8.2. Why Robert archbishop of Canturbu|rie (queene Emmas heauie friend) fled out of England, the Normans first entrance into this countrie, dearth by tempests, earle Goodwines sonne banished out of this land, he returneth in hope of the kings fauour, killeth his coosen earle Bearne for his good will and forwardnes to set him in credit againe, his flight into Flanders, his returne into England, the king is pacified with him; certeine Danish rouers arriue at Sandwich, spoile the coast, inrich themselues with the spoiles, make sale of their get|tings, and returne to their countrie; the Welshmen with their princes rebelling are subdued, king Edward keepeth the seas on Sandwich side in aid of Baldwine earle of Flanders, a blou|die fraie in Canturburie betwixt the earle of Bullongne and the townesmen, earle Goodwine fauoureth the Kentishmen a|gainst the Bullongners, why he refuseth to punish the Cantur|burie men at the kings commandement for breaking the kings peace; he setteth the king in a furie, his suborned excuse to shift off his comming to the assemblie of lords conuented a|bout the foresaid broile; earle Goodwine bandeth himselfe a|gainst the king, he would haue the strangers deliuered into his hands, his request is denied; a battell readie to haue bene fought betweene him and the king, the tumult is pacified and put to a parlement, earle Goodwines retinue forsake him; he, his sonnes, and their wiues take their flight beyond the seas. The second Chapter.

Why Robert archbishop of Canturbu|rie (queene Emmas heauie friend) fled out of England, the Normans first entrance into this countrie, dearth by tempests, earle Goodwines sonne banished out of this land, he returneth in hope of the kings fauour, killeth his coosen earle Bearne for his good will and forwardnes to set him in credit againe, his flight into Flanders, his returne into England, the king is pacified with him; certeine Danish rouers arriue at Sandwich, spoile the coast, inrich themselues with the spoiles, make sale of their get|tings, and returne to their countrie; the Welshmen with their princes rebelling are subdued, king Edward keepeth the seas on Sandwich side in aid of Baldwine earle of Flanders, a blou|die fraie in Canturburie betwixt the earle of Bullongne and the townesmen, earle Goodwine fauoureth the Kentishmen a|gainst the Bullongners, why he refuseth to punish the Cantur|burie men at the kings commandement for breaking the kings peace; he setteth the king in a furie, his suborned excuse to shift off his comming to the assemblie of lords conuented a|bout the foresaid broile; earle Goodwine bandeth himselfe a|gainst the king, he would haue the strangers deliuered into his hands, his request is denied; a battell readie to haue bene fought betweene him and the king, the tumult is pacified and put to a parlement, earle Goodwines retinue forsake him; he, his sonnes, and their wiues take their flight beyond the seas. The second Chapter.

[1] _YE must vnderstand,Robert arch|bishop of Can|turburie. Frenchmen or Normans first entered into England that K. Edward brought diuerse Normans ouer with him, which in time of his banish|ment had shewed him great friendship, wherefore he now sought to recompense them. Amongst other, the forena|med Robert of Canturburie was one, who before his comming ouer was a moonke in the abbeie of Gemeticum in Normandie, and being by the king first aduanced to gouerne the sée of London, was af|ter made archbishop of Canturburie, and bare great rule vnder the king, so that he could not auoid the en|uie [page 188] of diuerse noble man, and [...] of earle Good|w [...]e, as shall appeare. About the third yeere of king Edwards wigne, Osgot Clappa was banished the realme. And in the yéere following, that is to say in the yeere 1047,1047 there fell a marvellous great snow, [...] couering the ground from the beginning of Ianua|r [...]e vntill the 17 day of March. Besides this, there hapned the same yeere such tempest and lightnings, that the corne vpon the earth was burnt vp and bla|sted: by reason whereof, there followed a great dearth in England, and also death of men cet|tell.

[1] [2] About this time Swame the sonne of earle Good|wine was banished the land, and fled into Flanders. This Swaine kept Edgiua, the abbesse of the mo|nasterue of Leoffe, [...] and forsaking his wife, ment to haue married the foresaid abbesse. Within a certeine time after his banishment, he returned into Eng|land, in hope to purchase the kings peace by his fa|thers meanes and other his friends. But vpon some malicious pretense, he slue his coosen earle Bearne, who was about to labour to the king for his par|don,This Bearne was the sonne of U [...]ius a Dane, vncle to this Swaine vp his mother, the [...]ter of K. Swaine. and so then fled againe into Flanders, till at length Allered the archbishop of Yorke obteined his pardon, and found meanes to reconcile him to the kings fauour.H. Hunt.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] In the meane time, about the sixt yéere of king Edwards reigne, certeine pirats of the Danes ar|riued in Sandwich hauen and entring the land, wa|sted and spoiled all about the coast.Hen. Hunt. There be that write, that the Danes had at that time to their lea|ders two capteins, the one named Lother, and the o|ther Irling.The Danes spoile Sand|wich. After they had béene at Sandwich, and brought from thence great riches of gold and siluer, they coasted about vnto the side of Essex, and there spoiling the countrie, went backe to the sea, and sai|ling into Flanders, made sale of their spoiles and booties there, and so returned to their countries. After this, during the reigne of king Edward, there chan|ced no warres, neither forren nor ciuill, but that the same was either with small slaughter luckilie en|ded, or else without anie notable aduenture changed into peace.Rise [...] Gri [...]|fin princes of wales. The Welshmen in déed with their prin|ces Rise and Griffin wrought some trouble, but still they were subdued, and in the end both the said Rise and Griffin were brought vnto confusion: although in the meane time they did much hurt, and namelie Griffin, who with aid of some Irishmen, with whome he was alied, about this time entred into the Se|uerne sea, and tooke preies about the riuer of Wie: and after returned without anie battell to him offe|red.

[1] [2] [3] About the same time, to wit, in the yéere 1049,1049 the emperor Henrie the third made warres against Baldwine earle of Flanders,Simon Dun. and for that he wished to haue the sea stopped, that the said earle should not escape by flight that waie foorth, he sent to king Ed|ward willing him to kéepe the sea with some num|ber of ships. King Edward furnishing a nauie, lay with the same at Sandwich,Hermanus. Contractus. Ia. Meir. and so kept the seas on that side, till the emperor had his will of the earle. At the same time, Swaine, sonne of earle Goodwine came into the realme, and traitorouslie slue his coo|sen Bearne (as before is said) the which trauelled to agrée him with the king.Simon Dun. Also Gosipat Clappa, who had left his wife at Bruges in Flanders, comming amongst other of the Danish pirats, which had rob|bed in the coasts of Kent & Essex, as before ye haue heard, receiued his wife, and departed backe into Denmarke wi [...]h six ships, leauing the residue, being 23 behind him.

[1] [2] About the tenth yéere of king Edwards reigne,Fabian. Eustace earle of Bullongne,1051 that was father vnto the valiant Godfrey of Bullongne,Matth. West. & Baldwin, both afterward kings of Hierusalem, [...] England in the moneth of September, to [...] his brother in law king Edward, whose sister named God [...], he had maried, she then being the [...] of Gua [...]ter de Ma [...]t. He found the king at Gloce|ster, and being there [...] receiued, [...]. after he had once dispatched such matters for the which he therefore came, he tooke leaue, and returned homeward. But at Canturburie one of his he [...]ngers, [...] [...] roughlie with one of the citizens about a lodging, which he sought to haue rather by force than by in treatance, occasioned his owne death. [...] Whereof when the erle was aduertised, he hasted thither to revenge the slaughter of his seruant, and fiue both the citi|zen which had killed his man, and eighteene others.

[1] [2] The citizens héerewith in a great furie, got them to armor, [...]. and set vpon the earle and his returne, of whom they slue twentie persons out of hand, & woun|ded a great number of the residue, so that the earle scarse might escape with one or two of his men from the fraie, & with all spéed returned backe to the king, presenting gréeuous information against them of Canturburie,The earle [...] to the king. for their cruell vsing of him, not onlie in fleaing of his seruants, but also in putting him in danger of his life. The king crediting the earle, was highlie offended against the citizens, and with all spéed sending for earle Goodwine, declared vnto him in greeuous wise, the rebellious act of them of Can|turburie, which were vnder his iurisdiction.

[1] The earle who was a man of a bold courage and quicke wit, did perceiue that the matter was made a great deale woorse at the first in the beginning, than of likelihood it would prooue in the end, thought it reason therefore that first the answere of the Ken|tishmen should be heard, before anie sentence were giuen against them. Héerevpon, although the king commanded him foorthwith to go with an armie in|to Kent, and to punish, them of Canturburie in most rigorous maner, yet he would not be too hastie, but refused to execute the kings commandement,Earle Good|wine offended with the king for fauouring strangers. both for that he bare a péece of grudge in his mind, that the king should fauour strangers so highlie as he did; and againe, bicause héereby he should séeme to doo pleasure to his countriemen, in taking vpon him to defend their cause against the rough accusa|tions of such as had accused them. Wherefore he de|clared to the king that it should be conuenient to haue the supposed offendors first called afore him, and if they were able to excuse themselues, then to be suf|fered to depart without further vexation: and if they were found faultie, then to be put to their fine, both as well in satisfieng the king, whose peace they had broken, as also the earle, whom they had in damaged.

[1] [2] [3] Earle Goodwine departed thus from the king, leauing him in a great furie:A councel cal|led at Gloce|ster. Siward earle of Northum|berland, Leo|frike earle of Chester, Rafe earle of Hereford. Will. Malmes. howbeit he passed litle thereof, supposing it would not long continue. But the king called a great assemblie of his lords togi|ther at Glocester, that the matter might be more déepelie considered. Siward earle of Northumber|land, and Leofrike earle of Chester, with Rafe earle of Hereford, the kings nephue by his sister Goda, and all other the noble men of the realme, onlie earle Goodwine and his sonnes ment not to come there, ex|cept they might bring with them a great power of armed men, and so remained at Beuerstane, with such bands as they had leauied, vnder a colour to re|sist the Welshmen, whome they bruted abroad to be readie to inuade the marches about Hereford. But the Welshmen preuenting that slander, signified to the king that no such matter was ment on their par|ties, but that earle Goodwine and his sonnes with their complices went about to mooue a commotion against him. Héerevpon a rumor was raised in the court, that the kings power should shortlie march [page 189] foorth to assaile earle Goodwine in that place where he was lodged. Wherevpon the same earle prepared himselfe, and sent to his friends, willing to sticke to this quarrell, and if the king should go about to force them, then to withstand him, rather than to yéeld and suffer themselues to be troden vnder foot by stran|gers.Earle Good|wine meaneth to defend him selfe against the king. Swaine. Ran. Higd. Matth. West. Simon Dun. Harold. Goodwine in this meane time had got togither a great power of his countries of Kent, Southerie, and other of the west parts. Swaine like wise had as|sembled much people out of his countries of Barke|shire, Orfordshire, Summersetshire, Herefordshire, and Glocestershire. And Harold was also come to them with a great multitude, which he had leuied in Essex, Norffolke, Sufforld, Cambridgeshire, & Hun|tingtonshire.

[1] [2] On the other part, the earles that were with the king,Simon Dun. Leofrike, Siward, and Rafe, raised all the power which they might make, and the same appro|ching to Glocester, the king thought himselfe in more suertie than before, in so much that whereas earle Goodwine (who lay with his armie at Langton there not farre off in Glocestershire) had sent vnto the king, requiring that the earle of Bullongne, with the other Frenchmen and also the Normans which held the castell of Douer, might be deliuered vnto him. The king, though at the first he stood in great doubt what to doo, yet hearing now that an armie of his friends was comming, made answere to the messingers which Goodwine had sent, that he would not deliuer a man of those whome Goodwine requi|red, and héerewith the said messengers being depar|ted, the kings armie entered into Glocester, and such readie good wils appéered in them all to fight with the aduersaries, that if the king would haue permitted, they would foorth with haue gone out and giuen bat|tell to the enimies.

[1] [2] Thus the matter was at point to haue put the realme in hazard not onelie of a field, but of vtter ru|ine that might thereof haue insued: for what on the one part and the other, there were assembled the chie|fest lords and most able personages of the land. But by the wisedome and good aduise of earle Leofrike and others, the matter was pacified for a time, and or|der taken, that they should come to a parlement or communication at London, vpon pledges giuen and receiued as well on the one part as the other. The king with a mightie armie of the Northum|bers, and them of Mercia, came vnto London, and earle Goodwine with his sonnes, and a great power of the Westsaxons, came into Southwarke, but per|ceiuing that manie of his companie stale awaie and slipt from him, he durst not abide anie longer to en|ter talke with the king, as it was couenanted, but in the night next insuing fled awaie with all spéed pos|sible.

[1] [2] Some write, Wil. Malm. Swaine el|dest sonne to Goodwine ba|nished. how an order was prescribed that Swanus the eldest sonne of Goodwine should de|part the land as a banished man to qualifie the kings wrath, and that Goodwine and one other of his sons, that is to say, Harold should come to an other assem|blie to be holden at London, accompanied with 12 seruants onelie, & to resigne all his force of knights, gentlemen and souldiers vnto the kings guiding and gouernment. But when this last article pleased nothing earle Goodwine, and that he perceiued how his force began to decline, so as he should not be able to match the kings power, he fled the realme, and so likewise did his sonnes.Earle Good|wine fled the realme. He himselfe with his sonnes Swanus, Tostie, and Girth, sailed into Flanders: and Harold with his brother Leofwine gat ships at Bristow, and passed into Ireland. Githa the wife of Goodwine, and Iudith the wife of Tostie, the daugh|ter of Baldwine earle of Flanders went ouer also with their husbands.