[1] [2] [3] _AT Whitsuntide in the 1400 yeare 1400, which was the first yeare of the reigne of Henrie the fourth, the cone|stable of Dublin castell, and diuerse other at Stanford in Ulster, fought by sea with Scots, where manie Eng|lishmen were slaine and drowned. In the second 1401 Sir Iohn Stanie [...]e lord lieutenant. yeare of king Henrie the fourth, sir Iohn Stanleie the kings lieutenant in Ireland returned into Eng|land, leauing his vnder lieutenant there sir Willi|am Stanleie. The same yeare on Bartholomew Sir Steph [...] Scroope. [...]uen, sir Stephan Scroope, deputie vnto the lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings brother, and lord lieutenant of Ireland, arriued there to supplie the r [...]e of Alexander bishop of Meth, that exercised the same office vnder the said lord Thomas of Lan|caster, before the comming of this sir Stephan Scroope; which sir Stephan for his violence and ex [...]or|tion before time vsed in the same office vnder king Richard, was [...]re cried out vpon by the voices of th [...] [page 74] poore people, insomuch that the ladie his wife hearing of such exclamations, would in no wise continue with him there, except he would receiue a solemne oth on the bible, that wittinglie he should wrong no christian creature in that land, but dulie and trulie he should sée paiment made for all expenses: and hereof (she said) she had made a vow to Christ so de|terminatlie, that vnlesse it were on his part firmclie promised, she could not without perill of soule go with him. Hir husband assented and accomplished hir request effectuallie, recouered a good opinion for his vpright deling, reformed his caters & purueiors, inriched the countrie, mainteined a plentifull house, remission of great offenses, remedies for persons indangered to the prince, pardons of lands and liues he granted so charitablie and so discréetlie, that his name was neuer recited among them without ma|nie blessings and praiers, and so chéerefullie they were readie to serue him against the Irish vpon all necessarie occasions. The lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings sonne, and lord lieutenant of Ireland, ar|riued the same yeare at Dublin, vpon saint Brices daie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The maior of Dublin Iohn Drake, with a band of his citizens neere to Bre, slue foure thousand of The Irish o|uerthrowne by the maior of Dublin. the Irish outlawes (as Campion noteth out of the records of Christs church) but Marlburrow speaketh onelie of 493, and these being all men of warre. The verie same daie that this victorie was atchiued, to wit, the eleuenth day of Iulie, the church of the friers prechers of Dublin was dedicated by the archbishop of that citie. The same yeare in September, a parle|ment was holden at Dublin, during the which in Urgile sir Bartholomew Uerdon knight, Iames White, Stephan Gernon, and other their complices, slue the shiriffe of Louth Iohn Dowdall. In the yere 1403, in Maie, sir Walter Betterleie steward of 1403 Ulster, a right valiant knight was slaine, and to the number of thirtie other with him. The same yeare about the feast of saint Martin, the lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings sonne returned into England leauing the lord Stephan Scroope his deputie there: who also in the beginning of Lent sailed ouer into Stephan Scroope. England, and then the lords of the land chose the earle of Ormond to be lord iustice. The earle of Ormond lord [...]. 1404 The archbi|shop of Ir|magh de|ceased.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] In the fift yere of Henrie the fourth, Iohn Colton archbishop of Armagh the seuen & twentith of Aprill departed this life, vnto whom Nicholas Stoning suc|céeded. The same yeare on the daie of saint Uitale the martyr, the parlement of Dublin began before the earle of Ormond then lord iustice of Ireland, where the statutes of Kilkennie and Dublin were confirmed, and likewise the charter of Ireland. In the sixt yeare of Henrie the fourth, in the moneth of 1405 Maie, thrée Scotish barks were taken, two at Green castell, and one at Alkeie, with capteine Macgolagh. The same yeare the merchants of Brodagh entered Scotland, and tooke preies and pledges. Also on the éeuen of the feast day of the seuen brethren, Oghgard was burnt by the Irish. And in Iune sir Stephan Scroope that was come againe into Ireland, retur|ned estsoones into England, leauing the earle of Ormond lord iustice of Ireland. About the same time they of Dublin entered Scotland at saint Ni|nian, and valiantlie behaued themselues against the The citizens of Dublin in|uade Scot|land. They inuade waies. enimies, and after crossing the seas, directed their course into Wales, and did much hurt to the Welsh|men, bringing from thense the shrine of saint Cu|bins, & placed it in the church of the Trinitie in Dub|lin. Iames Butler earle of Ormond died at Bali|gam, whilest he was lord iustice, vnto whom succee|ded The earle of Ormond de|ceased. Gerald earle of Kildare.
[1] [2] [3] [4] In the seuenth yeare of king Henrie on Corpus Christi day, the citizens of Dublin with the countrie people about them, manfullie vanquished the Irish enimies, and slue diuerse of them, and tooke two en|signes or standards, bringing with them to Dublin the heads of those whom they had slaine. The same yeare the prior of Conall, in the plaine of Kildare, fought manfullie with the Irish, & vanquished two hundred that were well armed, slaieng part of them, and chasing the residue out of the field, and the prior had not with him past the number of twentie Eng|lishmen: but God (as saith mine author) assisted those Hen. Ma [...]. that put their trust in him. The same yeare after Mi|chaelmas, Stephan Scroope deputie iustice to the lord Thomas of Lancaster the kings sonne, and his lieutenant of Ireland, came againe ouer into Ire|land. And in the feast of saint Hilarie was a parle|ment A parlement at Dublin. holden at Dublin, which in Lent after was ended at Trim. And Meiler de Birmingham slue Cathole Oconhur about the end of Februarie. In the yere 1407, a certeine false and heathenish wretch an Irishman, named Mac Adam Mac Gilmore, 1407 that had caused fortie churches to be destroied, as he that was neuer christened, and therefore called Cor|bi, chanced to take prisoner one Patrike Sauage, Corbi what [...] signifieth. and receiued for his ransome two thousand markes, though afterwards he slue him, togither with his brother Richard.
[1] The same yeare in the feast of the exaltation of the crosse, Stephan Scroope deputie to the lord Thomas of Lancaster, with the earles of Ormond and Des|mond, and the prior of Kilmainan, and diuerse other capteins and men of warre of Meth, set from Dub|lin, and inuaded the land of Mac Murch, where the Irish came into the field and skirmished with them, so as in the former part of the daie they put the Eng|lish power to the woorse; but at length the Irish were vanquished and chased, so that Onolan with his son and diuerse others were taken prisoners. But the English capteins aduertised here, that the Burkens and Okeroll in the countie of Kilkennie, had for the space of two daies togither doone much mischief, they rode with all spéed vnto the towne of Callan, and there incountering with the aduersaries, manfullie put them to flight, slue Okeroll, and eight hundred Okeroll slaine. others. There went a tale, and beleeued of manie, that the sunne stood still for a space that daie, till the Englishmen had ridden six miles: so much was it thought that God fauoured the English part in this enterprise, if we shall beléeue it.
[1] [2] The same yeare the lord Stephan Scroope passed once againe ouer into England, and Iames But|ler earle of Ormond was elected by the countrie lord iustice of Ireland. In the dais of this K. Henrie the fourth, the inhabitants of Corke being sore afflic|ted with perpetuall oppressions of their Irish neigh|bors, complained themselues in a generall writing directed to the lord Rutland and Corke, the kings deputie there, and to the councell of the realme then assembled at Dublin: which letter because it ope|neth a window to behold the state of those parties, and of the whole realme of Ireland in those daies, we haue thought good to set downe here, as it hath béene enterd by Campion, according to the copie de|liuered to him by Francis Agard esquire, one of the queenes maiesties priuie councell in Ireland.