[1] IMmediatlie vpon the foresaid persuasi|ons, euerie man with all spéed had made him selfe readie and got on his armor, thinking it too long yer they did bicker with the enimie: and being all assembled and in good arraie, they diui|ded them into thrée wings or wards, though in num|ber they were verie few. In the first was Reimond with twentie gentlemen and his few soldiers. In the second Miles Cogan with thirtie gentlemen and his other few soldiers. And in the third was the earle and Maurice Fitzgerald with fortie gentlemen and all their soldiors. And in euerie ward were some of all the citizens, sauing such as were appointed for the gard and safetie of the citie. Thus all things being set in an order, they suddenlie in the morning about nine of the clocke issued out, but not without some contention and controuersie: for they striued among themselues, who should haue the fore ward, and giue the onset vpon the enimies, who were in number a|bout thirtie thousand: neuerthelesse they in the end a|gréed and appointed in order how all things should be doone: and foorthwith issued out and gaue the onset [page 19] vpon their enimies, who then were out of araie and order, being vnwares of their comming. Reimond among the first being the first was foremost, & gaue the first aduenture, and striking two of his enimies through with his lance or staffe siue them both. Mei|lerius also and Girald and Alexander the two sonnes of Maurice, although they were in the rereward; yet they were so hot vpon the spurre, and followed in such lustie maner, that they were as forward as the fore|most, and right valiantlie did ouerthrow and kill manie of the enimies.
[1] The like valiant minds were in all the whole resi|due, who now striued & serued all for the best game: and so lustilie they acquitted themselues, that the e|nimies being afraid, were faine to take their héeles and to run awaie. But they still followed and pur|sued them euen vntill night, still murthering & spoi|ling them. Rothorike the king himselfe trusted so much in the great troops and multitudes of his peo|ple; that he thought nothing lesse, than that so small a number as were within, would issue out and giue the onset vpon so manie as were without. And ther|fore taking his pleasure and pastance, he was then a bathing: but when he heard how the game went, and how his men were discomfited & the most part fled or flieng awaie, he neither tarried for his cham|berleine to apparell him, nor for his page to help him: but with all the hast and post hast he could, he turneth a faire paire of heeles and runneth awaie: and albeit he were verie sharpelie pursued, yet (though hardlie) he escaped. At night all the companie being retur|ned, they recouered themselues into the citie againe: not onelie with the honor of the field, but also with great booties and preies of vittels, armor, and other trash. Immediatlie also were dispersed the other camps, namelie the archbishops, Machlaghlin, Ma|chelewn, Gillemeholocke and Okencelos, who had all the force of Leinster, sauing a few of Kencile and Wexford: and these were incamped on the south side. Likewise Ororike of Meth, Okarrell of Uriell, Mac Shaghline and Ocadise which were incamped on the north side raised their campes and shifted for them|selues. On the morrow, all things being set in good order, and good watch appointed for the safe kéeping and custodie of the citie, they march towards Wex|ford, and take the higher waie by Odrone.