[1] [2] [...] [page 11] he was both honest and wise, and for his truth and valiantnesse verie noble and famous. He was a man of his word, and constant of mind, and there|withall adorned with a certeine kind of womanlie shamefastnesse. Mac Morogh being verie glad of this new repaire, as also much animated and incou|raged therewith, beginneth to thinke vpon old sores, and to call to remembrance the great iniuries and wrongs which the citizens of Dublin had in times past doone both vnto his father and to himselfe; and minding to be reuenged thereof, bendeth his force, and marcheth with his whole armie to besiege the ci|tie, but left Fitzsterphans behind, who was then buil|ding a hold or castell vpon a certeine rockie hill cal|led the (1) Caricke, about two miles from Wexford, which place although it were verie strong of it selfe, yet by industrie and labour it was made much stron|ger. Morice Fitzgerald, with all the force and com|panie of the Englishmen, accompanied and atten|ded Mac Morogh, who was his guide, and conducted him vnto Dublin. Assoone as they were entred with|in the borders and confines of the territorie of Du|blin, they foorthwith burned, spoiled, and wasted the same, and the whole countrie thereto adioining. The citizens of Dublin séeing and considering the same, began to quaile, and their hearts fainted, and doo seeke and intreat for peace; and hauing obteined the same, did sweare fealtie, and gaue in hostages for the true and firme kéeping of the same. In this meane time there fell a great enimitie and quarell betweene Rothorike of Connagh and Donald prince of Lime|reke. And assoone as Rothorike was with all his force entered into the countrie of Limereke, Der|mon Mac Morogh sent foorthwith Robert Fitzste|phans with all his power, to aid and helpe the said Donald: for he was Dermons sonne in law, by whose means he gat the victorie, and Rothorike with shame was driuen to retire out of the countrie, and to returne to his owne home: and left the chefferie which he demanded. In these and all other like serui|ces, Robert Barrie and Meilerius carried the best praise and commendations. At this time was séene a woman who had a great beard, and a man vpon hir backe, as a horsse; of whom I haue alreadie spo|ken in my topographie.
(1) The said Caricke (as is written) is distant from the towne of Wexford about two English miles, and standeth vpon a high rocke, and is inuiro|ned on two sides with the riuer which floweth to Wexford towne, and it is verie déepe and nauiga|ble: the other two sides are vpon the maine land, which is a verie fertile soile, and in height almost equall with the castell. It was at the first made but of rods and turffes, according to the maner in those daies; but since builded with stone, and was the strongest fort then in those parts of the land: but be|ing a place not altogither sufficient for a prince, and yet it was thought too good and strong for a subiect, it was pulled downe, defaced and raced, and so dooth still remaine.