5.33. The dukes of Mercia rebell against Os|wie, recouer their owne bounds, and create Wulfhere their king; Cenwald king of the Westsaxons fighteth with the Britaines and pre|uaileth, he is vanquished by Wulfhere; Adelwold king of Sussex hath the Ile of Wight giuen him, and why; suc|cession of Edelher, Edelwal, and Aldulfe in the kingdome of Eastangles; Colman a Scot first made bishop of Northumber|land, controuersie about the obseruation of Easter, about bald crownes or shauing the haire, superstition punished by God, Ceadda bishop of Yorke, his course of life and diligence in his office commended; Egbert king of Kent, the see of Canturburie void, the preferment thereto refused, Theodore a moonke sup|plieth the roome at the popes appointment, all the English clergie obey him as their head, his visitation and re|formation, singing vsed in churches, Theodore and Adrian woorthilie praised, English men happie, glasiers first brought into this Iland. The xxxiij. Chapter.

The dukes of Mercia rebell against Os|wie, recouer their owne bounds, and create Wulfhere their king; Cenwald king of the Westsaxons fighteth with the Britaines and pre|uaileth, he is vanquished by Wulfhere; Adelwold king of Sussex hath the Ile of Wight giuen him, and why; suc|cession of Edelher, Edelwal, and Aldulfe in the kingdome of Eastangles; Colman a Scot first made bishop of Northumber|land, controuersie about the obseruation of Easter, about bald crownes or shauing the haire, superstition punished by God, Ceadda bishop of Yorke, his course of life and diligence in his office commended; Egbert king of Kent, the see of Canturburie void, the preferment thereto refused, Theodore a moonke sup|plieth the roome at the popes appointment, all the English clergie obey him as their head, his visitation and re|formation, singing vsed in churches, Theodore and Adrian woorthilie praised, English men happie, glasiers first brought into this Iland. The xxxiij. Chapter.

[1] _AFter three yeeres were complet,Beda. lib. 3. cap. 24. next ensuing the death of king Penda, the dukes of the countrie of Mercia, Immin, Eaba, and Eadbert rebelled against king Oswie, aduancing one Wulfhere a yoong gentle|man [page 119] man the sonne of Peda, and brother to Peada, whom they had kept in secret to be their king, and expelling the lieutenants of king Oswie, they recouered both their owne confines and libertie withall, and so liuing in fréedome with their owne naturall king the fore|said Uulfhere, they also continued with glad hearts in seruice of the celestiall king our God and Sauior.

[1] THis Uulfhere gouerned the Mercies seuen|téene yeares,Vulfhere. Beda. lib. 3. cap. 24. the which Mercies (during the reigne of the said Uulfhere) had foure bishops suc|cessiuelie gouerning the church of that prouince one after another, as the aboue mentioned Trumhere, Iaroman, Ceadda, and Winfrid, as hereafter shall more at large appeare.

[1] About the beginning of king Uulfhers reigne, [...]. H [...]nt. Matt. West. that is to say, in the seuentéenth yeare of the reigne of Chenwald king of the Westsaxons, the same Chenwald fought with the Britains at Pennum, where the Britains being assembled in great num|ber, proudlie incountred with the Englishmen, and at the first put them to the woorst, but when the En|glishmen would in no wise giue ouer, but did sticke to their tackle,T [...] Britains put to slight by Chenwald. at length the Britains were put to flight, so that the posteritie of Brute receiued that day an incurable wound. But within thrée yeares after, that is, in the ninetéenth yeare of the reigne of the said Chenwald, he had not the like lucke in bat|tell against the foresaid Uulfhere king of Mercia, as he had before against the Britains,Chenwald vanquished by Uulfhere. for the said Uulfhere vanquishing him in the field, passed through his countrie with a great armie vnto the Ile of Wight,Edelwold of Sussex. which he conquered, and deliuered it vnto Adelwold king of Sussex, as a gift at that time, when he receiued him at the fontstone after he had conuerted him to the faith. He gaue vnto A|delwold that Ile, to the end he should cause the peo|ple there to receiue the faith and religon of Christ. Now after that Edelhere king of Eastangles was slaine, as before is mentioned, his brother Edel|wald succéeded him in that kingdome, reigning as king thereof by the space of nine yeares. Then af|ter Edelwald succéeded Aldulfe the son of Edel|here in gouernment of that kingdome, and reigned 25 yeares.

[1] After Finan bishop of the Northumbers that held his see at Lindesferne,Beda. lib. 3. cap. 24. Colman or|deined bishop. as Aidan did before him, one Colman was ordeined bishop, a Scot borne, and an earnest obseruer of the customes vsed amongest them of his nation, so that when the controuersie be|gan to be reuiued for the holding of the feast of Ea|ster, he would by no meanes yeeld to them that would haue perswaded him to haue followed the rite of the Romane church.Beda. lib. 3. cap. 25. There was a great dis|putation kept about this matter, and other things, as shauing or cutting of heares, and such like in the monasterie of Whitbie, at the which king Oswie and his sonne Alcfrid were present, where Colman for his part alledged the custome of Iohn the euan|gelist, and of Anatholius; and the contrarie side brought in proofe of their opinion, the custome of Peter and Paule. At length, when bishop Colman perceiued that his doctrine was not so much regar|ded, as he thought of reason it ought to haue béene, he returned into Scotland with those,Controuersie about shauing of crownes. which taking part with him,Cap. 6. refused to obserue the feast of Easter according to the custome of the church of Rome, nor would haue their crownes shauen, about which point no small reasoning had beene kept. This dis|putation was holden in the yeare of our Lord 664,664 and in the yeare of the reigne of king Oswie 22, and 30 yeare after the Scotishmen began first to beare the office of bishops within Northumberland, which was (as W. Harison saith) 624. For Aidan gouerned 17 yeares, Finan 10 yeares, & Colman 3 yeares. After that Colman was returned into his countrie, one Tuda that had béene brought vp amongest the Southerne Scots,Tuda ordei|ned bishop. and ordeined bi|shop by them, succéeded in his roome, hauing his crowne shauen, and obseruing the feast of Easter according to the custome of the prouince and rite of the Romane church. ¶The same yeare, Cap. 27. In eclipse. Punishment. of God for yel|ding to super|stition. there chanced a great eclipse of the sunne, the third of Maie about 10 of the clocke in the day. A great dearth and mor|talitie insued, both in all the parties of this our Bri|taine, and likewise in Ireland. Amongest other, the foresaid bishop Tuda died, and was buried in the abbeie of Pegnalech. After this Tuda, succée|ded in gouernement of the church of Lindesferne, otherwise called Holie Iland,Wilfrid bi|shop. one Wilfrid, which was sent by king Alcfrid into France, to be ordei|ned there.

[1] About the same time king Oswie, the father of king Alcfrid, mooued with the good example of his sonne, sent Ceadda,Cap. 28. the brother of Ced sometime bishop of the Eastsaxons into Kent, to be ordeined bishop of Yorke, but at his comming into Kent he found that Deus dedit the archbishop of Canturbu|rie was dead,Ceadda ordei|ned archbi|shop of Yorke. and none other as yet ordeined in his place, so that Ceadda repaired into the prouince of the Westsaxons, where he was ordeined by bishop Wini, who tooke two other bishops of the British nation vnto him to be his associats, which vsed to obserue the feast of Easter contrarie to the custome of the Romane church. But there was no o|ther shift, sith none other bishop was then canoni|callie ordeined in the prouince of the Westsaxons in those daies, this Wini onlie excepted, and there|fore was he constreined to take such as he might get and prouide.

[1] After that Ceadda was thus ordeined, he began forthwith to follow the true rules of the church, liued right chastlie, shewed himselfe humble and con|tinent, applied his studie to reading, and trauelled abroad on foot and not on horssebacke through the coimtries, townes, and villages, to preach the word of God. He was the disciple of Aidan, and co|ueted by his example, and also by the example of Ced, to instruct his hearers with the like dooings & maners as he had knowen them to doo. Wilfrid al|so being consecrated bishop, and returned into England, indeuored to plant the orders of the Ro|mane church in the churches of England, whereby it came to passe, that the Scots which inhabited a|mongst the Englishmen, were constreined either to follow the same, or else to returne into their owne countrie.

[1] [2] IN this meane time, king Ercombert being de|parted this life, after he had gouerned the Ken|tishmen by the space of twentie yeares, Egbert king of Kent. his sonne Egbert succéeded him in the kingdome, and reig|ned nine yeares. There is little remembrance of his dooings, which in that short time were not much notable, except ye will ascribe the comming into this land of the archbishop Theodorus, and the ab|bat Adrian vnto his glorie, which chanced in his time. For in the yeare of the great eclipse and sore morta|litie that insued, it chanced that both king Ercom|bert, & the archbishop Deus dedit departed this life, so that the see of Canturburie was void a certeine time, in so much that king Egbert, who succéeded his father Ercombert,Beda. lib. 3. cap. 9. Wighart. togither with king Oswie, did send one Wighart a priest of good reputation for his excellent knowledge in the scriptures, vnto Rome, with great gifts and rich vessels of gold and siluer, to be presented vnto the pope, requiring him that he would ordeine the foresaid Wighart archbi|shop of Canturburie, to haue rule of the English church. But this Wighart comming vnto Rome, [page 120] and declaring his message vnto Uitalianus then gouerning the church of Rome, immediatlie after he died of the pestilence (that then reigned in that ci|tie) with all those that came with him.

[1] The pope then taking aduice whome he might or|deine vnto the see of Canturburie,Beda. lib. 4. cap. 1. being thus desti|tute of an archbishop, appointed a moonke named Adrian to take that office vpon him, but Adrian ex|cused himselfe as not sufficient for such a roome,Adrian. and required the pope to appoint one Andrew a moonke also, wherevnto the pope consented. But when An|drew was preuented by death, eftsoones Adrian should haue béene made archbishop, but that he na|med one Theodore an other moonke that abode as then in Rome, but was borne in the citie of Thar|sus in Cilicia, verie well learned both in the Gréeke and Latine, and being of reuerend yeares, as of 76. This Theodore by the presentment of Adrian, was appointed to be ordeined archbishop of Cantur|burie, with condition, that Adrian should neuerthe|lesse attend vpon him into England, both for that he had béene twise before this time in France, and so knew the coasts; and againe, for that he might as|sist him in all things, and looke well to the matter, that Theodore should not bring into the church of England anie rite or custome of the Gréekes, con|trarie to the vse of the Romane church. Theodore being first ordeined subdeacon, tarried foure mo|neths till his heare was growen, that he might haue his crowne shauen after the maner of Peter. For he was rounded or shauen after the maner of the East church, which was as they persuaded them|selues, according to the vse of saint Paule the apo|stle.Theodore or|deined archbi|shop of Can|turburie. And so at length was this Theodore ordeined archbishop of Canturburie by pope Uitalianus in the yeare of our Lord 668,668 the sixt kalends of Iune, and with Adrian sent into Britaine.

[1] These with their retinue came to France, and be|ing come thither, shortlie after king Egbert had knowledge thereof: wherevpon with all conuenient spéed he sent ouer one of his nobles named Red|frid to bring the archbishop into England, and so he did: but Adrian was staied for a time, because he was suspected to haue had some commission from the emperour to haue practised with the English|men, for the disquieting of the realme of France. Howbeit, after it was perceiued that this suspicion was grounded on no truth, he was also suffered to follow the archbishop, and so comming vnto Can|turburie, he was made abbat of the monasterie of saint Augustines. The archbishop Theodore came thus vnto his church of Canturburie in the second yeare after his consecration, about the second ka|lends of Iune, being sundaie. He gouerned the same church also 21 yeares and 16 daies, and was the first archbishop to whome all the churches of England did acknowledge their obeisance.

[1] Being accompanied with the foresaid Adrian, he visited all the parts of this land, ordeined bishops and ministers in churches where he thought conue|nient, and reformed the same churches as séemed to him néedfull, as well in other things which he misli|ked, as also in causing them to obserue the feast of Easter,Ran. Cest. Matth. West. according to the rite and vsage of the church of Rome. Ceadda that was bishop of Yorke, be|cause he was not lawfullie ordeined,Beda. as he himselfe confessed, was remoued from the sée of Yorke, and Wilfrid was therevnto restored, so that Ceadda (though he were not disgraded of his degrée of bi|shop) liued yet a priuat kind of life, till he was ad|mitted bishop of Mercia, as after shall be shewed. Also whereas before time there was in maner no singing in the English churches,Singing in churches brought in vse. except it were in Kent, now they began in euerie church to vse sin|ging of diuine seruice after the rite of the church of Rome. The archbishop Theodore finding the church of Rochester void by the death of the last bishop na|med Damian, ordeined one Putta a simple man in worldlie matters, but well instructed in ecclesia|sticall discipline,Putta bishop of Rochester. and namelie well séene in song and musicke to be vsed in the church after the maner as he had learned of pope Gregories disciples.

[1] [2] To be breefe,The worthie praise of The|odore and Adrian. the archbishop Theodore, and the abbat Adrian deserued great commendation in this, that whereas they were notablie well learned them|selues in the Greeke and the Latine toongs, and also had good knowledge as well in the liberall arts, as in the scripture, they tooke great paines to traine vp scholers in knowledge of the same, so that the Eng|lishmen had not seene more happie times than in those daies,Englishmen happie and why. hauing as then kings of great puis|sance, so as strangers stood in feare of them; and a|gaine, those that coueted learning, had instructors at hand to teach them, by reason whereof diuers be|ing giuen to studie, prooued excellent both in know|ledge of the Gréeke and Latine. There came in com|panie of the said archbishop from Rome, an Eng|lish man named Benedict Biscop, Beda. Benedict or Benet surna|med Biscop. which had taken vpon him the habit of a moonke in Italie, and now returning into his countrie, builded two abbeis, the one named Wiremouth, because it was placed at the mouth of the riuer of Wire, and the other Girwie, distant from Wiremouth about fiue miles, and from the towne of Newcastle foure miles, situ|ated neere to the mouth of Tine. Wiremouth was built in the yeare 670, and Girwie in the yeare 673.670 There were a 600 moonks found in those two hou|ses, and gouerned vnder one abbat. The said Bene|dict was the first that brought glasiers, painters,Glasiers first brought into England. Ran. Cest. and other such curious craftsmen into England. He went fiue times to Rome, and came againe.