HEre by the waie it were not amisse brief|lie to touch & declare of certeine things which happened, & which (for certeine causes) are not at full discoursed in this storie, as we wished that we might haue had the oportunitie so to haue doone. First therfore you shall vnderstand, that Iohn the kings sonne at his first comming ouer builded three castels, one at Tibrach, an other at Arche|phinan, and the third at Lisemore. Likewise three worthie gentlemen were lost and killed: namelie, Robert Barrie at Lisemore, Reimond Fitzhugh at Olithan, and Reimond Kantune at Ossorie. Also how Donald the prince of Limerike secretlie stole vpon the earles armie in Ossorie, as they were com|ming from Dublin towards Limerike, and slue foure hundred Ostomans, and foure noble gentle|men, which were their capteines; among whom was Ogranie an Irishman. And also Dermond Mac Artie prince of Desmond, being at parlee with cer|teine men of Corke not farre from the said towne, was there set vpon by the said Corkemen & (1) Theo|bald Fitzwalter, and there was he and the most part of his companie slaine. The like happened in Meth, where they of Kencole & their capteine made a rode, and being set vpon by one William the iustice of that countrie, they were all slaine and a hundred of their heads sent vnto Dublin. Moreouer Iohn de Courcie found the bodies of saint Patrike, saint Brigid, and saint Colome at Downe, and remooued them from thense. Hugh de Lacie builded his castell [page 54] at Deruach, was there traitorouslie slaine. Iohn de Courcie at his returne from out of Connagh lost sixtéene of his best gentlemen. Roger le Powre a va|liant, and a lustie yoong gentleman, was by treason taken and murthered in Ossorie, wherevpon the I|rishmen foorthwith brake out from their due obei|sance to the king of England, and rebelled against the Englishmen, destroied manie castels, and set the whole realme in a great sturre and vnquietnesse. O|ther sundrie things happened which were too long to recite: and therefore leauing the same, we will re|turne to our historie.
(1) This Theobald Fitzwalter, who by his nation was named Becket but by his office Butler, was the sonne of Walter the sonne of Gilbert: & was the first Butler that came into Ireland, who being a wise and an expert man, was first sent with Willi|am Fitzaldelme. Afterwards he was sent ouer by king Iohn to view and serch the countrie; and in the end he grew into such credit, that he was infeoffed with great liuings there, as also aduanced (and his posteritie after him) to great honors & promotions, which now are named earles of Ormond and Os|sorie.