[1] [2] _ALthough (vndoutedlie) the originall of all nations for the more part is so vncerteine, that who soeuer shall enter into the search thereof, fur|ther than he findeth in the holie scriptures, may seeme as it were rather to talke with men that dreame, than to gather authorities sufficient where|vpon to ground anie warranted opinion: yet for as much as the authors (whom in this Irish historie we chieflie follow) haue set downe what they haue found in the Irish antiquities, concerning the first inhabitation of this countrie of Ireland, and be|cause the reader also may be peraduenture desirous to vnderstand the same, we haue thought good to recite what they haue written thereof, leauing the credit vn|to the due consideration of the circumspect reader; and where the errors are too grosse, giuing by the way some cautions, in like sort as our authors themselues haue doone. According therefore to the order of all other nations and people that seeke to aduance the glorie of their countries, in fetching their begin|ning with the furthest from some one of ancient antiquitie: so like|wise the Irishmen haue registred in their chronicles, that their countrie was first inhabited by one of Noahs neeces, after the man|ner following.