8.3. Goodwine and his sonnes are proclai|med outlawes, their lands are giuen from them, king Edward putteth awaie the queene his wife who was earle Goodwines daughter, she cleareth hir selfe at the houre of hir death from suspi|cion of incontinencie and lewdnesse of life, why king Edward forbare to haue fleshlie pleasure with hir; earle Goodwine and his sonnes take preies on the coasts of Kent and Sussex; Grif|fin king of Wales destroieth a great part of Herefordshire, and giueth his incounterers the ouerthrow; Harold and Leofwine two brethren inuade Dorset and Summerset shires, they are resisted, but yet preuaile, they coast about the point of Corn|wall and ioine with their father Goodwine, king Edward ma|keth out threescore armed ships against them, a thicke mist se|parateth both sides being readie to graple and fight, a pacifica|tion betweene the king and earle Goodwine, he is restored to his lands and libertie, he was well friended, counter|pledges of agreement interchangablie deliuered; Swanus the eldest sonne of Goodwine a nota|ble rebell and pirat, his troubled consci|ence, his wicked life and wret|ched death. The third Chapter.

Goodwine and his sonnes are proclai|med outlawes, their lands are giuen from them, king Edward putteth awaie the queene his wife who was earle Goodwines daughter, she cleareth hir selfe at the houre of hir death from suspi|cion of incontinencie and lewdnesse of life, why king Edward forbare to haue fleshlie pleasure with hir; earle Goodwine and his sonnes take preies on the coasts of Kent and Sussex; Grif|fin king of Wales destroieth a great part of Herefordshire, and giueth his incounterers the ouerthrow; Harold and Leofwine two brethren inuade Dorset and Summerset shires, they are resisted, but yet preuaile, they coast about the point of Corn|wall and ioine with their father Goodwine, king Edward ma|keth out threescore armed ships against them, a thicke mist se|parateth both sides being readie to graple and fight, a pacifica|tion betweene the king and earle Goodwine, he is restored to his lands and libertie, he was well friended, counter|pledges of agreement interchangablie deliuered; Swanus the eldest sonne of Goodwine a nota|ble rebell and pirat, his troubled consci|ence, his wicked life and wret|ched death. The third Chapter.

[1] [2] _THE king hauing perfect knowledge, that earle Good|wine had refused to come to the court in such order as he had prescribed him, and that he was departed the realme with his sonnes: he proclai|med them outlawes, and gaue the lands of Harold vnto Algar, the sonne of earle Leofrike,Goodwine and his sonnes proclaimed outlawes. who guided the same verie woorthilie, and resigned them againe without grudging vnto the same Harold when he was returned out of exile. Also vnto earle Oddo were giuen the counties of De|tionshire and Summersetshire.

[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, about the same time the king put his wife quéene Editha from him,The king put awaie his wife Editha. and appointed hir to streict keeping in the abbeie of Warwell. This Edi|tha was a noble gentlewoman, well learned, and ex|pert in all sciences, yet hir good name was stained somewhat, as though she had not liued so continentlie as was to be wished, both in hir husbands life time, and after his deceasse. But yet at the houre of hir death (which chanced in the daies of William Con|queror) she cleared hir selfe, in taking it vpon the charge of hir soule, that she had euer liued in perfect chastitie: for king Edward (as before is mentioned) neuer touched hir in anie actuall maner. By this streict dealing with the quéene that was daughter to earle Goodwine, now in time of hir fathers exile, it hath séemed to manie, that king Edward forbare to deale with hir in carnall wise, more for hatred of hir kin, than for anie other respect. But to proceed.

[1] [2] [3] [4] In the second yéere to Goodwines banishment,1052 Hen. Hunt. both he and his sonnes hauing prouided themselues of ships and men of warre conuenient for the pur|pose, came vpon the coasts of England, and after the maner of rouers, tooke preies where as they espied aduantage, namelie on the coasts of Kent and Sus|sex. In the meane time also Griffin the K. of Wales destroid a great part of Herefordshire,Griffin king of wales de|stroieth He|refordshire. against whom the power of that countrie, & also manie Normans that lay in garrison within the castell of Hereford, comming to giue battell, were ouerthrowne on the same day, in the which about two and twentie yéeres before, or (as some ropies haue) thirtéene yéeres, the Welshmen had slaine Edwine, the brother of earle Leofrike. Shortlie after, earle Harold and his bro|ther Leofwine returning out of Ireland,Harold inua|deth the shires of Dorset and Summerset. entered in|to the Seuerne sea, landing on the coasts of Sum|mersetshire and Dorsetshire, where falling to spoile, they were incountred by a power assembled out of [page 190] the counties of Deuonshire and Summersetshire: but Harold put his aduersaries to flight, and slue thirtie gentlemen of honor, or thanes (as they cal|led them) with a great number of others. Then Ha|rold and his brethren, returning with their preie and bootie to their ships, and coasting about the point of Cornwall, came and ioined with their father & their other brethren, then soiorning in the Ile of Wight.

[1] King Edward to withstand their malice, had rig|ged and furnished foorth sixtie ships of warre,Simon Dun. with the which he himselfe went to the water, not sticking to lie aboord at that season, although he had appoin|ted for capteines and admerals two earles that were his coosins, Odo and Rafe, who had charge of the whole armie. Rafe was his nephue, as soone to his sister Goda by hir first husband Gualter de Maunt. But although they were knowne to be suf|ficient men for the ordering of such businesse, yet he thought the necessitie to be such, as his person could not be presentlie spared. Therefore he was diligent in foreséeing of things by good aduise, although age would not giue him leaue to execute the same by his owne hand and force of bodie. But as the nauies on both parts were readie to haue ioined, they were se|uered by reason of a thicke mist that then rose, wher|by their furious rage was restreined for that time: and immediatlie therevpon, Goodwine and his com|plices were forced by a contrarie wind, to returne to the places from whence they came. Shortlie after by mediation of friends, a peace was made, and earle Goodwine restored home, and obteined againe both the kings sauour, and all his former liuings: for he was such an eloquent & wise man, that he clered and purged himselfe of all such crimes and accusations, as in anie sort had béene laid against him. Thus haue some written concerning this agréement betwixt king Edward and erle Goodwine, where other make somewhat larger report thereof, as thus.

[1] At the same time that the two sonnes of erle Good|wine Harold and Leofwine came foorth of Ireland, and inuaded the west countrie, king Edward rig|ged foorth fortie ships, the which throughlie furnished with men, munition, and vittels, he sent vnto Sand|wich, commanding the capteines there to wait for the comming of erle Goodwine, whom he vnderstood to be in a readinesse to returne into England: but notwithstanding, there wanted no diligence in them to looke to their charge, erle Goodwine secretlie with a few ships which he had got togither, ariued in Kent; and sending foorth his letters and messengers abroad to the citizens of Canturburie, to them of Sussex, Southerie, & others, required aid of them, who with one consent promised to liue and die with him.

[1] The capteines of the nauie at Sandwich aduer|tised hereof, made towards the place where they thought to haue found erle Goodwine: but he being warned of their comming, escaped by flight, and got him out of their danger, wherevpon they withdrew to Sandwich, and after returned to London. Earle Goodwine aduertised thereof, sailed to the Ile of Wight, and wasted vp and downe those seas, till his sonnes Harold and Leofwine came and ioined their nauie with his, and ceassing from spoile, onlie sought to recouer vittels to serue their turne. And increasing their power by such aid as they might any where pro|cure, at length they came to Sandwich, wherof king Edward hauing knowledge,It séemeth that earle Goodwine was well friended. being then at London, he sent abroad to raise all the power, he might make. But they that were appointed to come vnto him, lin|gred time, in which meane while earle Goodwine comming into the Thames, & so vp the riuer, arriued in Southwarke, on the day of the exaltation of the crosse in September, being monday, and their stai|eng for the tide, solicited the Londoners, so that he obteined of them what he could desire.

[1] Afterwards, without disturbance, he passed vp the riuer with the tide through the south arch of the bridge, & at the same instant, a mightie armie which he had by land, mustered in the fields on that south side the same riuer, and herewith his nauie made to|wards the north side of the riuer, as if they ment to inclose the kings nauie, for the king had also a nauie & an armie by land: but yet sith there were few ei|ther on the one part or the other, that were able to doo anie great feat except Englishmen, they were loth to fight one against another, wherevpon the wiser sort on both sides sought meanes to make an atone|ment: and so at length by their diligent trauell, the matter was taken vp, and the armies being dismis|sed on both parts, earle Goodwine was restored to his former dignitie. Herevpon were pledges deli|uered on his behalfe, that is to say, Wilnotus one of his sonnes, and Hacun the sonne of Swanus the el|dest sonne of Goodwine. These two pledges were sent vnto William duke of Normandie, to be kept with him for more assurance of Goodwines loialtie.

[1] Some write that Swanus the eldest sonne of Goodwine was not reconciled to the kings fauourRan. Higd. Matth. West. Simon Dun. Wil. Malm. at this time; but whether he was or not, this is repor|ted of him for a truth, that after he had attempted sundrie rebellions against king Edward, he lastlie also rebelled against his father Goodwine, and his brother Harold, and became a pirate, dishonouring with such manifold robberies as he made on the seas, the noble progenie whereof he was descended. Finallie vpon remorse of conscience (as hath béene thought) for murthering of his coosine (or as some say his brother) erle Bearne, he went on pilgrimage to Hierusalem, and died by the way of cold which he caught in returning homeward (as some write) in Licia: but others affirme,Ran. Higd. Will. Malmes. that he fell into the hands of Saracens that were robbers by the high waies, and so was murthered of them.