10.6. The description of Dermon Mac Mo|rogh, and of the message of Rothorike O Connor sent vnto him for peace. Cap. 6.

The description of Dermon Mac Mo|rogh, and of the message of Rothorike O Connor sent vnto him for peace. Cap. 6.

DErmon Mac Morogh was a tall man of stature, and of a large and great bodie, a valiant and a bold warrior in his nation: and by reason of his continuall ha|lowing and crieng his voice was hoarse: he rather chose and desired to be feared than to be loued: a great oppressor of his nobilitie, but a great aduancer of the p [...]re and weake. To his owne people he was rough and greeuous, and hatefull vnto strangers; he would be against all men, and all men against him. Rothorike minding to attempt anie waie what soe|uer, rather than to aduenture and wage the battell, sendeth first his messengers with great presents vn|to Fitzstephans, to persuade and intreat him: that for so much as he made no chalenge nor title to the land, that he would quietlie, and in peace returne home againe into his owne countrie, but it auailed not. Then they went vnto Mac Morogh himselfe, & persuaded him to take part with Rothorike, and to [...]oine doth their forces and armies [...] one, and then [...] might and maine to giue the on set vpon the strangers, and so vtter [...]e to [...] them. And in this dooing he should [...] Rothorike to his good [...]nd, and all [...] restand quietnesse: manie rea|sons also they alled [...] [...] cerning their [...] and nation; but all [...] to [...] pur|pose.