6.16. How Elfleda king Alfreds daughter (being maried) contemned fleshlie plea|sure; the praise of Alfred for his good qualities, his lawes for the redresse of theeues, his diuiding of countries into hundreds and tithings, of what mona|steries he was founder, he began the foundation of the vniuer|sitie of Oxford, which is not so ancient as Cambridge by 265 yeeres; king Alfred was learned, his zeale to traine his people to lead an honest life, what learned men were about him, the pitifull murthering of Iohn Scot by his owne scholers, how Al|fred diuided the 24 houres of the day and the night for his ne|cessarie purposes, his last will and bequests; the end of the kingdome of Mercia, the Danes haue it in their hands, and dis|pose it as they list, Eastangle and Northumberland are subiect vnto them, the Northumbers expell Egbert their king, his death; the Danes make Guthred king of Northumberland, priuileges gran|ted to S. Cuthberts shrine; the death of Guthred, and who succeeded him in the seat roiall. The xvj. Chapter.

How Elfleda king Alfreds daughter (being maried) contemned fleshlie plea|sure; the praise of Alfred for his good qualities, his lawes for the redresse of theeues, his diuiding of countries into hundreds and tithings, of what mona|steries he was founder, he began the foundation of the vniuer|sitie of Oxford, which is not so ancient as Cambridge by 265 yeeres; king Alfred was learned, his zeale to traine his people to lead an honest life, what learned men were about him, the pitifull murthering of Iohn Scot by his owne scholers, how Al|fred diuided the 24 houres of the day and the night for his ne|cessarie purposes, his last will and bequests; the end of the kingdome of Mercia, the Danes haue it in their hands, and dis|pose it as they list, Eastangle and Northumberland are subiect vnto them, the Northumbers expell Egbert their king, his death; the Danes make Guthred king of Northumberland, priuileges gran|ted to S. Cuthberts shrine; the death of Guthred, and who succeeded him in the seat roiall. The xvj. Chapter.

[1] _IN the end of the former chapter we shewed what chil|dren Alfred had, their num|ber & names, among whome we made report of Elfleda, who (as you haue heard) was maried vnto duke Edelred. This gentlewoman left a notable example behind hir of despising fleshlie ple|sure, for bearing hir husband one child, and sore hand|led before she could be deliuered, she euer after for|bare to companie with hir husband,The notable saieng of Elfleda. saieng that it was great foolishnesse to vse such pleasure which ther|with should bring so great griefe.

[1] [2] To speake sufficientlie of the woorthie praise due to so noble a prince as Alfred was, might require e|loquence, learning, and a large volume. He was of person comelie and beautifull, and better beloued of his father and mother than his other brethren. And although he was (as before is touched) greatly disqui|eted with the inuasion of forren enimies,Will. Mal [...] yet did he both manfullie from time to time indeuour himselfe to repell them, and also attempted to sée his sub|iects gouerned in good and vpright iustice.King Alfred his lawes. And albeit that good lawes amongst the clinking noise of ar|mor are oftentimes put to silence, yet he perceiuing how his people were gréeued with theeues and rob|bers, which in time of warre grew and increased, de|uised good statutes and wholsome ordinances for pu|nishing of such offendors.

[1] [2] Amongst other things he ordeined that the coun|tries should be diuided into hundreds and tithings, that is to say, quarters conteining a certeine num|ber of towneships adioining togither, so that euerie Englishman liuing vnder prescript of lawes, should haue both his hundred and tithing; that if anie man were accused of anie offense, he should find suertie for his good demeanor: and if he could not find such as would answer for him, then should he tast extre|mitie of the lawes. And if anie man that was giltie fled before he found suertie, or after: all the inhabi|tants of the hundred or tithing where he dwelt, shuld be put to their fine. By this deuise he brought his countrie into good tranquillitie, so that he caused bracelets of gold to be hanged vp aloft on hils where anie common waies lay, to sée if anie durst be so har|die to take them away by stealth. He was a liberall prince namely in relieuing of the poore. To churches he confirmed such priuileges as his father had gran|ted before him, and he also sent rewards by way of deuotion vnto Rome, and to the bodie of saint Thomas in India. Sighelmus the bishop of Shire|borne bare the same, and brought from thence rich stones, and swéet oiles of inestimable valure. From Rome also he brought a péece of the holy crosse which pope Martinus did send for a present vnto king Al|fred.

[1] [2] Moreouer king Alfred founded three goodlie mo|nasteries, one at Edlingsey,Foundation of monaste [...] where he liued some|time when the Danes had bereaued him almost of all his kingdome, which was after called Athelney, distant from Taunton in Sumersetshire about fiue miles: the second he builded at Winchester, called the new minster: and the third at Shaftesburie, which was an house of nuns, where he made his daughter Ethelgeda or Edgiua abbesse. But the foundation of the vniuersitie of Oxford passed all the residue of his buildings, which he began by the good exhortation and aduise of Neotus an abbat, in those daies high|lie estéemed for his vertue and lerning with Alfred. This worke he tooke in hand about the 23 yéere of his reigne, which was in the yéere of our Lord 895.895 So that the vniuersitie of Cambridge was founded be|fore this other of Oxford about 265 yeeres, as Poly|dor gathereth. Polydor. The vniuer|sitie of Ox|ford erected. For Sigebert king of the Eastangles began to erect that vniuersitie at Cambridge about the yéere of our Lord 630.

[1] [2] King Alfred was learned himselfe, and giuen much to studie, insomuch that beside diuerse good lawes which he translated into the English toong, gathered togither and published, he also translated diuerse other bookes out of Latine into English, as Orosius, Pastorale Gregorij, Beda de gestis Anglorum, Boetius de consolatione philosophiae, and the booke of Psalmes; but this he finished not, being preuented by death. So this worthie prince minded well toward the com|mon wealth of his people, in that season when lear|ning was little estéemed amongst the west nations, did studie by all meanes possible to instruct his sub|iects [page 149] in the trade of leading an honest life,The vertuous zeale of Alu|red to bring his people to an honest trade of life. and to in|courage them generallie to imbrace learning. He would not suffer anie to beare office in the court; ex|cept he were lerned: and yet he himselfe was twelue yéeres of age before he could read a word on the booke,He is persua|ded by his mo|ther, to applie himselfe to learning. and was then trained by his mothers persua|sion to studie, promising him a goodlie booke which she had in hir hands, if he would learne to read it.

[1] Herevpon going to his booke in sport, he so ear|nestlie set his mind thereto, that within a small time he profited maruellouslie, and became such a fauorer of learned men, that he delighted most in their com|panie, to haue conference with them, and allured di|uerse to come vnto him out of other countries, as Asserius Meneuensis bishop of Shirborne,Asserius Meneuensis. Werefridus. Iohn Scot. & We|refridus the bishop of Worcester, who by his com|mandement translated the bookes of Gregories dia|logs into English. Also I. Scot, who whiles he was in France translated the book of Dionysius Ariopa|gita, intituled Hierarchia, out of Gréeke into Latine, and after was schoolemaister in the abbeie of Mal|mesburie, and there murthered by his scholers with penkn [...]ues. He had diuerse other about him, both Englishmen & strangers, as Pleimond afterward archbishop of Canturburie,Grimbald. Grimbald gouernor of the new monasterie at Winchester, with others.

[1] But to conclude with this noble prince king A|lured, he was so carefull in his office,Alured diui|ded the time for his neces|sarie vses. that he diuided the 24 houres which conteine the day and night, in thrée parts, so that eight houres he spent in writing, reading, and making his praiers, other eight [...] em|ploied in relieuing his bodie with meat, drinke and sléepe, and the other eight he bestowed in dispatching of businesse concerning the gouernement of the realme. He had in his chapell a candle of 24 parts, whereof euerie one lasted an houre: so that the sex|ton, to whome that charge was committed, by bur|ning of this candle warned the king euer how the time passed away. A little before his death, he ordei|ned his last will and testament,His last will and testament bequeathing halfe the portion of all his goods iustlie gotten, vnto such monasteries as he had founded. All his rents and reuenues he diuided into two equall parts, and the first part he diuided into thrée, bestowing the first vp|on his seruants in houshold, the second to such labou|rers and workemen as he kept in his works of sun|drie new buildings, the third part he gaue to stran|gers. The second whole part of his reuenues was so diuided, that the first portion thereof was dispersed amongst the poore people of his countrie, the second to monasteries, the third to the finding of poore scho|lers, and the fourth part to churches beyond the sea. He was diligent in inquirie how the iudges of his land behaued themselues in their iudgements, and was a sharpe corrector of them which transgressed in that behalfe. To be briefe, he liued so as he was had in great fauour of his neighbours, & highlie honored among strangers. He maried his daughter Ethel|swida or rather Elstride vnto Baldwine earle of Flanders, of whome he had two sonnes Arnulfe and Adulfe, the first succéeding in the erledome of Flan|ders, and the yoonger was made earle of Bullogne.

[1] The bodie of king Alured was first buried in the bishops church: but afterwards, because the Ca|nons raised a fond tale that the same should walke a nights, his sonne king Edward remoued it into the new monasterie which he in his life time had founded. Finallie, in memorie of him a certeine learned clarke made an epitath in Latine, which for the woorthinesse thereof is likewise (verse for verse, and in a maner word for word) translated by Abraham Fleming into English, whose no litle labor hath béene diligentlie imploied in supplieng sundrie insufficiences found in of this huge volume.

NObilitas inhata tibi probitatis honorem
Nobilitie by birth to thee (ô Alfred strong in arme [...])
(Armipotens Alfrede) dedit, probita que laborem,
Of goodnes hath the honor giuen, and honor toilesome harmes.
Perpetuúmque labor nomen, cul mixta dolor [...]
And toilesome harmes an endlesse name; w [...]ose io [...]es were alwaies mext
Gaudia semper erant, spes semper mixta timori.
With sorow, and whose hope with feare was euermore perplexe.
Si modo victor eras, ad crastina bella pauebas,
If this day thou wert conqueror, the next daies warre thou dredst.
Si modo victus eras, in crastina bella parabas,
If this day thou wert conquered, to next daies war [...] spedst,
Cui vel [...]es sudore iugi, cul sica cruore
Whose clothing wet wit [...] dailie swe [...] whose blade with bloudie staine.
Tincta [...]ugi, quantum sit onus [...]egnare probarunt.
Do pra [...]e how great a burthan ti [...] in roialtie to raine
Non fuit immensi quisquam per climata mundi,
There hath not beene in anie part of all the world so wide,
Cui tot in aduet sis vel respirare liceret,
One that was able breath to take, and troubles such abide,
Nec tamen aut ferro contritus ponere ferrum,
And yet with weapons wearie would not weapons lay aside,
Aut gladio potuit vitae fimisse labores:
Or with the sword the [...]oile somnesse of life by death diuide.
Iam post transactos regni vitaeque labores,
Now after labours past of realme and lie (which he did spend)
Christus ei fit vera quies sceptrúmque perenne.
Christ is [...]o him true quietnesse and scepter void of end.

[1] In the daies of the foresaid king Alured, the king|dome of Mercia tooke end. For after that the Danes had expelled king Burthred, when he had reigned 22 yeares, he went to Rome, and there died, his wife also Ethelswida, the daughter of king Athulfe that was sonne to king Egbert followed him, and died in Pauia in Lumbardie. The Danes hauing got the countrie into their possession,Cewulfe. made one Cewulfe K. thereof, whome they bound with an oth and deliue|rie of pledges, that he should not longer kéepe the state with their pleasure, and further should be rea|die at all times to aid them with such power as he should be able to make. This Cewulfe was the ser|uant of king Burthred. Within foure yeares after the Danes returned, and tooke one part of that king|dome into their owne hands, and left the residue vn|to Cewulfe. But within a few yeares after, king Alured obteined that part of Mercia which Cewulfe ruled, as he did all the rest of this land, except those parcels which the Danes held, as Northumberland, the countries of the Eastangles, some part of Mer|cia, and other.

[1] The yeare, in the which king Alured thus obtei|ned all the dominion of that part of Mercia, which Cewulfe had in gouernance, was after the birth of our Sauiour 886,886 so that the foresaid kingdome continued the space of 302 yeares vnder 22 kings,Matth. West. from Crida to this last Cewulfe. But there he that account the continuance of this kingdome, onelie from the beginning of Penda, vnto the last yeare of Burthred, by which reckoning it stood not past 270 yeares vnder 18, or rather 17 kings, counting the last Cewulfe for none, who began his reigne vnder the subiection of the Danes, about the yeare of our Lord 874, where Penda began his reigne 604.

[1] The Eastangles and the Northumbers in these daies were vnder subiection of the Danes, as part|lie may be perceiued by that which before is rehear|sed.Guthrun K. of the eastan|gles died 890. Simon. Dun. After Guthrun that gouerned the Eastangles by the terme of 12 yeares, one Edhirike or Edrike had the rule in those parts, a Dane also, and reigned 14 yeares, and was at length bereued of his go|uernement by king Edward the sonne of king Alu|red, as after shall appeare.Simon Dun. But now, although that the Northumbers were brought greatlie vnder. foo [...] by the Danes,872 yet could they not forget their old ac|customed maner to stirre tumults and rebellion a|gainst their gouernours,Egbert king of Northum|berland expel|led from his kingdome. insomuch that in the yeare 872, they expelled not onelie Egbert, whome the Danes had appointed king ouer one part of the countrie (as before you haue heard) but also their [page 150] archbishop Wilfehere. In the yeare following, the same Egbert departed this life,Egbert depar+ted this life. Ricsig. after whome one Rigsig or Ricsige succéeded as king, and the arch|bishop Wolfehere was restored home.

[1] [2] In the same yeare the armie of Danes which had wintered at London, came from thence into Nor|thumberland, and wintered in Lindseie,The Danes winter in Lindseie. at a place called Torkseie, and went the next yeare into Mer|cia. And in the yeare 975,975 a part of them returned into Northumberland,Ricsig depar|ted this life. as before ye haue heard. In the yeare following, Ricsig the king of Northum|berland departed this life: after whome an other Egbert succéeded. And in the yeare 983,983 the armie of the Danes meaning to inhabit in Northumber|land,Guthred or|deined king of Northum|berland. and to settle themselues there, chose Guthrid the sonne of one Hardicnute to their king, whome they had sometime sold to a certeine widow at Wi|tingham. But now by the abuise of an abbat called Aldred, they redéemed his libertie, and ordeined him king to rule both Danes and Englishmen in that countrie. It was said, that the same Aldred being abbat of holie Iland, was warned in a vision by S. Cuthberd, to giue counsell both to the Danes and Englishmen, to make the same Guthrid king. This chanced about the 13 yeare of the reigne of Alured king of Westsaxons.

[1] When Guthrid was established king,The bishops sée remooued frõ holie iland to Chester in the stréet. he caused the bishops sée to be remoued from holie Iland vnto Chester in the stréet, and for an augmentation of the reuenues and iurisdiction belonging thereto, he as|signed and gaue vnto saint Cuthbert all that coun|trie which lieth betwixt the riuers of Teise and Tine. ¶Which christian act of the king, liuing in a time of palpable blindnesse and mistie superstition, may not|withstanding be a light to the great men and péeres of this age (who pretend religion with zeale, and professe (in shew) the truth with feruencie) not to im|pouerish the patrimonie of the church to inrich them|selues and their posteritie, not to pull from bishop|rikes their ancient reuenues to make their owne greater, not to alienate ecclesiasticall liuings into temporall commodities, not to seeke the conuersion of college lands into their priuat possessions; not to intend the subuersion of cathedrall churches to fill their owne cofers, not to ferret out concealed lands for the supporte of their owne priuat lordlines; not to destroy whole towneships for the erection of one statelie manour; not to take and pale in the com|mons to inlarge their seueralles; but like good and gratious common-wealth-men, in all things to pre|ferre the peoples publike profit before their owne gaine and glorie, before their owne pompe and plea|sure, before the satisfieng of their owne inordinate desires.

[1] [2] Moreouer,Priuiledges granted to S. Cuthberts shrine. this priuiledge was granted vnto saint Cuthberts shrine: that whosouer fled vnto the same for succour and safegard, should not be tou|ched or troubled in anie wise for the space of thirtie & seuen daies. And this fréedome was confirmed not onelie by king Guthrid, but also by king Alured. Fi|nallie king Guthrid departed this life in the yeare of our Lord 894,894 after he had ruled the Northumbers with much crueltie (as some say) by the terme of a 11 yeares, or somewhat more.Polydor. Will. Malmes. He is named by some writers Gurmond, and also Gurmo, & thought to be the same whome king Alured caused to be bapti|sed. Whereas other affirme, that Guthrid, who ruled the Eastangles, was he that Alured receiued at the fontstone: Wil. Malm. Sithrike. William Malmesburie taketh them to be but one man, which is not like to be true. After this Guthrid or Gurmo his sonne Sithrike succeeded, and after him other of that line, till king Adelstane depriued them of the dominion, and tooke it into his owne hands.