[1] [2] [3] [4] _ARdericus, whome Marianus Scotus termeth Barbosus, because of his long beard, a Ardericus. learned man, greatlie in old time renowmed in Ireland. But for as much as in his age the countrie was not sto|red with such as imploied their labors in gathering together the saiengs and dooings of sage persons, the discontinuance of his fame is rather to be imputed to the ignorance of the time, than to the want of his deserts. He flouri|shed in the yeare 1053. Alen, a learned physician. Iames Archer a student of diuinitie. Argobastus, Alen. Archer. Argobastus. the second bishop of Argentine, successor to the ho|lie prelat saint Amand, borne in Ireland, a learned and deuout clerke: who leauing his countrie and li|uing in heremit wise, in certeine solitarie places of France, instructed the people of that realme in the feare of God, and the knowlege of the scriptures. In his preaching he was noted to haue so singular a grace, and so prosperous successe, that such as were by anie worldlie misaduenture afflicted, vpon the hearing of his godlie sermons would suddenlie be comforted. The French king Dagobertus, aduer|tised of his lerning and vertue, caused him to be sent for, vsing him as his chiefe councellor in all his weightie affaires; and after aduanced him to be bi|shop of Argentine: he wrote a booke of homilies. He deceassed in the yeare 658: & was buried hard by a gibbet néere the citie, pitcht on the top of an hill called saint Michaels hill, which was doone by 64 [...] his owne appointment, in that he would follow the example of his maister Christ, who did vouchsafe to suffer without the citie of Ierusalem, where offen|dors and malefactors were executed. Barnwall. Bradie a preacher. Brendan an abbat borne in Con|nagh, Barnwall. Bradie. Brendan. in his youth trained vp vnder Hercus a bi|shop: and being further stept in yeares, he trauelled into England, where he became a profest moonke, vnder an abbat named Congellus, he flourished in the yeare 560: and wrote these bookes insuing. Confessio christiana lib. 1. Charta coelestis haere|ditatis lib. 1. Monachorum regula lib. 1.
Edmund Bernerden a frier, he procéeded doctor Bernerden. Brigide. of diuinitie in Dublin, in the yeare 1320. Brigide the virgine, borne in Leinster, she flourished in the yeare 510: she wrote a booke of hir reuelations. Browne a ciuilian. Burnell. Butler a Water|fordian, sometime scholer to maister Peter White; Browne. Burnell. Butler. he translated Maturinus Corderius his booke of phrases into English, in the yeare 1562. Iames Caddell, he wrote Diuersa epigrammata. Carberie Caddell. Carberie. Celsus. a profound ciuilian. Celsus archbishop of Armagh, borne in Ireland, and schooled in the vniuersitie of Oxford, he flourished in the yeare 1128: he wrote these bookes following. Testamentum ad ecclesias lib. 1. Constitutiones quaedam lib. 1. Ad Mala|chiam epistolae complures. Cléere, borne in Kilken|nie, and procéeded maister of art in Oxford. Iohn Cléere. Clin borne in Leinster, being profest a greie fri|er, he bestowed his time in preaching, chieflie in the Clin. towne of Kilkennie. This man was a good anti|quarie, as appeared by a chronicle he wrote, begin|ning at the natiuitie of Christ, and stretching to the yeare 1350: in which yeare he flourished. He wrote these bookes following. Annalium chronicon lib. 1. De regibus Anglorum lib. 1. De custodijs prouin|ciarum lib. 1. De Franciscanorum coenobijs & e|orum distinctionibus lib. 1.
Henrie Cogie doctor of diuinitie, procéeded in the vniuersitie of Dublin, in the yeare 1320. Colme, a learned and an holie monke, he flourished in the Cogie. Colme. yeare 670: he wrote a booke intituled Pro socijs Quartadecimanis. Columbanus, borne in Ulster, and trained in learning and knowledge as well in Columbanus. England as in France, for his learning and ver|tue, was elected to be abbat. Hauing trauelled di|uerse countries, at length he repaired to Italie, and there in an abbeie by him founded, called Mo|nasterium Bobiense, he ended his life the twentith of 59 [...] Nouember. He left to his posteritie these bookes: In psalterium commentarios lib. 1. Collationes ad monachos librum 1. De moribus monachorum metrice lib. 1. Monasteriorum methodos lib. 1. Epistolas ad commilitones lib. 1. Aduersus re|gem adulterum lib. 1. Conganus an Irish ab|bat, of whom saint Barnard maketh great ac|count, Conganus. he flourished in the yeare 1150: and wrote to saint Bernard Gesta Malachiae archiepiscopi Barnardus in vita Malachiae in praefat. Connour. Conton. Coniell. Cornelius. lib. 1. Ad Bernardum Clareuallensem epist. plures. Connour. Walter Conton: he wrote in the La|tine toong diuerse epigrams and epitaphs. Simon Coniell a diuine. Cornelius Hibernus, otherwise [page 40] named H [...]oricus, by reason that he was taken in his time for an exquisit antiquarie, as may appeare by the Scotish historian Hector Boctius, by whom he Hector Boet. in prae [...]ul. Scot. [...]. acknowledgeth himselfe to be greatlie furthered. He flourished in the yeare 1230: and wrote Multa|rum rerum Chronicon. lib. 1. Richard Creagh borne in Limerike, a diuine, he wrote Epistolas Creagh. complures, Responsiones ad casus conscientiae. De vitis sanctorum Hiberniae. Topographiam Hiber|niae, with diuerse other bookes.
[1] [2] Henrie Crumpe borne in Ireland, and brought Crumpe. vp in the vniuersitie of Oxford,, where he grew by reason of his profound knowledge in diuinitie to no small credit. Hauing repaired to his natiue coun|trie, minding there to defraie the talent wherewith God had indued him, he was suddenlie apprehended by Simon bishop of Meth, and kept in duresse, by re|son that he was suspected to be of no sound religion. He florished in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred ninetie and two, and wrote these bookes: Determi|nationes scholast. lib. 1. Contra religiosos mendican|tes lib. 1. Responsiones ad obiecta lib. 1. Edmund Curren archdeacon of old Laghlin, there hath béene an Irish bishop of the name. Patrike Cusacke a Curren. Cusacke. gentleman borne, and a scholer of Oxford, sometime schoolemaister in Dublin, and one that with [...]he learning that God did impart him, gaue great light to his countrie; he imploied his studies rather in the instructing of scholers, than in penning of books, he florished in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred three score and six, and wrote in Latine Diuersa epi|grammata.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Dalie schooled in the vniuersitie of Paris, ha|uing Dalie. a pretie insight in scholasticall diuinitie, he made Diuersas conciones. Sir Willielme Dar|cie Darcie. knight, a wise gentleman, he wrote a booke inti|tuled, The decaie of Ireland. Dauid Delahide, an Delahide. exquisite and a profound clerke, sometime fellow of Merton college in Oxford, verie well séene in the Latine and Gréeke toongs, expert in the mathema|ticals, a proper antiquarie, and an exact diuine. Whereby I gather that his pen hath not béene lazie, but is dailie bréeding of such learned bookes as shall be auailable to his posteritie. I haue séene a proper oration of his in the praise of master Heiwood being Christmasse lord in Merton college intituled, Delig|no & foeno, also Schemata rhetorica in tabulam con|tracta. Deurox, there are two brethren of the name learned, the elder was sometimes schoolemaister in Deurox. Weiseford.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Peter Dillon a diuine, and Iohn Dillon like|wise Dillon. Doudall. a student in diuinitie. Doudall, sometime pri|mat of Armagh, a graue, a learned, and a politike prelat, verie zealouslie affected to the reformation of his countrie, he made Diuersas conciones. Dor|mer a lawyer, borne in Rosse, scholer of Oxford, he wrote in ballat roiall, The decaie of Rosse. Iohannes Dormer. Duns Scotus an Irishman borne, as in the forefront Duns Iohan|nes maior lib. 4. cap. 10. of this treatise I haue declared. Howbeit Iohannes Maior a Scotish chronicler would faine prooue him to be a Scot. Leland on the other side saith he was borne in England. So that there shall as great con|tention rise of him, as in old time there rose of Ho|mers countrie. For the Colophonians said that Ho|mer Cic. i [...] orat. pro Arch. poeta. was borne in their citie; the Chtians claimed him to be theirs, the Salaminians aduouched that he was their countriman: but the Smirnians were so stiffelie bent in proouing him to be borne in their territorie, as they would at no hand take no naie in the matter, & thervpon they did consecrat a church to the name of Homer. But what countriman soeuer this Scotus were, he was doubtlesse a subtill and pro|found clerke. The onelie fault wherewith he was dusked, was a litle spice of vaineglorie, being giuen to carpe and taunt his predecessor diuines, rather for blemishing the fame of his aduersaries than for ad|uancing the truth of the controuersies. Wherevpon great factions are growen in the schooles betwéene the Thomists and Scotists; Thomas being the ring|leader Thomistae. Scotistae, of the one sect, and Scotus the belweadder of the other. He was fellow of Merton college in Ox|ford, and from thense he was sent for to Paris to be a professor of diuinitie. Finallie, he repaired vnto Cullen, where in an abbeie of greie friers (of which 1308, profession he was one) he ended his life. The books he wrote are these: Commentarij Oxonienses lib. 4. Reportationes Parisienses lib. 4. Quodlibeta scho|lastica lib. 1. In Analytica posteriora lib. 2. In me|taphysicam quaestiones lib. 12. De cognitione Dei lib. 1. De perfectione statuum lib. 1. Sermones de tempore lib. 1. Sermones de Sanctis lib. 1. Colla|tiones Parisienses lib. 1. Lectura in Genesim lib. 1. De rerum principio lib. 1. Commentarij in euan|gelia lib. 4. In epistolas Pauli lib. plures. Quaestio|nes vniuersalium lib. 1. Quaestiones praedicamento|rum lib. 1. In Aristotelis physica lib. 8. In categori|as Aristotelis lib. 1. Tetragrammata quaedam lib. 1. Commentariorum imperfectorum lib. 1.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Eustace a doctor of diuinitie, a verie good schoole|man, Eustace. he florished in the yeare one thousand fiue hun|dred thirtie and six. Olifer or Oliuer Eustace a stu|dent of the ciuill and canon law, a good humanician, and a proper philosopher. Nicholas Eustace a gen|tleman borne, surpassing birth by learning, and lear|ning by vertue. Maurice Eustace a student of di|uinitie, one that notwithstanding he were borne to a faire liuing, yet did wholie sequester himselfe from the world.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Fagan a batchellor of art in Oxford, and a Fagan. Ferraile. schoolemaister in Waterford. Daniell Ferraile, a diuine and a schoolemaister. Fergutius son to Fer|quhardus Fergutius, king of Ireland, the first king of Scots, whome some affirme to be borne in Denmarke, the more part suppose him to haue béene an Irish man. He florished in the yeare of the world three thousand six hundred seuentie and eight, and before the incarnation two hundred ninetie and two, in the fiue and twentith yeare of his reigne. He was by by misaduenture drowned néere a rocke in the north of Ireland that of him is called to this daie Carreg|fergus; Carreg|fergus. vpon whose mishap these verses were made:
Icarus Icareis vt nomina fecerat vndis,Fergusius petraesic dedit apta suae.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] This Fergusius wrote a booke intituled, Leges politicae lib. 1. Finnanus scholer to one Nennius Finnanus. and Segenius, taken for a deepe diuine in his age; he florished in the yeare six hundred sixtie and one; he wrote Pro veteri paschatis ritu lib. 1. Field a physici|an. Field. Thomas Field a master of art. Iohn Fitzgi|rald, commonlie named Iohn Fitzedmund, a verie well lettered ciuilian, a wise gentleman, and a good housholder.
[1] [2] Robert Fitzgirald aliàs Robert Fitzmaurice Fitzgirald. borne in the countie of Kildare. Dauid Fitzgirald, vsuallie called Dauid Duffe, borne in Kerie, a ciuilian, a maker in Irish, not ignorant of musike, skilfull in physike, a good & generall craftsman much Hippias. like to Hippias, surpassing all men in the multitude of crafts, who comming on a time to Pisa to the great triumph called Olympicum, ware nothing but such as was of his owne making; his shooes, his pattens, his cloke, his cote, the ring that he did weare, with a signet therin verie perfectlie wrought, were all made by him. He plaied excellentlie on all kind of instruments, and soong therto his owne ver|ses, which no man could amend. In all parts of lo|gike, rhetorike, and philosophie he vanquished all men, and was vanquished of none.
[1] [page 41] Richard Fitzrafe, primat of Armagh, scholer in the vniuersitie of Oxford to Baconthorpe a good phi|losopher, Fitzrafe. & no ignorant diuine: an enimie to friers, namelie such as went begging from doore to doore, whereby he purchased the hatred of all religious per|sons. He was by Edward the third his means made archdeacon of Lichfield, after created primat of Ar|magh, being cited before pope Clement the sixt, for reproouing the begging friers. In the heat of the said contention he deceassed in Italie, whose bones 1360 were caried into Ireland, and buried at Dondalke, where he was borne. He wrote these bookes insuing: De paupertate seruatoris lib. 7. Contra fratres men|dicantes lib. 16. In extrauagantem Ioannis 23 lib. 1. Determinationes ad eundem lib. 1. Contra suum archidiaconum lib. 1. Propositiones ad papam lib. 1. Contra fratrum appellationem lib. 1. Sermones ad crucem Pauli lib. 1. Sermones coram pontifice lib. 1. De statu vniuersalis ecclesiae lib. 1. Lectura sententia|rum lib. 4. Quaestiones earundem lib. 1. Lectura the|ologica lib. 1. Sermones ad clerum lib. 1. Sermones de tempore lib. 1. Sermones de sanctis lib. 1. Mariae laudes Auenioni lib. 1. Illustrationes euangeliorum lib. 4. De passione dominica lib. 1. De peccato ig|norantiae lib. 1. De Iure spirituali lib. 1. De vafricijs Iudaeorum lib. 1. Propositionum suarum lib. 1. Epistolarum ad diuersos lib. 1. Dialogorum plurium librum vnum.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Walter Fitzsimons, archbishop of Dublin, lord iustice and lord chancellor of Ireland at one time, a Fitzsimons. famous clerke, and exquisitelie learned both in philo|sophie and diuinitie: being in companie with king Henrie the seuenth, and hearing an oration that was made in his praise, the king demanded him, what fault he found most in the oration? Trulie (quoth he) if it like your highnesse, no fault, sauing onelie that the orator flattered your maiestie ouermuch. Now in good faith, our father of Dublin (quoth the king) we minded to find the same fault our selues. Tho|mas Fitzsimons, a verie proper diuine: he wrote in English a treatise of the church. Leonard Fitzsi|mons, a deepe and pithie clerke, well séene in the Gréeke and Latine toong, sometime fellow of Trini|tie college in Oxford, perfect in the mathematicals, and a painefull student in diuinitie: he hath a bro|ther that was trained vp in learning in Cambridge now beneficed in Trim. Michaell Fitzsimons, schoolemaster in Dublin, a proper student, and a dili|gent man in his profession, he wrote Orationem in aduentum comitis Essexiae Dublinium, Epitaphion in mortem Iacobi Stanihursti, Diuersa epigram|mata.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Philip Flattisburie, a worthie gentleman, and a diligent antiquarie, he wrote in the Latine toong, at Flattisburie. the request of the right honourable Girald Fitzgi|rald erle of Kildare, Diuersas chronicas: he florished in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred and seauen|teene, & deceassed at his towne named Iohnstowne néere the Naas. Thomas Fleming: there is a Fleming. Fleming now liuing, of whome I heare great re|port to be an absolute diuine, and a professor thereof. Foillanus a learned moonke, he trauelled into France, where thorough the liberalitie of an holie Foillanus. virgine, named Gertrude, he founded an abbeie cal|led Monasterium Fossense, where at length he suffe|red 654 martyrdome. Fursaeus peregrinus, so called, bi|cause he was borne in Ireland, and did bestow his Furseus. yeares as an estranger in France, where he foun|ded an abbeie named Coenobium Latiniacense: he wrote certeine pamphlets, that by tract of time are perished, he flourished in the yeare six hundred and [...]47 sixtie, and was buried in his owne monasterie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Robert Garuie, fellow of Oriall college in Ox|ford, Garuie. a student of both the lawes, a man well spoken as well in the English as in the Latine. Robert Gogan. Hardit. Gogan a preacher. William Hardit a doctor of di|uinitie, proceeded in the vniuersitie of Dublin, in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred and twentie. Hic|kie, Hickie. Hugo. physicians, the father and his sonne. Hugo de Hibernia, so called, bicause his surname is not knowne, he was a greie frier, and a great traueller, he flourished in the yeare one thousand thrée hun|dred and sixtie, he wrote Itinerarium quoddam lib. 1. Oliuer Huseie, a professor of the arts in Dowaie. Huseie. Hurlie. Ioise. Kellie. Derbie Hurlie, a ciuilian, and a commendable phi|losopher: he wrote In Aristotelis physica. Robert Ioise, borne in Kilkennie, a good humanician. Ra|duiphus Kellie a moonke, brought vp in the know|ledge of the Latine toong in Kildare, in which he pro|fited so well, that for his eloquence and wisedome he was sent to Clement the sixt, as the speaker or pro|locutor of all his order, and also was appointed the generall aduocat or deputie vnder Petrus de Casa, master generall of the order. After he was aduanced to be archbishop of Cashill, in which honour he de|ceassed, 1342 hauing at vacant houres written In iure ca|nonico lib. 1. Epistolarum familiarium lib. 1. Tho|mas Kenedie, a ciuilian.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Kernie, he wrote in Irish Catechismum, Trans|lationem Kenedie. Kernie. Keuannagh. bibliae. Cagher, a nobleman borne, in his time called Mac Murrough, he descended of that Mac Murrough that was sometime king of Lein|ster, he was a surpassing diuine, and for his learning and vertue was created bishop of Leighlin and ab|bat of Grage: he flourished in the yeare one thou|sand fiue hundred and fiftie, and was an hundred yeares old when he deceassed. Iames King, borne in King. Dublin, and scholer to M. Patrike Cusacke, vnder whome being commendablie trained, he repaired to the vniuersitie of Cambridge, where he deceassed be|fore he could atteine to that ripenesse of learning, 1569 whereto one of so pregnant a wit was like in time to aspire, he wrote Carmina in laudem Henrici Sidnaei, Leie. Leurouse. 155 [...] Diuersa epigrammata. Leie, a learned and an expert physician. Leurouse a learned diuine, sometime bi|shop of Kildare, and deane of saint Patriks in Du|blin. Loghlen. Aeneas Loghlen, or Mackleighlen, master of art, and a preacher. Thomas Long doctor of both the Long. lawes, he procéeded at Paris, in the yeare one thou|sand fiue hundred seuentie and six in August, he is a proper philosopher, no stranger in scholasticall diuini|tie, a pretie Latinist: he wrote De speciebus contra mendacem monachum, In Aristotelis physica, The|ses ex praecipuis iuris vtriusque partibus selectas Ca|rolo Borbonio cardinali consecratas.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Peter Lombard borne in Waterford, scholer to Lombard. master Peter White, hauing imploied two yeares and a halfe in the studie of philosophie at Louaine, he was chosen when he procéeded master of art, Primus vniuersitatis, by the vniforme consent of the foure principals, which preferment did happen to none in such consenting wise, in manie yeares before: he wrote Carmen heroicum in doctoratum Nicholai Quemerfordi. Dorbie Macchragh, a student in di|uinitie. Macchragh. Macgrane. Malachias. Macgrane, a schoolemaster in Dublin, he wrote carols and sundrie ballads. Malachias borne in Ulster, his life is exactlie written by saint Bar|nard, in whose abbeie he died in the yeare one thou|sand one hundred fortie and eight, he wrote Consti|tutorum communium lib. 1. Legum coelibatus lib. 1. Nouarum traditionum lib. 1. Ad D. Barnardum epist. plures. Malachias, the minorit or greie frier, a student in the vniuersitie of Oxford, where he attei|ned Malachias minorit. to that knowledge in diuinitie, as he was the onelie man in his time that was appointed to preach before the king and the nobilitie, a sharpe reproouer of vice, a zelous imbracer of vertue, enimie to flat|terie, friend to simplicitie; he flourished in the yeare [page 42] one thousand thrée hundred and ten; he wrote De peccatis & remedijs, lib. 1. Conciones plures, lib. 1.
[1] Mauricius Hybernus, of him Iohannes Camertes, thus writeth. Annis ab his proximis excelluit, ex ea insula Mauricius. Iohannes Ca| [...] cap. 35. [...]l. oriundus Mauricius, D. Francisci ordinis professus, in diale|cticis, vtraque philosophia, metaphysicis, ac sacra theologia plu|rimùm eruditus. Vix insuper dici potest, qua humanitate, quáue morum sanctimonia praeditus fuerit. Is cùm annis plu|rimis in Patauino gymnasio bonas artes docuisset, cum summa omnium gratia, ob eius singularem eruditionem, ac candidissi|mos mores, à Iulio secundo pontifice maximo in Tuanensem ar|chiepiscopum creatus est. Quò cùm relicta Italia bellis in ea sae|uientibus proficisceretur, non multùm post, magna studiorum iactura, cùm nondum quinquagesimum atatis suae attigisset annum, mortem obijt. Erant plurima suae doctrinae in mani|bus monumenta, sed ea ob immaturam eius mortem edere non licuit. Quantum fuerit inter eum, dum viueret, & me ne|cessitudinis vinculum, testantur sexcentae epistolae, quas plenas charitatis indicijs, varijs temporibus ad me dedit. Eis (quanta verae amicitiae vis) post amici obitum, relegens soleo assiduè recreari.
There did (saith Ioannes Camertes) of late yeares one Mauricius borne in Ireland excell, a grete frier profest, verie well séene in logike, deepelie grounded in philosophie, both morall & naturall, learned in the metaphysiks, in diuinitie péerelesse. Scantlie maie I tell with how great courtesie & vertue he was in|dued. When he had professed at Padua the liberall arts manie yeares with no small renowme; he was created by Iulius the second, not onelie for his pro|found knowledge, but also for the sinceritie of his life, archbishop of Tuen. When he was trauelling thitherward, being departed frõ Italie, by reason of the vprores that were there daily incresing, he ended his life to the great losse of learning, before he was full fiftie yeares old. He had sundrie works in hand, which he could not haue finished by reason of his vn|timelie death. How déere and entier friends he and I were one to the other during his life, the letters he addressed me from time to time, to the number of six hundred, thwackt with loue and kindnesse, doo mani|festlie declare. And by perusing of them after his death (such is the force of friendship) I am greatlie comforted. Thus farre Camertes. This Mauricius wrote Commentarios super Scotum in praedicabilia, In magistrum sententiarum lib. 4. Mauricius arch|bishop of Cashill, he florished in king Iohns reigne. Giraldus Cambrensis, vpon his comming into Ire|land, Mauricius Cassiliensis. and debasing the countrie in the hearing of this prelat, saieng that albeit the inhabitants were woont to brag of the number of their saints, yet they had no martyrs: You saie verie well sir (quoth the archbishop) indéed as rude as this countrie is or hath béene, yet the dwellers had the saints in some reue|rence. But now that the gouernement of the coun|trie is come to your kings hands, we shall (I trust) shortlie be stored with martyrs.
Iohn Miagh a diuine, he wrote a treatise, De pos|sessione Miagh. monasteriorum. Mooneie a ciuilian and a good Latinist. Neilan, sometime fellow of Alsoules Mooneie. Neilan. college in Oxford, a learned physician. Patrike Nigran a diuine. Philip Norris a scholer of Oxford and after deane of S. Patriks in Dublin, he flouri|shed Nigran. Norris. in the yeare 1446, and wrote these workes. Declamationes quasdam lib. 1. Lecturas scriptura|rum lib. 1. Sermones ad populum, lib. 1. Contra mendicitatem validam lib. 1. Nugent, baron of Deluin, schooled in the vniuersitie of Cambridge. Nugent. William Nugent a proper gentleman, and of a sin|gular good wit, he wrote in the English toong diuerse sonets.
Dauid Obuge, borne in the towne of Kildare; for Obuge. his learned lectures, and subtile disputations openlie published in Oxford and Treuers in Germanie, he was taken for the gem and lanterne of his countrie. In his time Giraldus Bononiensis, being maister generall of the Carmelits, was at iar with Willi|am Lidlington, the prouinciall of all the English Carmelites. Wherevpon tenne of the wisest and learnedest Carmelits that then were resiant in England, being fullie elected to resist their generall, Obuge was chosen to be the forman of all the said crew. Giraldus Bononiensis vnderstanding that Giraldus Bononiensis. he being an Irishman, was so hot in the controuer|sie, was egerly bent against Obuge, because he assu|red himselfe to haue had fauour at his hands, by rea|son Obuge was borne in that countrie where the Giraldines his kinsmen were planted, and there vp|on he was banished Italie. This storme in processe of time being appeased, the outcast Carmelite was made the generall gardian of all his fraternitie in Ireland: which countrie by his continuall teaching and preaching was greatlie edified. Ouer this he was so politike a councellor, that the nobilitie and e|states in causes of weight, would haue recourse to him as to an oracle. He was in philosophie an Aristo|tle, in eloquence a Tullie, in diuinitie an Augustine, in the ciuill law a Iustinian, in the canon a Panor|mitane, he flourished in the yeare 1320, he deceased at Kildare, leauing these learned workes insuing to posteritie. Sermones ad Clerum lib 1. Epistolae 32 ad diuersos lib. 1. Propositiones disputatas lib. 1. Lectiones Treuerenses lib. 1. Regulae Iuris lib. 1. Contra Giraldum Bononiensem.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Owen Odewhee, a preacher, and a maker in I|rish. Odewhée. Oheirnain. Thomas Oheirnaine, deane of Corke, a lear|ned diuine, he wrote in Latine Ad Iacobum Stani|hurstum epist. plures. Thomas Oheirligh, bishop of Oheirligh. Rosse, an exquisite diuine, brought vp in Italie. Pander, a man zelouslie addicted to the reformation Pander. Patricius of his countrie, whereof he wrote a politike booke in Latine, intituled Salus populi. Patricius, who not|withstanding he be no Irishman borne, yet I may not ouerslip him in the catalog of Irish authors, for as much as his whole works tended to the conuersi|on 432 and reformation of that countrie: he was surna|med Succetus or Magonius, an absolute diuine, a|dorning his déepe knowledge therein with sinceri|tie of life. Being sent into Ireland by the appoint|ment of Celestinus the first, accompanied with Se|getius a priest, he conuerted the Iland from idola|trie and paganisme to christianitie. He wrote these bookes following. De antiquitate Aualonica lib. 1. Itinerarium confessionis lib. 1. Odorporicon Hyber|niae lib. 1. Historia Hyberniae ex Ruano lib. 1. De tribus habitaculis lib. 1. De futura electorum vita lib. 1. Abiectoria quaedam 366. lib. 1. Ad Cereticum tyrannum epist. 1. Sermones lib. 1. Ad Aualoni|cos incolas epist. 1. Ad Hybernicas ecclesias epist. plures. Ad Britannos epist. plures. He deceased, being one hundred, twentie, and two yeares old, in the yeare 458, or as some suppose 491, and lieth buri|ed in an ancient citie, in the north of Ireland, na|med Downe, according to the old verse, which saith:
Hi tres in Duno tumulo tumulantur in vno,Brigida, Patricius, átque Columba pius.
[1] [2] [3] Patricius Abbas a learned man, and much giuen Patricius abbas. to the edifieng of his countriemen: he florished in the yeare 850, and deceased at Glasconburie. Some ascribe the finding of saint. Patrikes purgatorie to this abbat, not to Patrike that conuerted the coun|trie; but that errour hath béene before sufficientlie re|prooued. This abbat wrote Homilias lib. 1. Ad Hy|bernos epist. plures. Petrus Hybernicus, professor of philosophie in Naples, at which time Thomas. Aqui|nas Petrus Hy|bernicus. that after became the lanterne of scholemen, both in philosophie and diuinitie, was his scholer; be|ing therefore as highlie renowmed as Socrates is [page 43] for being maister to Plato; or Plato is, for hauing Aristotle to his scholer. This Petrus flourished in the yeare 1230, he wrote Quodlibeta theologica lib. 1. Plunket, baron of Dunsanie, scholer in Ratough, Plunket. to M. Staghens, after sent by sir Christopher Barne|wall knight, his freendlie father in law, to the vni|uersitie of Oxford. Where, how well he profited in knowledge, as such as are of his acquaintance pre|sentlie perceiue, so hereafter when his workes shall take the aire, that now by reason of bashfull mode|stie, or modest bashfulnesse are wrongfullie impriso|ned, and in manner stiefled in shadowed couches, I doubt not, but by his fame and renowme in lear|ning, shall be answerable to his desert and valure in writing.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Poomrell, a batchelor of diuinitie, sometime chap|leine in New college in Oxford, after returning to Poomrell. his countrie, he was beneficed in Drogheda, from thense flitted to Louaine, where through continuall hearing of lectures and disputations, more than by his priuat studie, he purchased a laudable know|ledge in diuinitie. Whereby he gaue manifest shew of the profit that riseth of exercise and conference. Upon this occasion, one of his acquaintance was The force of exercise. accustomed to tell him that he had all his diuinitie by hearesaie. He deceased at Louaine in the yere 1573. Nicholas Quemeford, doctor of diuinitie, proceeded the thrée and twentith of October, he wrote in Eng|lish a verie pithie and learned treatise, and there|withall Quemerford, 1575 exquisitelie pend, intituled; Answers to certeine questions propounded by the citizens of Waterford; Diuerse sermons. There liued latelie of the surname a graue prelat in Waterford, and properlie learned.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Rian, there liued two brethren of the surname, both scholers of Oxford, the one a good ciuilian, the Rian. other verie well séene in the mathematicals. Richard archdeacon of saint Patriks, chancellor in the vni|uersitie Richard, of Dublin, procéeded doctor of the canon law, in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred and twentie. Robert Rochford borne in the countrie of Rochford. Weiseford, a proper diuine, an exact philosopher, and a verie good antiquarie. There is another Rochford that is a student of philosophie. Rooth, batchelor of Rooth. law, procéeded in the vniuersitie of Oxford. There hath béene another Rooth vicar of S. Iohns in Kil|kennie pretilie learned. Iohannes de sacro bosco, De sacro bosco. borne in Holiwood, and thereof surnamed De sacro bosco; he wrote an excellent introduction, De Sphaera. Sedgraue, two brethren of the name, both Sedgraue. Shaghens. students in diuinitie. Shaghens fellow of Balioll college in Oxford, after schoolemaister in Ireland, a learned and a vertuous man. Sheine, scholer in Ox|ford Sheine. and Paris; he wrote, De Repub. Elias Sheth borne in Kilkennie, sometime scholer of Oxford, a Sheth. gentleman of a passing good wit, a plesant conceited companion, full of mirth without gall; he wrote in English diuerse sonets. Michaell Sheth borne in Kilkennie, master of art. Skidmor borne in Corke, and gardian of Yoghill. Skidmor.
Richard Smith borne in a towne named Rack|mackneie, Smith. thrée miles distant from Weiseford, sur|named Smith; of his father, who was by occupation a smith, being foureteene yéeres of age he stole into England, and repaired to Oxford, where in tract of time he procéeded doctor of diuinitie, was elected do|ctor of the chaire, taken in those daies for a peerelesse pearle of all the diuines in Oxford, as well in scho|lasticall as in positiue [...]uinitie. Upon the death of queene Marie he went to Louaine, where he read o|penlie the apocalypse of saint Iohn, with little admi|ra [...] and lesse reprehension; he wrote in English against licentious fasting, or the libertie of fasting; The assertion of the sacrament of altar; A defense of the sacrifice of the masse one booke; Of vnwritten verities one booke; Retractations one booke. In the Latin toong he wrote De coelibatu sacerdotum lib. 1. De votis monasticis lib. 1. De iustificatione hominis librum vnum.
Nicholas Stanihurst, he wrote in Latine Die|tam Stanihurst. medicorum lib. 1: he died in the yeare one thou|sand fiue hundred fiftie and foure. Iames Stani|hurst, late recorder of Dublin, ouer his exact know|lege in the common lawes, he was a good orator, and a proper diuine. He wrote in English, being spea|ker in the parlements; An oration made in the be|ginning of a parlement holden at Dublin before the right honorable Thomas earle of Sussex, &c: in 1557. the third and fourth yeares of Philip and Marie; An oration made in the beginning of the parlement hol|den at Dublin before the right honorable Thomas 1560 earle of Sussex, in the second yeare of the reigne of our souereigne ladie quéene Elisabeth; An oration made in the beginning of a parlement holden at Dublin before the right honorable sir Henrie Sid|neie 1568 knight, &c: in the eleuenth yeere of the reigne of our souereigne ladie quéene Elisabeth. He wrote in Latine, Pias orationes. Ad Corcaciensem deca|num epistolas plures: he deceassed at Dublin the seuen and twentith of December, being one and fif|tie 1573 yeares old. Upon whose death, I, as nature and dutie bound me, haue made this epitaph following:
Walter Stanihurst, sonne to Iames Stanihurst, he translated into English Innocent de contemptu mundi. There flourished before anie of these a Sta|nihurst, Circaa nnu [...] Dom. 1506. that was a scholer of Oxford, brother to Gennet Stanihurst, a famous and an ancient ma|trone of Dublin, she lieth buried in saint Michaels church. Sutton, one of that name, is a verie good Sutton. Talbot. maker in English. Matthew Talbot schoolemaster, a student in Cambridge. William Talbot. Iohn Talbot sonne to William, a master of art, he wrote in Latine, Orationem in laudem comitis Essexiae, Diuersa epigrammata. Edmund Tanner a pro|found Tanner. diuine, he wrote Lectiones in summam D. Thomae. Tailer batchelor of art, procéeded in the v|niuersitie Tailer. of Oxford, he wrote in Latine Epigram|mata diuersa.
Thomas Hybernus borne in Palmerstowne néere Thomas Hy|bernus. the Naas, he procéeded doctor of diuinitie in Paris, a deepe clerke and one that read much, as may easilie be gathered by his learned workes: he flourished in the yeare 1290, and wrote with diuerse other workes, these bookes insuing: Flores bibliae, Flores doctorum lib. 2. De christiana religione lib. 1. De il|lusionibus daemonum lib. 1. De tentatione diaboli lib. 1. De remedijs vitiorum lib. 1. Laurentius Toole archbishop of Dublin. Trauerse doctor of diuinitie, Toole. Trauerse. he florished in the reigne of Henrie the eight. There hath beene after him a schoole maister in Dublin of that name. Tundalus Magus a knight, after he be|came Tundalus. a Charterh [...]se m [...]ke, much giuen to con|templ [...]n, wherein he is reported to haue seene di|uerse visions of heauen and hell, and therevpon he [page 44] wrote Apparitionum suarum lib. 1. he florished in the yeare 1149.
[1] Virgilius Soliuagus a noble man borne, being slept Virgilius So|liuagus. in yeares, he trauelled into Germanie, where being knowen for a vertuous and learned prelat, he was chosen by [...]lon duke of Bauaria, to be their rec|tor [...]4 or gardian of an ancient abbeie, named S. Pe|ters abbeie, placed in the citie of Salisburgh, after he was created Episcopus Iuuaniensis, and founded in the said towne of Salisburgh a church. In his time one Bonifacius an Englishman, being gene|rall visitour in Banaria, debaptized certeine, whome he suspected not to haue beene orderlie baptized. Uir|gilius detesting the fact, hauing consulted with Si|donius archbishop of Bauaria, withstood Bonifacius in his fond attempt. The controuersie being brought before pope Zacharias, he decréed that Bonifacius held an error, and that Uirgilius and Sidonius pub|lished in that point sound doctrine, as who so will read Zacharias his epistle vnto Bonifacius shall Tomo primo conciliorum. plainelie sée. Uirgilins deceassed 784, and lieth buri|ed in his church at Salisburgh: he wrote Ad Zacha|riam Rom. pont. epist. 1.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Owen Ultagh a physician, his father procéeded Ultagh. Vltanus. doctor of physike in Paris. Vltanus a lerned moonke fellow to Foillanus, with whome he trauelled into France, and with continuall preaching edified the inhabitants of that realme; he florished in the yeare 640. Gilbertus Vrgalius a profest Carmelite, and a Vrgalius. student in Orford, he florished in the yeare 1330, he wrote in two great tomes, Summam quarundam legum, De rebus theologicis lib. 1. Usher, or Uscher Usher. wadding. a student in Cambridge, and a preacher. Wadding, a proper versifier, he wrote in Latine vpon the bur|ning of Paules stéeple, Carmen heroicum, Diuersa epigrammata. Edward Walsh, he florished in the [...]. yeare 1550, and wrote in English, The dutie of such as fight for their countrie, The reformation of Ire|land by the word of God. Iames Walsh, master of art, and student in diuinitie, he translated into Eng|lish, Giraldum Cambrensem, he wrote in Latine Epigrammata diuersa.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Richard Walsh master of art and student in diui|nitie. There is a learned man of the name beneficed in S. Patrikes church in Dublin, student in Cam|bridge, and now a preacher. Peter Walsh a proper youth, and one that would haue beene an ornament to his countrie, if God had spared him life, he died of a surfet at London, about the yeare 1571. There dwelleth in Waterford a lawyer of the surname, who writeth a verie proper Latine verse. Wellesteie deane of [...]ildare, there liueth an other learned man wellesteie. of the name, who is archdeacon of saint Patrikes. Peter White borne in Waterford, fellow of Duall college in Orford, the luckie schoolemaster of Moun|ster; white [...]Punc [...] he bestowed his time rather in the making of scholers, than in the penning of bookes, and to the in|struction of youth, be wrote Epitom. in copiam E|rasmi, Epitom. figurarum rhetoricar. Annotationes in orat. pro Archia poeta. Annotat. in orationem pro T. A. Milone. Epigrammata diuersa. Iohn White batchelor of diuinitie borne in Clo [...]ll, he wrote in Latine Diuersa pia epigrammata. Andrew White a good humanician, a pretie philosopher. Wise, of this surname there florished sundrie learned gentlemen. wise. There liueth one Wise in Waterford, that maketh verie well in the English. Andrew Wise a toward youth, and a good versifier. William an abbat, and (as it is thought) a soothsaier, he florished in the yeare william. 1298, and wrote Prophetias rerum futurarum lib. 1. Dauid Woolfe, a diuine.
[1] Thus far (gentle reader) haue I indeuoured to woolfe. heape vp togither a catalog of such learned Irish|men, as by diligent insearch could haue bin found. Howbeit, I am to request shée not to [...] the ample number of the learned of that countrie by this briefe abstract: considering, that diuerse haue beene, yea and are yet liuing, of profound knowledge that to me are vnknowne, and therefore in this regi|ster not recorded.