[1] [2] _VNneth was the businesse a|bout 1326 the witches at an end, when it was signified, that a gentleman of the familie of the Otoolies in Leinster, na|med Adam Duffe, possessed by some wicked spirit of error, 1327 denied obstinatelie the incar|nation of our sauior, the trinitie of persons in the v|nitie of the Godhead, & the resurrection of the flesh; as for the holie scripture, he said it was but a fable: the virgin Marie he affirmed to be a woman of dis|solute Adam Duffe an heretike. life, and the apostolike sée erronious. For such assertions he was burnt in Hogging greene beside Dublin. About the same time, Fitzarke Macm [...]rch, and sir Henrie Traherne were taken prisoners. In the yeare following, the lord Thomas Fitziohn erle of Kildare, and the lord Arnold Powre & William earle of Ulster were sent ouer into Ireland, & Ro|ger Outlaw prior of saint Iohns of Ierusalem in Ireland, commonlie called the prior of Kilmainan, was made lord iustice. This man by reason of vari|ance that chanced to rise betwixt the Giraldins, the The prior of Kilmainan lord iustice. Butlers, and Birminghams, on the one side; and the Powres & Burghs on the other, for terming the earle of Kildare a rimer, to pacifie the parties called a par|lement, wherein he himselfe was faine to make his purgation of a slander imposed to him, as suspected of heresie.
[1] [2] The bishop of Ossorie had giuen an information Arnold Powre accu|sed of heresie. against Arnold le Powre, conuented & conuicted in [page 70] his consistorie of certeine hereticall opinions, but bi|cause the beginning of Powrs accusation concerned the iustices kinsman, and the bishop was mistrusted to prosecute his owne wrong, and the person of the man rather than the fault: a daie was limited for the iustifieng of the bill, the partie being apprehen|ded and respited therevnto. This dealing the bishop (who durst not stirre out of Kilkennie to prosecute his accusation) was reputed parciall: and when by meanes hereof the matter hanged in suspense, he infamed the said prior as an abbettor and fauourer of Arnolds heresie. The prior submitted himselfe to the triall, and therevpon were seuerall proclama|tions made in court, that it should be lawfull to anie man to come into the court, and to inferre, accuse, and declare what euidence he could, against the lord iustice: but none came. Then passed a decrée by the councell, commanding all bishops, abbats, priors, and the maiors of Dublin, Corke, Limerike, Wa|terford, and Droghedagh, the shirifs, knights, & se|neschals of euerie shire, to appeare at Dublin. From amongst all these, they appointed six inquisitors, which examining the bishops and other persons a|foresaid singularlie one by one, found that with an vniuersall consent they deposed for the prior, affir|ming that (to their iudgements) he was a zelous and a faithfull child of the catholike church. In the meane time, Arnold le Powre the prisoner deceased in the castell, & bicause he stood vnpurged, long he laie vn|buried.
[1] [2] In the yeare one thousand thrée hundred twentie and nine, Iohn de Birmingham earle of Louth, and 1329 The earle of Louth slaine. his brother Peter, with many other of that surname, and Richard Talbot of Malahide were slaine on Whitsun euen at Balibragan by men of the coun|trie. Also the lord Thomas Butler, and diuerse other The lord Butler slaine. noblemen were slaine by Mac Gogoghdan & other Irishmen néere to Molinger. For the Irish as well in Leinster as in Meth made insurrections in that season, and so likewise did they in Mounster vnder the leading of Obren, whom William earle of Ul|ster and Iames earle of Ormond vanquished. So outragious were the Leinster Irish, that in one church they burnt foure score innocent soules, asking no more but the life of their priest then at masse, whome they notwithstanding sticked with their [...]aue|lins, spurned the host, and wasted all with fire: nei|ther forced they of the popes iuterdiction, nor anie ec|clesiasticall censures denounced against them (mat|ters of no small consideration among them name|lie in those daies) but maliciouslie perseuered in the course of their furious rage, till the citizens of Wer|ford somewhat tamed them, and slue foure hundred of them in one skirmish, the rest flieng were all dren|ched in the water of Slane. In the yeare one thou|sand 1330 thrée hundred and thirtie, the earle of Ulster with a great armie made a iournie against Obren, and the prior of Kilmainan lord iustice put Maurice The prior of Kilmainan lord iustice. Fitzthomas earle of Desmond in prison in the mar|shalseie, out of the which he [...]éelie escaped, and the lord Hugh Lacie returned into Ireland, and obtei|ned the kings peace and fauour.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] In the yeare one thousand thrée hundred thirtie and one, the earle of Ulster passed ouer into Eng|land, 1331 and great slaughter was made vpon the Irish in Okenslie. Also the castell of Arclo was taken by the Irishmen, and great slaughter made of the Eng|lish in the Cowlagh by Otothell and others. Also the lord Anthonie Lucie was sent ouer lord iustice into Ireland, and great slaughter was made of the Irish Anthonie Lu|cie lord iu|stice. at Thurlis by the knights of the countrie, & at Fin|nath in Meth, there were manie of them slaine by the English; but yet was the castell of Fernis taken and burnt by the Irish. On the feast daie of the as|sumption of our ladie, which falleth on the fiftéenth of August, Maurice Fitzthomas earle of Desmond The earle of Desmond ap|prehended. was apprehended at Limerike by the lord iustice, and sent vnto the castell of Dublin. Moreouer, the lord iustice tooke sir William Birmingham at Clo|mell by a wile, whilest he was sicke in his bed, & sent him (togither with his sonne Walter Birmingham) vnto the castell of Dublin, the thirtith of Aprill. In the yeare one thousand three hundred thirtie and two 1332 William Bir|mingham exe|cuted. the said sir William was hanged at Dublin, but Walter was deliuered by reason he was within or|ders.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Campion following such notes as he hath séene, Campion. writeth that the death of this William Birming|ham chanced in time of the gouernement of Wil|liam Outlaw prior of Kilmainan, being lieutenant vnto Iohn lord Darcie, that was made lord iustice (as the said Campion hath noted) in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred twentie and nine. Although Marlburrow affirmeth that he came thither to beare that office, in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred thirtie and two, after the lord Lucie was discharged, as hereafter shall be recited. But whensoeuer, or vn|der whome soeuer Birmingham was executed, he was accounted an od knight, and such a one as for his valiancie, his match was not lightlie to be anie where found. The castell of Clonmore was taken the same yeare by the Englishmen, and the castell of Bonrath was destroid by the Irish of Thomond. Al|so Henrie de Mandeuill was taken and sent priso|ner to be safelie kept in Dublin. Likewise Walter Burgh with two of his bretheren were taken in Connagh by the earle of Ulster, and sent to the ca|stell of Norburgh.
[1] [2] [3] This yeare the lord Antonie Lucie was dischar|ged of his roome by the king, and so returned with his wife & children into England, and the lord Iohn The lord Darcie iustice Darcie was sent ouer lord iustice in Lucies place, and great slaughter was made vpon Bren Obren, and Mac Arthie in Mounster, by the English of that countrie. This Iohn Darcie (as should appeare by gifts bestowed vpon him by the king) was in singu|lar fauour with him. Amongst other things which he had of the kings gift, we find that he had the manors of Louth, and Baliogarie, and other lands in Ire|land The earl [...] of Ew. which belonged to the earle of Ew. And for that the said earle was a Frenchman, and tooke part with Philip de Ual [...]is the kings enimie, they were seized into the kings hand. The earle of Desmond 1333 [...] parlement. vpon suerties was set at libertie, and by the parle|ment holden at Dublin in this yeare 1333, was sent ouer into England vnto the king; and William erls of Ulster a yoong gentleman of twentie yeares of age, in going towards Knockfergus the seauenth of Iune, was slaine neere to the foords in Ulster, by his owne people, but his wife and daughter escaped into England: and the daughter was after maried vnto the lord Lionell the kings sonne. She deceased afterwards at Dublin, and left a daughter behind hir that was his heire, maried to Roger Mortimer earle of March, and lord of Trim.
[1] [2] [3] This murther was procured by Robert Fitz|martine Mandeuill, who was the first that presumed to giue to the earle anie wound. To reuenge the The earle of Ulster slaine. death of this earle of Ulster (slaine as yee haue heard beside Knockfergus) the lord iustice Darcie with a great power went into Ulster, to pursue those that through Mandeuils seditious tumults had so traito|rouslie murthered their lord. At his setting forward, the said iustice Darcie appointed sir Thomas Burgh Sir Thomas Burgh. treasuror, to gouerne as lieutenant to him in his absence. When the lord iustice had punished the trai|tors in Ulster, he passed ouer into Scotland, there to The lord iu|stice inuadeth Scotland. make warre against the Scots that were enimies [page 71] at that present to the king of England, and on the feast daie of saint Margaret, great slaughter was made of the Scots by the Irishmen: and so what by the king in one part, and the lord iustice of Ireland in another, Scotland was in maner wholie conque|red, and Edward Balioll was established king of Scotland. The lord iustice might haue possessed the Iles if they had béene worth the kéeping: into the which Iles, except the said Darcie and the earle of Sussex late lieutenant of Ireland, no gouernor at anie time yet aduentured. At Darcies comming backe into Ireland, and exercising the office of lord iustice, he deliuered Walter Birmingham out of the castell of Dublin.
[1] In the yeare 1336, and tenth of Edward the thirds 1336 reigne, on S. Laurence daie, the Irish of Connagh were discomfited and put to flight by the English|men of the countrie there, with the losse of one Eng|lishman, and ten thousand of the enimies. The lord Iohn Charleton baron came into Ireland to be lord 1337 Sir Iohn Charleton iustice. iustice, and with him his brother Thomas bishop of Hereford lord chancellor, and Iohn Rice lord treasu|ror, and two hundred Welshmen souldiors. The bi|shop was ordeined afterward lord iustice, in whose 1338 The bishop of Hereford lord iustice. time all the Irish of Ireland were at destance with the English, and shortlie brought againe into quiet by the earles of Kildare and Desmond. The lord Iohn Darcie by the kings letters patents was (du|ring 1340 Iohn Darcie lord iustice during life. life) ordeined lord iustice of Ireland, in the four|téenth yeare of king Edward the thirds reigne, which king abused by euill counsell and sinister infor|mers, called in vnder his signet roiall, the franchises, Calling in of liberties. liberties and grants, whatsoeuer had béene deuised, made and ratified to the realme of Ireland, and to euerie each person thereof. This reuoking of liber|ties was displeasantlie taken. The English of birth and the English of bloud falling at words, were di|uided into factions about it, for which contention the Irish still waited, so as the realme was euen vpon the point to giue ouer all, and to rebell. For redresse whereof, the lord iustice called a parlement at Du|blin, to the which the nobles refused to come, and in quiet wise assembled themselues togither at Kilken|nie, where they with the commons agréed vpon cer|teine questions to be demanded of the king by waie of supplication, signifieng in the same partlie their gréefes. Which questions were in effect as follow|eth.
[1] 1 How a realme of warre might be gouerned Articles or questions. by one both vnskilfull and vnable in all warlike ser|uice?
[1] 2 How an officer vnder the king, that entered verie poore, might in one yeare grow to more exces|siue wealth, than men of great patrimonie and liue|lihood in manie yeares?
[1] 3 How it chanced, that sith they were all called lords of their owne, that the souereigne lord of them all [...]as not a pennie the richer for them?
[1] [2] [3] [4] The cheefe of them that thus seemed to repine with the present gouernment, was Thomas Fitz|maurice earle of Desmond, through whose mainte|nance and bearing out of the matter, the countrie was in great trouble; so as it had not lightlie béene séene, that such contrarietie in minds and disliking had appeared amongst those of the English ra [...]e, in that realme at anie time before. Héerewith Rafe Uffort was sent ouer lord iustice, who bringing his 1343 Rafe U [...]ort lord iustice. wife with him, the countesse of Ulster arriued about the thirtéenth of Iulie. This man was verie rigo|rous, and through persuasion (as was said) of his wife, he was more [...]treame and couetous than o|therwise he would haue béene, a ma [...]er not to be forgotten. For if this ladie had béene as readie to The countesse [...]. Ulster. mooue hit husband to haue shewed himselfe gentle and mild in his gouernement, as she was bent to pricke him forward vnto sharpe dealings and rigo|rous procéedings, she had beene now aswell repor|ted of, as she is infamed by their pens that haue re|gistred the dooings of those times. But to the purpose. This Uffort lord iustice, in paine of forfeiture of all his lands, commanded the earle of Desmond to The earle of Desmond. make his personall appearance at a parlement, which he called to be holden at Dublin, there to be|gin the seuenth of Iune. And bicause the earle refu|sed to come acording to the summons, he raised the kings standard, and with an armie marched into Mounster, and there seized the earles possessions in|to the kings hands, letting them foorth to farme for an annuall rent vnto other persons.
[1] [2] And whilest he yet remained in Mounster, he de|uised waies how to haue the earle of Desmond ap|prehended: which being brought to passe, he after|ward deliuered him vpon mainprise of these suerties whose names insue. William de Burgh earle of Suerties for the earle of Desmond. Ulster, Iames Butler earle of Ormond, Richard Lute, Nicholas Uerdon, Morice Rochford, Eustace le Powre, Gerald de Rochford, Iohn Fitzrobert Powre, Robert Barrie, Maurice Fitzgirald, Iohn Wellesleie, Walter le Fant, Richard Rokelleie, Henrie Traherne, Roger Powre, Iohn Lenfant, Roger Powre, Matthew Fitzhenrie, Richard Walleis, Edmund Burgh sonne to the earle of Ul|ster, knights: Dauid Barrie, William Fitzgirald, Foulke de Fraxinus, Robert Fitzmaurice, Henrie Fitzberkleie, Iohn Fitzgeorge de Roch, Thomas de Lees de Burgh. These (as yée haue heard) were bound for the earle. And bicause he made default, the lord iustice verelie tooke the aduantage of the bond a|gainst the mainpernours, foure of them onelie ex|cepted, the two earles and two knights.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The lord iustice is charged with strict dealing by Uffort [...] spoken of. writers in this behalfe, for that the same persons had assisted him in his warres against Desmond. But trulie if we shall consider the matter with indiffe|rencie, he did no more than law and reason requi|red. For if euerie suertie vpon forfeiture of his bond should be forborne, that otherwise dooth his duetie, what care would men haue either to procure suerties or to become suerties themselues? But such is the affection of writers, speciallie when they haue con|ceiued anie misliking towards those of whome they take occasion to speake, so as manie a worthie man hath béene defamed, and with slander greatlie defa|ced in things wherein he rather hath deserued singu|lar commendation. But howsoeuer this matter was handled touching the earle of Desmond, vpon the death of the lord iustice, which insued the next yeare, Ioie concei|ued for the death of the lord iustice Uffort. bonfiers were made, and great ioy shewed through all the rel [...] of Ireland. His ladie verelie (as should appeare) was but a miserable woman, procuring him to extortion and briberie. Much he abridged the prerogatiues of the church, and was so hated, that euen in the sight of the countrie he was robbed without rescue by Mac Cartie, notwithstanding he gathered power, and dispersed those rebels of Ulster. Robert Darcie was ordeined iustice by the councell till the kings letters came to sir Iohn Fitzmaurice, 1346 Robert Dar|cie lord iustice who released Fitzthomas earle of Kildare left in du|rance by Uffort at his death. Fitzmaurice conti [...]|ed Iohn Fitz|morice iustice. L. Birming|ham iustice. not long, but was discharged, and the lord Wal|ter Birmingham elected to succeed in that roome, who procured a safe conduct for Desmond to plead his cause before the king, by whom he was liberallie in|treated, and allowed towards his expenses there twentie shillings a day at the princes charge. In con|sideration of which courtesie shewed to his kinsman, the earle of Kildare, accompanied with diuerse lords, knights, and chosen horssemen, serued the king at [page 72] Calis, a towne thought impregnable, & returned af|ter the winning thereof in great pompe and [...]ollitie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] We find that Thomas Berkeleie, and Reinold 1347 Record. Tur. lord Cobham, and sir Morice [...] became mainpernours for the said earle of Desmond, that he should come into England, and abide such triall as the law would award. Iobn Archer prior of Kil|mainan 1348 The prior of Kilmainan. Baron Ca|rew iustice. Sir Tho|mas Rokes|bie iustice. Record. Tur. was substituted lieutenant to the lord iu|stice. To whom succéeded Baron Carew, and after Carew followed sir Thomas Rokesbie knight, vnto whom was assigned aboue his ordinarie retinue of twentie men of armes, a supplie of ten men of armes, and twentie archers on horssebacke, so long as it should be thought néedfull. Great mortalitie chanced this yeare, as in other parts of the world, so especiallie in places about the seacoasts of England and Ireland. In the yeare following departed this 1349 life Alexander Bignor archbishop of Dublin. And the same yeare was Iohn de saint Paule consecra|ted Iohn de S. Paule arch|bishop of Dublin. archbishop of that see. This y [...]are deceased Kem|wrike Shereman somtime maior of Dublin, a great benefactor to euerie church and religious house with|in 1350 Kemwrike Shereman. twentie miles round about the citie. His legacies to the poore and others, beside his liberalitie shewed in his life time, amounted to thrée thousand marks.
[1] [2] In this season dwelled in Ulster a we [...]hie knight one sir Robert Sauage, who the rather to preserue Sir Robert Sauage. his owne, began to wall and fortifie his manor hou|ses with castels and piles against the Irish enimie, erhorting his he [...]re Henrie Sauage to applie that worke so beneficiall for himselfe & his posteritie. Fa|ther (quoth yoong Sauage) I remember the prouerbe Better a castell of bones than of stones. Where strength & courage of valiant men are prest to helpe vs, neuer will I (by the grace of God) cumber my selfe with dead walles. My fort shall be where soeuer yoong blouds be stirring, & where I find [...]oome to fight. The father in a fume let lie the building, and for|sware to go anie further forward in it But yet the want therof and such like hath béene the decai [...] as well of the Sauages, as of all the English, gentle|men in Ulster: as the lacke also of w [...]lled townes is one of the principall occasions of the rude wild|nesse in other parts of Ireland.
[1] This Sauage, hauing prepared an [...]mie against the Irish, allowed [...] euerie sou [...]er before they should buckle with the enimie, a migh [...]ie draught of Aquavitae, wine or old ale, and kille [...] inpro [...]sion for their returne, b [...]fe, venison, and [...]o [...], great plen|tie: which dooings [...] of his capteins [...]stiked, bicause they considered the successe of warre to be [...]ncerteine, and therefore estéemed it better policie to poison the cates, or to doo them awaie, than to h [...]pe the same; and happilie to féed a sort of roge [...] with such princelie food, if [...]ught should happen to themselues in this aduenture of so few against [...]o [...] Herat sh [...]led the gentleman and said,
Tush [...]e are too full of [...] this world is but an in, to the which ye haue no speciall interest, but are one lie to|nants at will of the Lord. If it please him to com|mand [...]s from it as it were from our lodging, and to f [...] other good fellowes in our [...]oomes, wh [...] [...] shall it be for vs to leaue them some meat for their [...] Let them hardlie win it & w [...]e it. If they [...]ter [...]r dwellings, g [...]d mane [...] would no lesse but [...] welcome them with such fa [...]e as the countrie brée|deth and with all my heart much [...] may it d [...] them. Notwithstanding I presume [...]o [...] [...]on your noble courages, that verclie my mind giueth me we shall returne at night, & banke [...] ou [...] [...] with our owne store. And so did, hauing [...]in [...] Irishm [...].
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] In the yeare 1355 deceased Maurice Fitztho|ma [...] earle of Desmon [...]ord iustice of Ireland, who 1355 The earle of Desmond lord [...]stice deceased. Th [...]mas [...] lord iustice his sa [...]eng. had that office of the kings grant for ter [...]e of life. After him succéeded in that roome Thomas de Ro|kesbie, a knight, sincere and vpright of conscience, who being controlled for suffering himselfe to be ser|ued in tréene cups, answered: Those homelie cups & dishes paie trulie for that they conteine: I had ra|ther drinke out of tréene cups & paie gold and siluer, than drinke out of gold & make woodden paiment. 1357 Dissention betw [...]t the primat of Armagh, [...] the soure or|ders of [...] Thr [...] lord iust [...]s. This yeare began great variance betwixt Richard Rafe primat of Armagh, & foure orders of begging friers, which ended at length by the deaths of the said Richard Rafe, and Richard Kilminton, in the yeare 1360: Rafe deceasing in the popes court, and Kil|minton in England. Almerike de S. Amand, Iohn or (as other haue) Iames Butler earle of Ormond, and Maurice Fitzthomas earle of Kildare, were ap|pointed lord iustices of Ireland by turnes. In Or|monds Record. Tur. time, and in the thrée and twentith yeare of king Edward the thirds reigne, order was taken that the Irish lords should remaine and dwell in their houses on the marches, to defend the subiects from inuasions of enimies. And further, proclama|tion went foorth, that no méere Irish borne should be made maior, bailiffe, porter, officer, or minister in anie towne or place within the English dominions: nor that anie archbishop, abbat, prior, or anie other being of the kings allegiance, vpon forfeiture of all that he might forfeit, should aduance anie that was méere Irish borne to the roome of a canon, or to haue anie other ecclesiasticall benefice that laie among the English subiects.
[1] [2] [3] To Maurice Thomas earle of Kildare, when he The earle of Kildare lord iustice. was ordeined lord iustice, the kings letters assigned in yearelie fee for his office 500 pounds, with condi|tion, that the said gouernour should find twentie great horsses to serue in the field, he himselfe to be the twentith man in going against the enimie: which allowance and conditions in those daies (so farre as Lionell duke of Clarence. I can gesse) should seeme to be ordinarie to the office. Lionell duke of Clarence sonne to king Edward the third, came ouer into Ireland to be lord iustice there, and was in right of his wife earle of Ulster. He published an inhibition to all of the Irish birth not once to approch his armie, nor to be in anie wise imploied in seruice of the wars. He vanquished O| [...]ren, but yet sudenlie (no man vnderstanding how) an hundred of his souldiers were wanting as they laie in garrison, the losse of whom was thought to be occasioned by that displeasant decree afore rehear|sed. Wherevpon he tooke better aduise, and receiued the Irish into like fauour, as other lieutenants had them in before that present, shewing a tender loue towards them all, and so euer after prospered in his affaires. He created diuerse knights, as Preston, now knowne by the name of the familie of Gor|manston, Holiewood, Talbot, Cusac, de la Hide, Patrike, Robert and Iohn de Fraxinis: all these being gentlemen of worthie [...]ame in [...]iualrie. The excheker he rem [...]ed to Catherlagh, & [...] in furnishing that towne fiue hundred pounds.
[1] [2] [3] In the yeare 1362 Iohn de S. Paule archbishop 1362 of Dublin departed this life the fi [...]t ides of Sep|tember. And in the yeare following was Thomas Min [...] [...] archbishop of that place. Girald 1367 The lord windsor lieu|tenant. [...] of Desmond was appointed lord iustice, vntill the comming of the lord Windsor, the first lieutenant in Ireland, who came ouer in the yeare 1369. This Windsore called a parlement a [...] 1369 Record Turris A parlement, A subsidie. Kilkennie, in the which was granted to the king a subsidie of three thousand pounds to be leuied of the people, subiects to the king in that land. And in an other parlement holden by him at Balidoill they granted two thousand pounds to be likewise [...]. Which said sums were granted of the méere and frée good [...] of the nobles and communaltie of the [page 73] land, towards the maintenance of the kings expen|ses in his warres. Yet the king in the three and for| [...]ith yeare of his reigne, directing his letters vnto the said lord Windsor, cõmanded him to surceale from leuieng the foresaid monie, although afterwards he commanded againe that the arrerages should be le|uied and paid to his lieutenant the said Windsor.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The third pestilence in Ireland made awaie a M [...]alitie of [...]ople. 1370 great number of people. In the yeare 1370 the lord Gerald Fitzmorice earle of Desmond, and the lord Iohn Fitzrichard, and the lord Iohn Fitziohn, and manie other noble men were slaine by Obren, and Mac Conmard of Thomond in the moneth of Iu|lie. Conh [...]. In the yeare 1372 sir Richard Ashton was sent ouer to be lord iustice in Ireland. In the yeare fol|lowing 1372 Sir Richard Ashton lord iustice. 1373 Slaughter. great warre was raised betwixt the Eng|lish of Meth, and Offeroll, in the which manie vpon both sides were slaine. In Maie, the lord Iohn Hus|seie baron of Galtrim, Iohn Fitzrichard shiriffe of Meth, and William Dalton were slaine in Kina|leigh. In the yeare 1375 Thomas archbishop of 1375 Dublin departed this life, and the same yeare was Robert de Wikeford consecrated archbishop there