[1] _AFter that Adelstane was departed this life,Edmund. without leauing issue behind to suc|céed him in the kingdome, his brother Edmund, sonnedeath was foreshewed to Dunstane in a vision, a tale of Edward the elder, borne of his last wife Edgiue, tooke vpon him the gouernement of this land,Wil. Malm. and began his reigne in the yeare of our Lord 940,940. which was in the fift yeare of the emperor Otho the 1, in the 13 of Lewes surnamed Trans|marinus king of France; and about the 38 yeare of Constantine the third king of Scotland.Simon Dun. The Danes of Northumberland rebelled against this Edmund, and ordeined Aulafe to be their king, whom they haddeath was foreshewed to Dunstane in a vision, a tale called out of Ireland. Some write that this Aulafe, which now in the beginning of Edmunds reigne came into Northumberland, was king of Norwaie. & hauing a great power of men with him, marched foorth towards the south parts of this land, in pupose to subdue the whole: but king Edmund raised a mightie armie, and incountred with his enimies at Leicester. Howbeit, yer the matter came to the vttermost triall of battell, through the ear [...]est sute of the archbishop of Canturburie and Yorke Odo and Wolstan, a peace was concluded;A peace con|cluded. so as Ed|mund should inioy all that part of the land. which li|eth from Watling stréet southward, & Aulafe should inioy the other part as it lieth from the same street northward. Then Aulafe tooke to wife the [...] Aldi|tha, daughter to earle Ormus, by who [...]e counsell and assistance he had thus obteined the vpper hand. But this Aulafe in the yeere following, after he had destroied the church of saint Balter,941 and burned Tin|ningham, departed this life.Matth. West. Aulafe deceas|seth. Then the other Au|lafeof the archbishop of Canturburie and Yorke Odo that was sonne to king Sithrike,Another Au|lafe taketh vpon him to rule. tooke vpon him to gouerne the Northumbers.
[1] After this, in the yeare 942, king Edmund as|sembling an armie,942 first subdued those Danes which had got into their possession the cities and towns of Lincolne, Leicester, Darhie, Stafford, and Noting|ham, [page 157] constreining them to receiue the christian faith, and reduced all the countries euen vnto Hum|ber vnder his subiection. This doone, Aulafe and Reinold the sonne of Garmo, who (as you haue heard) subdued Yorke,G [...]rmo or Godfrey. Will. Malm. as a meane the sooner to ob|teine peace, offered to become christians, & to sub|mit themselues vnto him: wherevpon he receiued them to his peace. There be that write, that this Aulafe is not that Aulafe which was sonne to king Sithrike, but rather that the other was he with whom king Edmund made partition of the realme: but they agree, that this second Aulafe was a Dane also, & being conuerted to the faith as well throughvnder his subiection. This doone, Aulafe and constraint of the kings puissance, as through the preaching of the gospell, was baptised, king Ed|mund being godfather both vnto him, and vnto the foresaid Reinold,944 to Aulafe at the verie fontstone, and to Reinold at his confirmation at the bishops hands.Simon. Dun. Neuerthelesse, their wicked natures could not rest in quiet, so that they brake both promise to God, and to their prince, and were therefore in the yeare next following driuen both out of the coun|trie, and punished by perpetuall exile. And so king Edmund adioined Northumberland, without ad|mitting anie other immediat gouernor, vnto his owne estate.
[1] Moreouer,Leolin king of South|wales aided king Ed|mund in this enterprise. he wasted and spoiled whole Cumber|land, because he could not reduce the people of that countrie vnto due obeisance, and conformable sub|iection. The two sonnes of Dunmaile king of that prouince he apprehended, and caused their eies to be put out.946 Herewith vpon consideration either of such aid as he had receiued of the Scots at that time, or some other friendlie respect, he assigned the said countrie of Cumberland vnto Malcolme king of Scots, to hold the same by fealtie of him and his successors. The Scotish chronicles, peruerting the time and order of the acts and doings of the English kings which reigned about this season, affirme, that by couenants of peace concluded betwixt Malcolme king of Scotland, and Adelstan king of England, it was agréed, that Cumberland should remaine to the Scots: as in their chronicles you may find atsuch aid as he had receiued of the Scots at that full expressed. And againe, that Indulfe, who succée|ded Malcolme in the kingdome of Scotland, aided king Edmund against Aulafe, whom the same chro|nicles name Aualassus, but the time which they at|tribute vnto the reignes of their kings, will not alow the same to stand. For by account of their wri|ters, king Malcolme began not his reigne till after the deceasse of king Adelstan, who departed this life in the yeare 940. And Malcolme succéeded Con|stantine the third in the yeare 944, which was about the third yeare of king Edmunds reigne, and after Malcolme (that reigned 15 yeares) succeeded In|dulfe in the yeare 959. The like discordance prece|deth and followeth in their writers, as to the dili|gent reader, in conferring their chronicles with ours, manifestlie appeareth. We therefore (to satisfie the desirous to vnderstand and sée the diuersitie of writers) haue for the more part in their chronicles left the same as we found it.
[1] [2] But now to the other dooings of king Edmund:the third in the yeare 944, which was about it is recorded, that he ordeined diuers good and whol|some lawes, verie profitable and necessarie for the commonwealth, Polydor. The lawes of king Ed|mund. which lawes with diuers other of like antiquitie are forgot and blotted out by rust of time, the consumer of things woorthie of long re|membrance (as saith Polydor:) but sithens his time they haue béene recouered for the more part, & by maister William Lambert turned into Latine, & were imprinted by Iohn Day, in the yeare 1568, as before I haue said. Finallie, this prince king Edmund,Fiue yeares and 7 months hath Si. Dun. after he had reigned sixe yeares and a halfe, he came to his end by great miisfortune. For (as some say) it chanced, that espieng where one of his seruants was in danger to be slaine amongest his enimies that were about him with drawen swords, as he stepped in to haue holpen his seruant, he was slaine at a place called Pulcher church, or (as other haue) Michelsbourgh.
[1] Other say,Pridecire saith Si. Dun. Will. Malm. Matth. West. that kéeping a great feast at the afore|said place on the day of saint Augustine the Englishas before I haue said.946 Finallie, this prince king apostle (which is the 26 of Maie, and as that yeare came about, it fell on the tuesday) as he was set at the table, he espied where a common robber was placed neere vnto him, whome sometime he had ba|nished the land, and now being returned without li|cence, he presumed to come into the kings presence, wherewith the king was so moued with high dis|daine, that he suddenlie arose from the table, and flew vpon the theefe, and catching him by the heare of the head, threw him vnder his féet, wherewithas before I haue said. Finallie, this prince king the théefe, hauing fast hold on the king, brought him downe vpon him also, and with his knife stroke him into the bellie, in such wise, that the kings bowels fell out of his chest, and there presentlie died. The theefe was hewen in péeces by the kings seruants, but yet he slue and hurt diuers before they could dis|patch him. This chance was lamentable, namelie to the English people, which by the ouertimelie death of their king, in whome appeared manie euident tokens of great excellencie, lost the hope which they had conceiued of great wealth to increase by his prudent and most princelie gouernement. His bo|die was buried at Glastenburie where Dunstane was then abbat.
[1] There be that write, that the death of king Ed|mund was signified aforehand to Dunstane, who a|bout the same time attending vpon the same king, as he remooued from one place to an other,Capgraue. chanced to accompanie himselfe with a noble man,A vaine tale. one duke Elstane, and as they rode togither, behold suddenlietokens of great excellencie, lost the hope which they Dunstane saw in the waie before him, where the kings musicians rode, the diuell running and lea|ping amongst the same musicians after a reioising maner, whome after he had beheld a good while, he said to the duke; Is it possible that you may see that which I sée? The duke answered that he saw nothing otherwise than he ought to sée. Then said Dunstane, Blesse your eies with the signe of the crosse,Crossing brin+geth sight of the diuels, and crossing dri|ueth them a|way. and trie whether you can see that I sée. And when he had doone as Dunstane appointed him, he saw also the féend in likenesse of a little short euill fauoured Aethiopian dansing and leaping, whereby they gathered that some euill hap was towards some of the companie: but when they had crossed and blessed them, the foule spirit vanished out of their sight.
[1] Now after they had talked of this vision,Dunstane an interpretor of dreames. and made an end of their talke touching the same, the duke re|quired of Dunstane to interpret a dreame which he had of late in sléepe, and that was this: He thought that he saw in a vision the king with all his nobls sitas Dunstane appointed him, he saw also the féend in in his dining chamber at meate, and as they were there making merrie togither, the king chanced to fall into a dead sléepe, and all the noble men, and those of his councell that were about him were chan|ged into robucks and goats. Dunstane quicklie de|clared that this dreame signified the kings death, and the changing of the nobles into dum and insensi|ble beasts betokened that the princes & gouernors of the realme should decline from the waie of truth,Dunstan séeth the diuell of|ten, but now he was be|come a watter at the table when Dun|stane sat with the king. and wander as foolish beasts without a guide to rule them. Also the night after this talke when the king was set at supper, Dunstane saw the same spirit, or some other, walke vp and downe amongst them that waited at the table, and within thrée daies after, the king was slaine, as before ye haue heard.