THe realme beeing now in good peace and quietnesse, and the king now hauing a care and a zeale to set foorth Gods honor and true religion, summoned a synod of all the clergie vnto Cashill, where inquirie and examinati|on was made of the wicked and loose life of the peo|ple of the land and nation: which was registred in writing, and sealed vnder the seale of the bishop of Lisemore, who being then the popes leg at was pre|sident of that councell. And then & there were made and decréed sundrie good and godlie constitutions, which are yet extant; as namelie, for contracting of marriage, for paiment of tithes, for the reuerend and cleane kéeping of the churches; and that the vni|uersall church of Ireland should be reduced in all things to the order and forme of the church of Eng|land. Which constitutions were foorthwith published throughout the realme, and doo here follow.