[1] AS the earle was marching towards Guefford, and was come to the borders ther|of, certeine messengers met him, and shewed to him the mischance happened vnto Robert Fitzstephans, and of the setting on fire the towne of Wexford: adding moreouer, that the traitors were fullie determined if they trauelled anie further to|wards them, they would cut off all the heads of Fitz|stephans and his companie, and send them vnto him. Wherevpon with heauie cheare & sorrowfull hearts they change their minds, and turne towards Wa|terford. Where when they were come, they found Heruie now latelie returned from the king with a message and letters from him vnto the earle, persua|ding and requiring him to come ouer into Eng|land vnto him. Wherevpon the earle prepared and made himselfe readie, and as soone as wind and wea|ther serued he tooke shipping, and caried Heruie a|long with him. And being landed he rode towards the king, and met him at a towne called Newham néere vnto Glocester, where he was in redines with a great armie to saile ouer into Irland. Where after sundrie & manie altercations passed betweene them, at length by means of Heruie the kings displeasure was appeased, and it was agreed that the erle should sweare allegeance to the king, and yéeld and sur|render vnto him the citie of Dublin, with the can|treds thervnto adioining, as also all such towns and forts as were bordering vpon the sea side. And as for the residue he should haue and reteine to him and his heirs, holding the same of the king & of his heirs. These things thus concluded, the king with his ar|mie marched along by Seuerne side, & the sea coasts of (1) Westwales, vnto the towne (2) of Pen|broke, where he taried vntill he had assembled all his armie in (3) Milford hauen there to be shipped.
(1) Westwales in Latine is named Demetia, and is that which is now called Penbrokeshire. It rea|cheth from the seas on the north vnto the seas on the south. In the west part thereof is the bishops sée of Meneue named saint Dauids: and on the east side it bordereth vpon Southwales named Dehenbaxt. In this part were the Flemmings placed first.
(2) Penbroke is the chiefest towne of all Demetia, and lieth on the east side of Milford hauen, wherein was sometimes a verie strong castell bu [...]ided (as some write) by a noble man named Arnulph Mont|gomer.
[page 21] (3) Milford is a famous and a goodlie harborough lieng in Demetia, or Westwales, The Welshmen name it the mouth of two swords. It hath two bran|ches or armes, the one flowing hard to Hauerford west, and the other thorough the countrie named Rossia.