10.45. Of the victories of king Henrie the second. Chap. 45.

Of the victories of king Henrie the second. Chap. 45.

THe king hauing indured more than ci|uill wars two whole years togither aswell in England as in Aquitaine, in great trou|bles, much wachings, & painfull trauels, yet at length most valiantlie he preuailed against his e|nimies; & surelie it was more of Gods goodnes, than by mans power, and (as it is to be thought) for the re|uenge of the disobedience & wrongs doone by the sons [page 29] against the father. But forsomuch as a mans owne houshold are commonlie the worst enimies; and of all enimies, the houshold & familiar enimie is most dangerous: there was no one thing, which more troubled and gréeued the king, than the gentlemen of his priuie chamber, and in whose hands in a man|ner laie his life or death, would euerie night secret|lie and with treacherous minds run and resort to his sonnes, and in the morning when they should doo him seruice, they were not to be found. And albeit these warres in the beginning were verie doubtfull, and the king himselfe in great despaire: yet his hard be|ginning had a good ending, and he in the end had the victorie to his great honor and glorie. And God, who at the first séemed to be angrie with him, and in his anger to powre vpon him his wrath and indig|nation: yet now vpon his amendement and conuer|sion, he was become mercifull vnto him, and well pleased. And at the castell of Sandwich, whereof Reinulfe Glandeuill was then gouernor, who was a wise man, and alwaies most faithfull and trustie to the king, there was a generall peace proclamed, and all England in rest and quietnesse.

In this warre the king had taken prisoners the king of Scots, the earles of Chester and of Lei|cester, besides so manie gentlemen and good serui|tors both English and French, that he had scarse a|nie prisons for so manie prisoners, nor so manie fet|ters for so manie captiues. But forsomuch as in vaine dooth a man triumph of the conquests vpon o|thers, who cannot also triumph of the conquering of himselfe; and although the king had indured and a|biden manie storms, great vnquietnesse, and much trouble; and at length hauing ouercommed both them and his enimies, he might the sooner haue béen wreaked and auenged of them: yet setting apart those affections euen in the middle of his triumphs vpon others, he also triumphed ouer himselfe; vsing such kinds of courtesies & clemencies as before had not beene heard. For suppressing his malice and re|uenging mind, he gaue honor to his aduersaries, & life to his enimies. And the warres thus after two yeares ended, and all the great stormes ouercom|med, he granted peace to all men, and forgaue ech man his offense and trespasse. And in the end also his sonnes repenting their follies, came and submit|ted themselues, with all humblenesse yéelding them|selues to his will and pleasure.