[1] AFter Midlent the wind being easterlie, there came and arriued into Ireland certeine ships, as well from out of England, as also from out of Aquitaine in France, which brought him verie ill & bad newes. For there were come into Normandie from pope Alexander the third two cardinals in an ambassage, the one of them being named Albertus, and the other Theodinus, to make inquirie of the death of Thomas archbishop of Canturburie. They were thought and taken to be iust and good men, and therefore were chosen of trust and of purpose for this matter: but yet for all that they were Romans, and who were fullie determined to haue interdicted, not onelie England, but also all the whole dominions subiect vnto the king, if he him|selfe had not the sooner come and met with them. Be|sides this, there was woorse newes told him, and a woorse mishap befell vnto him (for commonlie good lucke commeth alone, but ill haps come by heapes and by huddels) which was, that his eldest sonne whom he loued so déerlie, and whom he had crowned king, as also his two yoonger sonnes, with the consent and helpe of sundrie noble men, as well in England as beyond the seas, had confederated themselues, and conspired against the king in his absence. Which newes and secret conspiracie when he heard and vn|derstood, he was in a maruellous perplexitie, and for verie anguish and greefe of mind did sweat. First it gréeued him that he should be suspected and infamed of the crime whereof he was giltlesse. Also he feared of the great troubles which would grow and insue hereby to his kingdome, & all other his dominions. Yea, and it gréeued him verie much, that he being minded and determined the next summer then fol|lowing to settle Ireland in some good staie, and to fortifie the same with holds and castels, he should now be compelled and driuen to leaue the same vn|doone. Wherefore sending some before him into Eng|land, as well to aduertise his comming homewards, as also of the safetie he had taken for Ireland, he be|thought himselfe, as also tooke good aduise and coun|sell, what was best to be doone in these his weightis causes.