfe mortallie wounded and taken prisoner, and Sir Iames of Desmond in taking of a preie is taken prisoner and executed. all his force, being aboue a hundred and fiftie per|sons, were slaine and ouerthrowne. He that tooke him was a smith, and seruant to sir Cormac, who foorthwith handfasted him: and for auoiding of cer|teine inconueniences, he kept him close, and secret|lie hid him in a certeine bush in the fastnesse there, and bound him so fast and sure, that he could not es|cape nor run awaie. And when all the companie was gone, then he tooke him and carried him to sir Cor|mac his maister, who kept him in safe custodie, vn|till, by letters of commandement from the lord iu|stice and councell, he did deliuer him vnto sir War|ham Sentleger then prouost marshall, and to cap|teine Sir Iames of Desmond sent to sir Warham Sentleger & to capteine Raleigh, and was executed to death. Raleigh; who (according to a commission in like order to them addressed) was examined, indic|ted, arreigned, and then vpon iudgement drawen, hanged and quartered: and his bodie being quarte|red, it was togither with the head set on the towne gates of the citie of Corke, and made the preie of the foules. And thus the pestilent hydra hath lost an o|ther of his heads.

This seruice of this knight was maruellouslie well accepted, and first from the lord iustice and councell, and then from hir maiestie he receiued ve|rie fréendlie and thankfull letters. This man was a yonger house vnto Mac Artie Reough, and they both a yonger house vnto Mac Artie More now earle of Clancar, and whose ancestors (as is said) were kings before the conquest of Mounster. They are all men of great power, and greatlie estée|med in those parties. But this sir Cormac, in du|tie and obedience to hir maiestie and hir lawes, and for his affection to all Englishmen, surpasseth all his owne sept & familie, as also all the Irishrie in that land. For albeit a méere Irish gentleman can hardly digest anie Englishman or English gouern|ment, & whatsoeuer his outward appearance be, yet his inward affection is corrupt and naught: being not vnlike to Iupiters cat, whome though he had Iupiters cat. transformed into a beautifull ladie, and made hir a noble princesse; yet when she saw the mouse, she could not forbeare to snatch at him: and as the ape, though he be neuer so richlie attired in purple, yet he will still be an ape. This knight, after he did once yéeld The loialtie of sir Cor|mac Mac Teige. himselfe to hir maiesties obedience, and had profes|sed his loialtie, he euer desired to ioine himselfe vn|to the companie of the Englishmen, and became in time a faithfull and freendlie man vnto them, liued according to hir maiesties lawes, and did so good seruice at all times when it was requisit and requi|red, as none of that nation did euer the like. And if at anie time he were had in suspicion, he would by some kind of seruice purge & acquite himselfe, euen as he did in this present seruice in taking of sir Iames of Desmond, to his great praise & commen|dation, and to his acquitall against the reprochfull reports of his aduersaries. And sir William Fitz|williams in the time of his deputiship, hauing had a verie good triall of his fidelitie, truth, and good ser|uice, did giue vnto him the order of knighthood, and Sir Cormac Mac Teige made knight. made him shiriffe of the countie of Corke: euen as the lord iustice now did commend this his seruice vnto hir maiestie by his letters of the twelfe of Au|gust, a thousand fiue hundred and eightie, and prai|eng that the same might be so acceptablie receiued, as that the enobling of him might be both an or|nament to his house, an incoraging vnto others to doo the like, and a testimonie against others of his sort, who haue neglected a number of occasions (at greater aduantages) to haue doone the like serui|ces.

The death of Iames of Desmond, and the quarte|ring of his bodie did maruellouslie dismaie the earle himselfe, sir Iohn his other brother, and doctor San|ders, and all their confederats. And by reason of the continuall persecuting of the rebels, who could haue no breath nor rest to reléeue themselues, but were alwaies by one garrison or other hurt and pursued; and by reason the haruest was taken from them, their cattels in great numbers preied from them, and the whole countrie spoiled and preied; the poore people, who liued onelie vpon their labors, and fed by The miserie of the people. their milch cowes, were so distressed, that they would follow after the goods which were thus taken from them, and offer themselues, their wiues, and chil|dren, rather to be slaine by the armie, than to suffer [page 169] the famine wherewith they were now pinched. And this great calamitie made also a diuision betweene the earle of Desmond and his brother sir Iohn, et|ther of them excusing that whereof they were both guiltie. The earle himselfe (without rest) fléeth from place to place, and findeth small comfort, and The sute of the countesse of Desmond. séeing no other remedie, sent his ladie and wife vnto the lord iustice, who in great abundance of teares be|wraied the miserable estate of hir husband, hir selfe, and their followers, making (with most lamentable requests) sute, that hir husband might be taken to submission.

Sir Iohn of Desmond, being in the like di|stresse, he togither with doctor Sanders gaue the Sir Iohn of Desmond minded to ioine with the vicount Bal|tinglasse. aduenture, to passe for their refuge to the vicount Baltinglasse, then being in the countie of Kildare. The garrison which laie at Kilmallocke, making an issue out by night to doo some seruice, by chance met the said Iohn and Sanders in the darke night: and not knowing them did set vpon them, and of foure of them they tooke two, the one being a frier named Iames Haie and standard bearer to the late Iames Fitzmoris, who vpon his examination confessed Sir Iohn of Desmond and doctor San|ders in flieng, were in dan|ger to be ta|ken. that the earle of Desmond was author of all these warres, and the other was Sanders man, who was slaine; and the frier was reserued, but sir Iohn and the doctor by the benefit of the darknesse verie hard|lie escaped, & cut off from their iourneie. The lord iu|stice being at Newcastell, and being aduertised that the earle of Desmond and Sanders were in Kerrie, he foorthwith sent for the garrisons of Adare and As|ketten to come to him, and for the garrison of Kil|mallocke to méet him at the place, daie, and time ap|pointed, for a speciall peece of seruice then to be doone. Whose commandement being doone and obei|ed, they tooke their waie into Kerrie, and there they had taken the earle, and his countesse, and doc|tor Sanders, had not a false brother bewraied the The earle and his countesse in danger to haue béene ta|ken. matter, and yet for hast they left their breakfast be|hind them halfe dressed. Neuerthelesse, they tooke two preies, the one of fiftéene and the other of eigh|teene kine; and the next daie they tooke another preie of two hundred kine, slue diuerse traitors, and tooke two friers, whose gownes were too long for them to follow the earle and the popes nuntio, they being poore bare footed friers, and he a lustie horsman: and then his lordshid returned to Asketten, where he left maister Parker conestable of the place; and from thense he went to Limerike, where he receiued news by master Zouch, and after by letters from the lord Greie lord deputie, of his arriuall to Dub|lin. And then his lordship minding to make his spéedie repaire to Dublin, did set the countrie in some good order, and by the aduise of the councell at Limerike, he appointed sir George Bourcher co|ronell of all Mounster, and instructions were deli|uered Sir George Bourcher co|ronell of Mounster. vnto him, both for certeine speciall seruices to be doone, & also for the generall gouernement of the whole prouince; & had left vnto him the charge (vnder his gouernement) of the whole forces in Mounster; which of footmen were two thousand eight hundred & twentie; and of horssemen thrée hundred This force is both of the princes paie, and of the lord of the pro|uince. fourescore and fiftéene: the whole, thrée thousand two hundred and fiftéene men. Likewise he had sent the like instructions to sir Warham Sentleger, and the erle of Clancar. And these & other like things doone, he tooke his iourneie through Conaugh for the like establishing of the countrie, & came to Dublin the sixt daie of September, one thousand fiue hundred fourescore and one; and the next daie he deliuered vp the sword to the lord Greie, as to the lord deputie of Ireland, in saint Patrikes church in presence of the councell, noble men, and gentlemen, which were for the same purpose there assembled.

And within six daies after the lord Greie his arri|uall, The vicountie of Baltin|glasse lieth in the Glinnes with the re|bels. it was giuen his lordship to vnderstand, that the vicount of Baltinglas, and Pheon macke Hugh, the chiefe of his sex of the Obrins, were lieng in the Obrins countrie, and were now of great force and strength, by meanes of the companie of capteine Fitzgirald, kinsman to the earle of Kildare, who had a band of footmen committed vnto him in the begin|ning of this rebellion, for the defense of the countie of Kildare, which bordereth fast by the Obrins. And he nothing regarding now, either the dutie of a sub|iect, or his owne credit, most traitorouslie reuolteth from his lawfull prince, and conioineth himselfe with traitors and rebels. And with these he practiseth and persuadeth to resist and make head against hir maiesties forces; because they could not (as he said) withstand or preuaile against them: who without anie reward promised, were easilie persuaded, be|cause they would be persuaded, and were most wil|ling to exercise anie maner of outrage. All these thus combined, drew one string, & incamped them|selues in the fastnes of the Glinnes, about 20 miles from Dublin, where they kept all their goods & cat|tell. This fastnesse was by nature so strong as pos|sible The strength of the fastnesse in the Glinnes might be: for in it is a vallie or a combe lieng in the midle of the wood, of a great length, betweene two hils, & no other waie is there to passe through. Under foot it is boggie and soft, and full of great stones and slipperie rocks, verie hard and euill to passe through; the sides are full of great & mightie trees vpon the sides of the hils, & full of bushments and vnderwoods.

The lord deputie, being not yet acquainted with the custome of the countrie, nor with the Irish serui|ces, and thinking himselfe in honor to be touched, and the whole armie to be discredited, if a companie of traitors should lie so néere vnto him, and not be touched nor fought withall, resolued himselfe to haue a péece of seruice to be doone vpon them. Wher|fore he with all his whole armie marcheth vnto the said Glinnes, & giueth order to sir William Stan|leie, A seruice ap|pointed to be doone against the Obrins. sir Peter Carew, sir Henrie Bagnoll, capteine Awdleie, and to Iohn Parker, lieutenant to cap|teine Furse with all their footmen, and to Francis Cosbie capteine of the kerne, and George Moore an old veteran of Berwike, coronell of all the footmen, to take this seruice vpon them. But Cosbie, who had béene a long seruitor, and knew what to that kind of seruice did belong, did foresée the danger which would follow hereof, and so declared it to his com|panie: notwithstanding to auoid the reproches which might be laied to his charge, followed the said ser|uice, and vpon the next daie, being the fiue & twen|tith of August, they entered the Glinnes.

The lord deputie being accompanied with the earle of Kildare, Iaques Wingefield, capteine George Carew, capteine Denie, and others on horssebacke staied vpon the mounteine side hard by the wood. The archtraitor Fitzgirald, hauing some The lord de|putie staied vpon the mounteins. secret intelligence of the seruice towards, he be|stoweth and placeth all his men with their peeces a|mongst the trées, and there couered themselues, vntill the Englishmen were entered and passed into the fastnesse, about halfe a mile or more, and could not easilie returne: and he hauing them at aduan|tage vpon euerie side of the hill, with great furie as|saileth them with his shot, and in verie short time did kill the most part of the voward, both captein [...] and souldiors. The residue which followed, being in despaire to recouer what was lost, and distrusting themselues, fled at all hands, and ran backe as fast as they could in so bad a waie. And yet such was the nimblenesse of the traitors, and their skill of ser|uice in such places, that they were like to haue béene [page 170] killed; if the lord deputie, and the horssemen had not rescued them: vpon whose comming they retired into their fastnesse.

In this conflict, George More, capteine Audleie, Francis Cosbie, and sir Peter Carew coronell, The English men slaine in the Gunnes. were then murthered and slaughtered; which sir Pe|ter was verie well armed, and with running in his armor, which he could not put off, he was halfe smo|thered, and inforced to lie downe: whome when the rebels had taken, they disarmed him, & the most part of them would haue saued him, and made request for him, they thinking that more profit would grow Sir Peter Carew slaine. among them by his life than benefit by his death. Notwithstanding, one villaine most butcherlie, as|soone as he was disarmed, with his sword slaughte|red and killed him; who in time after was also kil|led. Before the entrie into this seruice, Iaques Iaques Wingfield his wisdome to|wards his ne|phues. Wingfield being acquainted with this kind of bold and rash hardinesse, and foreséeing the euill successe which was feared would insue, persuadeth with his two nephues, sir Peter and capteine George Ca|rew, to staie and to forbeare to aduenture into the woods. But sir Peter could not listen therevnto, nor be persuaded; but would néeds go in. His bro|ther would haue doone the like, but his vncle perforce kept him, saieng; If I lose one, yet I will keepe the other: and so by that meanes he was by Gods good|nesse saued and preserued.

This blacke daie was a dolefull and a gréeuous daie to the lord deputie and all his companie: not|withstanding, hoping of a hard beginning would follow a better ending tooke the matter as patient|lie as he could, and made his returne vnto Dublin, abiding the comming of the lord iustice; who as soone as he was returned, then the lord Greie was sworne, and had the sword deliuered vnto him. The earle of Ormond in this meane time, being verie desirous to doo some seruice vpon the Spaniards, being nothing afraid of their force and multitude, marcheth towards the fort, and incampeth at Tra|leigh, where the scout the same night espied a light in the enimies campe, and by reason of the darke night, the companie of them seemed to be the grea|ter: which caused the gouernor to be more watch|full and circumspect. Wherefore in the morning, The earle marcheth in order of bat|tell to the fort. like a wise and a politike capteine, setteth all his companies in battell araie, & so marcheth forwards in his strength & verie good order ouer the strand of Traleigh towards the fort, euerie man being at a full resolution to doo his best seruice that day against the enimie. When these strangers had knowledge of the approching of the lord gouernor, and his com|panie, albeit their fort was verie strong, both by nature and by art; yet they distrusted themselues, and forsooke the fort, and by the guiding of the Irish|rie, The Spani|ards leaue their fort. they remoued themselues from thense to Glan|ningell, whome the gouernor pursued, & ouertooke some of them, vpon whome he gaue the onset, and skirmished with them: diuerse of them he slue, and The earle fol|loweth the Spaniards and putteth them to the foile. manie he tooke, whome he caried along with him: the residue of them fled into the fastnesse of Glan|ningell, which is a verie strong place and couert, by reason of the great woods and of the mounteines adioining. Wherevpon the daie being spent, and no seruice for that time to be doone anie further, the lord gouernor incamped there that night, fast to their enimies nose, to trie him what he would, or durst doo.

Assoone as he was incamped, he calleth the pri|soners The compa|nie of the Spaniards not aboue seuen score. (who were taken) before him, and they con|fessed that they were in number, not aboue seuen hundred men: but had brought with them pikes, caliuers, munitions, and all kinds of artillerie, suf|ficient for fiue thousand men: because they knew that the Irishmen were of bodies sufficient, but that they lacked furniture and training; & in these two things they minded to furnish them: and further al|so they said, that they had sent backe two of their ships into Spaine, to aduertise that they were safe|lie arriued, and how that they were interteined: requesting that the supplie appointed before their comming from home, might with all spéed be The determi|nations of the pope and king Philip, to make a through con|quest of Ire|land. sent awaie, and for which they did dailie looke: be|cause it was throughlie concluded betwéene the pope and king Philip, to make a through conquest of all Ireland; and so consequentlie as time should serue, to doo the like with England. And moreo|uer, that they had brought with them a great masse and store of monie and treasure, which according to their commission they had deliuered to the earle of Desmond, sir Iohn his brother, & to doctor Sanders the popes nuntio; and more is promised to be sent.

After these things thus doone, it was giuen to the said gouernor to vnderstand, that the same night there were three hundred souldiors of the enimies companie returned & gone backe to the fort. Where|vpon he returned also, and followed them the next The earle of Ormond in|campeth at the fort. morning, and came to Dingle, where he incamped as néere to the fort as he could; and there choosing to himselfe capteine Dowdall, capteine Piers, and certeine shot, he drew so neere to the fort as he had the whole discouerie and sight of the fort and compa|nie therein, which séemed to be easie to be gotten, if he had anie shot and munitions for the same. But as The earle for lacke of muni|tion could not preuaile a|gainst the fort. neither the scholer without his booke, nor the artifi|cer without his tooles, can doo anie thing in his pro|fession: no more can the souldior fight without his meet weapons, nor serue without his necessaries: and therefore for want of things necessarie for this batterie, the lord gouernor was driuen to returne, and to leaue the fort.

The Spaniards perceiuing this, or mistrusting some other matter, made a sallie of thréescore men, The Spani|ards issue out and giue a skirmish. and the gouernor seeing their aduantage, thought to follow the aduise of his capteins, and not to haue dealed at all with them. But one Andrew Martin more hastie than aduised, and more rash than wise, procured a skirmish with them, in which he was slaine; and the lord gouernor compelled of force to answer the skirmish. But it was not long, but that he sounded the retract; and being not able to annoie the enimie, nor preuaile at the fort, he returned backe againe, and by iourneies he came to Rekell: The lord de|putie commeth to Rekell, and is there met by the earle of Ormond. where he met the lord deputie, vnto whom he yéelded vp all his companie, and his commission, and then made prouision of his men, and for victuals, to fol|low the said lord deputie. The lord deputie had now in his companie about eight hundred men, horsse|men and footmen, vnder the leadings of capteine Zouch, capteine Walter Raleigh, capteine De|nie, who had also capteine George Carews compa|nie vnder his ensigne, capteine Macworth, cap|teine Achin, and others: and then he marched to|wards the fort where the Spaniards and Romans were setled.

Capteine Raleigh, notwithstanding that the lord deputie had raised his campe at Rekell, and was gone towards the fort, yet he taried and staied be|hind, minding to practise some exploit. For it was not vnknowne vnto him, that it was a maner a|mong the Irish kerns, that whensoeuer anie Eng|lish campe was dislodged and remooued, they would after their departures come to those camps to take what they there found to be left. Thus therefore li|eng, and kéeping himselfe verie close, taried and a|bode the comming of the said kerns; who suspe|cting no such trap to be laid for them, came after their maners and old vsages to the said place, and there [page 171] tooke their pleasure; who when they were in their se|curitie, the capteine and his men came vpon them, and tooke them all. Among them there was one, who caried and was laden with withs, which they vsed in sted of halters: and being demanded what he would doo with them, and whie he caried them; gaue an|swer, that they were to hang vp English churls: for so they call Englishmen. Is it so (quoth the cap|teine) well, they shall now serue for an Irish kerne: and so commanded him to be hanged vp with one of his owne withs; the residue he handled according to their deserts.

The lord deputie incamped himselfe as néere the fort as he could. And at this present was sir Willi|am The lord de|putie mar|cheth to the fort, and be| [...]egeth it. Winter also newlie returned from out of Eng|land: but he arriued at Kinsale, and his viceadme|rall capteine Bingham came into the baie of saint Marie weeke or Smerewéeke, and not long after, sir William Winter himselfe followed. And by these means the said lord deputie was so well furnished of all things necessarie, that he at land, and sir Wil|liam Winter at sea besieged the fort. But before a|nie assault giuen, he first summoned the fort; requi|ring The fort is summoned. of them who they were, what they had there to doo, by whom they were sent, and whie they fortified in hir maiesties land, & required therewith to yéeld vp the fort. But they answered that they were sent some from the holie father, which had giuen that The answer of the fort. realme to king Philip; and some from king Philip, who was to receiue and recouer that land to the holie church of Rome, which by hir maiesties means was become schismaticall, and out of the church, with o|ther reprochfull spéeches: and that therfore they were in that respect to kéepe what they had, and to recouer what they yet had not. Wherevpon the lord deputie sent to sir William Winter, to haue conference with him, how, in what sort, and by what waies they were to worke for the dispossessing of these strangers from their fort, and how their artillerie and munitions might be best placed and laied for the batterie; and betwéene whom it was then determi|ned how all things should be doone.

Whiles they were thus in speeches, and consul|ting of the matter, the Spaniards thinking to take some aduantage, made a sallie vpon the English|men: The Spani|ards make a sallie vpon the Englishmen. which was forthwith answered by capteine Denie (who as then had but a doozzen shot) and by Michaell Butler lieutenant to capteine Raleigh: & these so valiantlie behaued themselues, and so wor|thilie followed the fight, that they made the Spani|ards with more hast than with good speed to returne againe to their fort. The same night following, sir William Winter, according to the conclusion be|twéene the lord deputie and him, he did cause to be vnloden certeine culuerings, and like péeces of or|dinance out of hir maiesties ships, which then laie in the rode of Smereweeke, and then there being a great banke betweene the shores side and the fort, through which the ordinance were to be caried, they The diligent seruice of the mariners. did in the same night cut through that banke, caried their ordinance through it, and mounted them in the place appointed, before the breake of the daie, and before it was open daie the batterie was readie to be giuen. A péece of seruice (the place and time consi|dered) thought woorthie great commendations. The The fort is beset vpon the land side. lord deputie likewise had doone the like vpon the land side, & so being on both sides in readinesse to fol|low the seruice, his lordship summoned them by the shot of a péece of ordinance, offering vnto them mer|cie if they would yéeld. But they knowing nothing what was doone that night, answered as before, that they would kéepe what they had, and would increase what they could get. Wherevpon they began to bat|ter the fort on both sides, both by land and by water. This first daie of batterie was capteine Raleighs ward daie. But the Spaniards made their brags, that they cared not for this; and to set a good face vp|on it, some of them sallied out, and offered the skir|mish, but verie faintlie and fearefullie: and so both vpon the first daie, the second daie, and the third daie, little was doone, but onelie the continuance of the batterie. The fourth daie was capteine Zouches ward daie, vnder whom was a lustie yoong gentle|man named Iohn Chéeke, who drew so néere the fort, that he looked ouer the purport into it, which being Iohn Chéeke is slaine. séene and perceiued, one of the Spaniards leuelled a péece at him, & with his shot strake him in the head, wherewith he died. About the end of these foure daies, the trenches for the full batterie were drawne and brought so néere vnto the fort, that now they left to dallie anie longer with the fort, but verie hot|lie and sharpelie they battered at it on both sides. The fort is battered on euerie side. The Spaniards, who had staied themselues vpon the hope of some further supplie, to come out of their countrie, and thinking of some better aid of the erle of Desmond, & of his brethren, than yet they had re|ceiued; and séeing also the batterie to be such as they could not be able to withstand and hold out, they desi|red a parlée with the lord deputie, who vtterlie deni|ed The Spani|ards desire a parlée. it: saieng, that his seruice was against traitors and rebels, with whom no spéeches nor parlées are al|lowed. And forsomuch as they (though strangers by birth) otherwise did confederat with them in such a traitorous action, they were in the like predica|ment with them. Then they requested that they might haue libertie to depart with bag & baggage, which also would not be granted. Then they reque|sted that certeine particular men among them|selues might haue their frée passage, and certeine o|ther conditions: but my lord refused both this, and all other conditions, requiring an absolute yéel|ding, or nothing at all. When they saw that they could not preuaile anie waie, then at the length they hanged out a white flag, and with one voice they all cried out Misericordia, misericordia, and offered to yéeld both themselues and the fort, without anie condition at all. Which thing when it was aduertised to his lordship, he sent capteine Iaques Wingfield ma|ster Capteine wingfield is sent to the fo [...]. of the ordinance to the fort, and to make triall whether this their offer were true and vnfeigned: who when he came to the fort, he was receiued in, and foorthwith the capteine of the fort came vnto him, and in all humble maner yéelded himselfe to be brought, and to be presented vnto the lord depu|tie: and at the commandement of the said Iaques Wingfield he disarmed himselfe, and caused all his companie to doo the like, and to bring all the armour in the fort into one place; and there they laied their pikes acrosse vpon the same. Which be|ing doone, the said capteine Wingfield came out of the fort, and brought the capteine with him, pro|mising him safe conduct to the lord deputie. But by the waie, his lordship sent some to receiue him at his hands, and willed the said Iaques Wingfield to re|turne againe to the fort.

In this fort sir Iames Fitzgirald knight, and The prisoners in the fort de|liuered. lord of the Decies, was a prisoner by the order of the earle of Desmond, and one Plunket an Irishman, and one Englishman, which came and accompanied the traitors out of Spaine. The knight was set at libertie, but the other two were executed. When the capteine had yéelded himselfe, and the fort appointed to be surrendered, capteine Raleigh together with capteine Macworth, who had the ward of that daie, entered into the castell, & made a great slaugh|ter, manie or the most part of them being put to the swoord. And when all things were cléere, the lord de|putie came to the fort, and hauing doone what plea|sed [page 172] him, his lordship returned, and manie of the cap|teins he saued. The fort foorthwith was rased, the ar|mor and munitions were dispersed abroad, and all things doone as it pleased the lord deputie, he sent the coronell and campemaister ouer into England by capteine Denie, and dismissed the armie, and sent euerie capteine to his garrison. And his lordship went from thense to Dingham, which is a long scat|tering waste towne, and in it foure or fiue castels, which the earle of Desmond had caused to be defa|ced in the beginning of this rebellion.

And heere the earle of Ormond met with the lord Capteine Zouch made the gouernour of Desmond. deputie with a new supplie of his owne men, be|ing readie to haue followed the seruice if néed had so required. In this towne the lord deputie made cap|teine Zouch gouernor of Kerrie and Desmond, and appointed vnto him thrée hundred men, and accom|panied him with capteine Cash, who had one hun|dred men, and capteine Achin, who had fiftie horsse|men, and commanded these to lie in garrison in that towne, or where they thought good. And these had to them giuen all the victuals which were found in the fort. And from hense his lordship went to Limerike, and came thither the seauen and twentith of No|uember, in the yeare of our Lord one thousand fiue Capteine Berkeleie came into Ireland, and laie at Asket|ten. hundred & eightie. At which time there arriued out of England six new bands of soldiers, vnder the lead|ing of capteine Berkleie, capteine Cruse, capteine Herd, and capteine Tanner, all which his lordship bestowed in seuerall garrisons, and in such places as were most meet for seruice; capteine Berkelie one|lie of the capteins remained in Mounster, and was placed in the house of Asketten, the cheefest castell of the earle of Desmond with two hundred men. The others went into Connagh, where the wicked sonnes of the earle of Clanricard were now vpon their keeping. For notwithstanding that the Spani|ards were ouerthrowne, and thereby a sufficient warning was giuen to the rebels, to be thinke them|selues, that if they did persist in their rebellions, the like would also insue vpon them: yet see how that the venemous Hydra had no sooner lost one of hir heds, but in stéed of one, sundrie and manie others are Connagh, Leinster and Mounster, are all vp in rebel|lion. sproong vp. For at the verie instant, the bastardlie brood of the earle Clanricard, the vicount of Bal|tingglasse, associated with the Obrins, Omores, and Keuenaughs in Leinster, & with sundrie others of that wicked nation, conspire, and are vp in open rebellion; and so now at this one instant, Mounster, Connagh, and a great péece of Leinster are in arms and actuall rebellion: onelie Ulster (which was woont to be the woorst) is now the best and most qui|etest.

The lord deputie being at this present in Lime|rike, & aduertised of these troubles, setteth all things The earle of Ormond is the gouernour of Mounster. in order for the seruice in Mounster, and committed the whole gouernement of that prouince vnto the earle of Ormond, and then he returned vnto Du|bline, where he tooke order for Connagh & Leinster. And about this time there arriued out of England 150 horssemen set out at the charges of the clear|gie of England, vnder the leadings of William The cleargies band doo ariue into Ireland. Russell sonne to the earle of Bedford, and of Brian Fitzwilliams, which were dispersed according to the seruice. The lord deputie being returned vnto Du|bline, the earle of Kildare, and the baron of Deluin his sonne in law, were had in suspicion to be parta|kers The earle of Kildare, and the baron of Deluin had in suspicion, and are committed to ward. and secret dealers in these rebellions, and ther|vpon were committed to ward vnder the custodie of Iaques Wingfield maister of the ordinance. Im|mediatlie vpon whose apprehensions, the lord Hen|rie Fitzgirald, sonne and heire to the said earle, and of the age about seauentéene yeares, being persua|ded by his fosterfathers and followers, he fled into Ophalia whereof he was baron, and there (as it was The earls son is kept by the Oconhours said) he was taken by the Oconhours, and kept a|gainst his will for his safetie, vntill they did heare further what should be become of the earle.

This thing being aduertised to the lord deputie, he coniectured that this was but a surmised and co|lorable kind of dealing, to bleare his lordships eies: wherefore by order and good aduise he first willed the earle to send for his sonne, who did so. But his mes|senger returned with an answer, that the yoong lord was willing to come, but the Oconhours, who were in doubt what should be become of the earle, would in no wise suffer his sonne to depart, vnlesse they might haue good assurance for his safe returne a|gaine vnto them. The lord deputie not liking these kind of fond excuses and disordered dealings, sent the earle of Ormond then being in Dubline, to deale with the Oconhours, who being accompanied with The earle of Ormond is sent for the yoong lord Fitzgirald. sir Edmund and Piers his brethren, Nicholas White maister of the rolles, capteine George Ca|rew, capteine Macworth, and sundrie other cap|teins and gentlemen, made their repaire to the bor|ders and marches of Ophalia; whense after much talke to no purpose, they all returned without the yoong lord. Neuertheles afterwards the Oconhours when they had better considered of the matter, and had had some conference with Hussen and others the earles men, and mistrusting that some further trou|bles would insue, euen as the earle of Ormond had partlie threatened them; and doubting also least the staieng of the sonne might be preiudiciall to the fa|ther; then in all hast did send the yoong lord to the erle The yoong lord is sent to the earle of Ormond. of Ormond, who caried him to Dubline, and deliue|red him to the lord deputie: and his lordship foorth|with sent him to the ward, where he remained with his father, vntill they both and the baron of Deluin The earle of Kildare and his sonne and sonne in law are sent into England. The earle died in London. were sent into England, where the earle and the ba|ron were sent to the Tower, and the yoong lord com|mitted to the custodie of the earle of Bedford. The earle died after in London, and his bodie was ca|ried into Ireland, and there buried amongest his ancestors.

Capteine Walter Raleigh, lieng in garrison at Corke, and nothing liking the outrages, bodrages, and villanies dailie practised by Barrie, Condon, and others vpon the good subiects and hir maiesties Capteine Ra|leigh complai|neth against the sufferance of the rebels. garrisons, whereof sundrie complaints had béene made, and small redresse had; he rode himselfe to Dubline vnto the lord deputie, and made his com|plaints thereof, alledging that the outrages of the Barries and his consorts were such, that vnlesse they were proclamed traitors, and with all dili|gence followed and pursued, the euent therof would be verie euill, to the aggréeuance of good subiects, & to the incouragement of the wicked: whose inso|lencie and pride was growne to such a heigth, that the swoord with extremitie was the onelie meane now to redresse the same.

The lord deputie and councell, when they had heard and well considered this, they sent him Capteine Ra|leigh hath a commission, & the inlarge|ment of a band of horssemen to pursue the enimie. backe againe with a commission vnto himselfe, to seize and enter vpon the castell and house of Bar|rie court, and all other the lands of the said Barrie: and likewise to pursue and follow him in the best maner as he thought good: and for his bet|ter seruice to be doone herein, he had certeine horsse|men in wages also giuen vnto him, and added vnto his ensigne of footmen: whervpon he returned. But Dauid lord Barrie bur|neth and spoi|leth his owne house. before he was come backe to Corke, the case was al|tered; for the matter was so ordered and handled by such as there and then were in authoritie, and so ma|nie delaies were vsed to hinder the good seruice pur|posed, that his commission auailed him verie little or nothing, for the castell of Barrie Moore was com|mitted [page 173] and deliuered to the custodie of the mother of the said Dauid Barrie, and by hir set ouer vnto him hir sonne: and who foorthwith burned and defaced the said castell being his principall house, as also wasted the whole countrie, and became more woorse and out|ragious than he was before. This capteine making his returne from Dubline, & the same well knowne vnto the seneschall of Imokellie, through whose countrie he was to passe, laie in ambush for him to haue intrapped him betwéene Youghall and Corke, Capteine Raleigh is laid for by the seneschall. lieng at a foord, which the said capteine must passe ouer with six horssemen, and certeine kerne. The cap|teine little mistrusting anie such matter, had in his companie onelie two horssemen and foure shot on horssebacke, which was too small a force in so doubt|full and dangerous times: neuerthelesse he had a ve|rie good guide, which was the seruant of Iohn Fitz|edmunds of Cloue, a good subiect, and this guide knew euerie corner and starting hole in those places.

The capteine being come towards the foord, the seneschall had espied him alone, his companie be|ing scattered behind, and verie fiercelie pursued him, and crossed him as he was to ride ouer the wa|ter, The seneschal followeth cap|teine Raleigh. but yet he recouered the foord and was passed o|uer. The Irishman who was his guide, when he saw the capteine thus alone, and so narrowlie distressed, he shifted for himselfe and fled vnto a broken castell fast by, there to saue himselfe. The capteine being The distressed state of Henrie Moile. thus ouer the water, Henrie Moile, riding alone a|bout a bowes shoot before the rest of his companie, when he was in the midle of the foord, his horsse foun|dred and cast him downe; and being afraid that the seneschals men would haue folowed him and haue killed him, cried out to the capteine to come and to saue his life; who not respecting the danger he him|selfe was in, came vnto him, and recouered both him and his horsse. And then Moile coueting with all hast to leape vp, did it with such hast and vehemen|cie, that he quite ouer leapt the horsse, and fell into a mire fast by, and so his horsse ran awaie, and was taken by the enimie. The capteine neuerthelesse staid still, and did abide for the comming of the resi|due of his companie, of the foure shot which as yet were not come foorth, and for his man Ienkin, who had about two hundred pounds in moneie about him, and sat vpon his horsse in the meane while, ha|uing his staffe in one hand, and his pistoll charged in the other hand. The seneschall, who had so fiercelie followed him vpon spur, when he saw him to stand and tarrie as it were for his comming, notwith|standing he was counted a man (as he was indéed) of great seruice, and hauing also a new supplie The toward|nesse of the seneschall. of twelue horssemen and sundrie shot come vnto him; yet neither he nor anie one of them, being twentie to one, durst to giue the onset vpon him, but onelie railed and vsed hard speeches vnto him, vntill his men behind had recouered and were come vnto him, and then without anie further harme depar|ted.

It happened that not long after, there was a parlee appointed betwéene the lord gouernor and the rebels; at which the seneschall was present, and stood much vpon his reputation. Capteine Raleigh being present began to charge him of his cowardnesse be|fore the earle of Ormond, that he being twentie of his side, to him alone, durst not to incounter with him. Wherevnto he gaue no answer. But one of his men standing by, said; that his maister was that daie a coward; but he would neuer be so forgetfull a|gaine, if the like seruice were to be doone, and in ma|nie great terms exalted his maister the seneschall for his valiantnesse and seruice. The earle of Or|mond hearing those great spéeches, tooke the matter in hand, and offred vnto the seneschall, that if he and The chalenge made by the earle of Or|mond to the seneschall. sir Iohn of Desmond there present, and thrée or foure others, the best they could choose, would appoint to méet him; capteine Raleigh, and such foure others as they would bring with them, they would come to the same place, and passe ouer the great riuer vnto them, and would there two for two, foure for foure, or six for six, fight and trie the matter betwéene them; but no answer was then giuen: whervpon the white knight was afterwards sent vnto him with this cha|lenge, but the rebels refused it. Not long after this, there were spéeches made, that the earle of Ormond was to depart from this long and wearie seruice into England, & capteine Zouch should in his place be the generall. Betwéene the remoouing of the one, and the placing of the other, sir William Morgan, capteine Raleigh, and capteine Piers had a com|mission to be gouernors of that part of Mounster, Capteine Ra|leigh a com|missioner in Mounster. where they spent all that summer, and laie for the most part at Lismore, and in the countrie and woods thereabouts, in continuall seruices vpon the enimies from time to time, as occasion and oportu|nitie serued.

And when the summer was spent, capteine Ra|leigh returned with all his band vnto Corke, being in number eight horssemen and foure score footmen. And as he passed through the countrie, it was ad|uertised to him, that Dauid Barrie an archtraitor was at Cloue with a great troope of sundrie hun|dreds Capteine Ra|leigh followeth vpon Barrie. of men. Wherevpon he thought good to passe that waie through the towne of Cloue, minding to trie the valor of Dauid Barrie, if by anie meanes he might méet with him. And euen at the verie towns end he found Barrie and all his companie, and with a lustie courage gaue the onset vpon him. But Barrie refused it, and fled. And then this cap|teine passing from thense, in his iorneie he espied in a plaine néere adioining to a woods side, a compa|nie of footmen by themselues, vpon whome with Capteine Ra|leigh in dan|ger to be kil|led. six horssemen he gaue the charge: but these being cut off from the wood wherevnto they were flieng, and hauing not succor now to helpe & relieue them|selues, they turned backe, & conioining themselues togither to withstand this force and onset made vp|on them, in which they behaued themselues verie va|liantlie, and of the horsses they killed fiue, of which capteine Raleigh his horsse was one, and he him|selfe in great danger, and like to haue béene slaine, if his trustie seruant Nicholas Wright a Yorkshire man borne had not bin. For he perceiuing that his maisters horsse was galled and stricken with a dart, The good ser|uice of Nicho|las wright. and plunged so much, that to his séeming he was past seruice; the said Nicholas willed and called to an Irishman there, whose name was Patrike Fa|gaw, that he should looke to his capteine, and either to rescue him, or to giue charge vpon the enimie. Wherevpon the said Fagaw rescued his capteine, & the said Nicholas Wright forthwith gaue the on|set vpon six of the enimies and slue one of them. And therewith came one Iames Fitzrichard an Irish gentleman with his kerne to the rescue of the cap|teine, but his kerne was slaine, and himselfe in dan|ger. For Wright not looking on them followed the enimie verie egerlie, and recompensed the losse of one with the slaughter of others. Which capteine Raleigh perceiuing cried out to his man, saieng; Wright, if thou be a man, charge aboue hand & saue the gentlman. Who at his maisters commandment pressed into the middle of the enimies, and slue one of them, and so saued the gentleman: and in which skirmish his borsse leg was cut vnder him. Diuerse footmen were slaine of the enimies, and two were taken prisoners, whome they carried with them to Corke.

[page 174] At his lieng in Corke there were sundrie pée|ces of seruices doone by him, all which doo verie well deserue to be for euer registred. And amongst all o|thers this one point of his seruice deserueth both commendation and perpetuall remembrance. The The lord Roch is had in suspicion, and is sent for. lord Roch was growen into a suspicion that he was not sound of his loialtie. Wherevpon capteine Ra|leigh by commandement was to fetch him and his ladie to Corke vnto the generall. This thing was not so priuilie determined, but that the seneschall and Dauid Barrie had knowledge thereof, and mind|ing verelie to take the capteine at some aduantage, they had assembled a great companie of themselues to the number of seuen or eight hundred men to haue met with him either comming or going. The capteine perceiuing and forethinking how dange|rous his enterprise was against so noble a man in that countrie as the lord Roch was, who was verie well beloued, commanded vpon a sudden all his men one and other, both horssemen and footmen, which in the whole were not aboue foure score and ten persons, to be in a readinesse vpon the paine of death betwéene ten and eleuen of the clocke of the same night. At which time euerie man being in a readinesse, he tooke his iorneie and marched toward the lord Roches house called Ballie in Harsh, which is about twentie miles out of Corke, and came thi|ther somewhat earlie in the morning. At his com|ming Capteine Ra|leigh commeth to the lord Ro|ches house. he went foorthwith to the castell gate.

The townsmen when they saw their lords house and castell thus suddenlie beset, they doubting the worst, did arme about fiue hundred of themselues. Wherevpon capteine Raleigh placed and bestowed his men in battell raie in the towne it selfe, & mar|ched againe to the castell gate, with certeine of his officers and gentlemen of his band, as by name Mi|chaell Butler, Iames Fulford, Nicholas Write, Arthur Barlow, Henrie Swane, & Pinking Huish; and they knocked againe at the gate. And after a while there came three or foure of the said lord Roches gentlemen, & demanded the cause of their comming, vnto whome the capteine answered, that he was come to speake with my lord: which was offered he should, so that he would bring in with him but two or thrée of his gentlemen, which the capteine Capteine Ra|leigh being re|ceiued into the castell getteth in all his men. was contented with, yet in the end (but with much adoo) he came in with all these few persons before named. When the capteine was once come within the castell, and had entred into some spéeches with the lord Roch, he so handled the matter by deuises and meanes, that by little and little, and by some and some, he had gotten in within the iron doore or gate of the courtlodge all his men. And then hauing the aduantage, he commanded his men to stand and gard the said gate, that no man should passe in or out: and likewise charged euerie man to come into the hall with his péece well prepared, with two bullets. The lord Roch when he saw this, he was suddenlie amazed & stricken at the hart with feare: but dissembling the same, he set a good face vpon the matter, and calling for meat, requested the capteine and his foresaid gentlemen to sit downe, & to kéepe him companie at dinner.

After dinner, the capteine falling into speeches with the said lord Roch, declared plainlie vnto him the cause of his comming, and shewed that he and his wife were accused to be traitors, and that he had a commission (which he shewed vnto them) to take and carie them along with him to Corke: which he was to performe, and so would. The lord Roch alled|ged manie excuses for himselfe and for his wife, sai|eng in the end that he neither could nor would go: the capteine answered, that if they would not go with a good will, they should perforce go against their will. The lord Roch séeing that there was no reme|die, The lord Roch yéeldeth to go with cap|teine Raleigh. he yéelded: and then the capteine minding to lose no time, willed him to command and cause all those of the towne, and all such as were about the house, to attend and be in redinesse to aid him, and to set him foorth in his iorneie: which he did, and verie willinglie shewed himselfe to abide and obeie the capteines commandement, saieng that he would answer the matter well inough, and discharge what|soeuer should be laid to his charge, for he knew him|selfe to be cleare. And so he made himselfe and his wife redie to take the iorneie in hand, as the cap|teine did appoint and command: and towards night they did set forward to Corke. But the night fell out to be verie tempestuous and foule, and therewith so darke, that no man could sée hand or foot, nor yet dis|cerne one another; and the waies also were so fowle, so full of balks, hillocks, pits, and rocks, that the souldiors thereby were maruellouslie troubled and incombred, some stumbled among the stones, some plunged into holes, and some by their often fals were not onelie hurt, but also lost their armour, and were maruellouslie spoiled: and besides that, they were among and in the middle of the enimies, who laie in sundrie ambushes, thinking verelie to haue intercepted them, and to haue set vpon them: but the darke night which was cumbersome to themselues, was a shadow to shrowd them from their enimies. And in the end, though with much trouble, they came to Corke in safetie, sauing one soldier named Iohn Phelium, who by his often falling and stumbling a|mong the stones and rocks, did so hurt one of his feet, that he could neuer recouer the same, but did in the end consume and rot awaie.

The capteine being come to the towne somewhat earlie in the morning, he was receiued in, and pre|sented his prisoners to the generall, with no little admiration that he had escaped so dangerous a ior|neie, being verelie supposed of all men that he could neuer haue escaped. The lord Roch being brought to be examined, did so well answer for himselfe, that in the end he was acquited, and taken for a true and The L. Roch acquiteth him|selfe. a good subiect, and which in time was well tried and knowne. For not he himselfe onlie, but all his sons and followers, did attend and performe all such ser|uices The L. Roch and his sonnes good seruices. as were laid vpon them; and in which, thrée of his sonnes were killed by the enimie in hir maie|sties seruice.

Capteine Zouch (as is afore said) laie at the Ding|ham, among whose companie there fell a dangerous and an extreme sicknesse: few or none escaped it, howbeit manie died therein. And in which distresse it was aduertised him, that the earle of Desmond and Dauid Barrie was assembled at Aghado with thrée thousand men; and he being verie desirous to doo some seruice vpon them, drew all his full force of horsemen and footmen vnto Castelmange. And then by the aduise of his capteins Achim and Cash, he suddenlie made an onset vpon his enimies, before they wist of anie such thing, and slue a great compa|nie of them, and draue the erle to such a push, that he Capteine Zouch putteth the earle of Desmond in danger to be taken. in his shirt was driuen to shift for himselfe, in the middle of his gallowglasses, and by that means he escaped. The earle nothing liking this coorse successe, sought a better place of safetie, and remooued him|selfe to Harlow wood, and passed by the waie to Kil|mallocke. Which when the garrison there did vnder|stand, they pursued and followed him, namelie cap|teine Bourchier, capteine Dowdall, capteine Mak|worth, and capteine Norris, thrée miles togither vp|on the plains betwéene Kilmallocke and the wood, and slue manie of the rebels. And capteine Dowdall who was acquainted verie well with that wood, and in it had serued sundrie times, he would néeds, and [page 175] did enter into the wood, where he met with the earle of Desmond now the second time, and gaue the on|set vpon him, killed a great number of his men, Capteine Dowdall preieth the erle of Desmond. tooke from them their cariages, and droue awaie a great preie of kine, and brought them to Kilmal|locke to the garison. Neere about this time the senes|chall came to Lismore, and preied that countrie, and droue awaie their cattell. Which when the gari|son The senes|chall preieth the garison of Lismore. son heard, and were aduertised thereof, they issued, and followed the preie to recouer it; but they were so incountered and skirmished withall, that they lost the preie, and fiue and twentie of their men were slaine. Diuerse skirmishes were dailie doone vpon the enimie, and manie iorneies made vpon them to their great damages and hurts.

In the moneth of August next following, in the yeare of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred eightie and one, the lord deputie made a iorneie into Moun|ster, where when he had taken an account of all their dooings and seruices, he established capteine Zouch to be gouernour of all Mounster, and generall at The lord de|putie establi|sheth capteine Zouch gouer|nour of all Mounster. armes; and then his lordship returned through Co|nagh vnto Dublin. This now new gouernor, being accompanied with capteine Raleigh and capteine Dowdall, trauelled from place to place to see all things in good order: but the certeine place of their resting was at Corke, where for the most part they laie in garison: making in the meane time sundrie iorneies, as occasion of seruice did require. And they being in Corke, newes was brought vnto the go|uernour that there was a great quarell fallen out betwéene Dauid Barrie and the seneschall, and that The L. Bar|ne and the se|neschall fall out. they were mortall enimies, and at a deadlie food; and they laie both in Dunfrinnen side, not far from the blacke water. The earle of Desmond and Iohn his brother laie in Patrike Condons countrie, be|ing on the further side of the said water, who were verie sorie for this quarell, and would haue come vn to them, but the waters were so great, they could not; yet they sent their messengers to and fro among them for some pacification, but it was to no effect. Capteine Dowdall vpon these newes sent out an Capteine Dowdall ma|keth a spiall vpon the se|neschall. Irish man which he had, and who was a notable spi|all, named Richard mac Iames, and willed him to séeke out where the seneschall was, to the end that he might make a draught vpon him. This Richard drawing himselfe to the companies of the rebels, and lieng among them in their cabins where they laie in the woods, he fell in companie, and then en|tred into a great familiaritie of one which was a messenger from the Desmonds vnto the seneschall, and he thinking nothing but that this Richard was one of the said companie, began to discourse vnto him the businesse which he had there to doo: and told him that the next daie following, sir Iohn of Desmond did appoint to come thither, and to make a peace and an agréement betwéene Barrie and Sir Iohn of Desmond ap|pointed to make a league betwéen Bar|rie and the seeneschall. the seneschall. When as Richard mac Iames had heard at full all his spéeches, then he intreated him that he would go to Corke with him, which in the end the fellow was contented so to doo. And in the next morning they went togither to Corke, and at their comming thither, did declare vnto capteine Dowdall the whole matter, and he foorthwith aduer|tised the same to the gouernour: who albeit he did not altogither beléeue what was told, yet he agréed that it was best that some seruice should be doone vpon them, and concluded that himselfe and cap|teine Dowdall should doo the same, vnder the colour The gouernor Zouch and captein Dow|dall make a se|cret iourneie. that they were to make a iourneie vnto Limerike, and so they caused it to be said: for in no wise would they be knowne of that which they had determined. And hauing prepared all things necessarie for this seruice, the same night they left the charge of the ga|rison vnto capteine Raleigh lieutenant: and them|selues taking their leaue, as though they were bound for Limerike, they marched out at the gates, and by breake of the daie they came to castell Lions, the weather being verie mistie and thicke, and in the castell they found but one poore man, who told them that Dauid of Barrie was gone but a little before them vnto Humaequilliam. The gouernour and the capteine being verie eger, and desirous to doo some seruice, they followed the tract of the horsse a good prettie waie; but the capteine mistrusting that no good seruice would be doone that waie, per|suaded the gouernour that he should rather enter and search the woods, which were fast by, where as he thought some good seruice would be doone, whose aduise the gouernour followed: and they had ridden but a little waie, but they saw two horssemen come riding toward them, but as soone as they had séene the said gouernour and capteine, they returned backe againe.

Then the capteine told him that there was a bog in the wood, and his aduise and counsell was, that some of his shot should be sent to stand betwéene the bog and the wood; which being doone, they followed those two men so short, that they were driuen to for|sake their horsses, and to run on foot towards the bog. But the lose shot being in a readinesse, did put them backe againe vpon the horssemen, who gaue the onset vpon them; and the one of them, which was sir Iohn of Desmond they fore hurted with a horsse|mans Sir Iohn of Desmond kil|led, and his bodie hanged vpon a gibbet by the héels. staffe, that he spake verie few words after. And the other, whose name was Iames Fitziohn of Strongecullie, they tooke: and both they caried with them to Corke. Sir Iohns head was sent to Dublin, but his bodie was hanged vp by the héeles vpon a gibbet, and set vpon the north gate of Corke. And Iames Fitziohn was drawne, hanged, & quar|tered. And thus haue you the third head of the vene|mous Hydra cut off, who had his iust reward and merit, if not too too good for so villanous & bloudie a traitor: who respecting neither the honor of God, the obedience to his prince, the credit of his owne house, the faith to his friend, nor the state of the common|wealth, was wholie imbrued in bloud and villanie; and in bloud he died, and had his reward by Gods iust iudgement.

Not long after this, it was agreed that a draught should be made vpon Dauid Barrie, for the preie which he and Goren mac Swene had made in Car|breie, and passed with the same by Bentrie, where laie a garrison vnder the leading of capteine Appes|leie: but he being deceassed, the same was com|mitted to captein Fenton, whose lieutenant named Richard Cant, minding to crosse the preie, fell in|to the fight with Barrie and his companie: but he was slaine and all his companie, there being but one man the drumslager left aliue, who by swift|nesse of his foote escaped. The foresaid Appesleie was a verie proper man, a gentleman borne, and of a good house, and brought vp in learning; he could write verie well, and also deliuer his speeches verie orderlie and eloquentlie. When he grew to some ripe yeares, he fell acquainted with some lose com|panions, who persuaded him to accompanie them to the seas, promising him the sun and the moone, and all the wealth in the world. And he being soone intised and persuaded, was contented, and went to the seas, and became as bad as the baddest; whereof great troubles insued, and he at length was dri|uen to leaue the seas, and to wander a long time on the seacoasts in the prouince of Mounster: where by occasion he fell to come to acquaintance of the earle of Desmond, with whome he found such fauor, that no Englishman could doo more with him than [page 176] he could. Afterwards, when the narrow searching for him was quailed and forgotten, he fell to be ac|quainted with the good Henrie Dauels, whome he found rather a father than a friend vnto him: and then his behauiour was such, that he grew to be in good fauour with all Englishmen, and in the end put in trust to doo sundrie seruices in Mounster, and was become and made a capteine, in which office he dis|charged himselfe verie honestlie and faithfullie. The gouernor continuing still in one and the same mind, to doo some seruice vpon Barrie, who then laie in The gouernor and capteine Dowdall spoile and en|ter into Bar|ries campe and kill his men. Dunfrennin, he togither with capteine Dowdall marched to Barries campe, and earlie in the mor|ning (they being vnlooked for) entred into the campe and there made a great slaughter vpon Barries men, but Barrie himselfe was gone and fled. After this time, the said Barrie considered his distressed case, and how continuallie he was pursued and fol|lowed by the gouernour and the English garisons, whose force he saw that he could by no means auoid, but that at one time or other they would take him at some aduantage. He maketh humble petition to the gouernour that he might be vnder his protection, Barrie sueth for a protection and to liue thensefoorth in some dutifull and restfull order; which he in the end did obteine.

The lord deputie, thinking that by the death of Iohn of Desmond, and the silence of the earle his brother, who what was become of him no man could tell, but supposed that he was fled beyond the seas, or that he was dead, and that all things were well and in quiet in all Mounster; he thought good to ease hir The L. de|putie casheth sundrie bands in Mounster. maiesties charge, and so cashed sundrie bands and discharged sundrie garisons, leauing for the seruice of Mounster in the whole but 400 footmen & 50 horse|men, of which, 200 were vnder the leading of the go|uernor, one hundred vnder capteine Dowdall, and one hundred vnder Sir George Bourcher; and the first horssemen were vnder capteine Achin, who late in garrison at Adare in Kerrie. When all things (I saie) séemed to be at rest and in peace, and all things well, behold a new stirre (and vnlooked for) is now raised; for Fitzmoris baron of Lexna, who had bi|therto Fitzmoris ba|ron of Lexna breaketh into open rebellion. The cause of this his brea|king out, some do impute it to the hard dea| [...]ing of the go|uernor, who so narowlie wat|ched him, that he alwais took from him what he had, and so intercepted him from his prouision, that he had nothing left to eat. Fitzmoris seruant to Ca|rew lord of Lexna killeth his maister. dissembled the matter, and pretended to haue béene a dutifull subiect, when he saw the weaknesse of the Englishmen, & how that the garrisons were discharged, & therefore the few men left were scarse able well to saue and kéepe themselues, much lesse to hurt others: he breaketh out into open rebellion, and ioineth with him his wicked, traitorous, and periured sonne. This baron of Lexna his first an|cestors were seruants to the barons of Carew, and of Odron, and lords of Lexna, and had the chiefe rule and gouernment vnder him of all his countrie in Mounster, which was verie great and large: his eldest sonne he kept in the court of England. And this Fitzmoris, who by the authoritie vnder his ma|ster was growen into great credit in the countrie, and standing in hope to haue their friendship and as|sistance in all his businesse, watched his time, and killed the lord Carew his maister, at a table which yet remaineth in the house, and entred into all his baronie of Lexna & his other possessions in Moun|ster, euen as the like was doone by the Kauenaghs in Odron in Leinster. And the heire of Carew in England, who had great and large possessions in Deuon and in sundrie shires elsewhere in England, made the lesse and little account of his lands in Ire|land, and so by little and little they lost all their lands in Ireland.

This new baron of Lexna, the first thing that he tooke in hand, was to cleanse and to rid his owne countrie from all Englishmen and their garrisons; and in the end, taking capteine Achin at an aduan|tage, slue him, and recouered the ward of Adare. Af|ter that, he went to the ward kept in the castell of The baron of Lexna de|stroieth all the English in his countrie, and taketh the quéenes forts. Lesconile, in which were but eight Englishmen, and the castell being verie hard to be gained, he vsed this stratagem. He laid verie close & tectlie a companie of his men in an old house fast by the castell, & then he practised with an old woman, which was woonte|uerie morning to bring a great basket of coles or turffe into the ward, that as soone as she was be|twéene the two gates of the castell, she should let fall hir basket and crie out: which she did. For when she was come to the castell, and had after hir accusto|mable maner called to the ward, one of them came A stratagem vsed in taking the castell of Lesconile. and loosed the vtter iron doore, and then he did o|pen the inner doore for hir to come in. When she was come betwéene the two doores, she let fall hir great basket of coles and cried out. The companie foorthwith lieng in the said old house came, and the ward being not able to draw vnto them the vtter iron doore, nor to shut fast the inner doore, the enimie entred, tooke the castell, killed all the ward, and cast them ouer the wals. The good successe of this strata|gem caused him to practise & to put in vre other like deuises for the regaining of the castell (as I remem|ber) of Adnagh. For he supposing that hungrie soldi|ors A stratagem at Adnagh. would be contented to accept anie courtesie, he procured a yoong harlot, who was some what snowt|faire, to go to the castell, pretending some iniurie to haue béene doone to hir, and to humble hirselfe to the capteins deuotion, being supposed, that he by these meanes would fall into the liking and fantasieng of hir, and so would reteine hir. And by these meanes, she by hir cunning handling of the matter, accord|ing vnto the plot before contriued betwéene Fitz|moris and hir, she should at one time or other find the occasion or opportunitie to betraie the castell. The capteine receiued hir into the castell, and not for|getting the late former practise at Lesconile, caused him to be the more warie and circumspect, and to looke vnto himselfe. Wherevpon he so handled the matter with this harlot, that he in the end found out all the deuise, and foorthwith he carried hir vp vnto the top of the castell and cast hir ouer the wals, where with the fall she was crushed and died. Fitzmoris being disappointed of his purpose, departed from thense, and ranged ouer all the countries of Lippo|rari, Ormond, and Waterford, where were no garrisons to resist him, and there plaied his parts.

The gouernor, who laie at Corke, being aduertised of these outrages, called his companie togither, which (as is before said, was not aboue foure hun|dred persons) and other reported (but vntrulie) to be about foure thousand: yet minding not to suffer an iniurie, marched with such companie as he had into The gouern [...]r marcheth from Corke to Clanmoris to incounter with Fitz|moris. Clanmoris, which is the said Fitzmoris countrie, and distant from Corke about thrée daies iourneie. The baron by his espials being aduertised of their comming, forsooke his castell at Adare, and defaced his castell at Lexna, and drew his goods, and all his forces into the wood of Lesconile. When the gouer|nor was come to Adare, he found the towne burnt, and the few Englishmen (which were in the abbeie) greatlie distressed. From thense he went to Lesco|nile, which is ten miles further, where he discouered the baron and all his companie, which then laie in a plaine bottome in the said wood, hauing then in his companie of gallowglasses, kerne, shot, and horsse|men, about seuen hundred men.

The gouernor taking aduise what was best to be doone, because that place was full of fastnesse, and no passage for anie horssemen, but all rested vpon the Capteine Dowdall en|tereth vpon Fitzmoris, and giueth him the fo [...]e. seruice of the footmen; they diuided their companie. And capteine Dowdall being verie desirous to ad|uenture the seruice vpon him, he had six score foot|men appointed and deliuered vnto him, and the resi|due [page 177] he reserued to himselfe. The capteine entred in|to the wood, and followed vntill he came into the The baron of Lexna fleeth into the hils of Slough|lougher. plains where Fitzmoris was; who hauing a great companie, and the capteine but (as it were) a hand|full to his, he diuided his whole companie into foure parts, thinking to haue inclosed the capteine, and to haue his will vpon them. The capteine perceiued it, and forthwith brake vpon one of the companies, and had such a hand vpon them, that he slue a number of them. Which when Fitzmoris saw, like a valiant man turned his backe and fled awaie into the moun|teins of Sloughlougher, and left all his goods be|hind; which the capteine tooke, and also all the cattell there, and brought the same to the gouernor. From thense they marched to the castell of Glan, of which Oliuer Stephanson had the ward and kéeping: and there newes was brought vnto him, that the lord de|putie had sent vnto him two bands of footmen, of which one hundred were sir Henrie Wallops, and A supplie of two hundred men sent to the gouernor. the other capteine Norris. Where vpon he trauelled vnto Limerike, and left the whole charge of Clan|moris, and of Kerrie vnto capteine Dowdall. And the said capteine being put to wéet that the baron was incamped at Glanflish with two hundred and fortie gallowglasses, two hundred kerne, fourescore shot, and thirtie horssemen, and he himselfe hauing Capteine Dowdall set|teth vpon Fitzmoris in Glanflish and giueth him the ouerthrow. then but the lieutenant Wingfield in his companie, made a sallie vpon them, and killed with the sword, and draue into the riuer aboue seuen score of them, and recouered a preie of eight hundred kine, fiue hundred horsses and mares, besides a great number of shéepe and gotes: and in the taking of the baron, he found store of monie and plate, and massing gar|ments. And from hense he marched with his cattell, and incamped besides Alough, néere vnto the earle of Clancar his house, and from thense to Castell|mange, and so to Adare, and furnished as he went e|uerie ward and garison with store of vittels, and The baron Fitzmoris with a few is ouerthrowne to his vtter fall, and for|saken of all his freends. with the goods he rewarded his souldiors, From this time, the baron Fitzmoris [...]ng lost all his proui|sion & store, was neuer able to recouer himselfe, nei|ther to credit nor to wealth, nor yet to hold vp his head, but was forsaken of all his freends and follow|ers: and being ashamed of himselfe, and of his bad and disloiall trecheries, walked and wandred abroad as a forlorne man, not knowing what to doo, whither to go, or where to séeke for succor and helpe.

At length being wearie of himselfe, and of his The baron be|ing distressed of all helps, seeketh to the earle of Or|mond for a protection. distressed miseries, bethinketh vpon the earle of Ormond, whome notwithstanding that without cause he had verie much iniured, hauing most out|ragiouslie preied his countries, burned his villages, and killed his people: yet he maketh his recourse vnto his lordship, acknowledgeth his fault, confes|seth his follies; and being most sorie for the same, de|sireth his lordship to pardon and remit him, and most humblie requested him to haue vnder him a protec|on. This honorable man, notwithstanding the great The courtesie of the earle of Ormond. iniuries doone vnto him, and he of a great courage and stomach, and of a noble mind, and loth to put vp so great iniuries, yet (as it is attributed to the lion, Parcere prostratis) when he had shewed the great gréefes of the said Fitzmoris, he forgat all his owne wrongs, and granted him his request. Capteine Dowdall, leauing the gouernors souldiors and com|panie at Adare, vnder the leading of capteine Smith, he marcheth towards Corke, where he rested and laie in garrison. Now when all these broils were ended, and verelie supposed that all things had béene The earle of Desmond thought to be dead dooth now shew himselfe. at rest, and the whole prouince of Mounster at peace; behold the earle of Desmond, who was thought to be either dead or fled, beginneth to appeare, and to shew himselfe; and hauing assembled a great com|panie, came to Adare, where the garrison issued out vpon him: betwéene whom the fight was hot, and The fight at Adare. manie slaine on both sides. Among whom, Smith sergeant of the band, and Morgan the lieutenant were both slaine: but yet the English souldiors re|couered the abbeie. About this time one Thomas Birne lieutenant to the notable archtraitor Fitzgi|rald, being wearie of the wicked actions which hi|therto he had followed among the rebels, sent his messenger to capteine George Carew, requesting A draught made to kill Fitzgirald. him to deale with the lord deputie for his pardon, and for so manie of his companie as would ioine with and accompanie him in a péece of seruice to be doone: which he promised to recompense with the price of his capteins head, which he would in a bag present to his lordship, as also would kill so manie of his companie as would not consent with him therevnto.

When this deuise was readie to be practised, the clearke of the band, who was one of the confederats, Fitzgirald executed to death so ma|nie as conspi|red against him. verie trecherouslie did discouer the same vnto Fitz|girald, who immediatlie tooke and hanged his lieu|tenant, the sergeant of his band (who was an Eng|lishman) and so manie of the souldiors as were of that confederacie. Not long after, Fitzgirald be|thinking vpon the extreame miseries, which in this rebellion he had indured, and the small hope which he had to preuaile in these his bad and traitorous acti|ons, Fitzgirald practiseth the death of Phe [...] mac Hugh. but chieflie being afraid of his owne life, least at one time or other he should be slaine by his soul|diors: he sent a messenger to the then lord iustices, requiring his pardon, and which he would redéeme with the head of his best fréend and fellow in armes Pheon mac Hugh, the verie gall of all the wars and rebellion in Leinster.

This was not so couertlie doone, but that Pheon Fitzgirald is hanged for his conspiracie. mac Hugh had knowledge of the practise, and he foorthwith intreated Fitzgirald in the like manner as he before had doone with the lieutenant, and so hanged him vp. The lord deputie after long sute for The lord Greie yéeldeth vp the sword & returneth into England. his reuocation, receiued hir maiesties letters for the same, and then he sent for capteine Zouch gouernor of Mounster to come to Dubline: and in the end of August 1582, after that he had serued full two yeres he deliuered vp the sword vnto the archbishop of Du|bline then lord chancellor, and to sir Henrie Wallop 1582 The lord chã|cellor and sir Henrie wal|lop are lord iustices. then treasuror at armes, and tooke shipping; hauing with him capteine Zouch, who was after slaine by one of his most familiar acquaintance, and sundrie other gentlemen. The said lord Greie was a man of great nobilitie, and of as honourable and ancient descent, one that feareth God in true religion, and dutifull to hir maiestie in all obedience. And albeit he had deserued well of that Irish nation, and had lowed the good séeds of notable seruices, as well for his martiall seruices, as for his ciuill gouernment; yet he reped (as his predecessors before him) but dar|nell and cockle. For they had among them not one|lie conspired his death, for which some paid déerelie; but made also sundrie complaints against him, to which he answered to his commendation and acqui|tall, and to their reproch for their ingratitude.

These two lords iustices being fallen into a bro|ken time, the warres being not ended, the people not quieted, and the gouernement not staied nor setled; yet they both ioining their wisedoms, seruices, and good wils, were so blessed therein, that by them that land was reduced to some perfection and quietnesse. For not long after they had taken the sword in hand doctor Sanders the popes nuncio and legat, who came from that holie sée of Rome, the sea of all wickednesse, with Iemes Fitzmoris in Iulie in the yeare of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred seuen|tie and nine, to beare arms in this land against hir maiestie, after that he had wandered vp and downe [page 178] thrée yeares togither with the earle and his brethren sir Iohn, in woode and bogs, and had liued with them a most miserable and wretched life, and had béene partaker of their most cruell bloudsheds, outrages, The death of doctor San|ders. murthers, and robberies, a life good and too good for a traitor and a rebell. He fell sicke of an Irish ague and of the bloudie flix, and laie in the wood of Clen|nelisse, which is a wood full of allers, withies, briers, & thornes, and through which is no passage; where part|lie of his sicknesse, but chéefelie for famine and want he died. Euen in this filthie place, that most misera|ble wretch and traitor was lodged and died, bequea|thing his treasons, treacheries, and dislo [...]alties a|gainst his souereigne mistresse and ladie hir maiestie vnto the pope, reseruing the punishment to the Lord himselfe, who is a swift and iust iudge vpon all trai|tors and disobedient persons, and his bodie (as some saie) was deuoured vp of woolues, but (as some doo thinke) that so much as was left was buried at Clancarne, not farre off from the place where he died.

The two lords iustices being entred into this bro|ken gouernement, did what they could to kéepe the same in peace; and vnderstanding the wilfull dispo|sition of Desmond, they did vse all the means and waies they could to pacifie him; but so farre was he imbrued and poisoned with the venom of treason and rebellion, that no reason, no dutie, nor anie other re|spect could persuade him to be a lo [...]all and dutifull subiect. Wherefore he continued still in his old ac|customed spoiling and wasting the countries, and trusting to no house nor castell, did shrowd himselfe in woods and bogs, and in the winter following he kept his Christmasse in the wood of Kilquieg néere The earle of Desmond kée|peth his Christmas in the woods. to Kilmallocke. And about the fourth of Ianuarie then following, one Iohn Welsh a valiant and a good souldfor, was resolued to make a draught vpon the said earle, and he made acquainted therewith A draught made vpon the earle by Iohn Welsh. capteine Dowdall, capteine Bangor, and George Thorington prouost marshall of Mounster, all which laie then in garrison in Kilmallocke, and according to the order betweene them then agréed vpon, they marched in the night time to the place and wood where the earle laie.

But being come thither, they were to passe ouer a great riuer, before they could come to enter into the wood of Kilquieg, & by reason of the great raines then falling, it was impossible for man or horsse to passe ouer the same, which thing Iohn Welsh did be|fore mistrust. Wherefore the night before, he went thither verie closelie, with such few persons as he had chosen for the purpose: and there he caused a number of flakes and hurdels to be made of halson, A deuise how to passe ouer a great riuer. allers, and withie rods, which he caused to be drawne ouer the riuer by one, whom he had there of purpose which could swim verie well. And this fellow when he had fastened some of the hurdels to a tree in the further side of the water, and then by a rope drew o|uer the residue one after another, did so fasten and tie one vnto another, and so cunninglie handled the matter, that when the capteins came, they passed o|uer the riuer verie well without danger or perill. And so from thense the said Welsh did guide and bring them by the breake of the daie vnto the earles cabin: but the wood was so full of thickets, and so mirie, that they were faine to go a speares length wide from the cabin to come vnto it. The earle hea|ring The earle es|capeth verie hardlie. a great noise, and suspecting some extraordina|rie and a greater companie to be in place more than his owne, and doubting the woorst, ran out of his bed in his shirt, and ran into the riuer fast by his cabin, and there hid himselfe close vnder a banke hard vp to his chin, by which meanes he escaped and his wife with him. The souldiors made diligent search for him both by searching of the riuer and of the wood, but could not find him; wherevpon they did put to the sword so manie as they found there, and carried a|waie the goods with them, and so returned to Kil|mallocke.

At this time the seneschall secretlie with all the The sene|schall assaul|teth & entreth into yougha [...] and hath the repulse. force which he could make, came vnto the towne of Youghall, & entred into the end of the same towne. Wherevpon the alarum was raised, and foorthwith Caluerleigh being lieutenant to capteine Morgan, hauing all his soldiors togither, of which he had for|tie shot, went vnto that end of the towne where the seneschall scaled the wals, & there he made a sconse, or a little bulworke, and by that meanes saued the towne, and draue the seneschall from his purpose, and killed aboue fiftie of his men: and so being dis|appointed of his purpose he departed awaie. In the end of this moneth of Ianuarie the earle of Or|mond arriued from out of England to Waterford The earle of Ormond arri|ueth to water|ford and to generall of Mounster. with a new supplie of foure hundred men, whome he diuided and committed vnto the seuerall leadings of sir George Bourcher, sir William Stanleie, cap|teine Edward Berkleie, and capteine Roberts. And being now lord generall by hir maiesties ap|pointment ouer all Mounster, and hauing obteined an augmentation of two pence by the daie for eue|rie soldiors wages, he assembleth all the soldiors and euerie capteine which had anie charge, and tooke order with euerie of them for such seruices as were to be doone, furnisheth them with vittels, muniti|ons, monie, and all things necessarie and meet for them, requesting euerie one of them to shew them|selues like good and valiant soldiors, in the pursuing of the rebels, and vanquishing of the enimies: and such grace and loue he found among the soldiors, The [...] of the capteins and soldiors to the earle of Ormond. that he was no more desirous than they most glad and willing to performe the same. Such a good af|fection euerie one did beare to this honorable man.

At this time aduertisement was giuen vnto his lordship, that the earle of Desmond was incamped in the fastnesse of Harlo wood with a great number of rakehels & rebels. His lordship mustered all his companies, and minding to doo some seruice vpon the said rebels, marcheth towards the said fastnesse of Harlo wood. And being come thither, he diui|deth The lord ge|neral scow|reth Harle wood. his companies into foure parts, and they ente|red into foure seuerall places of the wood at one in|stant: and by that meanes they scowred the wood throughout, in killing as manie as they tooke, but the residue fled into the mounteins. The rebels be|ing thus narrowlie followed and pursued, they ne|uer Desmond is forsaken of all his followers and friends. after met togither in the like companies, nor assembled themselues in such great numbers: but the most part of them, which were the chiefest follow|ers and greatest fréends vnto Desmond, as Fitz|moris of Lexna before named, the seneschall, the lord Barrie, Condon, Donnell mac Knought, & sun|drie others, some and some came awaie, and sought for protection. And albeit their manifold and infinit outrages, murthers, bloudsheds and spoiles, had deserued a thousand deaths: yet his lordship consi|dering their repentance, sorrows, and humble sub|missions, and respecting more hir maiesties godlie disposition to mercie than their deserts, did (for the most part) grant vnto euerie of them their requests. The soldiors after this péece of seruice were disper|sed abroad into their seuerall garrisons. And albeit the greater parts of the rebels were some by sword, and some by protection abated, and much decreased, yet none of them laie altogither idle, but did follow the seruice as time and occasion offered. For the earle himselfe, though he were thus vnfeathered of his greatest helps, yet he was one & the same man, a most ranke traitor and rebell: and therefore vpon [page 179] him dailie were draughts and pursutes made, and neuer left, vntill in the end he came vnto confusion.

In the moneth of August, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred eightie and three, it was aduertised to the garrisons in Kilmallocke and Ca|shell, that the earle of Desmond was come againe to harborough himselfe in Harlo wood, and had aboue three score gallowglasses besides kerne a great A braught made vpon the gallowglas|s [...]s in Harlo wood. number, vpon whom captein Dowdall hauing good espials, made a iorneie thither, and being entred in|to the wood verie earlie, laie close all the forenoone. For these gallowglasses had vin so dared from time to time, that now like a sort of deere they laie vpon their kéepings; and so fearfull they were, that they would not farrie in anie one place anie long time, but where they did dresse their meat, thense they would remooue, and eat it in another place, and from thense go vnto another place to lie. In the nights they would watch, in the forenoones they would be vpon the hilles and mounteins, to descrie the coun|trie, and in the afternoone they would sléepe. The capteine breaking time with them, made staie in the wood accordinglie, and in the afternoone he lear|ned by his espials, that they were returned from the mounteins, and were entred into their cabins, where some of them were asléepe, and some of them occupied in dressing of a horsse for to eat, for other vittels were scant. The capteine suddenlie entred vpon them, and tooke them at such aduantage, that they were all, for the most part, put to the sword: of which, fiue and twentie were taken in their cabins. The gallow|glasses in Harlo wood put to sword. After the dispatch of these gallowglasses, which are counted the best men of warre among the Irishrie [...] the residue of the Irish rebels were so dismaid, that a man might without anie great danger passe throughout Mounster.

About a moneth after this, in September, in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred foure score & three, it hapned that certeine of the lord Roches men, be|ing in Dowall néere to Crusham, were riding a|bout The [...]. Roch [...] men disco|uer Des|mond. certeine businesse, and met with the earle of Desmond, hauing in his companie two or three horsemen and a priest. The kerns which attended the said lord Roches men, inuironed & compassed them about; but the earle and his men being well horssed, escaped, onelie the priest they tooke, by reason of his bad horsse, and him the lord Roch sent the next daie vnto the lord gouernour, and being examined, he confessed in what great distresse and miserie the erle was, and that for feare he lurked in corners, & would not be séene. And further, that he had his onelie re|léefe and was fostered by Goron mac Swene, a The Des|mond is relée|ued by Goron mac Swene. capteine of the gallowglasses, and who was then vn|der protection. And by these meanes, the erle (who had not béene heard of since he was garred out of Harlo wood) is now discouered. Wherevpon the lord generall commanded a barke to be foorthwith vittelled, and to be dispatched into Dingle a Cush: A garison ap|pointed to be at the Dingle. and foorthwith commanded capteine Dowdall to re|paire thither, and there to lie in garison; which he did foorthwith performe. The earle of Desmond when he heard how that he was discouered, and how that vit|tels and a garison were sent to Dingle a Cush to the working of his wo; he was assured that he De [...]ond [...]ca|teth Do [...]dall. should be sutelie pursued by capteine Dowdall, who of all other capteines and sir George Bourchier did from time to time gall and most earnestlie pursue him. Wherefore now as for his last helpe, by the helpe and friendship of Goron mac Swene, & Moile Morough mac Swene his brother, he gathereth a new companie, and maketh himselfe as strong as he can, and getteth himselfe into Desmond, and there standeth vpon his gard. Goron mac Swene in the Goron preith all Carberie [...] Desmond. meane time entreth into Carberie, and taketh a great preie of kine, which he droue foorthwith into Desmond toward the earle, but the iorneie was so long, that he laie short of the earle that night about three or foure miles.

The men of the countrie, who had thus lost their goods, thrée of them with their swords and targets followed the tract a far off, minding to haue stollen awaie their owne kine if by anie means they could, and if opportunitie would so serue; for by force or by intreatie they knew it to be impossible for them to recouer anie thing at all. The foresaid Goron, when he had lodged himselfe for all night, it was his plea|sure to walke abrode in the fields; and suspecting no harme, went alone, hauing onelie one [...]erne with him (and both without weapon) about ten or twelue score off from his lodging. About which place it hap|ned the foresaid thrée men had hidden and couched themselues in a bush, and taking the occasion offe|red, they went also betwéene him and his lodging, Goron [...]ac Swene is kil|led. and fell vpon him and his kerne, & killed them both, and as soone as they had cut off their heads, they shif|ted for themselues. Gorons companie, finding their maister lacking, went abrode to séeke him, and in the end found him and his man without heads, li|eng dead vpon the ground; which cast them into such a maze, as they will not what to thinke or to doo: nei|ther could they imagine nor deuise how this should come to passe: for garison there was none in those parts, and they knew of no person thereabouts whome they could suspect. But this is the iust iudge|ment of God, who in his iustice looketh vpon the per|iured and wicked, and in mercie beholdeth his ser|uants. For if this man had liued, it was feared that by his means the earle would haue increased a new force, and haue dighted the lord gouernour and all the garisons to greater troubles. The erle being ad|uertised of the losse of this his friend, his chéefe and onelie staie, was in a great agonie, and maruellous|lie dismaid; and séeing no other remedie, he prepa|reth the best for himselfe, and taking the aduantage of the time, before the garison should be placed at the Dingle, he made a draught into Kerrie néere Crai|leigh, The erle c [...]|mandeth pr [...] to be taken in Kerrie. minding to take a preie from such as had for|saken him and had receiued their protections. Wher|fore in the euening he sent two horssemen with a certeine kerne ouer the strand of Craleigh vnto a castell there, & commanded them to take their preie from thense, which they did, and brought the same a|waie with them.

Among those kine thus driuen awaie, a poore wo|man of that countrie lost all those few that she had, and being distressed of that which was the cheefe, and in a maner the onelie reléefe of hir and hir children and houshold; and not knowing how she could by a|nie meanes recouer them: she bethought hir selfe vpon a brother which she had, dwelling on the other side of the mounteine, in a castell named Drome, which was one of the Morettos; and to him she run|neth in all the hast she could, and declareth hir estate and case, praieng him to helpe hir, and that he would follow the tract for the recouerie of hir kine. Who when he was aduertised that there were but two horssemen & a few kerne which had drouen the preie awaie, he to pleasure his sister tooke three other of his brethren, and followed the tract, till he came to Ca|stelmange, which castell was in the waie. And when he came thither, he went to the castell, and desired the constable (whose name was Cheston, and not long before lieutenant to capteine Berkeleie) that he would spare him some shot and a few of his kerne to helpe him to follow the preie which was driuen that waie. The constable and the soldiors were verie glad to pleasure him, and so he had seuen shot and a dooz|zen of kerne which dwelled in an out house fast vn|der [page 180] the castell, & so they went altogither to Traleigh, they being in number thrée and twentie persons; one of these was an Irish man borne, named Kollie, but serued alwaies vnder Englishmen, and could speake verie good English. This man, when they came to Traleigh, they appointed & made him their leader or capteine; and Moretto because he was borne in those parties, and best knew the countrie, they appointed to be their guide: and from thense they followed the tract vntill they came to the side of a mounteine, where there was a glan, and in it a little groue of wood: and the night being come vpon them, there they staid and rested themselues for that night. And in the darke night one of them had espied through the trées a fire not farre off, wherevpon they drew themselues close together, and caused one of them|selues closelie and secretlie to draw towards the fire and to discouer what companie was there, and how manie was of them; which man did so. And when he returned backe vnto them, he told them that there was an old bad house, and about fiue or six persons therein: wherevpon they all determined and agreed to repaire to that place to know the whole matter. Moretto was the guide to bring them to the house, and Kollie did set his companie in order and good a|raie, as was most for their seruice, if néed should so require. And when they were come to the house, they found in it but onelie one old man, for the residue were gone. Then Kollie drew his sword and strake the old man, with which blow he had almost cut off The earle of Desmond ta|ken in an old house alone and slaine. one of his arms; and then he strake him againe, and gaue him a great blow on the side of his head, wher|with the said old man cried out, desiring them to saue his life, for he was earle of Desmond, and then Kollie staied his hands: but the erle bled so fast, that he waxed verie faint, and could not trauell anie fur|ther: wherevpon the said Kollie bid and willed him to prepare himselfe to die; and then he strake off the earls head.

The residue of the companie in this meane time spoiled and rifled the house, and tooke what them li|sted: and then they all departed and went to Castel|mange, and carried the earles head with them, but left the bodie behind; and whether the same were de|noured by the woolues or buried by his kerne, it is not certeinlie knowne. As soone as they came to Castelmange, they sent the said earles head vnto the lord generall, who foorthwith sent the same into England for a present to hir maiestie; which foorth|with The earle of Desmonds head sent into England and put vpon Lon|don bridgs. was put vpon a pole, and set on London bridge. When this his death was nossed and knowne, there was no more seruice to be doone: for euerie rebell cast awaie his weapon, and sought all the waies they could to humble themselues and to become good subiects: sauing one Iohn Bourke, who stood vp|on his protection, and yet neuerthelesse he and his companie went to Adare, there to haue taken a Iohn Bourke hauing a pro|tection, made a stealth, and was killed. preie. But as he passed by the castell, a boie therein discharged his peece vpon the said Bourke, & strake him in the head, whereof he died. The common peo|ple, who had felt the great smart of this troublesome [...]me, reioised and were glad of the death of the erle, being in a good hope that the long troubles should haue an end, and they to be the more at rest. Du|ring these continuall troubles in Mounster, the two lord iustices which laie at Dublin were much eased from all martiall affaires elsewhere, and were troubled but with the clamorings, exclamations, and brabling of the Irish people, not woorth the remem|bring: sauing that a certeine combat was fought and tried before them in the castell of Dublin, be|twéene A combat be|twene two O|conhours. two Oconhours, verie neere coosens & kins|men: the one was named [...]eig mac Guill Patrike Oconhour appellant; the other was named Con mac Cormake Oconhour defendant. One of theft appealed and charged the other for sundrie treasons in the late rebellion, and which could haue no other triall but by combat, which was granted vnto them. Wherevpon, according to the lawes and orders of England for a combat to be tried, all things were prepared, the daie, time, and place appointed; and ac|cording to the same, the lord iustices, the iudges, and the councellors came and sat in the place appointed for the same, euerie man in his degree and calling. And then the court was called, and the appellant or The maner of the combat. plaintife was brought in before the face of the court, being stripped into his shirt, hauing onlie his sword and target (which were the weapons appointed) and when he had doone his reuerence and dutie to the lord iustices and to the court, he was brought to a stoole set in the one of the ends within the lists, and there sat. After him was the defendant brought in, in the like maner and order, and with the like wea|pons: and when he had doone his dutie and reue|rence to the lord iustices and to the court, he was brought to his chaire placed in the other end of the lists. Then were their actions and pleadings open|lie read, and then the appellant was demanded whe|ther he would auerre his demand or not? who when he had affirmed that he would, the partie defendant was likewise asked whether he would confesse the action, or stand to the triall of the same? who did an|swer as did the other, that he would auerre it by the swoord.

Upon this their seuerall answers, they were se|uerallie called the one after the other, euerie of them taking a corporall oth that their quarell was true, and that they would iusti [...]e the same both with swoord & blood. Thus they being sworne are brought backe againe euerie of them to their seuerall places as before. And then when by the sound of a trumpet a signe was giuen vnto them when they should enter into the fight; they arose out of their seats, and met ech one the other in the middle within the lists, and there with the weapons assigned vnto them, they fought: in which fight the appellant did preuaile, and he not onlie did disarme the defendant, but also with the sword of the said defendant did cut off his head, and vpon the point of the same sword did present it to the lord iustices, and so with the victorie of his e|nimie he was acquitted. Thus much I thought good to saie somwhat of much, of the maner of a combat, which together with manie circumstances therevn|to belonging is now for want of vse almost cleane forgotten, and yet verie necessarie to be knowne. And as for this combat it was so valiantlie doone, that a great manie did wish that it had rather fallen vpon the whole sex of the Oconhours, than vpon these two gentlemen.

The vicount of Baltinglas, being aduertised of The vico [...] of Baltin|glasse werie of his life. the death of the earle of Desmond, which was no small griefe vnto him, and he also verie wearie of his trotting and wandering on foot amongst bogs, woods, and desert places (being altogither distres|sed, and in great miserie, and now destitute of all his friends and acquaintances, and not able to hold head anie longer against hir maiesties force) did imbarke himselfe for Spaine, in hope to haue some The [...]icount Baltinglasse imbarketh himselfe for Spaine. reléefe and succor, and to procure some aid from the king of Spaine; and by that meanes to be of some abilitie to renew his force and rebellion. But he found in the end verie small comfort. And there|fore of a verie melancholie gréefe & sorrow of mind, as it is thought, he died, being in verie extreame pouertie and need. Not long after this, the two lord iustices, who had ruled and gouerned the land in these troublesome and broken times in great wis|dome, care, & circumspection, when they had brought [page 181] the whole land to a peaceable & quiet gouernment, and deliuered the same from all open or knowne re|bellion; they cashed and discharged all the garrisons in Mounster, onelie two hundred souldiors excep|ted: they kept it in good quietnesse, vntill the arriuall of sir Iohn Perot knight, who was sent ouer to be lord deputie, and landed at Dublin about the middle of Iune, one thousand fiue hundred fourescore and Sir Iohn P [...]rot arri|ueth into Ire|land to be lord deputie. foure, the six and twentith yeare of hir maiesties reigne vnto whome they deliuered the swoord: who being entered into his office, begun such a course, that of his good beginnings a great hope was con|ceiued of the like to insue. For he was a right woor|thie seruitor in that land, when he was lord president in Mounster: and by whome Iames Fitzmoris was subdued, and the whole prouince maruellouslie well reformed: whose notable and most noble acts as they doo well deserue, so when the same shall come to his full measure, they shall be registred to his per|petuall fame and immortall honor. And yet in the meane time, it shall not be offensine to remember some speciall points of his late seruice, which doo de|serue to be remembred: as also for the incouraging of this noble man to continue the good course which he hath begun; which doo halson and giue a hope that he will Addere colophonem, and bring that land to a full and perfect gouernment & regiment; which Giraldus Cambrensis would not warrant could be doone much before doomesdaie.

Not long after the arriuall of this man, the Scots after their accustomed maner, for a bien venu or The Scots rebell and are subdued. welcome to his lordship, they began a rebellion, and are vp in armes readie for the warre. His lord|ship hauing notice and knowledge thereof, maketh himselfe forthwith in a readinesse to méete with them, and to stop them of their purpose: and there|in he so ordered and handled the matter, that the Scots were driuen to séeke peace, to craue pardon, to submit themselues, and to sweare allegiance, faith, and obedience to hir maiestie. Which when they had obteined, then they tooke the lands where|in they dwelled, of hir highnesse, yéelding a yeare|lie rent, which before they had not beene accustomed nor woont to dooe. And by these meanes, if there be any truth in them, the state of that countrie standeth the better assured.

Then when he was from this seruice returned to Dublin, his speciall care, studie, and indeuor was to deuise and studie how to reduce and reforme the whole realme and the gouernment, according to the laws of England. Wherevpon he would and did verie often assemble the whole councell, or so ma|nie of them as were there, for their aduise herein; whose names are these. The archbishop of Dublin The councell in Ireland. lord chancellor, the earle of Ormond lord treasuror, the primat of Armagh, the bishop of Meth, the bishop of Kilmore, sir Iohn Noris lord president of Moun|ster, sir Henrie Wallop treasuror at armes, sir Ni|cholas Bagnoll knight marshall, Robert Gardner chiefe iustice of the bench, sir Robert Dillon knight chiefe iustice of the common plées, sir Lucas Dillon knight chiefe baron, sir Nicholas White knight ma|ster of the rols, sir Richard Bingham knight chiefe commissioner in Connagh, sir Henrie Cowleie knight, sir Edward Waterhouse knight, sir Tho|mas le Strange knight, Edward Brabesbie, Gef|freie Fenton secretarie, sir Warham Sentleger & sir Ualentine Browne knights; but discontinued. By the good aduise, helpe, and councell of these wise The whole realme brought into shire grounds. and prudent councellors, he first thought it best to bring the whole land into shire grounds, whereby the laws of England might haue a through course and passage. Wherefore, what sir Henrie Sidneie before had doone in a few counties, that he perfor|med in the whole realme, and brought the same into such & so manie seuerall counties, as was thought best and most fit for that purpose. To euerie of which new counties he appointed and assigned seuerall shiriffes, and all such inferior officers as were most requisit, and to the same incident and apperteining. All and euerie which shires hitherto not registred, nor published in chronicle, togither with such as to|fore were knowne, I thought it good to set downe by their seuerall names, and in their prouinces as followeth.

Counties in Mounster.

Counties in Vlster.

Counties in Leinster.

Counties in Connagh.

When he had performed this, and established the same by act of parlement, then hir maiesties writs English laws currant through Ire|land. and processe had a frée passage, and were currant through out the whole land, and hir maiestie knowne to be souereigne ladie and quéene of the same. Then the Irishrie by little and little gaue ouer their Bre|hon laws, and their Irish vsage, and became obe|dient vnto the English laws; vnto which they refer|red themselues to be tried, and to haue all their quarels to be decided and determined: whereof at these presents is extant a verie notable president & example betweene two of the most principall and chiefe personages in the prouince of Ulster. The one is he, who nameth himselfe Onele, and the other is the earle of Tiron, the heire to the great Con Onele. These two and their ancestors, and all other noble men in that prouince, when so euer anie discord or enimitie did fall out among them, they had no peacemaker but the sword, and by wars and bloudshed was the same decided. Neuerthe|lesse, these two noble men leauing to pursue their Onele and the earle of Tiron sue each one the other at law. quarels, as in times past with the sword & in hostile maner, doo refer themselues to the triall of the laws; and each one of them sueth the other at the common laws, and in the chancerie in hir maiesties court [page 182] at Dublin, and there as dutifull subiects doo abide the triall of their cause. A thing so much the more to be considered, as the parties be of that nobilitie and stoutnesse; and a thing so rare, as heretofore not heard nor knowne. Which course if it haue so happie a progresse and successe, as it hath a good en|terance and beginning; no doubt, but that partlie by the laws, and partlie by the swoord, an vniuersall obedience shall through that land be established, the common societie shall be preserued, the whole realme shall florish and prosper, hir maiestie shall be obeied, the reuenues shall be increased; and in the end, peace shall be vpon Israell. And as this example giueth some manifest good hope thereof, so the same is con|firmed and increased by the happie victorie of late in Connagh; where a number of Scots, hauing made Sir Richard Bingham his victorie vpon the Scots. an inuasion, were met and incountered withall, by the right worthie sir Richard Bingham knight, chiefe commissioner of that prouince, and by him they were vanquished & ouerthrowne, to the num|ber of fifteene hundred persons; so that verie few or none escaped the sword, to returne home with the news of their successe: but were either killed or drowned.

Thus much hitherto generallie concerning the gouernment of that land of Ireland, since the death of king Henrie the eight, vntill these presents. In the course of which time, manie more notable things haue beene doone, worthie to be registred in the chronicles of perpetuall fame and memorie. For the atteining to the knowledge whereof, though Iohn Hooker the writer hereof haue béene a diligent traueller and a searcher for the same; yet he wan|ted that good successe, as both the historie it selfe re|quireth, and he himselfe wisheth. And yet the most part of all the actions in that age consisted most in continuall warres, rebellions, and hostilitie, either against their most sacred kings and queenes, or a|mongst themselues. But whatsoeuer tofore hath beene doone, none were so tragicall, impious, and vnnaturall, as were the last warres of the Giral|dines of Desmond in Mounster. For of the Giral|dines of Kildare, who were not acquainted, nor con|senting to these wicked actions, nothing is meant. Whereinto who so listeth to looke, and well to consi|der, he shall find and sée most euident and apparant examples of Gods iustice & iudgement, against such as doo rebell against the Lords annointed; whome the Lord by his expresse word hath commanded to be honored and obeied in all humblenesse and dutie: because they are his vicars, substitutes, and vicege|rents vpon the earth, to defend the good, and to pu|nish the euill; and who so resisteth them, doo resist his ordinances, and shall receiue hard iudgement, as most manifestlie it dooth appeare in this the earle of Desmonds rebellion. All which if it should be set downe particularlie, as in course it fell out, it would be verie tedious: but much more lamentable and dolefull to be read.

And therefore leauing the large discourse, it shall suffice to shut and conclude this historie, with the briefe recitall of the most speciall points, to mooue ech man to consider the mightie hand of God a|gainst traitors and rebels; and his louing mercie and kindnesse vpon the dutifull and obedient. First therefore Iames Fitzmoris, the first ringleader in this pageant, and who most vnnaturallie had flocked in strangers and forreiners to inuade the land, for e|stablishing the antichristian religion, and the depri|uing of hir maiestie from hir imperiall crowne of the realme of Ireland: this man (I saie) was he who yeelded the first fruits of this rebellion. For in his idolatrous pilgrimage to the holie crosse, and his traitorous iourneie to practise with all the rebels and inhabitants in Connagh and Ulster to ioine with him, he did commit a robberie; and being pur|sued for the same, he was slaine by a gentleman, and one of his owne kinsmen Theobald Burke, and his head & quarters set vpon the gates of the towne of Kilmallocke.

Then Iames of Desmond brother to the earle, ha|uing Iames Des|mond taken in a roberie, han|ged, drawne, [...] quartered. done a robberie vpon sir Corman mac Teige, was likewise taken and caried to Corke, where he was drawne, hanged, and quartered; and his head and quarters set vpon the gates and wals of the ci|tie of Corke. After him, sir Iohn of Desmond, one o|ther brother to the said earle, who was a speciall Sir Iohn of Desmond slaine, and his bodie hanged by the heeles. champion of the pope, from whom he had receiued manie blessings, buls, and Agnos dei, which should keepe and preserue him from all harme: yet for all this his holie cote armour, he was met withall by capteine Zouch and capteine Dowdall, and by them he receiued his iust reward of a bloudie traitor, and a fréendkiller; being killed and then caried dead to Corke, where his bodie was hanged by the héeles, and his head sent to Dublin, and there set vpon the top of the castle. And in the end, the earle himselfe The earle of Desmond slaine, and his head sent to London, and set vpon Lon|don bridge. was also taken, and with the sword the head was di|uided from the bodie: the one was sent to London, and there set vpon London bridge; and his bodie vn|certeine whether it were buried or deuoured by the wild beasts. And thus a noble race and ancient fa|milie, descended from out of the loines of princes, is now for treasons and rebellions vtterlie extingui|shed and ouerthrowne; onelie one sonne of the said earles is left, and yet prisoner in the Tower of Lon|don. The two dctors, Allen & Sanders, who were the Allen and Sanders [...] ed, the one with the sword, the o|ther of fam [...]. holie fathers legats and nuncios, and in their foolish fantasies dreamed that they had the Holie ghost at commandement, and yet most errant traitors a|gainst the lords annointed: the one of them lifting vp his swoord against hir sacred maiestie, vnder the popes banner at Mounster, one thousand fiue hun|dred thréescore and ninetéene, was slaine and killed: the other, after that he had followed the heeles of the Desmonds almost foure yeares, wandering to and fro in the woods & bogs, died most miserablie in the wood of Cleneles, in such diseases as famine and penurie vse to bring. The Romans and Spaniards, All strangers slaine. and the strangers which were sent from the pope and king Philip, with all their consorts and companies, verie few left of them to returne home, and to carie news of their successe; but were all put to the sword. And as for the great companies of souldiors, gal|lowglasses, kerne, & the common people, who follow|ed this rebellion, the numbers of them are infinit, whose blouds the earth dranke vp, and whose carca|ses the foules of the aire and the rauening beasts of the féeld did consume and deuoure. After this folow|ed After the wars folow|ed a famine. an extreme famine: and such as whom the sword did not destroie, the same did consume, and eat out; verie few or none remaining aliue, sauing such as dwelled in cities and townes, and such as were fled ouer into England: and yet the store in the townes was verie far spent, and they in distresse, albeit no|thing like in comparison to them who liued at large. For they were not onelie driuen to eat horsses, dogs and dead carions; but also did deuoure the carcases of dead men, whereof there be sundrie examples: namelie one in the countie of Corke, where when a malefactor was executed to death, and his bodie left A man han|ged was eaten. vpon the gallows, certeine poore people secretlie came, tooke him downe, and did eat him. Likewise in the baie of Sméere wéeke, or saint Marie wéeke, the place which was first seasoned with this rebelli|on, there happened a ship to be there lost through Men drow|ned and eaten. foule weather, and all the men being drowned, were there cast on land.

[page 183] The common people, who had a long time liued on limpets, orewads, and such shelfish as they could find, and which were now spent; as soone as they saw these dead bodies, they tooke them vp, and most gree|dilie did eat and deuoure them: and not long after, death and famine did eat and consume them. The land it selfe, which before those wars was populous, well inhabited, and rich in all the good blessings of God, being plentious of corne, full of cattell, well stored with fish and sundrie other good commodities, is now become wast and barren, yéelding no fruits, the pastures no cattell, the fields no corne, the aire no birds, the seas (though full of fish) yet to them yéeld|ing nothing. Finallie, euerie waie the cursse of God was so great, and the land so barren both of man and beast, that whosoeuer did trauell from the one end vnto the other of all Mounster, euen from Waterford to the head of Sméerewéeke, which is a|bout six score miles, he should not meet anie man, woman, or child, sauing in townes and cities; nor yet sée anie beast, but the verie woolues, the foxes, and other like rauening beasts: manie of them laie dead being famished, and the residue gone elsewhere. A heauie, but a iust iudgement of God vpon such a Pharoicall and stifnecked people, who by no per|suasions, no counsels, and no reasons, would be re|clamed and reduced to serue God in true religion, and to obeie their most lawfull prince in dutifull o|bedience; but made choise of a wicked idoll, the god Mazim to honor, and of that wicked antichrist of Rome to obeie, vnto the vtter euerthrow of them|selues and of their posteritie. This is the goodnesse that commeth from that great citie vpon the seuen hils, and that mightie Babylon, the mother of all wickednesse & abhominations vpon the earth. These be the fruits which come from that holie father, mai|ster pope, the sonne of sathan, and the man of sinne, The fruits which come from the pope. and the enimie vnto the crosse of Christ, whose blood|thirstinesse will neuer be quenched, but in the blood of the saints, and the seruants of God; and whose ra|uening guts be neuer satisfied, but with the death of such as doo serue the Lord in all godlines, & who will not be drunke in the cup of his fornications: as it dooth appére by the infinit & most horrible massacres, and bloodie persecutions, which he dailie exerciseth throughout all christian lands. Which bicause he can not performe also within the realmes of England The wicked practises of the pope. & Ireland, what practises hath he made by inchant|ments, sorceries, witchcrafts, & tresons to beerean [...] hir maiestie of hir life? What deuises hath he vsed to raise vp hir owne subiects to rebellions and commo|tions, to sapplant hir of hir roiall estate and gouern|ment? What practises hath he vsed with forren prin|ces and potentats, to séeke occasions of breaches of peace and raisings of warres? And how craftilis hath he suborned his vnholie & traitorous Iesuits, vnder colour of holines, to range from place to place through hir maiesties realmes, and to moone and persuade hir people from dutifull obedience vnto hir highnesse, and to denie hir supreme authoritie and gouernment? Finallie, how dooth he from time to time like a rauening woolfe séeke the deuouring of hir, and of all hir good subiects, which liue in the feare of God, and in the religion established vpon his ho|lie word and gospell? Whereof hath insued the losse of infinit thousands of people, as wherof manie ap|parant examples are set downe and recorded in the histories of England; but of them all, none more lamentable than is this historie of Ireland, and espe|ciallie this tragedie of Mounster. In which it dooth appeare, how that for the maintenance of the popes quarels, the earth hath drunke vp the bloud, the fouls of the aire haue preied, and the beasts of the field haue deuoured the carcases of infinit multitudes & numbers of people. Which if euerie man would well looke into and consider, the vngodlie shall sée the great iudgements of God, and his seuere iustice against all such as shall dishonor his holie name; and against such as shall rebell and resist against his an|nointed: that thereby they may repent, amend their liues, and be conuerted vnto the Lord, both in true religion towards him, and in all dutifull obedience to his annointed. And the good and godlie shall sée, and thereby consider the great good mercies shewed vpon them, in that he hath and continuallie dooth preserue and kéepe them from out of the iawes of the lion in all safetie, that they should dailie more and more grow from grace to grace, and liue in all holinesse and vertue towards him, and persist in all dutifull obedience vnto hir maiestie our souereigne ladie and queene; whose daies the Lord God conti|nue and prolong to reigne ouer vs to his good will and pleasure: and so shall we hir peo|ple sée good daies, liue in securi|itie, and the peace of Israell shall be vpon vs.

Thus farre the chronicles of Ireland, continued by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell, Gent.