1.5. Of the lords spirituall of Ireland, their names and dignities. The fift chapter.

Of the lords spirituall of Ireland, their names and dignities. The fift chapter.

_THe spirituall iurisdiction is ordered into foure prouinces, whereof the primasie was e|uer giuen (in reuerence of saint Patrike that conuerted the countrie) to the archbi|shoprike of Armagh, who is called Primas totius Hiberniae, and the archbishop of Dublin, Primas Hiberniae. This custome was since confirmd by Eugenius the third, 1148, or 1152: who sent withall thrée other palles of archbishops to be placed, one at Dublin, one at Cashill, & the last at Twene. To these are suffra|gans in right nine and twentie, and they all to the Primas of Armagh, vnder whose prouince are the bi|shops Armagh. of Meeth and Deren, Ardach, Kilmore, Clog|her, Doune, Coner, Clonknos, Raboo, Dromoore. Under Dublin, wherevnto Innocentius the third v|nited Dublin. Glandelagh, the bishop of Elphine, Kildare, Fernes, Ossorie and Leighlin. Under Cashill, the Cashill. bishop of Waterford, to whome Lismore is vnited, Corke and Clone, Rosse, Ardigh, Limerike, Eme|lie, Killalooe, and Ardfert. Under Twene, Kilma|co, Twene. Olfine, Auaghdoune, Clonfert, Morroo. In this recount some difference hapneth by reason of perso|nall and reall vnion of the sees, and for other altera|tions. I haue obserued in perusing of old bookes the names of certeine bishops and archbishops of Dub|lin: and albeit I could not find a iust register or ca|talog of them, yet I tooke it to be better to place such as I could find, than to omit the whole. ¶ Corma|chus was one of the first bishops that I haue read of, but I am well assured, that there were diuerse Lib. 10. Scot. Hist. fol. 212. sect. 40. others before his time. He flourished about the yeare 893, of this bishop Hector Boetius maketh mention. ¶ Dunanus was bishop of Dublin long after Cormachus: for Dunanus died in the yeare 1074. He was buried in Christs church in Dublin, in the vpper part of the chancell on the right hand.

[1] [2] ¶ Patricius was consecrated bishop of Dublin 1074. in Paule his church at London by the archbishop of Canturburie Lanifranus or Lanfrancus. The rea|son of this consecration was, for that as yet the me|tropolitans of Ireland receiued not their pall. A pall Pall what it is. is an indowment appropriated to archbishops, made of white silke the breadth of a stole, but it is of ano|ther fashion. And where you shall espie the armes of anie archbishop blazed, there you may perceiue the pall set out in white, with a great manie blacke crosses vpon it. An archbishop within thrée moneths c. quoniam. c. dis. after his consecration or confirmation ought to de|mand his pall, otherwise he may be remooued; nei|ther ought he to name himselfe archbishop before the c. quod sicut de elect. pe|nul. De priuil. & exces. priuil. cap. Archie. & in glos. c. ex tuarum, &c. adhoc. de auct. & vsu. pal. receit, neither may he before summon or call a coun|cell, make chrisme, dedicate churches, giue orders, or consecrat bishops. He may not weare his pall with|out the church, neither in other prouinces; albeit in another prouince he may be in his pontificalibus, so that pontificalia differeth from the pall. Further|more, an archbishop may not lend his pall vnto ano|ther, but it ought to be interred with him. But to re|turne to Patricius, his time was but short, for soone after as he was crossing the seas to Dublin ward, he was drowned with his felow passengers the same yere that he was consecrated, the ninth of October.

[1] ¶ Donatus, of some called Bungus, succéeded Pa|tricius, 1075. and likewise consecrated by Lanfrancus archbishop of Canturburie, at the instance of Ter|d [...]nacus king of Ireland, the bishops of Ireland, the clergie and the citizens of Dublin: he deceassed [page 32] in the y [...]e one thousand ninetie and fiue. Samuell [...] succéeded Donatus, and died in the yéere one thou|sand one hundred two and twentie. Gregorius did not succéed imm [...]diatlie after Samuell, for there be thirtie yeeres betweene them both. This Gregorius was the first metropolitan of Dublin, and was con|secrated archbishop in the yéere one thousand one hundred fif [...]e and two, and died in the yéere one thou|sand 1 [...]2. one hundred thrée score and two.

[1] S. Laurentius Othothille. This prelat was 1162. first abbat of S. Keuins in Glindelagh, and after he was solemnlie consecrated and installed in Christ church at Dublin by Gelarius the primat of Ar|magh, and not by Canturburie, as the bishops of Dublin were before the pall giuen them. He died in Normandie, and was buried in our ladie church of Angle in the yeare one thousand one hundred and foure score, the fouretéenth of Nouember.

[1] Iohan Cummin an Englishman succéeded Lau|rence. This famous prelat being cloistered vp in the abbeie of Eusham in Worcestershire was high|lie renowmed of all men, as well for his déepe lear|ning, as for the integritie of his life. The clergie of Dublin being giuen to vnderstand of so woorthie a clerke, became humble petitioners to the king his maiestie Henrie the second, that through his means such an vnvaluable iewell should be installed in Laurence his dignitie. The king bowing to their 11 [...]. earnest sute agréed he should be consecrated their archbishop; which was an happie houre for that coun|trie. For besides the great trauell he indured in edi|fieng his flocke in Christian religion, he was foun|der of S. Patrike his church in Dublin, as is before specified. He deceassed in the yéere one thousand two hundred and twelue, and was intoomed in the quéere of Christs church.

[1] Henrie Londres succéeded Cummin. This man was nicknamed Scorchbill, or Scorchvillein tho|rough this occasion. Being setled in his sée, he gaue commandement to all his tenants to make their ap|peerance before him at a daie appointed: and for that he was raw as yet in his reuenues, he tooke it to stand best with their ease and quietnes, and his com|moditie, that ech of them should shew their euiden|ces, whereby he might learne, by what tenure they held of him. His tenants mistrusting no s [...]uttish dealing, but construing all to be meant for the best, deliuered their euidences to their landlord, who did scantlie well peruse them when he floong them all in the fire. The poore tenants espieng this subtill pranke to be verie vnfitting for a bishop, could not bridle their toongs, but brake out on a sudden: Thou an archbishop? Naie, thou art a scorchvillein. But it could not be gessed to what end this fact of his ten|ded; Scorch|villein. for notwithstanding this, the tenants inioied their lands, vnlesse he did it because they should be te|nants at will, and so to stand to his deuotion. This prelat doubtlesse was politike, and well lettered, and for his wisedome and learning he was elected lord iustice of Ireland. He was the founder of the castell of Dublin, as is before mentioned. He deceassed in the yeare one thousand two hundred twentie & fiue, and lieth buried in Christs church. Wherby appéereth Matth Paris. in vita Ioan, pag. 316. that Matthaeus Parisiensis did ouershoot himselfe, in writing one Hu or Hugo to be archbishop of Du|blin in the yeare one thousand two hundred and thir|téene, whereas Londres at that time was in the sée, as from his consecration to his death may be gathe|red, being the space of thirtéene yeares.

[1] Iohan Stamford succéeded Londres, but not immediatlie, and was consecrated in the yeare one thousand two hundred foure score and fiue. This 1 [...]85. man, vpon the death of Stephan Fulborne archbi|shop of Tune, was made lord iustice of Ireland in the yeare one th [...] [...] 1294. seauen. And s [...]ne after being in England he was sent from Edward the first as ambassador to the French king, and vpon his returne he deceassed in England, & soone after was [...] s [...]nt Patrike his church at Dublin.

[1] Willie [...] [...] is [...]lated by some antiqua|ries 1 [...]. [...] de [...] to be archbishop of Dublin much about this time, but whether the m [...] [...] beene installed in this see at all or no, I am not [...] to affirme, nor to denie: but certeine it is [...]t [...] date is mistaken, for vpon Iohan Stamford [...] death, Richard Flerings was consecrated archbishop of Dublin, betwéene whome and the lord Edmund Butler there arose a Edmund Butler. 1032, Holli [...]d in Fingall. great controuersie in law, [...]ching the manner of Holliwood with the appurtenances. Which manor the lord Butler recouered by an arbitrement or com|position taken betweene them in the king his bench at Dublin. This prelat departed this life in the yere one thousand thrée hundred and six. 1306.

[1] Richard de Hauerings was successor vnto Fle|rings, who after that he had [...] welnéere the space of fiue yeares in the see, was sore appalled, by reason of an estrange and woo [...]rfull dreame. For on a certeine night he imagined that he had séene an vglie monster standing on his breast, who to his thinking was more weightie than the whole world, in so much as being as he thought in maner squised or prest to death with the he [...]t of this huge monster, he would haue departed with the whole substance of the world, if he were thereof possessed, to be disbur|dened of so heauie a load. Upon which wish he sud|denlie awooke. And as he beat his braines in di|uining what this dreame should import, he bethought Hauering [...] dreame. himselfe of the flocke committed to his charge, how that he gathered their fléeces yearelie, by receiuing the reuenues and perquisits of the bishoprike, and yet suffered his flocke to starue for lacke of preaching and teaching. Wherefore being for his former slack|nesse sore wounded in conscience, he trauelled with all spéed to Rome, where he resigned vp his bishop|rike, a burthen too heauie for his weake shoulders, and being vpon his resignation competentlie bene|ficed, he bestowed the remnant of his life wholie in deuotion.

[1] Iohan Lech nephue to Hauerings, vpon the re|signation 1311. was consecrated archbishop. This prelat was at contention with the primat of Armagh, for their iurisdictions: insomuch as he did imbarre the primat from hauing his crosse borne before him within the prouince of Leinster, which was contra|rie De priui. & excest pri. c. Archiep. to the canon law, that admitteth the crosier to beare the crosse before his archbishop in an other pro|uince. This man deceassed in the yeare one thousand three hundred and thirtéene.

[1] Alexander Bigenor was next Lech consecrated 1313. archbishop with the whole consent aswell of the chap|ter of Christs church as of S. Patriks. Howbeit vp|on the death of Lech there arose a schisme & diuision betwéene Walter Thorneburie lord chancellour of Ireland and Bigenor then treasuror of the same countrie. The cancellor to further his election deter|mined to haue posted to Rome, but in the waie he was drowned with the number of 156 passengers. Bigenor staieng in Ireland, with lesse aduenture and better spéed, with the consent of both the chapters was elected archbishop. And in the yeare 1317 there cam [...]buls from Rome to confirme the former elec|tion. At which time the archbishop and the earle of Ulster were in England. This prelat soone after re|turned 131 [...]. lord iustice of Ireland, and soone after he had landed at Yoghill, he went to Dublin, where as well for his spirituall iurisdiction, as his temporall pro|motion he was receiued with procession and great [page 33] solemnitie. In this man his time was there an vni|uersitie [...]20. founded in Dublin, whereof maister Wil|liam Rodiard was chancellor, a well learned man and one that procéeded doctor of the canon law in this vniuersitie. Bigenor deceased in the yéere 1349.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Iohn de saint Paule was consecrated archbishop vpon Bigenor his death. He deceassed in the yeare [...]349 one thousand thrée hundred sixtie and two. Thomas 1363 Minot succéeded Iohn, and died in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred seuentie & six. Robert Wike|ford succéeded Thomas, and died in the yeare one 1375 thousand thrée hundred and nintie. Robert Walde|bie 1390 succéeded Wikeford, this prelat was first an Au|gustine frier, and a great preacher, and accounted a vertuous and sincere liuer. He deceassed in the yeare one thousand thrée hundred ninetie and seauen. Ri|chard 1397 Northalis was remooued from an other sée and chosen archbishop of Dublin, who likewise deceas|sed the same yeare he was elected. Thomas Crau|lie an Englishman succéeded him the same yeare, and came into Ireland in the companie of the duke of Surreie. This archbishop was chosen lord iustice of Ireland in the yeare one thousand foure hundred and thirtéene. In whose gouernement the English 1413 The skirmish of Kilka. did skirmish with the Irish in the countie of Kildare néere Kilka, where the English vanquished the eni|mie, slue an hundred of the Irish. During which time the archbishop being lord iustice, went in procession with the whole clergie in Tristeldermot, or Castle|dermot, a towne adioining to Kilka, praieng for the prosperous successe of the subiects that went to skir|mish with the enimie. This prelat was of stature tall, well featured, and of a sanguine complexion, decking his outward comelinesse with inward qua|lities. For he was so liberall to the rich, so charitable to the poore, so déepe a clerke, so profound a doctor, so sound a preacher, so vertuous a liuer, and so great a builder, as he was not without good cause accounted the phenix of his time. In dailie talke as he was short, so he was swéet. Hard in promising, bountifull in performing. In the yeare one thousand foure hun|dred and seuenteene, he sailed into England, and en|ded his life at Faringdon, and was buried in New college at Oxford. In the yeare one thousand foure hundred thirtie & nine, there hath béene one Richard [...]439 archbishop of Dublin, and lord iustice of Ireland, be|fore whome a parlement was holden at Dublin, in the eightéenth yéere of the reigne of king Henrie the sixt. In the yeare one thousand foure hundred and sixtie, Walter was archbishop of Dublin, & deputie [...]460 to Iasper duke of Bedford, lieutenant of Ireland. I found in an ancient register the names of certeine The bishops of Kildare. bishops of Kildare, that were in that sée since the time of saint Brigid; the names of whome I thought here to insert. Lonie was bishop in saint Bridgids time, which was about the yeare of our Lord foure hundred fortie and eight; the rest doo haere follow: [...]448

[1] There hath béene a worthie prelat, canon in the Maurice Iake. 1319 The bridge of Kil [...]llen, and Leighlin. cathedrall church of Kildare, named Maurice Iake, who among the rest of his charitable déeds, builded the bridge of Kilcoollen, and the next yeare fellowing he builded in like maner the bridge of Leighlin, to the great and dailie commoditie of all such as are occasioned to trauell in those quarters.