10.31. The comming of king Henrie into Ireland. Chap. 31.

The comming of king Henrie into Ireland. Chap. 31.

[1] THese things thus doone, and all prepa|red in a readinesse fit for such a noble en|terprise, and for which the king had staied a long time in Wales, he went to saint Da|uids church, where when he had made his praiers and doone his deuotion, the wind and the wether well seruing, he tooke shipping and arriued vnto Water|ford in the kalends of Nouember, being saint Luks daie: hauing in his retinue fiue hundred gentlemen of seruice, and of bowmen and horssemen a great number. This was in the seuentéenth yeare of his reigne, the one & fortith of his age, and in the yeare of our Lord one thousand one hundred seauentie & two, Alexander the third then pope, Frederike then em|peror, and Lewes then French king. And now was Prophesies of Merlin and Molin fulfil|led. fulfilled the prophesie of Merlin, that A firie globe shall come out of the east, and shall deuour and con|sume all Ireland round about: and likewise the pro|phesie of saint Molin, that Out of the east shall come a mightie hurling wind, & rush thorough to the west, and shall run thorough and ouerthrow the force and strength of Ireland.