_THat the erle of Desmond hath praactised most vnnaturallie the subuersion of the whole state.
2 That he practised to bring in stran|gers, and practised with foren princes to bring and allure in strangers to inuade this land.
3 That he fostered and mainteined doctor San|ders, Iames Fitzmoris, and others beyond the seas to worke these feats.
4 That albeit to the vtter shew of the world, he seemed at the first to dislike with them at their land|ing: yet were they secretlie interteined by the said earles permission, throughout all his countie of pa|lantine in Kerrie.
5 That when his brethren most traitorouslie had murthered Henrie Dauels and others at Traleigh, he did let his said brethren slip, without reproouing or blaming of them, and had also commended special|lie the slaughter of Edmund Duffe an English|man, who at the said murthering laie in the next bed vnto Dauels.
6 That when the strangers at Smerwéeke had no waie to escape by sea, at the comming of sir Wil|liam Drurie, he gaue place vnto them for their e|scape by land, and gaue his tenants and followers li|bertie, to aid, helpe, and mainteine them.
7 That contrarie to the commandement giuen vnto him by the lord iustice, he returned into Kerrie, and caused the strangers to leaue the fort, and to re|paire to the towne of the Dingle and to other places which were at his deuotion, & had there interteine|ments.
8 That he distributed the ordinances and artille|rie of the forts vnto the rebels, as dooth appéere by a note found in the port mantieu of doctor Allen late|lie slaine in the incounter executed by sir Nicholas Malbie.
9 That he hath set at libertie such strangers as he kept colourablie as prisoners, and hath appointed them to gard his houses and castels.
10 That he hanged most abhominablie Richard Eustace, Simon Brian, and others the quéenes sub|iects, for whome he vndertooke to the late lord iustice to be safelie brought vnto him.
11 That he sent sundrie of his principall men, ser|uitors, and followers, and his houshold seruants, as also his chiefe capteins, which vnder the popes ban|ner displaied most traitorouslie in the fields, did as|saile sir Nicholas Malbie knight hir maiesties lieu|tenant of all Mounster, at Mounster Euagh, and which banner Nicholas Williams the earles butler did that daie carie.
12 That he hath vtterlie refused manie persua|sions, friendlie counsels, sundrie messages, and all the good means vsed and wrought to reduce and to bring him to obedience.
13 That he hath not onelie refused to deliuer vp doctor Sanders and the Spaniards, which doo dailie accompanie him; but hath broken downe his ca|stels, burned his townes, and desolated his coun|tries aforehand, to the intent hir maiesties forces and subiects shall not be succoured nor refreshed.
14 That he dailie looketh for a further aid and a new supplie of foreners, & dailie solliciteth the chiefe men of the Irish countries to ioine with him in this his most execrable and rebellious enterprise.
15 That he openlie protested & sent a message to [page 164] the lord iustice that he would disturbe the whole state of Ireland. Wherfore they did pronounce, proclame, and publish him to be a most notorious, detestable, and execrable traitor, and all his adherents, against hir maiesties crowne and dignitie, vnlesse within twentie daies after this proclamation he did come in, and submit himselfe. Unto which proclamation there subscribed the earle of Ormond, the baron of Dunboine, the bishop of Waterford, the vicount Mountgarret, sir Nicholas Malbie, sir Edmund Butler, Edward Waterhouse, Theobald Butler, Edward Butler, and Piers Butler.
This proclamation was foorthwith sent and dis|persed to Dublin, Waterford, Corke, Limerike, and The procla|mation a| [...]inst Des|mond is sent to all the cities in Ireland. other principall townes to be in like order procla|med. Immediatlie and within an houre after this proclamation, the countesse of Desmond came to the campe; but the campe was before dislodged from the towne, and all his countrie foorthwith consumed with fire, and nothing was spared which fire & sword could consume. From this place the lord iustice re|mooued to Pople Brian, wherevpon the third of Nouember he tooke a generall muster of the whole armie: and then he deliuered to the erle of Ormond two hundred and fiftie horssemen, and also eight en|signes of footmen, of the which companie George Bourchier went to Kilm [...]llocke, and sir William Stanleie and capteine George Carew to Adare. And then he remooued and tooke his iournie vnto Limerike, being accompanied with the earle of Ormond, who the next daie left the lord iustice and returned to his charge. After which departure of the lord iustice, the proclamed traitor of Desmond and his brothers, not able anie longer to shrowd his trea|cheries, went with all his forces to the towne of Youghall, where against his comming the gates of The towne of Youghall ta|ken & spoiled. the towne were shut, but yet it was thought but co|lourablie: for verie shortlie after, without deniall or resistance, the earle and all his troope of rebels ente|red the towne and tooke it, and there remained about fiue daies, rifling and carrieng awaie the goods and houshold stuffe to the castell of Strangicallie and Le [...]innen, the which then were kept by the Spani|ards.
The earle of Ormond, assoone as he was aduerti|sed hereof, he caused a barke well appointed to be dis|patched A barke well appointed at waterford is sent to Youghall. from Waterford, & to come to Youghall: the capteine of which barke was named White, a man of that countrie birth, verie valiant and of a stout stomach. Assoone as he was come to the wals of the towne, and had anchored his ship, he recoue|red from the rebels certeine ordinances of the said townes; and being put to vnderstand that the sene|shall of Imokellie was comming towards the The ordinan|ces recouered from the rebels. towne, he set all his men on land; and setting his men in good order, he entered into the towne at the watergate, and marched in good order through the towne, till he came where the rebels were togither, and then more rashlie than consideratlie, gaue the charge and onset vpon them: but the number of White, cap|teine of the barke is slain. them being great, and his but a handfull to them, he was in verie short time inclosed and ouerlaied, and there slaine, and with much adoo did a few of his com|panie recouer their ship againe. The lord generall and gouernour in the meane time, not slacking his businesse, did assemble and muster all his companie, & being accompanied with sir George Bourchier, sir William Stanleie, capteine Dowdall, capteine The earle of Ormond ma|keth a rode in|to Connilo, & killeth a num|ber of the rebels. Furse, and others, made a iourneie into Connilo, which was then the chéefest place of trust that the earle had, both for safetie and strength, and for vittels and forage, and there his greatest force and strength of his souldiors were seized in the townes and villa|ges. And they then little thinking and lesse looking for anie such ghests, were vnawares and vpon a sud|den intrapped and taken napping, and the most part of them taken and slaine, and the villages for the most part burned and spoiled. The earle of Desmond at this present time was there, but not knowne in his castell called the New castell, and escaped verie The earle of Desmond in danger to be taken. narowlie. This péece of seruice being doone, the lord gouernour marched towards Mac Willies coun|trie, and being to go through a certeine passe, he met with the seneshall, vpon whome he gaue the charge, who answered the same verie valiantlie, and the skirmish was verie hot, in which the seneshals bro|thers and sundrie of his men were flaine; and the like also befell vpon the lord gouernours men, though not so manie, amongest whome capteine Zouches trumpetor was one; which so greeued the lord gene|rall, that he commanded all the houses, townes, and villages in that countrie and about Lefinnen, which in anie waie did belong to the earle of Desmond, or of anie of his fréends and followers, to be burned and spoiled.
From this he tooke his iourneie towards Corke, and in his waie at Drunfening he tooke a preie of one thousand fiue hundred kine or cowes, which were all driuen and sent vnto Corke, at which citie assoone as his lordship was come, and had rested a small time, then by the aduise of the capteins he diuided and bestowed his companie into sundrie garrisons and places conuenient, as which might best answer the seruices. And his lordship being accompanied with capteine Dowdall and capteine Furse, he went to Cashell, and by the waie he tooke the maior of Youghall, whome foorthwith he examined, and for his treasons and treacheries, in that he would yéeld vp the towne vnto Desmond, and had before refu|sed a band of Englishmen, which was appointed to lie in garrison in that towne, for the defense thereof, and had promised that he would kéepe and defend the same against all men; he carried him along with The maior of Youghall han|ged before his owne dores. him vnto Youghall, and there before his owne doore hanged him. The lord gouernour when he came into the towne, found it all desolate, rifled and spoiled, and no one man, woman or child therein, sauing one fri|er, whome he spared, bicause he had fetched the corps of Henrie Dauels from Traleigh, and had caried it to Waterford, where it was buried in the chancell of The towne of Youghall all desol [...]. the cathedrall church. And his lordship much pitieng the desolate estate of the towne, did take order for the reedifieng of the wals and gates, and placed therein a garrison of thrée hundred footmen vnder capteine Morgan and capteine Piers, who did verie good ser|uice in the countrie, and by good means drew home The inhabi|tants reuoked to dwell and inhabit the towne. the people and old inhabitants, and impeopled the towne againe. And the lord gouernour departed thense, and followed his seruice, as time, place, and opportunitie did serue; and taking aduise with the capteins for some speciall seruice, and remembring that the Spaniards had hitherto lien in rest and quietnesse, in garrison at Strangicallie, and hi|therto nothing doone or said vnto them; it was a|gréed betwéene his lordship and the capteins, to doo some seruice vpon them, and to trie their value: wherevpon they marched thither and laid siege ther|vnto.
The Spaniards, who kept alwaies good watch, and The Spani|ards lieng in Strangicallie forsake their fort and in fléeing are slaine. had also verie good espials abrode, they were foorth|with aduertised that a companie of souldiers were drawing and marching towards the said castell, and when they themselues saw it to be true, and had dis|couered them, they began to distrust themselues, and to doubt of their abilitie how to withstand them. Wherefore abandoning & forsaking the castell, they passed ouer the water, thinking to recouer the woods [page 165] and so to escape that present danger. But sir Wil|liam Stanleie, capteine Zouch, capteine Dowdall, capteine Piers, capteine Roberts, and all their com|panies did so egerlie follow and pursue them, that in the end they ouertooke them, and slue all or the most part of them, and so tooke the castell, wherein the lord gouernour placed a ward. Likewise when he laie at Adare, and vnderstanding that the erle of Desmond was abrode, the garrison minding to doo some ser|uice vpon him, they issued out. Whereof he hauing some intelligence, notwithstanding his companie was but small in comparison of the others: yet he laie in an ambush to méet them in their returne; and vpon an aduantage he gaue the onset vpon them, and gaue a verie hot charge, in which the souldiers of The earle of Desmond li| [...] an am| [...]sh. the garrison were so hardlie assailed, that they brake the most part of their pikes, and were inforced with their swords and with the stumps of their staues to stand to their defenses; which they did so valiantlie, that the earle in the end with the losse of his men was driuen to giue ouer and to flée.
The like seruice did sir Henrie Wallop, who then laie at Limerike, sir George Bourchier, capteine Dowdall, capteine Holingworth, and all the residue of the capteins in their seuerall charges and garri|sons, who though of themselues they were verie for|ward; yet the lord gouernour neuer slept his time, The [...]iligent seruice of the earle of Or|mond. but was alwaies in readinesse, being the first with the formost, and the last with the hindermost. In the moneth of August 1580, he remooued and dislodged himselfe from Adare, and marched to Boteuant a house of the lord Barries, where a péece of seruice was appointed them to be doone: but suddenlie such a sicknes came among the soldiers which tooke them in the head, that at one instant there were aboue thrée A sickenesse in the campe. hundred of them sicke, and for three daies they laie as dead stockes, looking still when they should die, but yet such was the good will of God, that few died; for they all recouered. This sickenesse not long after came into England, & was called the gentle corre|ction. Now the companie being thus recouered, his lordship minding to follow a péece of seruice, diui|deth his companie into two parts, the one he tooke himselfe, and tooke the waie by the Iland; & the other he appointed to go directlie vnto Traligh, and there they met and diuided their companies into thrée parts, & so marched to Dingle a cush. And as they went they draue the whole countrie before them vnto the Uentrie, & by that means they preied and tooke All the coun|trie is preied. all the cattell in the countrie to the number of eight thousand kine, besides horsses, garrons, shéepe, and gotes, and all such people as they met they did with|out mercie put to the sword. By these meanes the whole countrie hauing no cattell nor kine left, they were driuen to such extremities, that for want of vittels they were either to die and perish for famine, or to die vnder the sword. Neuerthelesse, manie of Sir William Winter gi|ueth prote|ctions. them vnderstanding that sir William Winter vice|admerall of England was newlie arriued with the quéenes ships at the Uentrie, and that he had recei|ued a commission to vse marshall law, they made their repaire vnto him, and obteined protections vn|der him. Which the souldiers did verie much mislike, the same to be somewhat preiudiciall to hir maie|sties seruice: bicause they persuaded themselues, that if they had folowed the course which they began, they should either haue taken or slaine them all.
Sir William, viceadmerall of England, vpon Sir William Winter kée|peth the seas. the newes reported to hir maiestie that a new sup|plie was prepared to come into Ireland from out of Spaine, was commanded to kéepe the seas and to attend their comming, and as occasion serued to doo his best seruice vpon them. Who when he had so done certeine moneths, his vittels waxed scant; and sée|ing no such matter, and also that the winter was drawing onwards, thinking nothing lesse than that the Spaniards would so late in the yeare arriue thither, he hoised his sailes and returned into Eng|land. But he was mistaken & deceiued: for not long after they came and landed at Smerwéeke, as here|after shall be at full declared. And now leauing the soldiers in their garrisons, let vs returne to the lord The lord in|st [...]ce with the Berwike bands goeth into Tho|mond. iustice, who when he departed from Limerike the fift of Nouember 1579, being accompanied with the Berwike bands, he went into Thomond, where the earle and his sonne with two bad horssemen met his lordship; and from thense he trauelled by iournies vn|to Gallewaie, where he was verie honorablie recei|ued. And to the end to incourage them to persist and The lord iu|stice is verie honorablie receiued into Gallewaie. continue in dutifull obedience, he confirmed vnto the corporation certeine branches and articles, wher|of some before this were granted vnto them in the time of sir Henrie lord deputie, and some now new|lie set downe and granted, which in effect were these as followeth.