[1] _TAking pen in hand to write you my resolute answer, I muse in the verie fir [...] line by what name to call you, my lord, or my cousine: séeing your notorious treason hath distained your honour, and your despe|rate lewdnesse shamed your kindred. You are so li|berall in parting stakes with me, that a man would wéene you had no right vnto the game: so importu|nat in crauing my companie, as if you would per|suade me to hang with you for good fellowship. Doo you thinke that Iames was so mad, as to gape for gogions; or so vngratious, as to sell his truth for a péece of Ireland? Were it so (as it cannot be) that the chickens you reckon, were both hatched and fea|thered: yet be thou sure, I had rather in this quarell die thine enimie, than liue thy partener. For the kind|nesse you proffer me, and good loue in the end of your letter, the best waie I can I purpose to requite, that is, in aduising you, though you haue fetcht your feaze, yet to looke well yer ye leape. Ignorance and errour, with a certeine opinion of dutie, haue caried you vn|awares to this follie, not yet so ranke but it maie be cured. The king is a vessell of bountie & mercie, your words against his maiestie shall not be accounted malicious, but rather belched out for heat and impo|tencie, except your selfe by heaping offenses discouer a mischeefous and wilfull meaning. Farewell.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Thomas Fitzgirald netled with this round an|swer, was determined to inuade the countrie of Kilkennie, first forcing an oth vpon the gentlemen of the pale: and such as would not agree thereto he tooke prisoners. Fingall, which was not before ac|quainted with the recourse of the Irish enimie, was Fingall spoiled. left open to be preided and spoiled by the Tooles, who were therein assisted by Iohn Burnell of Balgriffin, a gentleman of a faire liuing, setled in a good battle Iohn Burnel o [...] Belg [...]. soile of Fingall, taken for one not deuoid of wit, were it not that he was ouertaken with this trea|son. The Dublinians hauing notice that the enimie made hau [...]cke of their neighbors of Fingall, issued out of the citie, meaning to haue intercepted them at the bridge of Kilmainan. And hauing incounte|red [page 92] with the Irish néere the wood Salcocke, what for The Dubli|nians discom|fited. the number of the rebels, and the lacke of an expert capteine to lead the armie of Dublin in battell raie, there were fourescore of the citizens slaine, and the preide not rescued. In this conflict, Patrike Fitz|simons, with diuerse other good housholders, mis|caried. Patrike Fitz|simons slaine.
[1] [2] This victorie bred so great an insolencie in Tho|mas Messengers sent from Thomas to Dublin. Fitzgirald, as he sent his messengers to the ci|tie, declaring that albeit they offred him that iniurie, as that he could not haue frée passage with his com|panie to & fro in the pale, & therefore would he vse the benefit of his late skirmish, or be answerable in iust reuenge to their due desert, he might by law of armes put their citie to fire and sword: yet this not|withstanding, if they would but permit his men to laie siege to the castell of Dublin, he would enter in league with them, and would vndertake t [...] backe them in such fauourable wise, as the stoutest cham|pion in his armie should not be so hardie, as to offer the basest in their citie so much as a fillip. The citi|zens considering that the towne by reason of the sickenesse was weakened, and by this late ouer|throw greatlie discouraged, were forced to make a vertue of necessitie, by lighting a candle before the diuell, till time the kings pleasure were knowne; to whom with letters they posted one of their aldermen named Francis Herbert, whom shortlie after, the king for his seruice dubbed knight, infeoffing him Francis Her|bert sent into England. Eustace of Balicu [...]lan. with part of Christopher Eustace of Balicu [...]lan his lands, who had vnaduisedlie a foot in this rebellion. But before the citizens would returne answer to Thomas as touching this message, they secretlie ad|uertised maister Iohn White conestable of the castell of this vnlawfull demand.
[1] [2] [3] The conestable weighing the securitie of the citie, little regarding the force of the enimie, agreed wil|linglie therto, so that he might be sufficientlie stored with men and vittels. Iohn Alen archbishop of Dub|lin, fearing that all would haue gone to wracke in The archbi|shop of Dub|lin meaneth to saile into England. Bartholmew Fitzgirald. Ireland, being then in the castell, brake his mind touching his sailing into England, to one of his ser|uants named Bartholomew Fitzgirald, whom not|withstanding he were a Giraldine, he held for his trustiest and inwardest councellor. Bartholomew vndertaking to be the archbishop his pilot, vntill hée were past the barre, incouraged his maister to im|barke himselfe hard by the Dams gate. And as they were hulling in the channell that euening, they were not warie, vntill the barke strake on the sands néere Clontarfe.
[1] The archbishop with his man stale secretlie to Tartaine, there meaning to lurke vntill the wind had serued to saile into England, where he scarselie six houres soiourned, when Thomas Fitzgirald knew of his arriuall, and accompanied with Iames de la Hide, sir Iohn Fitzgirald, Oliuer Fitzgirald his vncles, timelie in the morning, being the eight and twentith of Iulie, he posted to Tartaine, beset 1534 Teling. Waffer. the house, commanded Iohn teling and Nicholas Waffer to apprehend the archbishop, whome they haled out of his bed, brought him naked in his shirt, barefooted, and bareheaded, to their capteine. Whom when the archbishop espied, incontinentlie he knéeled and with a pitifull countenance & lamentable voice, he besought him for the loue of God not to remember former iniuries, but to weigh his present calamitie, and what malice soeuer he bare his person, yet to re|spect his calling and vocation, in that his enimie was a christian, and he amongst christians an archbi|shop.
[1] As he spake thus, bequeathing his soule to God, his bodie to the enimies mercie, Thomas being stri|ken with some compassion, & withall inflamed with desire of reuenge, turned his horsse aside, saieng in Irish (Bir wem è boddeagh) which is as much to saie in English, as Away with the churle, or Take the churle from me: which doubtles he spake, as after he decla|red, meaning the archbishop should be deteined as prisoner. But the caitifs that were present, rather of malice than of ignorance, misconstruing his words, murthered the archbishop without further delaie, Alen archbi|shop of Dub|lin murthered at Tartaine brained and hacked him in gobbets, his bloud with Abell crieng to God for reuenge, which after befell to all such as were principals in this horrible murther. The place is euer since hedged and imbaied on eue|rie side, ouergrowne and vnfrequented for detesta|tion of the fact. This Alen (as before is declared) was in seruice with cardinall Woolseie, of deepe iugement in the law canon, the onelie match of Ste|phan Gardiner, an other of Woolsei [...]s chapleins, for auoiding of which emulation he was preferred in Ireland, rough and rigorous in iustice, deadlie hated of the Giraldines for his maisters sake & his owne, as he that crossed them diuerse times, and much brideled both father and son in their gouernements, not vnlike to haue promoted their accusations, and to haue béene a forger of the letter before mentioned, which turned to his finall destruction.
[1] [2] [3] The rebels hauing in this execrable wise imbrued their hands in the archbishop his bloud, they rode to Houth, tooke sir Christopher lord of Houth prisoner, The lord of Houth taken prisoner. Iustice Lut|trell taken. & vpon their returne from thense, they apprehended maister Luttrell chiefe iustice of the common plées, conueieng him with them as their prisoner. The Dublinians during this space, hauing respit to pause sent into the castell by night sufficient store of vittels, at which time, Iohn Fitzsimons, one of their alder|men, Iohn Fitz|simons. sent to master conestable twentie tun of wine, foure & twentie tun of [...]éere, two thousand drie ling, sixtéens hogsheads of poudered beefe, and twentie chambers, with an iron chaine for the draw bridge of the castell that was newlie forged in his owne house for the auoiding of all suspicion. The castell being with men, munition, and vittels abundantlie furni|shed, The castell of Dublin besieged. answer was returned to Thomas Fitzgirald, purporting a consent for the receiuing of his souldi|ors. Which granted, he sent thither Iames Field of Luske, Nicholas Waffer, Iohn Teling, Edward Field. Waffer. Teling. Roukes. Rouks (who was likewise a pirat scowring the coast, and greatlie annoieng all passengers) Broad and Pursell, with an hundred souldiors attendant on them, as on their capteins. These valiant Rutter|kins planted néere Preston his innes, right ouer a|gainst the castell gate two or three falcons, hauing with such strong rampiers intrenched their compa|nie, as they litle weighed the shot of the castle. And to withdraw the conestable from discharging the ordi|nance, they threatened to take the youth of the citie, and place them on the top of their trenches for mai|ster conestable to shoot at, as at a marke he would be loth to hit.
[1] [2] The English pale in this wise weakened, the ci|tizens appeased, and the castell besieged, Thomas Fitzgirald and his confederats were resolued to trie Thomas Fitzgirald in|uadeth the countrie of Kilkennie. if the lord Butler would stand to his doughtie letter; and sith he would not by faire means be allured, hée should be (maugre his head) by foule means compel|led to assist them in this their generall attempt. Tho|mas vpon this determination, being accompanied with Oneale, diuerse Scots, Iames de la Hide, his principall councellour, Iohn de la Hide, Edward Fitzgirald his vncle, sir Richard Walsh parson of Loughsewdie, Iohn Burnell of Balgriffin, Iames Gernon, Walter Walsh, Robert Walsh, Maurice Walsh, with a maine armie, inuaded the erle of Os|sorie and the lord Butler his lands burnt and wasted the countrie of Kilkennie to Thomas towne, the [page 93] poore inhabitants being constreined to shunne his force, rather than to withstand his power.
[1] Fitzgirald his approch towards these confines bruted, the earle of Ossorie, and his son the lord But|ler, with all the gentlemen of the countrie of Kilken|nie, assembled néere Ieripon, to determine what or|der they might take, in withstanding the inuasion of the rebels. And as they were thus in parlee, a gentle|man of the Butlers accompanied with sixtéene hors|men, departed secretlie from the folkemote, & made towards Thomas Fitzgirald and his armie, who was then readie to incampe himselfe at Thomas towne. When the chalenger was escried, and the cer|teine number knowne, sixtéene of Fitzgirald his horssemen did charge him, and presentlie followed them seuen score horssemen, with two or thrée ban|ners displaied, pursuing them vntill they came to the hill where all the gentlemen were assembled, who The earle of Ossorie fléeth. The lord Butler wounded. being so suddenlie taken, could not stand to bicker; but some fled this waie, some that waie, the earle was scattered from his companie, and the lord But|ler vnwares was hurt: whom when such of the rebels knew as fauoured him, they pursued him but coldlie, and let him escape on horssebacke, taking his waie to Downemore (néere Kilkennie) where he laie at surgerie.
[1] [2] During the time that Thomas with his armie was ransacking the erle of Ossorie his lands, Fran|cis Francis He|rebert retur|neth from England. Shilling|forth. Herebert returned from England to Dublin with the king and councels letters to maister Shil|lingforth then maior, and his brethren, with letters likewise to maister White the constable, to with|stand (as their dutie of allegiance bound them) the traitorous practises of Thomas and his complices, and that with all spéed they should be succored vpon the sight of these letters. Maister Thomas Fitz|simons Thomas Fitzsimons. recorder of the citie, a gentleman that shew|ed himselfe a politike and a comfortable councellor in these troubles, paraphrasing the king his gratious No league to be kept with traitors. The Dublini|ans breake with Tho|mas Fitzgi|ral [...]. letters, with diuerse good and sound constructions, imboldened the citizens to breake their new made league, which with no traitor was to be kept. The aldermen and communaltie, with this pithie persua|sion easilie weighed, gaue forthwith order, that the gates should be shut, their percullices dismounted, the traitors that besieged the castell apprehended, flags of defiance vpon their wals placed, and an o|pen breach of truce proclamed.
[1] [2] Field and his companies (who did not all this while batter aught of the castell, but onelie one hole that was bored through the gate with a pellet, which lighted in the mouth of a demie canon, planted with|in the castell) vnderstanding that they were betraied, began to shrinke their heads, trusting more to their heeles than to their weapons: some ran one way, some another, diuerse thought to haue béene housed Field and his companie ta|ken. and so to lurke in Lorels den, who were thrust out by the head and shoulders: few of them swam ouer the Liffie, the greater number taken and imprisoned. Forthwith post vpon post rode to Thomas Fitz|girald, who then was rifling the countrie of Kil|kennie, certifieng him that all was mard, the fat was in the fire, he brought an old house about his owne eares, the Paltocks of Dublin kept not touch with him, the English armie was readie to be shipt, Herebert with the king his letters returned; now it stood him vpon to shew himselfe a man or a mouse. Thomas with these tidings amazed, made spéedie repaire to Dublin, sending his purseuants before him, to command the gentlemen of the English pale to méete him with all their power néere Dub|lin. And in his waie towards the citie, his compa|nie The youth of Dublin taken prisoners. tooke diuerse children of the Dublinians, that kept in the countrie (by reason of the contagion that then was in the towne) namelie Michaell Fitzsi|mons, Patrike Fitzsimons, William Fitzsimons, all sons to Walter Fitzsimons late maior, at which time was also taken Iames Stanihurst, with di|uerse other yoonglings of the citie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Hauing marched néere Dublin, he sent doctor Messengers sent to Dublin Trauerse. Lince. Grace. Trauerse, Peter Lince of the Knoke, and Oliuer Grace, as messengers (for I maie not rightlie tearme them ambassadors) to the citizens, who cros|sing the Liffie from the blacke friers to the keie, ex|planed to the maior and aldermen their errand, the effect whereof was, either to stand to their former promise, or else to restore to their capteine his men, whom they wrongfullie deteined in goale. The first and last point of this request flatlie by the citizens denied, the messengers returned, declaring what cold interteinment they had in Dublin. Thomas Dublin besie|ged. herewith frieng in his grease, caused part of his ar|mie to burne the barke wherin Herebert sailed from England: which doone without resistance, the vessell road at anchor néere saint Marie abbeie, they in|deuored to stop all the springs that flowed vnto the towne, and to cut the pipes of the conduits, where|by they should be destitute of fresh water. Shortlie after, they laid siege to the castell in the Shipstréet, The ship|street fired. from whense they were hastilie by the ordinance feazed, and all the thatcht houses of the stréet were burnt with wild fire, which maister White deuised, because the enimie should not be there rescued.
[1] [2] [3] When no butter could sticke on their bread, in in that part of the citie, the greater number of the rebels assembled to Thomas his court, and marched to saint Thomas his street, rasing downe the parti|tions of the row of houses before them on both sides of the street, finding none to withstand them: for the inhabitants fled into the citie, so that they made a long lane on both the sides like a gallerie, couered all ouer head, to shield as well their horssemen as their footmen from gunshot. This doone they burnt the new street, planted a falcon right against the new gate, and it discharged, pearsed the gate, and kild an apprentise of Thomas Stephans alderman, as he went to bring a bason of water from the high pipe, which by reason the springs were damd vp, was Richard Stanton. at that time drie. Richard Stanton, commonlie called Dicke Stanton, then gailor of the new gate, a good seruitor, an excellent markeman, as his va|liant seruice that time did approue. For besides that he gald diuers of the rebels as they would skip from house to house, by causing some of them with his peece to carrie their errands in their buttocks; so he perceiued one of the enimies, leueling at the win|dow or spike at which he stood: but whether it were, that the rebell his pouder failed him, or some gimboll or other was out of frame, Stanton tooke him so trulie for his marke, as he strake him with his bul|let full in the forehead vnder the brim of his scull, and withall turned vp his héeles.
[1] [2] [3] Stanton not satisfied with his death, issued out at the wicket, stript the varlot mother-naked, and brought in his péece and his attire. The desperat|nesse of this fact disliked of the citizens, and great|lie stomached by the rebels, before Stanton retur|ned to his standing, the enimies brought faggots & fiers to the new gate, and incontinentlie fired them. Faggots lai [...] vnto the new gate. The townesmen perceiuing that if the gate were burnt, the enimies would be incouraged vpon hope of the spoile, to venter more fiercelie, than if they were incountred without the wals, thought it expe|dient presentlie to charge them. To this exploit they were the more egerlie mooued, because that notwith|standing Thomas his souldiors were manie in number; yet they knew that the better part of his companie bare but hollow hearts to the quarrell: [page 94] for the number of the wise gentlemen of the pale did little or nothing incline to his purpose. And there|fore when he besieged the citie, the most part of those arrowes, which were shot ouer the walles, were vn|headed, and nothing annoied them: some shot in let|ters, and foretold them of all the treacherous stra|tagems that were in hammering.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] That espied the citizens, and gathering the faint|nesse of his souldiors thereby, blazed abroad vpon the walles triumphant newes, that the king his ar|mie was arriued: and as it had béene so in déed, sud|denlie The citizens bicker with the rebels. to the number of foure hundred rushed out at the new gate, through flame and fire vpon the re|bels, who at the first sight of armed men) wéening no lesse but the truth was so, otherwise assured, that the citie would neuer dare to reincounter them, gaue ground, forsooke their capteins, dispersed and scattered into diuerse corners, their falcon taken, an hundred of their stoutest Galloglasses slaine. Tho|mas Fitzgirald fled to the graie friers in S. Fran|cis his stréet, there coucht that night, vnknowen to Thomas Fitzgirald fleeth. the citie, vntill the next morning he stale priuilie to his armie not far off, who stood in woonderfull feare that he was apprehended. Thomas his courage by this late ouerthrow somewhat cooled, and also being assuredlie told, that a fleete was espied a farre off, bearing full saile towards the coast of Ireland, he was soone intreated, hauing so manie irons in the fire, to take egs for his monie: & withall, hauing no forren succor, either from Paulus tertius, or Charles the fift, which dailie he expected, he was sore quailed, being of himselfe, though strong in number of soul|diors, yet vnfurnished of sufficient munition and ar|tillerie, to stand & withstand the king his armie in a pitcht field, or a maine battell. Upon this & other con|siderations, to make as faire weather as he could, he sent Iames de la Hide, Lime of the Knocke, William Bath of Dollarstowne, doctor Trauerse, Thomas Field of Painstowne, as messengers to Dela Hide. Lime. Bath. Trauerse. Field. the citizens, to treat with them of a truce, who be|ing let in at the new gate, repaired to William Kellie his house, where maister maior and his bre|thren were assembled. The articles propounded by them to the citizens, were these. The articles propounded to the citizens.
[1] [2] The maior and aldermen, hauing ripelie debated the tenour of these articles, agréed, that maister The citizens answer these articles. Fitzsimons their recorder should answer vnto the first, that they would not sticke to set his seruants at libertie, so he would redeliuer them the youth of the citie, which was nothing else in effect, but tit for tat. As for the second and the third demand, they were so greatlie by his warres impouerished, as they might hardlie spare monie or wares. And as tou|ching implements for warre, they were neuer such fond niddicockes, as to offer anie man a rod to beat their owne tailes, or to betake their mastiues vnto the custodie of the woolues, maruelling much that their capteine would so farre ouershoot himselfe, as to be taken with such apparant repugnancie. For if he intended to submit himselfe to the king his mer|cie, and to make them humble meanes to his high|nesse for the obteining of his pardon, he ought ra|ther to make sute for some good de [...]am parchment for the ingrossing thereof, than for munition and ar|tillerie to withstand his prince. Wherfore, that thrée vnlawfull demands reiected, they would willing|lie condescend to the first and last: as well requesting him to deliuer them the youth of the citie, as to sub|mit himselfe and his companie to the king his mer|cie: promising not onelie with their fauourable let|ters, but also with their personall presences to fur|ther, as far as in them laie, his humble sute to the king and councell.
[1] [2] [3] [4] As they parled thus to and fro, William Bath William Bath. of Dollarstowne a student of the common lawes spake: My maisters, what néedeth all this long circumstance? Let vs all drinke of one cup. Which words were shortlie after vpon Skeffington his ar|riuall so crookedlie glosed, as by drinking of a sowre cup he lost the best ioint of his bodie. For albeit vp|on his triall he construed his words to import an v|niforme consent towards the obteining of Fitzgi|rald his pardon; yet all this could not colour his mat|ter in such wise, but that he and Eustace of Balicut|lan Eustace of Balicutlan. were executed at the castell of Dublin. The mes|sengers knowing their capteine to be at a low eb, were agréed to take the offers of the first & last con|ditions, and that to the accomplishing of these arti|cles hostages should be giuen of either part. The messengers deliuered to the citizens doctor Trauers Hostages taken. Doctor Tr [...]|uerse. Talbot. Rochford. Rerrie. Dauid Su [...]|ton. & others, the citizens deliuered them Richard Talbot, Aldreman, Rochford, & Rerrie. These were commit|ted to the custodie of Dauid Sutton of Rabride, who redeliuered them to the citizens immediatlie after vpon the certeine rumor of Skeffington his repaire.
[1] [2] [3] Thomas growne to this point with the Dubli|nians raised his siege, caused his artillerie to be con|ueied to Houth, marching after with his armie, to the end he might as well bulch the English ships if they durst anerre the coast, as to bicker with the sol|diors vpon their arriuall. But before he tooke his iorneie vnto Houth, he rode to Mainoth, to see that the castell should be of all sides fortified, where being The white cotes landed at Dublin. doone to vnderstand, that a companie of white cotes with red crosses landed at Dublin secretlie in the dead of the night, and also that another band arriued at Houth, and were readie to march towards Du|blin, he posted incontinentlie with two hundred horssemen towards the water side, incountred néere Clontarfe, the Hamertons, two valiant and coura|gious The Hame [...]|tons slaine. gentlemen, hauing in their companie foure score souldiors, where they fought so valiantlie for their liues, as so few footmen could haue doone a|gainst so great a troope of horssemen: for they did not onlie mangle and hacke diuerse of the rebels, but also one of the Hamertons wounded Thomas Fitz|girald Thomas Fitzgirald wounded. Musgrau [...]. in the forehead. Some report that one of the Musgraues, who was of kin to Fitzgirald, was slaine in this conflict, whose death he is said to haue taken greatlie to hart. The rebelles fleshed with the slaughter of the English, hied with all spéed to Houth, shot at the ships that rode at anchor, caused them to flée from thense, & to make towards Sker|rish, where landed both the Eglebées, and the Da|cres, Eglebées. Dacres. with their horssemen. Rauks, Fitzgirald his pirat, was sent to scowre the coast, who tooke an Eng|lish barke laden with verie faire geldings, and sent English gel|dings taken. them to his capteine. After that Thomas had retur|ned with this bootie, and the spoile of such as were slaine to Mainoth, sir William Brereton knight, Sir William Brereton. Iohn Brere|ton. Salisburie. with his sonne Iohn Brereton, was inshored at Houth with two hundred & fiftie soldiors verie well appointed, and maister Salisburie with two hundred archers.
[1] [2] [3] Lastlie landed at the slip, neare the bridge of Sir William Skeffington, lord deputie landeth. Dublin, sir William Skeffington knight lord de|p [...]tie, [page 95] whome the Irish call the gunner, because he was preferred from that office of the king his mai|ster gunner to gouerne them, and that they can euill brooke to be ruled of anie that is but meanlie borne. The maior and aldermen receiued the gouernor with shot, and great solemnitie, who yéelding them hartie thanks for their true and loiall seruice, deliuered them the king and councell his letters, purporting Letters of thanks from the king to the Dublini|ans. The lord of Trimle|stowne sur|rendreth the sword. the same effect in writing that he before expressed in words. Barnwell lord of Trimlestowne, who had the custodie of the sword, did surrender it to sir Wil|liam Skeffington, according to the meaning of the king his letters patents on that behalfe.
[1] Thomas Fitzgirald hauing intelligence that the whole armie was arriued, warded the castell of Mai|noth so stronglie, as he tooke it to be impregnable. And to the end he might giue the gouernor battell, he rode towards Connagh, to leuie all such power of the Irish, as either for wages, or for goodwill he Thomas Fitzgirald goeth toward Connagh. The castell of Mainoth be| [...]ged. could win to assist him. The lord deputie forewar|ned of his drift, marched with the English armie, and the power of the pale to Mainoth, and laid siege to the castell on the north side towards the parke. But before anie péece was discharged, sir William Brereton, by the deputie his appointment, did sum|mon Sir William Brereton summoneth the castell. the castell, offering such as kept it to depart with bag and baggage, and besides their pardon to be liberallie rewarded for their good and loiall ser|uice. But such as warded the castell, scornefullie scoffing the knight his offer, gaue him hartie thanks for his kindnesse which they said procéeded rather of his gentlenesse than of their deseruing, wishing him to kéepe vp in store such liberall offers for a déere yeare, and to write his commendations home to his fréends, and withall, to kéepe his head warme, for at their hands he was like to haue but a cold sute. Fi|nallie not to take such kéepe of their safetie, in that they were assured, that he and his fellowes should be sooner from the siege raised, than they from the hold remooued.
[1] Upon this round answere she ordinances were planted on the north side of the castell, which made no great batterie for the space of a fortnight: yet the ca|stell so warilie on ech side inuironed, as the rebelles were imbard from all egresse and regresse. Christo|pher Parese fosterbrother to Thomas Fitzgirald, to Christopher Parese be|traieth the castell of Mainoth Profered ser|uice stinketh. whome of speciall trust the charge of the castell was chieflie committed, profering his voluntarie seruice (which for the more part is so thanklesse and vnsauo|rie as it stinketh) determined to go an ase beyond his fellows, in betraieng the castell to the gouernor. In this resolution he shot a letter indorsed to the lord deputie, the effect whereof was, that he would deuise means the castell should be taken, so that he might haue a summe of monie for his paines, and a compe|tent staie during his life. This motion by letters to and fro agréed vpon, Parese caused such as kept the ward, to swill and boll so much, as they snorted all the night like grunting hogs, litle misdéeming that whi|lest they slept, anie Iudas had beene waking within the castell.
[1] [2] The occasion of this extraordinarie excéeding was colored, for snatching into the castell a field péece the daie before from the armie, for which they kept such pot-reuels, and triumphant carousing, as none of them could discerne his beds head from the beds feet: Parese, taking his tide and time, made signe to the armie, betwéene the twilight and dawning of the daie, who hauing scaling ladders in a readinesse, would not ouerslip the oportunitie offered. Holland, petit capteine to Salisburie, was one of the for|wardest Holland petit capteine to Salisburie. The castell [...]ken. in this exploit, who leaping downe from the wall, fell by mishap into a pipe of feathers, where he was vp to the arme pits, so stiffelie sticking therein, and also vnwealdie in his armor, as there could not helpe himselfe neither in nor out. Sir William Bre|reton Brereton sca|leth the wals. and his band hauing scaled the wals cried on a sudden, saint George, saint George. Thrée drunken swa [...]s that kept the castell thought that this showt was nought else but a dreame, till time they espied the walles full of armed men, and one of them with|all perceiuing Holland thus intangled in the pipe, be|stowed an arrow vpon him, which by good hap did misse him. Holland foorthwith rescued by his fellows, shot at the other, and strake him so full vnder the skull, as he lest him spralling. The resistance was faint, when the souldiors entered, some yeelding themselues, others that withstood them slaine. Sir Brereton ad|uanceth his Standard. William Brereton ran vp to the highest turret of the castell, & aduanced his standard on the top there|of, notifieng to the deputie, that the fort was woone. Great and rich was the spoile, such store of beds, so manie goodlie hangings, so rich a wardrobe, such braue furniture, as trulie it was accounted (for hous|hold stuffe and vtensiles) one of the richest earle his houses vnder the crowne of England. The lord de|putie The lord de|putie entere [...] the castell. Iames de la Hide. Haiward. entred the castell in the after noone, vpon whose repaire, Iames de la Hide, and Haiward, two sing|ing men of the earle his chappell, that were taken prisoners, prostrated themselues on the ground, pi|tifullie warbling a soong, named Dulcis amica.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The gouernour rauished with the swéet and deli|cat voices, at the instance of Girald Ailmer chiefe Girald Ail|mer. iustice, and others of the councell pardoned them. Christopher Parese not misdoubting but that he should haue beene dubd knight for his seruice doone that daie, presented himselfe before the gouernour, with a cheerefull and familiar countenance: as who Parese com|meth before the gouernor. should saie, Here is he that did the déed. The deputie verie coldlie & halfe sternelie casting an eie towards him said:
Parese, I am to thanke thee on my ma|ster the king his behalfe, for this thy proffered seruice which I must acknowledge to haue béene a sparing of great charges, and a sauing of manie valiant sol|diors liues to his highnesse: and when his maiestie shall be thereof aduertised, I dare be bold to saie that he will not sée thée lacke during thy life. And bicause I maie be the better instructed how to reward thée during my gouernement, I would gladlie learne, what thy lord and master bestowed on thee.Parese set a gog with these mild spéeches, and supposing the more he recited, the better he should be rewarded, left not vntold the meanest good turne that euer he receiued at his lords hands.
Why Parese (quoth the deputie) couldest thou find in thine heart to betraie his castell, that hath beene so good lord to thée? Tru|lie, thou that art so hollow to him, wilt neuer be true to vs. And therewithall, turning his talke to his of|ficers, he gaue them commandement to deliuer Parese the summe of monie that was promised him vpon the surrender of the castell, and after to chop off A notable iudgement. his head. Parese at this cold salutation of Farewell & be hanged, turning his simpering to wimpering said: My lord, had I wist that you would haue dealt so streictlie with me, your lordship should not haue woone this fort with so little bloudshed as you did.
[1] Whereat master Boise, a gentleman of worship, Boise. and one that reteined to that old earle of Kildare, standing in the preasse, said in Irish, Antragh, which Antragh. is as much in English, as Too late, wherof grew the Irish prouerbe, to this daie in the language vsed, The prouerbe Too late quoth Boise. Too late quoth Boise, as we saie, Beware of had I wist, or After meat mustard, or You come a daie af|ter the faire, or Better doone than said. The deputie asked them that stood by what was that he spake? Master Boise willing to expound his owne words, slept foorth and answered; My lord, I said nothing, but that Parese is seized of a towne néere the water [page 96] side named Baltra, and I would gladlie know how Baltra. he will dispose it before he be executed. The gouer|nour not mistrusting that master Boise had glosed (for if he vnderstood the true signification of the terme, it was verie like that too late had not beene so sharpe to Parese, but too soone had beene as sowre to him) willed the monie to be told to Parese, and pre|sentlie caused him to be cut shorter by the head: de|claring thereby, that although for the time he imbra|ced the benefit of the treason, yet after he could not Parese behea|ded. digest the treacherie of the traitor.
[1] [2] The deputie hauing left a garrison in the castell, The deputie returneth to Dublin. Thomas Fitzgirald marcheth to|wards Mai|noth. returned with the armie triumphantlie to Dublin. Thomas Fitzgirald not misdoubting but such as he left in the castell were able to stand to their tackle, lenied a huge armie in Oconhur his countrie, and in Connagh, to the number of seuen thousand, march|ing with them towards Mainoth, minding to haue remooued the king his armie from the siege: but be|ing certified, that Parese his fosterbrother yéelded vp the castell to the deputie, the better part of his companie gaue him the slip. All this notwith|standing he made with such as would sticke to him to Clane. The lord deputie hauing intelligence of his approch, left sir William Brereton at Dublin to de|fend Brereton left to defend Du|blin. the citie, & marched with the armie to the Naas, where he tooke seuen score of Thomas his Galloglas|ses, Galloglasses taken and slaine. and lead them all vnarmed toward Iohnstowne. The scoutwatch espieng Thomas to march néere, im|parted it to the gouernour, who presentlie comman|ded each man to kill his prisoner before the charge, which was dispatcht; only Edmund Oleine escaping mother naked by flight to Thomas his companie, Edmund O|leine escapeth. leauing his shirt in his kéepers hands. Both the ar|mies aduanced themselues one against the other, but the horssemen of either side could not charge, by reason of a marish or quakemire that parted them. Wherfore the deputie caused two or thrée field péeces to be discharged, which scattered Thomas and his ra|blement, insomuch as he neuer in such open wise Thomas and his companie fléeth. durst after beare vp head in the English pale, but ra|ther by starts and sudden stratagems would now and then gall the English. As when she castell of Ra|thimgan Fitzgirald his strata|gems. was woone, which was soone after the sur|render of Mainoth, he caused a droue of cattell to ap|peare timelie in the morning hard by the towne. Such as kept the fort, suspecting it to be a bootie, were trained for the more part out of the castell, who were surprised by Thomas, that laie hard by in ambush, and the greater number of them slaine.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Another time he fired a village hard by Trim, and deuised such of his horssemen that could speake English, being clad and horssed like northerne men, to ride to Trim, where a garrison laie with hue and crie, saieng that they were capteine Salisburie his souldiors, and that the traitor Thomas Fitzgirald was burning a village hard by. The souldiors sus|pecting no cousinage issued out of the towne, who were by his men charged, & a great number of them slaine, some chased to the towne, and forced to take sanctuarie in the churchyard, which in those daies was highlie reuerenced. These and the like knacks vsed Thomas, being for his owne person so well gar|ded, and for defect of a maine armie so naked, as nei|ther he was occasioned to feare the English, nor the English forced to weigh him. During this time, William Sentlo. Rice Mans|well. Edward Griffith. there arriued with a fresh supplie of horssemen & ar|chers, sir William Sentlo knight & his son, sir Rice Manswell knight, sir Edward Griffith knight, who were dispersed to sundrie parts of the pale to defend the countrie from the enimies inuasion. When the heat of this rebellion was in this wise asswaged, the lord deputie finding out no deuise to apprehend the capteine, imploied his industrie to intrap his confe|derats. Burnell of Falgriffin perceiuing all go to Burnell of Falgriffin taken and executed. Trauers executed. wracke fled to Mounster, where he was taken by the lord Butler vicount Thurles, and being conueied to England was executed at Tiburne. Doctor Tra|uers, who was left as hostage with the citizens, was by them deliuered to the lord deputie, and after with Rouks the pirat executed at the gallows on Ost|mantowne Rouks exe|cuted. gréene.
[1] [2] Sir Walter de la Hide knight and his wife the Walter de la Hide and his ladie Gennet Eustace ap|prehended. ladie Gennet Eustace were apprehended, & brought as prisoners by master Brabson vicetreasuror from their towne of Moiclare to the castell of Dublin, bi|cause their sonne and heire Iames de la Hide was the onelie bruer of all this rebellion: who as the go|uernor suspected, was set on by his parents, & name|lie by his moother. The knight & his wife, lieng in du|resse for the space of twelue moneths, were at seue|rall times examined, & notwithstanding all presump|tions and surmises that could be gathered, they were in the end found giltlesse of their sonne his follie. But the ladie was had in examination apart, and in|tised by meanes to charge hir husband with hir sonne his rebellion, who being not woone thereto with all the meanes that could be wrought, was menaced to be put to death, or to be rackt; and so with extremitie to be compelled, whereas with gentlenesse she could not be allured to acknowledge these apparent trea|sons, that neither hir husband nor she could without great shew of impudencie denie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The gentlewoman with these continuall storms heartbroken, deceased in the castell: from thense Gennet Eu|stace dieth. hir bodie was remooued vnto the greie friers with the deputie his commandement, that it should not be interred, vntill his plesure were further knowne; adding withall, that the carcase of one who was the moother of so arrant an archtraitor, ought rather to be cast out on a dunghill to be carrion for rauens and dogs to gnaw vpon, than to be laid in anie chri|stian graue. The corps lieng foure or fiue daies in this plight, at the request of the ladie Gennet Gol|ding, wife to sir Iohn White knight, the gouernor, licenced that it should be buried. Sir William Skef|fington a seueare and vpright gouernour died short|lie Skeffington deceased. after at Kilmainan: to whome succeeded lord de|putie the lord Leonard Greie, who immediatlie vp|on Leonard Greie lord deputie. the taking of his oth marched with his power to|wards the confines of Mounster, where Thomas Fitzgirald at that time remained. With Fitzgirald sir William Brereton skirmished so fiercelie, as both Brereton skirmisheth with Fitz|girald. the sides were rather for the great slaughter disad|uantaged, than either part by anie great victorie fur|thered. Master Brereton therefore perceiuing that rough nets were not the fittest to take such peart birds, gaue his aduise to the lord deputie to grow with Fitzgirald by faire means to some reasonable composition. The deputie liking of the motion, cra|ued a parlée, sending certeine of the English as ho|stages to Thomas his campe with a protection direc|ted vnto him, to come and go at will and pleasure. Being vpon this securitie in conference with the Thomas Fitzgirald submitteth himselfe to the deputie. lord Greie, he was persuaded to submit himselfe to the king his mercie, with the gouernours faithfull and vndoubted promise that he should be pardoned vpon his repaire into England. And to the end that no trecherie might haue beene misdéemed of either side, they both receiued the sacrament openlie in the The sacra|ment receiued. campe, as an infallible seale of the couenants and conditions of either part agreed.
[1] [2] Héerevpon Thomas Fitzgirald sore against the willes of his councellors, dismist his armie, & rode Thomas sal|leth into England. 1535 with the deputie to Dublin, where he made short a|bode when he sailed to England with the fauourable letters of the gouernour and the councell. And as he would haue taken his iourneie to Windsore, where [page 97] [...]he court laie, he was intercepted contrarie to his [...] is com|mitted to the tower. expectation in London waie, and conueied with hast to the tower. And before his imprisonment was bruted, letters were posted into Ireland, streictlie commanding the deputie vpon sight of them, to ap|prehend Thomas Fitzgirald his vncles, and to sée them with all speed conuenient shipt into England. Which the lord deputie did not slacke. For hauing feasted thrée of the gentlemen at Kilmainan, imme|diatlie after their banket (as it is now and then séen, Thomas his vncles taken. that swéet meat will haue sowre sauce) he caused them to be manacled, and led as prisoners to the ca|stell of Dublin: and the other two were so roundlie snatcht vp in villages hard by, as they sooner felt their owne captiuitie, than they had notice of their brethrens calamitie. The next wind that serued into England, these fiue brethren were imbarked, to wit Iames Fitzgirald, Walter Fitzgirald, Oliuer Fitzgirald, Iohn Fitzgirald, and Richard Fitzgi|rald. Thrée of these gentlemen, Iames, Walter, and Richard, were knowne to haue crossed their nephue Thomas to their power in his rebellion, and therfore were not occasioned to misdoubt anie danger. But such as in those daies were enimies to the house, in|censed the king so sore against it, persuading him, that he should neuer conquer Ireland, as long as anie Giraldine breathed in the countrie: as for ma|king the pathwaie smooth, he was resolued to lop off as well the good and sound grapes, as the wild and fruitlesse beries. Whereby appeareth how dangerous it is to be a rub, when a king is disposed to swéepe an alleie.
[1] [2] [3] Thus were the fiue brethren sailing into Eng|land, among whom Richard Fitzgirald being more bookish than the rest of his brethren, & one that was much giuen to the studies of antiquitie, wailing his inward griefe, with outward mirth comforted them with chéerefulnesse of countenance, as well persua|ding them that offended to repose affiance in God, and the king his mercie, and such as were not of that conspiracie, to relie to their innocencie, which they Innocencie a strong fort. should hold for a more safe and strong barbican, than anie rampire or castell of brasse. Thus solacing the sillie mourners sometime with smiling, sometime with singing, sometime with graue and pithie a|pophthegmes, he craued of the owner the name of the barke; who hauing answered, that it was called the Cow, the gentleman sore appalled thereat, said: The Cow.
Now good brethren I am in vtter despaire of our returne to Ireland, for I beare in mind an old pro|phesie, that fiue earles brethren should be caried in a Cowes bellie to England, and from thense neuer to returne.
[1] Whereat the rest began afresh to howle and la|ment, which doubtlesse was pitifull, to behold fiue valiant gentlemen, that durst méet in the field fiue as sturdie champions as could be picked out in a realme, to be so suddenlie terrified with the bare name of a woodden cow, or to feare like lions a sillie cocke his combe, being mooued (as commonlie the whole countrie is) with a vaine and fabulous old wines dreame. But what blind prophesie soeuer he read, or heard of anie superstitious beldame touch|ing a cow his bellie, that which he foretold them was found true. For Thomas Fitzgirald the third of Fe|bruarie, 1536 Thomas Fitzgirald & his vncles executed. and these fiue brethren his vncles, were drawne, hanged, and quartered at Tiburne, which was incontinentlie bruted as well in England and Ireland, as in foren soiles. For Dominicke Powre, that was sent from Thomas to Charles the fift, to Dominicke Powre. craue his aid towards the conquest of Ireland (like as Chale in Grauill, otherwise called Charles Rei|nold, Charles Rei|nold. was directed to Paulus tertius) presenting the emperour with twelue great haukes and foureteene faire hobbies, was aduertised by his maiestie that he came too late, for his lord and master and fiue of his vncles were executed at London the third of Fe|bruarie: howbeit the emperour procured king Hen|rie to pardon Dominicke Powre. Which notwith|standing he obteined, yet would he not returne to Ireland, but continued in Portingale, hauing a duc|ket a daie of the emperour during his life, which he ended at Lisborne.
[1] [2] [3] Iames de la Hide the chiefe councellor of Tho|mas Iames de l [...] Hide. Fitzgirald, fled into Scotland and there de|ceased. To this miserable end grew this lewd rebel|lion, which turned to the vtter vndooing of diuers an|cient gentlemen, who trained with faire words into a fooles paradise, were not onelie dispossessed of their lands, but also depriued of their liues, or else forced to forsake their countries. As for Thomas Fitzgi|rald, Thomas Fitzgirald was not earle of Kildare. who (as I wrote before) was executed at Ti|burne, I would wish the carefull reader to vnder|stand that he was neuer earle of Kildare, although some writers, rather of errour than of malice, terme I. St. pag. 434. him by that name. For it is knowne that his father liued in the tower, when he was in open rebellion, where for thought of the yoong man his follie he died; and therefore Thomas was attainted in a parle|ment holden at Dublin, as one that was déemed, reputed, and taken for a traitour before his fathers decease, by the bare name of Thomas Fitzgirald. For this hath béene obserued by the Irish historio|graphers euer since the conquest, that notwithstand|ing No earle of Kildare bare armour at a|nie time a|gainst his prince. all the presumptions of treason, wherewith anie earle of Kildare could either faintlie be suspected or vehementlie charged; yet there was neuer anie erle of that house read or heard of, that bare armour in the field against his prince. Which I write not as a barrister hired to plead their cause, but as a chroni|cler moued to declare the truth.
[1] This Thomas Fitzgirald (as before is specified) was borne in England, vpon whom nature powred The descrip|tion of Tho|mas Fitzgi|rald. beautie, and fortune by birth bestowed nobilitie: which had it béene well emploied, & were it not that his rare gifts had béene blemished by his later euill qualities, he would haue proued an impe worthie to be ingraffed in so honorable a stocke. He was of sta|ture tall and personable, in countenance amiable, a white face, and withall somewhat ruddie, delicatlie in each lim featured, a rolling toong & a rich vtterance, of nature flexible and kind, verie soone caried where he fansied, easilie with submission appeased, hardlie with stubbornnesse weied, in matters of importance an headlong hotspur: yet neuerthelesse taken for a yoong man not deuoid of wit, were it not (as it fell out in the end) that a foole had the keeping thereof.
[1] But to returne to the course of the historie. When The aduen|tures of the yoong Fitz|girald son to the ladie Grey countesse of Kildare. Thomas and his vncles were taken, his second bro|ther on the father his side, named Girald Fitzgirald (who was after in the reigne of quéene Marie resto|red to the earledome of Kildare, in which honour as yet he liueth) being at that time somewhat past twelue, and not full thirteene yeares of age, laie sicke of the small pocks in the countie of Kildare, at a towne named Donoare, then in the occupation of Donoare. Thomas Leurouse. Girald Fitzgirald. Thomas Leurouse, who was the child his schoolemaster, and after became bishop of Kildare, mistrusting vpon the apprehension of Tho|mas & his vncles, that all went not currant, wrapt the yoong patient as tenderlie as he could, and had him conueied in a cléefe with all spéed to Ophalie, where soiourning for a short space with his sister the ladie Marie Fitzgirald, vntill he had recouered his perfect health, his schoolemaster caried him to Odon his countrie, where making his aboad for a quarter of a yeare, he trauelled to Obren his countrie in Mounster, and hauing there remained for halfe a [page 98] yeare, he repaired to his aunt the ladie Elenor Fitz|girald, Elenor Fitz|girald. who then kept in Mac Cartie Reagh hir late husband his territories.
[1] This noble woman was at that time a widow, alwaies knowne and accounted of each man, that was acquainted with hir conuersation of life, for a paragon of liberalitie and kindnesse, in all hir acti|ons vertuous and godlie, and also in a good quarell rather stout than stiffe. To hir was Odoneil an im|portunate suiter. And although at sundrie times be|fore she seemed to shake him off, yet considering the distresse of hir yoong innocent nephue, how he was forced to wander in pilgrimwise from house to house, eschuing the punishment that others deserued, smarted in his tender yeares with aduersitie, before he was of discretion to inioie anie prosperitie, she began to incline to hir wooer his request, to the end hir nephue should haue béene the better by his coun|tenance shouldered, and in fine indented to espouse him; with this caueat or prouiso, that he should safe|lie shield and protect the said yoong gentleman in this calamitie. This condition agréed vpon, she rode with hir nephue to Odoneil his countrie, and there had him safelie kept for the space of a yeare.
[1] [2] But shortlie after the gentlewoman either by some secret friend informed, or of wisedome gathe|ring that hir late maried husband intended some treacherie, had hir nephue disguised, storing him like a liberall and bountifull aunt with seuen score porte|guses, The ladie E|lenors libera|litie. not onelie in valour, but also in the selfe same coine, incontinentlie shipped him secretlie in a Bri|tons vessell of saint Malouse, betaking him to God, and to their charge that accompanied him, to wit, Fiztgirald saileth to France. master Leuro [...]se, and Robert Walsh sometime ser|uant to his father the earle. The ladie Elenor ha|uing thus to hir contentation bestowed hir nephue, she expostulated verie sharpelie with Odoneil as touching his villanie, protesting that the onlie cause of hir match with him procéeded of an especiall care to haue hir nephue countenanced: and now that he was out of his lash that minded to haue betraied him, he should well vnderstand, that as the feare of his danger mooued hir to annere to such a clownish curmudgen: so the assurance of his safetie should cause hir to sequester hirselfe from so butcherlie a cut [...]hrote, that would be like a pelting mercenarie patch hired, to sell or betraie the innocent bloud of his nephue by affinitie, and hirs by consanguinitie. And in this wise trussing vp bag and baggage, she forsooke Odoneil and returned to hir countrie.
[1] [2] [3] The passengers with a prosperous gale arriued at saint Malouse, which notified to the gouernour of Britaine, named monsieur de Chasteau Brian, he Chasteau Brian. sent for the yoong Fitzgirald, gaue him verie hartie interteinement during one moneths space. In the meane season the gouernour posted a messenger to the court of France, aduertising the king of the ar|riuall of this gentleman, who presentlie caused him to be sent for, and had him put to the Dolphin named Henrie, who after became king of France. Sir Iohn Wallop (who was then the English ambassa|dour) Sir Iohn wallop deni|deth Fitzgi|rald. vnderstanding the cause of the Irish fugitiue his repaire to France, demanded him of the French king, according to the new made league betweene both the princes: which was, that none should kéepe the other his subiect within his dominion, contrarie to either of their willes; adding further, that the boie was brother to one, who of late notorious for his re|bellion in Ireland was executed at London.
[1] [2] To this answered the king, first that the ambassa|dor had no commission from his Prince to demand The king de|nieth him. him, & vpon his maiestie his letter he should know more of his mind: secondlie that he did not deteine him, but the Dolphin staied him: lastlie, that how grieuouslie soeuer his brother offended, he was well assured, that the sillie boy neither was nor could be a traitor, and therefore there rested no cause whie the ambassador should in such wise craue him; not doub|ting that although he were deliuered to his king, yet he would not so far swarue from the extreame rigor of iustice, as to imbrue his hands in the innocent his bloud, for the offense that his brother had perpe|trated. Maister Wallop herevpon addressed his let|ters to England, specifieng vnto the councell the French kings answer. And in the meane time the yoong Fitzgirald hauing an inkling of the ambassa|dor Fitzgirald fleeth to Flan|ders. his motion, fled secretlie to Flanders, scantlie reaching to Ualencie, when Iames Sherelocke, one Iames Sher|locke pursueth Fitzgirald. of maister Wallop his men, did not onelie pursue him, but also did ouertake him as he soiourned in the said towne.
[1] [2] [3] Wherevpon maister Leurouse, and such as ac|companied the child, stept to the gouernor of Ualen|cie, complaining that one Sherelocke a sneaking spie, like a pikethanke promoting varlet, did dog their master from place to place, and presentlie pur|sued him to the towne: and therefore they be sought the gouernour, not to leaue such apparant villanie vnpunished, in that he was willing to betraie not onelie a guiltlesse child, but also his owne coun|triman, who rather ought for his innocencie to be pi|tied, than for the desert of others so egerlie to be pur|sued. The gouernor vpon this complaint sore incen|sed, sent in all hast for Sherelocke, had him suddenlie examined, and finding him vnable to color his lewd practise with anie warrantable defense, he laid him Sherelock [...] unprisoned. vp by the héeles, rewarding his hot pursute with cold interteinment, and so remained in gaole, vntill the yoong Fitzgirald requiting the prisoner his vnnatu|rall Crueltie re|quired with courtesie. crueltie with vndeserued courtesie, humblie be|sought the gouernor to set him at libertie. This brunt escaped, Fitzgirald trauelled to Bruxels, where the emperour kept his court.
[1] [2] [3] Doctor Pates being ambassador in the low coun|tries, demanded Fitzgirald of the emperour on his Doctor Pates maister the king of Englands behalfe. The emperor hauing answered that he had not to deale with the boy, and for ought that he knew was not minded to make anie great abode in that countrie, sent him to the bishop of Liege, allowing him for his pension an hundred crownes monethlie. The bishop interteined The emperor bestoweth a pension on Fitzgirald. him verie honorablie, had him placed in an abbeie of moonks, & was so carefull of his safetie, that if anie person suspected had trauelled within the circuit of his gléebe, he should be streictlie examined whither he would, or from whense he came, or vpon what occa|sion he trauelled that waie. Hauing in this wise re|mained at Liege for halfe a yere, the cardinall Poole Cardinall Poole sendeth for Fitzgi|rald. (Fitzgirald his kinsman) sent for him to Rome, Whervpon the gentleman as well with the emperor his licence, as with surrendring his pension, trauelled to Italie, where the cardinall would not admit him to his companie, vntill he had atteined to some knowledge in the Italian toong. Wherfore allowing him an annuitie of thrée hundred crownes, he placed him with the bishop of Uerona, and the cardinall of Mantua, and after with the duke of Mantua. Leu|rouse Leurouse pla|ced in the English hos|pitall. in the meane while was admitted through the cardinall Poole his procurement, to be one of the English house in Rome, called saint Thomas his hospitall.
[1] [2] [3] Robert Walsh, vpon his maisters repaire to Italie, returned to Ireland. Fitzgirald hauing con|tinued Robert Walsh returneth to Ireland. with the cardinall, and the duke of Mantua, a yeare and an halfe, was sent for by the cardinall Poole to Rome, at which time the duke of Mantua gaue him for an annuall pension 300 crownes. The cardinall greatlie reioised in his kinsman, had him [page 99] carefullie trained vp in his house, interlacing with Cardinall Poole his or|der in trai|ning yoong Fitzgirald. such discretion his learning and studies with exerci|ses of actiuitie, as he should not be after accounted of the learned for an ignorant idiot, nor taken of ac|tiue gentlemen for a dead and dumpish meacocke. If he had committed anie fault, the cardinall would secretlie command his tutors to correct him, and all that notwithstanding, he would in presence dandle the boie, as though he were not priuie to his punish|ment; & vpon his complaint made, he vsed to checke Fitzgirald his maister openlie for chastising so se|uerelie his pretie darling.
[1] In this wise he rested thrée yeares togither in the cardinall his house, and by that time hauing stept so far in yéers (for he was pricking fast vpon nintéene) as he began to know himselfe, the cardinall put him to his choise, either to continue his learning, or by trauelling to seeke his aduentures abrode. The yoong strip [...]ng (as vsuallie kind dooth créepe) rather of na|ture addicted to valiantnes, than wedded to bookish|nesse, choosed to be a traueller: and presentlie with the cardinall his licence repaired to Naples: where fal|ling in acquaintance with knights of the Rhodes, Fitzgirald trauelleth to Naples. he accompanied them to Malta, from thense he sai|led to Tripolie (a fort apperteining to the aforesaid order, coasting vpon Barbarie) and there he abode Tripolie. six weekes with Mounbrison, a commander of the Rhodes, who had the charge of that hold. Mounbrison.
[1] [2] [3] [4] At that time the knights serued valiantlie against the Turks and miscreants, spoiled and sacked their villages and townes that laie neere the water side, tooke diuerse of them prisoners, and after sold them to the christians for bondslaues. The yoong Fitzgi|rald returned with a rich bootie to Malta, from thense Fitzgirald re|turneth to Rome. to Rome, hauing spent in this voiage not fullie one yeare. Proud was the cardinall to heare of his pro|sperous exploits: and for his further aduancement The cardinall inhanseth Fizgiralds pension. he inhansed his pension of thrée hundred crownes, to three hundred pounds, ouer and aboue thrée hundred crownes that the duke of Mantua allowed him. Shortlie after he preferred him to the seruice of the duke of Florence, named Cosmo, with whom he con|tinued maister of his horsse thrée yeares, hauing also of the duke thrée hundred duckets for a yearelie pen|sion He is master of the horsse to the duke of Florence. during life, or vntill he were restored; in like maner as the cardinall Poole and the duke of Man|tua in their annuities had granted him.
[1] During the time that he was in seruice with the duke of Florence, he trauelled to Rome a shrouing, of set purpose to be merrie: and as he rode on hun|ting with cardinall Ferneise the pope his nephue, it happened that in chasing the bucke he fell into a pit nine and twentie fatham déepe, and in the fall forsa|king He falleth in|to a déepe pit. his horsse within two fathams of the bottom, he tooke hold by two or three roots, griping them fast, vn|till his armes were so wearie, as he could hang no longer in that paine. Wherefore betaking himselfe to God, he let go his gripe by little and little, and fell softlie on his horsse, that in the bottom of the pit laie starke dead, and there he stood vp to the ancles in water for the space of thrée houres. When the chase was ended, an exceeding good greihound of his na|med Grifhound, not finding his maister in the com|panie, followed his tract vntill he came to the pit, His grei|hound findeth him out. and from thense would not depart, but stood at the brim incessantlie howling. The cardinall Ferneise and his traine missing Fitzgirald, made towards the dog, and surueieng the place, they were ve|relie persuaded that the gentleman was squised to death.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Hauing therefore posted his seruants in hast to a village hard by Rome (named Trecappan) for Tr [...]cappan. ropes and other necessaries, he caused one of the companie to glide in a basket downe to the bottome of the hole. Fitzgirald reuiued with his presence, and willing to be remooued from so darkesome a dongeon to the open aire, besought the other to lend him his roome, wherevpon he was haled vp in the basket: as well to the generall admiration of the whole companie, as to the singular gratulation of the cardinall and all his friends, rendering most har|tie thankes vnto God his diuine maiestie, for pro|tecting the gentleman with his gratious guerdon. And thus surceassing to treat anie further of his ad|uentures, vntill the date of time traine my pen to a longer discourse, I will returne to the inhabitants of the English pale, who after the death of Thomas Fitzgirald, through rigor of iustice and the due ex|ecution of lawes were greatlie molested. For ouer this, that such as were knowne for open and appa|rant traitors in the commotion, were for the more part executed, or with round sums fined, or from the realme exiled: certeine gentlemen of worship were sent from England, with commission to examine Commissio|ners sent to Ireland. each person suspected with Thomas his treason, and so according to their discretion, either with equitie to execute, or with clemencie to pardon all such as they could proue to haue furthered him in his disloi|all commotion. Commissioners were these: sir Anthonie Sentleger knight, sir George Paulet Their names knight, maister Moile, and maister Barnes. Much about this time was there a parlement holden at A parlement 1539 Dublin before the lord Leonard Greie lord deputie, beginning the first of Maie, in the eight and twen|tith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the eight.
[1] [2] [3] As for the old earle of Kildare, who in this parle|ment was atteinted for diuerse presumptions, in the preamble of the said act rehearsed, certeine it is, that the reuolt of his sonne Thomas Fitzgirald smot him so déepelie to the heart, as vpon the report The old earle of Kildare his wish before his death. thereof he deceased in the tower, wishing in his death-bed that either he had died before he had heard of the rebellion, or that his brainelesse boy had ne|uer liued to raise the like commotion. This earle, of such as did not stomach his procéedings, was taken for one that bare himselfe in all his affaires verie honorablie, a wise, deepe, and far reaching man: in war valiant without rashnesse, and politike with|out treacherie. Such a suppressor of rebels in his gouernement, as they durst not beare armor to the His seruice. annoiance of anie subiect, whereby he heaped no small reuenues to the crowne, inriched the king his treasure, garded with securitie the pale, continued the honor of his house, and purchased enuie to his person. His great hospitalitie is to this daie rather of each man commended, than of anie one follow|ed. His hospita|litie and de|uotion. He was so religiouslie addicted vnto the ser|uing of God, as what time soeuer he trauelled to a|nie part of the countrie, such as were of his chap|pell should be sure to accompanie him. Among o|ther rare gifts, he was with one singular qualitie indued, which were it put in practise by such as are of his calling, might minister great occasion as well to the abandoning of flattering carrie tales, as to the staied quietnesse of noble potentates.
[1] For if anie whispered, vnder Benedicite, a sinister report or secret practise, that tended to the distaining of his honor, or to the perill of his person, he would strictlie examine the informer, whether the matter he reported were past, or to come. If it were said or doone, he was accustomed to laie sore to his charge, where, and of whome he heard it, or how he could iustifie it. If he found him to halt in the proofe, he would punish him as a pikethanke makebate, for being so maliciouslie caried, as for currieng fauour to himselfe, he would labor to purchase hatred to an|other. But if the practise were future, and hereaf|ter to be put in execution, then would he suspend the credit, vsing withall such warie secrecie, as vntill the matter came to the pinch, the aduersarie should thinke that he was most ignorant, when he was best prouided. As being in Dublin forewarned, that Iohn Olurkan with certeine desperate varlets con|spired The old earle of Kildare his policie when his death was conspired. his destruction, & that they were determined to assault him vpon his returne to Mainoth, he had one of his seruants named Iames Grant, that was much of his pitch, and at a blush did somewhat re|semble him, attired in his riding apparell, and name|lie Iohn Olur|kan. Iames Grant. in a scarlet cloake, wherewith he vsed to be clad. Grant in this wise masking in his lords attire, rode as he was commanded in the beaten high waie to|wards Mainoth, with sf the earle his feruants attending vpon him. The conspirators awaiting towards Lucan the comming of the earle, incoun|tered the disguised lord, and not doubting but it had béene Kildare, they began to charge him: but the o|ther amazed therewith, cried that they tooke their marke amisse; for the earle rode to Mainoth on the further side of Liffie. Wherewith the murtherers appalled, fled awaie, but incontinentlie were by the earle apprehended, susteining the punishment that such caitifes deserued.
[1] [2] [3] This noble man was so well affected to his wife the ladie Greie, as he would not at anie time buy a sute of apparell for himselfe, but he would sute hir with the same stuffe. Which gentlenesse she recom|pensed with equall kindnesse. For after that he deceased in the tower, she did not onelie euer after The ladie Greies kind|nesse to hir husband liue as a chast and honorable widow; but also night|lie before she went to bed, she would resort to his picture, & there with a solemne congée she would bid hir lord goodnight. Whereby may be gathered with how great loue she affected his person, that had in such price his bare picture. An other act that did passe in this parlement touching absenties, procéeded of this occasion. Maister Girald Ailmer, who first Girald Ail|mer. was chiefe baron of the excheker, after chiefe iustice of the common plees, was occasioned, for certeine his affaires, to repaire vnto the court of England. Where being for his good seruice greatlie counte|nanced by such as were in those daies taken for the pillers of the weale publike, namelie of the lord Cromwell; it happened that through his lordship his earnest meanes, the king made maister Ailemer chiefe iustice of his bench in Ireland. This aduance|ment disliked by certeine of Waterford and Weis|ford, that were not friended to the gentleman, they debased him in such despitefull wise, as the earle of Shrewesburie, who then was likewise earle of Wa|terford, was by their lewd reports caried to chalenge the king, so far as with his dutie of allegiance he durst, for bestowing so weightie an office vpon so light a person, being such a simple Iohn at Stile as he tearmed him, no wiser than Patch the late lord cardinall his foole.
[1] [2] [3] The king herevpon expostulated with the lord Cromwell, who being throughlie acquainted with the gentleman his rare wisedome, answered: that if it would stand with his maiesties pleasure to en|ter into conference with him, he should be sure to find him no babe, notwithstanding the wrong infor|mations of such as labored to thwart or crosse him. Whereto the king vpon further leasure agréed, and shortlie after (according to his promise) bestowed two or thrée houres with maister Ailmer: who vpon the lord Cromwell his forewarning, was so well armed for his highnesse, as he shewed himselfe in his dis|course, by answering Adomnia quare, to be a man woorthie to supplie an office of so great credit. In this conference the king demanded him, what he tooke to be the chiefe occasion of disorder in Ireland, and how he thought it might best be reformed? Tru|lie and it like your maiestie (quoth Ailmer) among sundrie reasons that might be probablie alleged for the decaie of that your kingdome, one chiefe occa|sion is, that certeine of your nobilitie of this your realme of England are seized of the better part of your dominion in Ireland, whereof they haue so lit|tle [page 101] kéepe, as for lacke of their presence, they suffer the said lands to be ouerrun by rebels and traitors. Wherefore if your highnesse would prouide by act of parlement, that all such lands, which by reason of their absence may not be defended, should be to your highnesse by the consent of the nobilitie and commu|naltie granted, you might thereby inrich your crowne, represse rebels, and defend your subiects from all traitorous inuasion.
[1] [2] The king tickled with this plausible deuise, yéel|ded maister Ailmer hartie thanks for his good coun|sell, and in this parlement had the tenure thereof put in effect. Which redounded chéeflie to the lord of Shrewesburie his disaduantage, as one that was possessed of diuerse ancient lordships and manors in that countrie. Soone after this parlement, Oneale imagining that he was able to make his partie good Oneale re|belleth. against the English pale, conspired with Odoneale Maggadnesh, Ocaghan, Mac Kwilen, Ohanlan, and other Irish lords, and on a sudden inuaded the pale, came to the Nauan, burnt all the townes of ech side confining, after marched to Taragh, muste|ring with great pride his armie vpon the top of the hill: and hauing gathered togither the spoile of the pale without resistance, he began to recule north|wards, making his full account to haue gone his waie scotfrée.
[1] [2] The lord Leonard Greie being then lord depu|tie, forecasting the worst, certified the king & coun|cell of Oneale his rebellion, and withall humblie be|sought a fresh supplie of souldiors to assist the pale in resisting the enimie, and that sir William Brereton (who was discharged & returned to England) should be sent into Ireland, as one that for his late ser|uice was highlie commended of the countrie. The Sir william Brereton sent for into Ireland. king and councell condescending to the deputie his request, appointed sir William Brereton to hie thi|ther with speed, hauing the charge of two hundred and fiftie souldiors of Cheshiremen. In which ser|uice Sir william Brereton sent into Ire|land. the gentleman was found so prest and readie, that notwithstanding in mustering his band he fell by his mishap off his horsse, and therewithall brake his thigh in two places, yet rather than he would re|tire homewards, he appointed the mariners to hale him vp to their barke by pullies, and in such impotent wise arriued in Ireland, suppressing the féeblenesse of his bodie with the contagious valor of his mind.
[1] [2] The lord deputie in the meane while marched with the force of the pale, the maior & the citizens of Du|blin to Drogheda: from thense likewise accompani|ed with the maior & townesmen, he marched north|ward to Bellahoa, where Oneale & his companie on The foord of Bellahoa. the further side of the water laie incamped with the spoile of the pale. The deputie by spies and secret mes|sengers hereof certified, caused the armie to trauell the better part of the night, insomuch as by the daw|ning of the daie they were neere to the riuers side: where hauing escried the enimies, namlie Maggad|nesh, and the Galloglasses that were placed there to kéepe the streicts (for Oneale with a maine armie lurked not farre off) they began to set themselues in battell arraie, as men that were resolued with all hast and good speed to supprise the enimie with a sud|den charge.
[1] At which time Iames Fleming baron of Slane Iames Fle|ming baron of Slane. (commonlie called Blacke Iames) garded with a round companie, as well of horssemen as of foot|men, humblie besought the deputie to grant him that daie the honor of the onset. Whereto when the lord Greie had agréed, the baron of Slane with chéerefull countenance imparted the obteining of his sute, as plesant tidings to Robert Halfepennie, who with his ancestors was standardbearer to the house of Slane. But Halfepennie séeing the fur|ther Robert Halfe|pennie. side of the water so beset with armed Galloglas|ses as he tooke it, as likelie an attempt to rase down the strongest fort in Ireland with a fillip, as to rush through such quicke iron walles, [...]latlie answered the baron, that he would rather disclame in his of|fice, than there to giue the onset where there rested no hope of life, but an assured certeintie of death. And therefore he was not as yet so wearie of the world, as like an headlong hotspur, voluntarilie to run to his vtter and vndoubted destruction. Where|fore he besought his lordship to set his heart at rest, and not to impute his deniall to basenesse of corage, but to warinesse of safetie, although he knew none ofstaied mind, but would sooner choose to sléepe in an whole shéepe his pelt, than to walke in a torne lion his skin, namelie when all hope of life was abando|ned, and the certeintie of death assuredlie promised.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The baron with this answer at his wits end rode Robert Be|toa. to Robert Betoa of Downore, brake with him as touching Halfepennie his determination, & withall requested him (as he did tender his honor) now at a pinch to supplie the roome of that dastardlie coward, as he did terme him. Betoa to this answered, that though it stood with good reason, that such as hertofore tasted the sweet in peace, should now be contented to sip of the sowre in war: yet notwithstanding, rather than the matter should to his honor lie in the dust, he promised to breake through them, or else to lie in the water; & withall being surpassinglie mounted (for the baron gaue him a choise horsse) he tooke the standard, & with a sudden showt, hauing with him in the fore|ranke Mabe of Mabestowne slaine. Mabe of Mabestowne (who at the first brunt was slaine) he floong into the water, and charged the Irish that stood on the further shore. After followed the gentlemen and yeomen of the pale, that with as great manhood charged the enimies, as the enimies with corage resisted their assault. To this stoutnesse were the enimies more boldlie pricked, in that they had the aduantage of the shore, and the gentlemen of the pale were constreined to bicker in the water.
[1] [2] [3] [4] But the longer the Irish continued, the more they were disaduantaged; by reason that the English were so assisted with fresh supplies, as their enimies could not anie longer withstand them, but were com|pelled to beare backe, to forsake the banke, and to giue the armie free passage. The English taking hart vpon their faintnesse, brake through the Gallo|glasses, slue Maggadnesh their capteine, pursued The Irish discomfited. Oneale put to flight. Oneale with the remnant of his lords, leauing be|hind them for lacke of safe carriage the spoile of the pale, scantlie able to escape with his owne life, be|ing egerlie pursued by the armie vntill it was sunne set. In this hot conflict Matthew King, Patrike Barnewall of Kilmallocke, sir Edward Basnet King. Barnewall. Basnet. Fitzsimons. priest, who after became deane of saint Patriks in Dublin, and was sworne one of the priuie councell, and Thomas Fitzsimons of Curdnffe, were repor|ted to haue serued verie valiantlie. Moreouer, Iames Fitzsimons maior of Dublin, Michaell The maiors of Dublin and Drogheda dubbed knights. Ailmer. Talbot. The valiant|nesse of the lord Greie. Curseie maior of Drogheda, Girald Ailmer cheefe iustice, and Thomas Talbot of Malahide, were dub|bed knights in the field.
[1] But of all others, the lord Greie then lord depu|tie, as he was in authoritie superior to them all, so in courage and manlinesse he was inferior to none. He was noted by the armie to haue indured great toile and paine before the skirmish, by posting bare|headed from one band to an other, debasing the enimies, inhansing the power of the pale, depres|sing the reuolt of rebellious traitors, extolling the good quarell of loiall subiects, offring large rewards, which with as great constancie he performed, as with liberalitie he promised. Ouer this, he bare him|selfe so affable to his souldiors, in vsing them like [page 102] fréends and fellows, and terming them with courte|ous names, and moouing laughter with pleasant conceipts, as they were incensed as well for the loue of the person, as for the hatred of the enimie, with resolute minds to bicker with the Irish. In which conflict the deputie was as forward as the most, and bequit himselfe as valiant a seruitor as the best.
[1] [2] [3] The gouernor, turning the oportunitie of this skirmish to his aduantage, shortlie after rode to the north, preiding & spoiling Oneale with his confede|rats, who by reason of the late ouerthrow were able to make but little resistance. In this iornie he ra|sed saint Patrike his church in Downe, an old anci|ent citie of Ulster, and burnt the monuments of Patrike, Brigide, and Colme, who are said to haue beene there intoomed, as before is expressed in the description of Ireland. This fact lost him sundrie harts in that countrie, alwaies after detesting and The lord Greie accu|sed. abhorring his prophane tyrannie, as they did name it. Wherevpon conspiring with such of Mounster as were enimies to his gouernment, they booked vp diuerse complaints against him, which they did exhi|bit to the king and councell. The articles of greatest importance laid to his charge were these.
[1] 1 Inprimis, that notwithstanding he were strict|lie The articles that were laid to his charge. commanded by the king his maiestie, to appre|hend his kinsman the yong Fitzgirald, yet did he not onlie disobeie the kings letters as touching that point by plaieng bopéepe, but also had priuie confe|rence with the said Fitzgirald, and laie with him two or three seuerall nights before he departed into France.
[1] 2 Item, that the cheefe cause that mooued him to inuegle Thomas Fitzgirald with such faire promi|ses, procéeded of set purpose to haue him cut off, to the end there should be a gap set open for the yoong Fitz|girald to aspire to the earledome of Kildare.
[1] 3 Item, that he was so greedilie addicted to the pilling and polling of the king his subiects, namelie of such as were resiant in Mounster, as the beds he laie in, the cups he dranke in, the plate with which he was serued in anie gentlemans house, were by his seruants against right and reason packt vp, and car|ried with great extortion awaie.
[1] 4 Item, that without anie warrant from the king or councell, he prophaned the church of saint Patrikes in Downe, turning it to a stable, after plucked it downe, and shipt the notable ring of bels that did hang in the steeple, meaning to haue sent them to England: had not God of his iustice pre|uented his iniquitie, by sinking the vessell and pas|sengers wherein the said belles should haue béene conueied.
[1] [2] [3] These and the like articles were with such odious presumptions coloured by his accusers, as the king and councell remembring his late faults, and forget|ting his former seruices (for commonlie all men are of so hard hap, that they shall be sooner for one tres|passe condemned, than for a thousand good deserts commended) gaue commandement that the lord The lord Greie be|headed. Greie should not onelie be remooued from the go|uernment of the countrie, but also had him beheaded on the tower hill the eight and twentith of Iune. 1541 But as touching the first article, that brought him The lord Greie guilt|lesse of the first article. most of all out of conceipt with the king, I mooued question to the erle of Kildare, whether the tenor ther|of were true or false? His lordship thereto answered Bona fide, that he neuer spake with the lord Greie, ne|uer sent messenger to him, nor receiued message or letter from him. Whereby maie be gathered, with The dangers that happen to gouernors of prouinces. how manie dangers they are inwrapped that go|uerne prouinces, wherein diligence is twhackt with hatred, negligence is loden with tawnts, seueritie with perils menaced, liberalitie with thanklesse vn|kindnesse contemned, conference to vndermining framed, flatterie to destruction forged, each in coun|tenance smiling, diuerse in heart pouting, open faw|ning, secret grudging, gaping for such as shall suc|céed in gouernment, honouring magistrates with cap and knée as long as they are present, and carping them with toong and pen as soone as they are ab|sent.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The lord Leonard Greie (as is aforesaid) dischar|ged, Sir William Brereton lord iustice. sir William Brereton was constituted lord iu|stice, whose short gouernement was intangled with no little trouble. For albeit he and Oneale fell to a reasonable composition, yet other of the Irish lor|dings, namelie Oconhur and his adherents, that are content to liue as subiects, as long as they are not able to hold out as rebels, conspired togither, and determined to assemble their power at the hill of Fowre in west Meth, and so on a sudden to ran|sacke the pale. The lord iustice foorthwith accompa|nied with the armie, and with two thousand of the pale, of which no small number were ecclesiasticall persons, made towards the rebels, who vpon the ap|proch of so great an armie gaue ground, and disper|sed themselues in woods and marishes. The lord iu|stice this notwithstanding inuaded Oconhur his countrie, burnt his tenements, & made all his tren|ches with the multitude of pioners so passable, as foure hundred carts, beside light carriage, were led without let thorough the countrie. Oconhur soone Oconhur sub|mitteth him|selfe to the lord iustice. Sir Antho|nie Sentleger lord deputie. Sir William Brereton lord high marshall. after submitted himselfe, & sent his sonne Cormach to the lord iustice as hostage for his future obedience and loialtie to the king his highnesse. After this iour|nie was ended, sir Anthonie Sentleger knight of the order was constituted lord deputie, and sir Wil|liam Brereton lord high marshall, who within one halfe yeare after he was preferred to be marshall, trauelling by the lord deputie his appointment to Limerike, to bring in Iames earle of Desmond, who stood vpon certeine tickle points with the gouer|nor, ended his life in that iournie, and lieth intoomed He dieth. at Kilkennie in the quier of saint Kennie his church. In the thrée and thirtith yeare of the reigne of Hen|rie 154 [...] the eight, there was a parlement holden at Du|blin before sir Anthonie Sentleger, in which there passed these statutes following; namelie.
[1] This parlement was proroged vntill the fiftéenth of Februarie, and after was continued at Limerike [page 103] before she said deputie, at which time there passed
[1] This parlement was likewise proroged, and af|ter was continued and holden before the said gouer|nour 1543 at Dublin, the sixt daie of Nouember, in the foure and thirtith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the eight, wherein there passed these acts; namelie:
[1] [2] [3] [4] This parlement was further proroged vntill the seuentéenth of Aprill, and at that time before the said gouernor it was holden and ended, in which there pas|sed an act touching the manour and castell of Don|garuan to be vnited and annexed to the crowne for euer. To this parlement resorted diuerse of the I|rish lords, who submitting themselues to the deputie his mercie, returned peaceablie to their countries. But Iames earle of Desmond sailed into Eng|land, Iames earle of Desmond. and before the king and councell purged him|selfe of all such articles of treason as were falselie laid to his charge: whose cleare purgation and hum|ble submission the king accepted verie gratefullie. Shortlie after Desmond his returne homeward, the Oneale earle of Tiron. great Oneale was created earle of Tiron, and his base sonne Matthew Oneale baron of Dongaruan. For in those daies Iohn Oneale, commonlie called Shane Oneale, the onelie sonne lawfullie of his bo|die begotten, was little or nothing estéemed.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Oneale hauing returned to Ireland with this honour, and the king his fauor, Obren with certeine other Irish lords sailed into England, submitting their liues and lands to the king his mercie. This Obren was at that time created earle of Clencare, Obren crea|ted earle of Clenclare. 1544 The I [...]rish sent for to the siege of Bul|longue. in which honour his posteritie hitherto resteth. Short|lie after the returne of these lords to their countrie, king Henrie being fullie resolued to besiege Bul|longne, gaue commandement to sir Anthonie Sent|leger deputie, to leuie an armie of Irishmen, and with all expedition to send them to England. To these were appointed capteins the lord Powre, who after was dubd knight, Surlocke & Finglasse, with diuerse others. They mustered in saint Iames his parke seuen hundred. In the siege of Bullongne they stood the armie in verie good sted. For they were not onelie contented to burne and spoile all the villa|ges thereto adioining; but also they would range twentie or thirtie miles into the maine land: and ha|uing taken a bull, they vsed to tie him to a stake, and Their policie in purueieng for the armie. scorching him with faggots, they would force him to rore, so as all the cattell in the countrie would make towards the bull, all which they would lightlie lead awaie, and furnish the campe with store of béefe.
[1] [2] If they tooke anie Frenchman prisoner, lest they should be accounted couetous, in snatching with them his entier bodie, his onelie ransome should bée no more but his head. The French with this strange kind of warfaring astonished, sent an ambassador to king Henrie, to learne whether he brought men with him or diuels, that could neither be woone with rewards, nor pacified by pitie: which when the king had turned to a ieast, the Frenchmen euer after, if they could take anie of the Irish scatering from the companie, vsed first to cut off their genitals, and after to torment them with as great and as linge|ring paine as they could deuise.
[1] [2] After that Bullongne was surrendred to the king, A French chalenger vanquished. there incamped on the west side of the towne be|yond the hauen an armie of Frenchmen, amongst whome there was a Thrasonicall Golias that depar|ted from the armie, and came to the brinke of the hauen, and there in ietting and daring wise chalen|ged anie one of the English armie that durst be so hardie, as to bicker with him hand to hand. And al|beit the distance of the place, the depth of the hauen, the néernesse of his companie imboldened him to this chalenge, more than anie great valour or pith Nicho [...] Welsh. that rested in him to indure a combat; yet all this notwithstanding, an Irishman named Nicholl Welsh, who after reteined to the earle of Kildare, loathing and disdaining his proud brags, flung into the water, and swam ouer the riuer, fought with the chalenger, strake him for dead, and returned backe to Bullongne with the Frenchman his head in his mouth, before the armie could ouertake him. For which exploit, as he was of all his companie highlie [...] [...]ended, so by the lieutenant he was bountiful|le re [...]arded.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Such about this time the earle of Lennor, verie wrongfullie inquieted in Scotland, and forced to for|sake 1545 The earle of Lennox as|sisted by king Henrie. his countrie, became humble petitioner to king Henrie, as well to reléeue him in his distressed calamitie, as to compasse the means how he might be restored to his lands & liuing. The king his high|nesse mooued with compassion, posted the earle ouer to Ireland, with letters of especiall trust, command|ing sir Anthonie Sentleger then deputie, to assist and further the Scotish outcast, with as puissant an armie as to his contentation should séeme good. The Iames Bu [...]|ler earle of Ormond. deputie, vpon the receipt of these letters, sent for Iames Butler earle of Ormond and Osserie, a no|ble man, no lesse politike in peace, than valiant in warres, made him priuie to the king his pleasure; and withall in his maiesties name did cast the charge hereof vpon the said earle, as one that for his tried loialtie was willing, and for his honour and valour able to attempt and atchiue so rare and famous an exploit. The lord of Ormond as willing to obeie, as the gouernour was to command, leuied of his te|nants and reteiners six hundred Gallowglasses, foure hundred Kearnes, thrée score horssemen, and foure hundred and fortie shot: so in the whole he mu|stered on Osmantowne greene néere Dublin, fif|téene hundred souldiours.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The lord deputie yéelding his honour such thanks in words, as he deserued indéed, leuied in the pale fifteene hundred souldiours more, to be annexed to Sir Iohn Tr [...]auers knight. the earle his companie. Ouer them he constituted sir Iohn Trauers capteine, but the erle of Ormond was made generall of the whole armie. When the souldiours were with munition and victuals aboun|dantlie furnished, the earle of Ormond and the earle of Lennox tooke shipping at Sherise, hauing in their companie twentie and eight ships well rigged, suffi|cientlie manned, and stronglie appointed. From thense they sailed northwards, and rode at anchor without the hauen of Oldfléet beyond Karregfer|gus. The earle of Ormond and the earle of Lennox in danger to be drowned. Where hauing remained hulling without the mouth of the hauen, contrarie to the aduise of the ma|sters of their ships (who prognosticated the spéedie ap|proch of a storme, and therefore did wish them to [page 104] take a good harbrough) it hapned that the said night there arose so boisterous a tempest, that the whole fleet was like to haue béene ouerwhelmed. The ma|riners betaking their passengers and themselues to the mercie of God, did cut their maine masts, let slip their anchors, and were weather driuen to the hauen of Dunbritaine in Scotland, whereas they were like to run their ships on ground, and consequent|lie they all should either haue béene plunged in the water, or else haue béene slaine on the land by a great number of Scots that awaited their approach. God with his gratious clemencie preuenting their immi|nent calamitie, sent them not onelie a wished calme, but also a prosperous gale of wind, that blew them backe in safetie to the Irish coast, from whense they were scattered.
[1] [2] The earle of Lennox aduertised by certeine of his fréends that met with him on the sea, that the Scots (contrarie to their promise) dealt verie doublie with him (for although they gaue their word to surrender vp to him the castell of Dunbritaine, yet they did not onelie fortifie that hold, but also were readie to in|counter with his souldiors vpon their arriuals) he concluded to returne to Ireland. The earle of Or|mond verie loath that so great an attempt should take so little effect, dealt with him verie earnestlie, notwithstanding his counsell were bewraied to in|uade his enimies, and his lordship should be sure to find the armie so forward in assisting him in so fa|mous an enterprise, as they would shew [...] more willing to bicker with his foes in [...] than without skirmishing to returne to Ireland [...] the earle of Ormond was of this nature, that as he The earle of Ormond his propertie. would not begin anie martiall broile rashlie or vn|aduisedlie, so he would not séeme to put it vp lightlie or easilie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Further, whereas the earle of Lennox stood in hope, that the lord of the out Iles would aid him, it was thought by Ormond not to be amisse, to expect his comming; and so ioining his companie to the ar|mie, there rested no doubt, but that the Scotish eni|mies would be forced to plucke in their hornes, al|though at the first blush they séeme to set a good face on the matter. Lennox some what with this persuasi|on carried, gaue his consent to expect the lord of the The lord of the out Iles faileth to the earle of Len|nox. out Iles determination, who notwithstanding all the fetth of the enterprise were descried, would not slip from his word, but personallie sailed to the Irish fléet, with thrée gallies well appointed. The noble man with such martiall triumphs was receiued, as warlike souldiors could on the sea afoord him. But of all others, both the earls gaue him heartie intertein|ment for his true & honorable dealing, that to be as good as his word, would not séeme to shrinke from his fréend in this his aduersitie. And shortlie after as they craued his aduise what were best to be doone, ei|ther to land in Scotland, or else to returne home|ward, his flat resolution was at that time to retire, bicause their drift was detected, their feined friends fainted, the castels were fortified, and the shoares on all parts with swarms of Scots peopled. Wherefore he thought it better policie to giue out in open ru|mors, that they meant not at anie hand to inuade Scotland, but to retire to their countrie.
[1] [2] [3] And after that the Scotish souldiors should be dis|mist, which would be incontinent vpon their returne, by reason of the excessiue charges: then might the earle of Lennox with lesse preparation, and more se|crecie giue a fresh onset, that the enimies should soo|ner féele his force, than heare of his arriuall. Or|mond and Lennox vpon this determination landed Ormond and Lennox land. with the greater part of the armie, and appointed the ships to bend their course to Dublin. The lord of the out Iles and his three gallies sailed with the fléet, for he was not able by reason of the féeblenesse of his bodie to traueli by land, or [...] t [...]e further to pro|long The lord of the o [...]t Iles d [...]eth. his life, which he ended at [...]uth presentlie vpon his arriuall, and was with great solemnitie buried in saint Patrike his church at Dublin, vpon whose death this epitaph following was framed:
Viquee manúque meapatriae dum redditur exsul,Exsul in externa cogor & ipse mori. His epitaph.
[1] [2] [3] Both the earles marched with the armie on fóot [...]o Carreg [...]ergus, where they brake companie. For Lennox and sir Iohn Trauers taking as he thought The Irish [...]rinish with the earle of Lennox. the shorter but not the safer waie, trauelled through the Ardes with the number of fine hundred souldi|ers, where the Irish inhabitants skirmished with them, and put them to such streict plunges (for they would gladlie haue seene what a clocke it was in their budgets) as they wished they had not parted from the rest of the armie. The earle of Ormond with his souldiers (which were a thousand fiue hun|dred, as before is expressed) marched on foot to Bele|fast, which is an arme of the sea, a quarter of a mile broad or little lesse. And albeit their wether were bit|ter and ouernipping, and no small parcell of the wa|ter were congeled with frost, yet the earle and his ar|mie The earle of Ormond his toilsome tra|uell. waded ouer on foot, to the great danger as well of his person, as of the whole companie, which doubt|lesse was a valiant enterprise of so honorable a per|sonage. From thense he passed to Strangford, and through Lecale to Dondalke, where he discharged his souldiers, and hauing presented himselfe to the gouernour at Dublin, he rode homewards to the countie of [...]ilkennie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Shortlie after fix Anthonie Sentleger lord depu|tie and the earle of Ormond fell at debate, insomuch The deputie and Ormond at debate. as either of them laid articles of treason one to the others charge. The chiefe occasion of their mutuall grudge procéeded of certeine new and extraordina|rie impositions, wherewith the deputie would haue charged the subiects. Whereat the earle of Ormond as a zelous defendor of his countrie began to kicke, & in no sort could be woone to agree to anie such vn|reasonable demand. Herevpon Ormond, percei|uing that the gouernour persisted in his purpose, ad|dressed letters of complaint to such as were of the Ormond his letters inter|cepted. priuis councell in England: which letters were by one of sir Anthonie his friends intercepted at sea, and presented to him to be perused. Sir Anthonie hauing ouer read the writings, sent master Basnet in post hast with the packet to Kilkennie, where the earle of Ormond kept his Christmasse, requesting his lordship to take in good part the opening of his letters. Which was doone rather to learne the effect of his complaint, than in anie sort to imbar his wri|tings from comming to the councels hands.
[1] [2] The earle answered that his quarell was so good, his dealing so open, as he little weighed who tooke a view of his letters. And for his part what he wrote he meant not to vnwrite; but in such sort as they came from the gouernour, they should be sent to the councell: and if their honours would allow anie sub|iect to be so hardie, as to intercept and open letters that were to them indorsed, he could not but digest anie such iniurie that they would seeme to beare. With this answer Basnet returned, and the earle performed his promise. Wherevpon the gouernour The lord de|putie and Or|mond sent for to England. and he were commanded to appeare before the pri|uie councell in England, where they were sundrie times examined, and their accusations ripelie deba|ted. In fine, the councell equallie to both parts in their complaints affected, and weighing withall ra|ther the due desert of both their loiall seruices, than the vaine presumption of their mutuall accusations, wrapped vp their quarels & made them both fréends, with such indifferencie, as neither part should be They are made fréends. [page 105] either with anie conquest exalted, or with anie foile deb [...]sed.
[1] [2] [3] [4] And for so much as sir Iohn Alen knight then Sir Iohn A| [...]rd chan| [...]t cõmit|t [...]d to the [...]. lord chancellor of Ireland, was found to limpe in this controuerste, by plaieng (as it was supposed) more craftilie than wiselie, with both the hands, in that he séemed to be rather a fosterer of their malice, than an appeaser of their quarels, he was likewise sent for into England; and being tript by the coun|cell in his tale, was committed to the Fleet, wherin he remained a long time. In this trouble the earle of Ormond was greatlie aided by sir William Wife knight a worshipfull gentleman, borne in the Sir William Wise knight. citie of Waterford, who deseruing in déed the praise of that vertue, whereof he bare the name, grew to be of great credit in the court, and stood highlie in king Henrie his grace, which he wholie vsed to the furthe|rance of his friends, and neuer abused to the annoi|ance of his foes. This gentleman was verie well spoken, mild of nature, with discretion stout, as one that in an vpright quarell would beare no coles, sel|dome in an intricate matter grauested, being found at all assaies to be of a pleasant and present wit. Ha|uing lent the king his signet to seale a letter, who ha|uing powdred erimites ingrailed in the seale; Why how now Wise (quoth the king) what, hast thou lice here? And if it like your maiestie, quoth sir Willi|am, a louse is a rich cote, for by giuing the louse, I part armes with the French king, in that he giueth the floure de lice. Whereat the king hartilie laugh|ed, to heare how pretilie so biting a taunt (namelie procéeding from a prince) was suddenlie turned to so pleasant a conceipt.
[1] Anon after the agreement made betwéene Or|mond and Sentleger, the earle his seruants (which he kept at that time in his liuerie to the number of fiftie) besought his lordship to take at the Limehouse his part of a supper, which they prouided for him. The noble man with honour accepting their dutifull of|fer, supped at their request, but not to their conten|tation at the place appointed. For whether it were that one caitife or other did poison the meat, or that some other false measures were vsed (the certeintie The earle of Ormond de|ceaseth. with the reuenge whereof to God is to be referred) the noble man with thirtie and fiue of his seruants presentlie that night sickened: one Iames White the earle his steward, with sixteene of his fellowes died, the remnant of the seruants recouered. But their lord, whose health was chieflie to be wished, in the floure of his age deceased of that sickenesse at Elie house in Holborne, much about the eight and 1546 twentith of October, and was buried in saint Tho|mas of Acres his church, whose death bred sorrow to his friends, little comfort to his aduersaries, great losse to his countrie, and no small griefe to all good men.
[1] This earle was a goodlie and personable noble His descrip|tion. man, full of honour, which was not onelie lodged in|wardlie in his mind, but also he bare it outwardlie in countenance: as franke & as liberall as his cal|ling required, a deepe and a farre reaching head. In a good quarell rather stout than stubborne, bearing himselfe with no lesse courage when he resisted, than with honorable discretion where he yéelded. A fauou|rer of peace, no furtherer of warre, as one that pro|cured vnlawfull quietnesse before vpright troubles, being notwithstanding of as great wisedome in the one, as of valour in the other. An earnest and a zea|lous vpholder of his countrie, in all attempts rather respecting the publike weale than his priuat gaine. Whereby he bound his countrie so greatlie vnto him, that Ireland might with good cause wish, that either he had neuer beene borne, or else that he had neuer deceased; so it were lawfull to craue him to be immortall, that by course of nature was framed mortall. And to giue sufficient proofe of the entire affection he bare his countrie, and of the zealous care he did cast thereon, he betooke in his death-bed his soule to God, his carcase to christian buriall, and his hart to his countrie; declaring therby, that where his mind was setled in his life, his hart should be there intoomed after his death. Which was accor|ding to his will accomplished. For his hart was con|ueied to Ireland, and lieth ingraued in the quéere of the cathedrall church in Kilkennie, where his ance|stors for the more part are buried. Upon which kind & louing legacie this epitaph following was deuised:
[1] The effect of which said epitaph is thus Englished:
[1] [2] This earle was of so noble a disposition, as he The kindnes of Iames erle of Ormond to his friends. would sooner countenance and support his poore well willer in his aduersitie, than he would make or fawne vpon his wealthie friend in prosperitie. Ha|uing bid at London (not long before his death) the ladie Greie countesse of Kildare to dinner, it happe|ned that a souldier, surnamed Powre, who latelie re|turned fresh from the emperour his warres, came to take his repast with the earle before the messen|ger. When the earle and the countesse were set, this toisting Rutterkin wholie then standing on the sol|dado hoigh, placed himselfe right ouer against the countesse of Kildare, hard at the earle of Ormond his elbow, as though he were haile fellow well met. The noble man appalled at the impudent saucinesse of the malapert soldier (who notwithstanding might be borne withall, bicause an vnbidden ghest know|eth not where to sit) besought him courteouslie to giue place. The earle, when the other arose, taking vpon him the office of a gentleman vsher, placed in Powre his seat, his cousine Edward Fitzgirald, Edward Fitzgirald. now lieutenant of hir maiesties pensioners, who at that time being a yoong stripling, attended vpon his mother the countesse, and so in order he set euerie gentleman in his degrée, to the number of fifteene or sixteene: and last of all the companie, he licenced Powre, if he would, to sit at the lower end of the ta|ble, where he had scantlie elbow roome.
[1] [2] The countesse of Kildare, perceiuing the noble man greatlie to stomach the souldior his presumptu|ous boldnesse, nipt him at the elbow, and whispering softlie, besought his lordship not to take the matter so hot, bicause the gentleman (she ment Powre) knew that the house of Kildare was of late attein|ted, and that hir children were not in this their cala|mitie in such wise to be regarded. No ladie (quoth the [page 106] earle with a lowd voice, and the tears trilling downe his léeres, saie not so, I trust to sée the daie, when my yoong cousin Edward, and the remnant of your chil|dren (as little reckoning as he maketh of them) shall disdaine the companie of anie such skipiacke. Which prophesie fell out as trulie as he foretold it, onelie sauing that it stood with God his pleasure to call him to his mercie before he could sée that daie after which doubtlesse he longed and looked, I meane the restitu|tion of the house of Kildare.
[1] [2] After this noble earle his vntimelie decease, sir Anthonie Sentleger was returned to Ireland lord Sir Anthonie Sentleger re|turneth lord deputie. deputie, who was a wise and a warie gentleman, a valiant seruitor in war, and a good iusticer in peace, properlie learned, a good maker in the English, ha|uing grauitie so interlaced with pleasantnesse, as with an excéeding good grace he would atteine the one without pouting dumpishnesse, and exercise the other without loathsome lightnesse. There fell in his time a fat benefice, of which he as lord deputie had the presentation. When diuerse made suit to him for the benefice, and offered with dishonestie to [...]ie that which with safetie of conscience he could not sell, he answered merilie, that he was resolued not to commit simonie: yet notwithstanding he had a nag in his stable that was worth fortie shillings, and he that would giue him fortie pounds for the nag, should Sentleger his simonie. be preferred to the benefice. Which he rather of plea|sure vttered, than of anie vnconscionable meaning purposed to haue doone.
[1] His gouernement had beene of the countrie ve|rie well liked, were it not that in his time he began to assesse the pale with certeine new impositions, not so profitable (as it was thought) to the gouernors, as it was noisome to the subiects. The debating of which I purpose to referre to them, who are discoursers of publike estates, and the reformers of the common|wealth, praieng to God, that he with his grace direct them so faithfullie to accomplish the duties of good magistrates, that they gouerne that poore battered Iland to his diuine honour, to hir maiesties conten|tation, to the suppressing of rebels, to the vpholding of subiects, and rather to the publike weale of the whole countrie, than to the priuat gaine of a few persons, which oftentimes falleth out in proofe to the ruine and vndooing of the séeker.
[1] Thus farre (gentle reader) as mine instructions directed me, and my leasure serued me, haue I continued a parcell of the Irish historie, and haue stretched it to the reigne of Ed|ward the sixt. Wherevpon I am forced to craue at thine hands pardon and tollerance: pardon for anie error I shall be found to haue commited, which vpon friendlie ad|monition I am readie to reforme: tollerance, for that part of the historie which is not continued, till time I be so furnished and fraught with matter, as that I maie emploie my trauell to serue thy contentation.