7.12. Cnute saileth into Denmarke to sub|due the Vandals, earle Goodwins good ser|uice with the English against the said Vandals, and what benefit accrewed vnto the English|men by the said good seruice, he returneth into Eng|land after the discomfiture of the enimie, he saileth ouer a|gaine into Denmarke and incountreth with the Sweideners, the occasion of this warre or incounter taken by Ola [...]us, his hard hap, vnluckie fortune, and wofull death wrought by the hands of his owne vnnaturall subiects; Cnuts con|fidence in the Englishmen, his deuour voiage to Rome, his returne into England, his subduing of the Scots, his death and interrement. The twelfth Chapter.

Cnute saileth into Denmarke to sub|due the Vandals, earle Goodwins good ser|uice with the English against the said Vandals, and what benefit accrewed vnto the English|men by the said good seruice, he returneth into Eng|land after the discomfiture of the enimie, he saileth ouer a|gaine into Denmarke and incountreth with the Sweideners, the occasion of this warre or incounter taken by Ola [...]us, his hard hap, vnluckie fortune, and wofull death wrought by the hands of his owne vnnaturall subiects; Cnuts con|fidence in the Englishmen, his deuour voiage to Rome, his returne into England, his subduing of the Scots, his death and interrement. The twelfth Chapter.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] _IN the third yeare of his reigne Cnute sailed with an armie of Englishmen and Danes into Denmarke,1019 to subdue the Uandals there,King C [...]passeth into Denmarke. which then sore anncied and warred against his subiects of Denmarke.Earle God wen his ser|uice in Den|marke. Earle Good|wine, which had the souereigne conduct of the Eng|lishmen, the night before the day appointed for the battell got him forth of the campe with his people, and suddenlie assailing the Uandals in their lod|gings, easilie distressed them, sleaing a great num|ber of them, and chasing the residue. In the morning earlie, when as Cnute heard that the Englishmen were gone foorth of their lodgings, he supposed that they were either fled awaie, or else turned to take part with the enimies. But as he approched to the enimies campe, he vnderstood how the mater went; for he found nothing there but bloud, dead bodies, and the spoile.Cnute had the Englishman in estimation for their good seriuce. For which good seruice, Cnute had the Englishmen in more estimation euer after, and highlie rewarded their leader the came carle Good|wine. When Cnute had ordered all things in Den|marke, as was thought be hoofefull, he returned a|gaine into England: and within a few daies after, he was aduertised that the Swedeners made warre against his subiects of Denmarke, vnder the loding of two great princes, Ulfe and Ulafe.1028 Wherefore to defend his dominions in those parts he passed a|gaine with an armie into Denmarke,,Cnute [...] againe into Denmarke. incountred with his enimies, and receiued a sore ouerthrow, loosing a great number both of Danes and English|men. But gathering togither a new force of men,Will. Male. he set againe vpon his enimies, and ouercame them, constreining the two foresaid princes to agrée vpon reasonable conditions of peace. Matth. West. Matth. West. re|counteth, that at this time earle Goodwine and the Englishmen wrought the enterprise aboue mentio|ned, of assaulting the enimies campe in the night season, after Cnute had first lost in the day before no small number of his people: and that then the fore|said princes or kings, as he nameth them Ulfus and Aulafus, which latter he calleth Eiglafe, were con|strained to agrée vpon a peace.Albernus Crance. The Danish chro|nicles alledge, that the occasion of this warre rose hereof. This Olanus aided Cnute (as the same wri|ters report) against king Edmund and the English|men. But when the peace should be made betweene Cnute and Edinund, there was no consideration had of Olaus: whereas through him the Danes chieflie obteined the victorie. Herevpon Olanus was sore offended in his mind against Cnute, and now vpon occasion sought to be reuenged. But what soeuer the cause was of this warre betwixt these two princes, the end was thus: that Olnus was expelled out of his kingdome, and constreined to [page 181] flée to Gerithaslaus a duke in the parties of East|land. and afterward returning into Norwaie, was slaine by such of his subiects as tooke part with Cnute, in manner as in the historie of Norwaie, appeareth more at large, with the contrarietie found in the writings of them which haue recorded the hi|stories of those north regions.

[1] But here is to be remembred,Magnus O|lauus. that the fame and glorie of the English nation was greatlie aduanced in these warres, as well against the Swedeners as the Norwegians, so that Cnute began to loue and trust the Englishmen much better than it was to be thought he would euer haue doone.Fabian. Polydor. Hen. Hunt. Shortlie after that Cnute was returned into England, that is to say (as some haue) in the 15 yeare of his reigne, he went to Rome to performe his vow which he had made to visit the places where the apostles Peter and Paule had their buriall,Other say, that he went forth of Den|marke to Rome. Simon Dun. where he was honora|blie receiued of pope Iohn the 20 that then held the sée. When he had doone his deuotion there, he retur|ned into England.Anno 1013. In the yeare following he made a iournie against the Scots, which as then had rebel|led;1032 but by the princelie power of Cnute they were subdued and brought againe to obedience:Wil. Malm. Matth. West. so that not onelie king Malcolme, but also two other kings Melbeath and Ieohmare became his subiects.1033 Fi|nallie after that this noble prince king Cnute had reigned the tearme of 20 yeares currant,Scots sub|dued. Hen. Hunt. after the death of Ethelred,Anno 1035. he died at Shaftsburie, as the English writers affirme, Wil. Malm. The death of king Cnute. on the 12 of Nouember, and was buried a Winchester. But the Danish chronicles record the he died in Normandie, and was buried at Rone (as in the same chronicles ye may reade more at large.)Hen. Hunt. Alb. Crantz.