THere were three sundrie sorts of serui|tors which serued in the realme of Ireland, (1) Normans, Englishmen, and the Cam|brians, which were the first conquerors of the land: the first were in most credit and estimati|on, the second were next, but the last were not ac|counted nor regarded of. The Normans were verie fine in their apparell, and delicate in their diets, they The Nor|mans fine in their apparell and delicat in their [...]t. could not féed but vpon deinties, neither could their meat digest without wine at each meale; yet would they not serue in the marches, or anie remote place a|gainst the enimie, neither would they lie in garrison to kéepe anie remote castell or fort, but would be still about their lords side to serue and gard his person; they would be where they might be full and haue plentie, they could talke and brag, sweare and stare, and standing in their owne reputation, disdaine all others. They receiued great interteinement and were liberallie rewarded, and left no meanes vn|sought how they might rule the rost, beare the sway, and be aduanced vnto high estate and honour. In these things they were the first and formost, but to serue in hosting, to incounter with the enimie, to de|fend the publike state, & to follow anie martiall af|faires, they were the last and furthest off. And for asmuch as those noble and worthie seruitors, by whose seruice, trauels and industrie, the said land was first entred into and conquered, were thus had in contempt, disdaine, and suspicion, and onelie the new comes called to counsell, and they onelie credi|ted and honored: it came to passe that in all their dooings they had small successe, & by whole and little their credit decaied, and nothing came to effect or perfection which they tooke in hand.
(1) This king, besides England and Scotland, had in his rule and gouernement the duchie of Nor|mandie, and the earledomes of Gascoine, Guien, Anion, & Poitiers, beside the losse of that which came to him by the right of his wife. And albeit he tru|sted the Englishmen well inough, yet being borne on the other side of the seas, he was more affectio|nated to the people of those prouinces there subiect vnto him: for of them he chose both them which were of his councell in peaceable gouernment, as also his seruitors in martiall affaires. And albeit he had of euerie of these prouinces some, yet bicause Nor|mandie was the chiefest, and he duke thereof, they went all vnder the name of Normans, and so called Normans.