WHen Dermon Mac Morogh had en|ded his speech, Robert Fitzstephans calleth has companie togither, & thus he speaketh vnto them. Ye lustie yoong men and my companions in waares, w [...]tch haue abiden with me in manie perils; & yet still of noble minds & valiant courages: if we would now consider with our sel|ues, what we are, vnder what capteine, and where|fore we doo aduenture and attempt these great en|terp [...]ses, no doubt we shall excell in our wanted va|liantnesse, and good [...]une shall be on our side. We first came and descended from the (1) Troians, and since are of the French bloud and race: of the one we haue these our noble and valiant minds, and of the other the vse and experience in fears of armes: wher|fore being thus descended of noble progenie by t [...]s maner of wares and in two respects; as we be new well armed and appointed so let vs also be of valiant minds and l [...]stre courages: and then no doubt this ra [...]eall and [...] people shall neuer be able to resist nor w [...]st [...] vs.
[...] a short delaie or distance of time, & as it were a short sléepe betwéene this transitorie life and the life eter|nall to cou [...]e? What is death (I saie) but a short pas|sage from vaine and transitorie things to perpetuall and euerlasting ioies? And certeine it is we must all once die: for it is that ineuitable destinie, which is common to all men, and can be eschewed of no man: for be we idle, and doo nothing worthie of perpetuall fame and memorie; or be we well occupied, whereof insueth praise and honor: yet die shall we. Then the matter being so, let them be affraied of death, who when they die, all things die with them: but let not them shrinke nor be dismaied, whose vertue and fame shall neuer die but liue for euer. Wherefore ye worthie men, who are enoblished for your valiantnes and famous for your vertues, let vs with bold minds and good courages giue the onset vpon our enimies, that in vs our noble race & progenie be not stained, but that either by a glorious victorie, or a famous death, we doo atchiue to perpetuall fame and honor.