10.20. The departure of Reimond to the king, and the death of Dermon Mac Morogh. Chap. 20.

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The departure of Reimond to the king, and the death of Dermon Mac Morogh. Chap. 20.

[1] REimond (according to the order taken, and commandement giuen to him) made his repaire with all diligence to the king, & hauing deliuered his letters did await for his answer. But the king being in some dislike with the earle, and not fauourablie allowing his successe, differred the time, and lingered to giue anie answer. About this time (1) Thomas the archbishop of Can|turburie was murthered or slaine; and the yeare fol|lowing about the kalends of Maie, Dermon Mac Morogh, being of a good age, and well striken in yƩeres died, and was buried at Fernes.

(1) The Romish or popish church make much a doo about this man, affirming him to be a man of much vertue and holinesse, and that he was martyred for the defending of the liberties of holie church, and for this cause the pope canonized him to be a saint. But who so list to peruse and examine the course of the English histories, shall find that he was a froward and obstinat traitor against his master & souereigne king and prince: as amongst other writers it appea|reth in the booke of the Acts and Monuments of Iohn Fox. And forsomuch as the course of this chap|ter tendeth wholie in extolling of him, I haue omit|ted the same, and leaue to trouble the reader there|with.