[1] AFter this good successe, fortune who can|not continue firme in one staie, dooth now change hir course, and interlineth aduersitie with prosperitie. For whie, there is neither faith firme, nor felicitie permanent vpon the earth. For the Wexford men and they of Kencile, forget|ting their promise, and nothing regarding their faith which they had before made and assured vnto Robert Fitzstephans, doo now assemble themselues to the number of thrée thousand, and doo march toward the Karecke, there to besiege the same, where Robert Fitzstephans was then: who mistrusting & fearing nothing, had but fiue gentlemen and a few archers about him. The enimies giue the assalt, & not pre|uailing at the first, doo renew the same againe and againe: but when they saw that all their labours were lost, bicause that Fitzstephans and his compa|nie though they were but a few in number, yet they were verie nimble and verie readie to defend them|selues, and especiallie one William Nott, who in this seruice did verie well and worthilie acquit him|selfe; they now doo séeke to practise their old subtil|ties and guiles. They leauing therefore to vse force and violence, doo now vnder colour of peace come toward the Karecke and bring with them the bishop of Kildare, the bishop of Wexford, & certeine other religious persons, who brought with them a masse|booke, Corpus Domini, and certeine relikes: and after a few speeches of persuasion had with Fitzstephans, they to compasse their matter, tooke their corporall othes, and swore vpon a booke, that the citie of Du|blin was taken: and that the earle, Maurice, Rei|mond, and all the Englishmen were taken and kil|led; that Rothorike of Connagh, with all the whole power and armie of Connagh & Leinster, was com|ming towards Wexford for the apprehension of him: but for his sake, and for the good will which they bare vnto him, bicause they had alwaie found him a cour|teous and a liberall prince, they were come vnto him to conueie him awaie in safetie, and all his ouer into Wales, before the comming of that great mul|titude, which were his extreame and mortall eni|mies. Fitzstephans giuing credit to this their swea|ring and a [...]owries, did foorthwith yeeld himselfe, his people, & all that he had vnto them and their custodie: but they foorthwith most traitorouslie, of them that thus yéelded into their hands some they killed, some they beat, some they wounded, and some they cast in|to prison. But assoone as newes was brought that Dublin was false, and that the earle was marching towards them; these traitors set the towne on fire, and they themselues with bag and baggage and with their prisoners gat them into the Iland Begorie, which they call the holie Iland, and which lieth in the middle of the hauen there.