12.35. The praise and commendation as also the excuse of Robert Fitzstephans and the earle Strangbow. Chap. 35.

The praise and commendation as also the excuse of Robert Fitzstephans and the earle Strangbow. Chap. 35.

RObert Fitzstephans was the first who taught and shewed the waie to the earle, the earle to the king, and the king to his sonne. Great praise-worthie was he that gaue the first aduenture, and much was he to be commended who next followed and increased the same: but aboue all others he deserued best, who fulfilled, absolued, and ended the same. And here is to be noted, that albeit both Fitzstephans and the earle did helpe Dermon Mac Morogh to recouer his countrie of Leinster, as also defended and kept the same from robbers, théeues, & enimies: yet they did it in diuerse respects. The one in respect of his faith and promise, the other for loue of Eua, & of the (1) inheritance, which by hir should grow and come vnto him. But as concern|ing the intruding vpon Waterford, and the con|quests of sundrie territories as well in Desmond as in Meth, I can not excuse them. The earle, who in right of his wife was lord of Leinster, the fist part or portion of Ireland, surrendred and yéelded vp all his right and title there vnto the king himselfe, and tooke it againe to hold of him. The like also did all the princes of the land. Whereby as also by other old and ancient records it is apparant, that the English na|tion entred not into this land by wrong and iniurie, (as some men suppose and dreame) but vpon a good ground, right, and title.

(1) The course of this historie in the beginning dooth plainelie declare, how that Dermon after his departure from the king came to the citie of Bris|tow, and there hauing conference with Richard Strangbow erle of Chepstow, did offer vnto him his onelie daughter and heire in marriage, with the in|heritance of all Leinster: conditionallie that he would passe ouer into Ireland, and to helpe him to recouer his land, which conditions were accepted and afterwards performed. Afterwards he lieng at saint Dauids for passage, there he met with Robert Fitz|stephans, & did condition with him, that if he would passe ouer into Ireland to helpe him, he would giue him the towne of Wexford with certeine cantreds therevnto adioining, which conditions were then ac|cepted and afterwards performed. Thus it appeareth that the one for loue of the gentlewoman, and the o|ther in respect of his promise did passe ouer into that land and realme.