10.19. The proclamation of king Henrie the second against the earle, and of the sending of Reimond to the king. Chap. 19.

The proclamation of king Henrie the second against the earle, and of the sending of Reimond to the king. Chap. 19.

[1] WHen tidings was caried abrode of the good successe which the Englishmen had in Ireland, & the news the further it went, the more it increased; and the king being ad|uertised that the earle had not onlie recouered Lein|ster, but had also conquered sundrie other territories, wherevnto he had no title by the right of his wife, did set foorth his proclamation, forbidding and inhi|biting that from thensefoorth no ship from out of any place, vnder his dominion, should passe or traffike into Ireland: and that all maner of his subiects which were within that realme, should returne from thense into England before Easter then next following, vpon pain [...] of forfeiture of all their lands, as also to be banished men for euer. The earle when he saw him selfe in this distres, being in perill to lose his friends, and in hazard to want his necessaries, taketh aduise and counsell what were best to be doone. At length it was agreed and concluded, that Reimond should be sent ouer to the king then being in Aquitaine, with letters to this effect. My right honourable lord, I came into this land with your leaue and fauour (as I remember) for the aiding and helping of your ser|uant Dermon Mac Morogh. And whatsoeuer I haue gotten and purchased, either by him or by anie others, as I confesse and acknowledge the same from and by meanes of your gratious goodnesse: so shall the same still rest and remaine at your deuotion and commandement.