[1] [2] _NOtwithstanding the for|mer vision, king Edwin de|ferred time yer he would re|ceiue the christian faith, in so|much that Pauline vpon a daie came vnto him as he sat musing what he were best to doo, and laid his hand vpon his head, asking him if he knew that signe. Whereat when the king would haue fallen downe at his féet, he lifted him vp, and as it were in familiar wise thus said vnto him:
Behold, by the assistance of Gods fauour thou hast escaped the hands of thine enimies, whome thou stoodst in feare of: behold through his bountious liberalitie, thou hast obteined the king|dome which thou diddest desire, remember then that thou delaie no time to performe the third thing that thou diddest promise, in receiuing his faith, and kée|ping his commandements, which deliuering thée from worldlie aduersities, hath thus aduanced thée to the honor of a king: and if from henceforth thou wilt obey his will, which by my mouth hée setteth and preacheth to thée and others, he will deliuer thée from euerlasting torments, and make thée parta|ker with him in his celestiall kingdome.It is to be thought that the vision which the king had in times past receiued, was in spirit reuealed vnto Pauline, wherevpon without delaie of time, he put him in re|membrance of it in maner as aboue is mentioned.
[1] [2] [3] The king hauing heard his words, answered, that he would and ought to receiue the faith which he taught, but first he would conferre with his nobles, and if they would agrée to doo the like, then would they be baptised altogither at one time. Pauline sa|tisfied herewith, Edwin did as he had promised, cal|ling togither the wisest men of his realme, and of them asked the question what they thought of this di|uinitie,Edwin con|sulteth with his nobles. which was preached vnto them by Pauline, vnto whome his chiefe bishop named Coifi, inconti|nentlie made this answer;The answere of an heathen bishop. that Suerlie the religion which they had hicherto followed was nothing worth.
For saith he, there is none of thy people that hath more reuerentlie woorshipped our gods than I haue doone, and yet be there manie that haue receiued far greater benefits at thy hands than I haue doone: and therefore if our gods were of anie power, then would they rather helpe me to high honor and digni|tie than others. Therefore if it maie be found that this new religion is better & more auailable than our old, let vs with spéed imbrace the same.
[1] [2] Finallie, when other of the kings councell & men of high authoritie gaue their consents, that this doc|trine which Pauline taught ought to be receiued, if therein appeered more certeintie of saluation than could be found in the other: at length the king gaue licence to Pauline openlie to preach the gospell,Pauline li|cenced to preach the go|spell. and renouncing his worshipping of false gods, professed the christian faith. And when he demanded of his bi|shop Coifi who should first deface the altars of their idols, and the tabernacles wherewith they were com|passed about? He answered, that himselfe would doo it.
For what is more méet (saith he) than that I, which thorough foolishnesse haue worshipped them, should now for example sake destroie the same, thorough wisedome giuen me from the true and liuing God?And streightwaies throwing awaie the superstition of vanitie, required armour and weapon of the king, with a stoned horsse, vpon the which he being moun|ted, rode foorth to destroie the idols.
[1] [2] This was a strange sight to the people: for it was not lawfull for the bishop of their law to put on ar|mour, or to ride on anie beast, except it were a mare. He hauing therefore a swoord gird to him, tooke a speare in his hand, and riding on the kings horsse, went to the place where the idols stood. The common people that beheld him had thought he had béene starke mad, and out of his wits: but he without lon|ger deliberation, incontinentlie vpon his comming to the temple, began to deface the fame, and in con|tempt threw his speare against it, & reioising great|lie in the knowledge of the worshipping of the true God, commanded his companie to destroie & burne downe the same temple with all the altars. This place where the idols were sometime worshipped was not farre from Yorke, towards the east part of the ri|uer of Derwent, and is called Gotmundin Gaham, where the foresaid bishop by the inspiration of God defaced and destroied those altars, which he himselfe had hallowed.
[1] King Edwin therefore with all the nobilitie,King Edwin with his peo|ple receiue the christian faith. Beda lib. 2. cap. 14. and a great number of his people, receiued the faith and were baptised, in the yéere of our Lord 627,627 in the tenth yéere of his reigne, and about the 178 yéere af|ter the first comming of the Englishmen into this land. He was baptised at Yorke on Easter daie (which fell that yéere the day before the Ides of A|prill) in the church of S. Peter the apostle, which he had caused to be erected and built vp of timber vpon the sudden for that purpose, and afterwards began the foundation of the same church in stone-woorke of a larger compasse, comprehending within it that o|ratorie which he had first caused to be built: but be|fore he could finish the woorke, he was slaine (as af|ter shall be shewed) leauing it to be performed of his successor Oswald.
[1] Pauline continued from thencefoorth during the kings life, which was six yéeres after, in preaching the gospell in the prouince, conuerting an innume|rable number of people to the faith of Christ, among whom were Osfride and Eadfride the two sonnes of Edwin, whom he begot in time of his banishment of his wife Quinburga, the daughter of Cearlus king of Mercia. Also afterwards he begot children on his second wife Ethelburga, that is to say, a sonne called Edilhimus, and a daughter named Ediltrau|dis,Ediltrudis. and another sonne called Bustfrea, of the which the two first died in their cradels, and were buried in the church at Yorke. To be briefe by the kings as|sistance & fauour shewed vnto Pauline in the woorke of the Lord, great multitudes of people dailie recei|ued the faith, and were baptised of Pouline in [...] places, but speciallie in the riuer of Gl [...]te within the prouince of Bernicia, and also in Swale in the prouince of Deira: for as yet in the beginning [...] [page 110] of the church in those countries, no temples or fonts could be builded or erected in so short a time.
[1] [2] Of such great zeale was Edwin (as it is repor|ted) towards the setting foorth of Gods truth, that he persuaded Carpwald the sonne of Redwald king of the Eastangles to abandon the superstitious wor|shipping of idols,This chanced in the yéere 632, as Matt. West. saith. Redwald king of East|angles bapti|sed. and to receiue the faith of Christ with all his whole prouince. His father Redwald was baptised in Kent long before this time, but in vaine: for returning home, through counsell of his wife and other wicked persons, he was seduced, and being turned from the sincere puritie of faith, his last dooings were woorsse than his first, so that accor|ding to the maner of the old Samaritans, he would séeme both to serue the true God and his false gods,Redwald would serue God and the diuell. (whom before time he had serued) and in one selfe church had at one time both the sacraments of Christ ministred at one altar, and sacrifice made vn|to diuels at another.
[1] But Carpwald within a while after he had recei|ued the faith, was slaine by one of his owne countri|men that was an ethnike, called Richbert, and then after his death, that prouince for the tearme of thrée yeeres was wrapped eftsoones in errour, till Sibert or Sigibert,Sibert or Sigibert. the brother of Carpwald, a most christi|an prince, and verie well learned, obteined the rule of that kingdome who whilest he liued a banished man in France during his brothers life time, was baptised there, and became a christian: and when he came to be king, he caused all his prouince to be par|taker of the same fountaine of life, wherein he had beene dipped himselfe.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Unto his godlie purpose also, a bishop of the par|ties of Burgoigne named Felix was a great fur|therer, who comming ouer vnto the archbishop of Canturburie Honorius that was successor vnto Iu|stus, and declaring vnto him his earnest desire, was sent by the same archbishop to preach the woord of life vnto the Eastangles, which he did with such good suc|cesse, that he conuerted the whole countrie to the faith of Iesus Christ, and placed the sée of his bishoprike at Dunwich,A bishop or|deined at Dunwich. Beda lib. 1. cap. 16. ending the course of his life there in peace after he had continued in that his bishoplike office the space of 17 yéeres. Moreouer Pauline, after that he had conuerted the Northumbers; preached the woord of God vnto them of Lindsey, which is a part of Lincolnshire:This chanced in the yéere 628, as Matth. West. saith. and first he persuaded one Blecca the gouernour of the citie of Lincolne to turne vnto Christ, togither with all his familie. In that citie he also builded a church of stone woorke. Thus Pauline trauelled in the woorke of the Lord, the same being greatlie furthered by the helpe of Edwin, in whose presence he baptised a great number of people in the riuer of Trent, néere to a towne, which in the old English toong was called Tio vulfingacester. This Pauline had with him a deacon named Iames, the which shewed himselfe verie diligent in the ministe|rie, map profited greatlie therein.
[1] [2] But now to returne to king Edwin, who was a prince verelie or woorthie same, and for the politike ordering of his countries and obseruing of iustice, deserued highlie to be commended:Wil. Malm. for in his time all robbers by the high waie were so banished out of his dominions, that a woman with hir new borne child alone, without other companie, might haue tra|uelled from sea to sea, and not haue incountred with [...]ie creature that durst once haue offered hir iniu|rie. He was also verie carefull for the aduancement of the commoditie & common wealth of his people,Matth. West. Beda lib. 2. cap. 16. insomuch that where there were any swéet and cleare water-springs, he caused postes to be set vp, and iron dishes to be fastened thereto with chaines, that wai|faring men [...]ght haue the same readie at hand to drinke with: and there was none so hardie as to touch the same but for that vse. He vsed wheresoeuer he went within the cities or elsewhere abroad, to haue a banner borne before him, in token of iustice to be ministred by his roiall authoritie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] In the meane season, pope Honorius the fift, hea|ring that the Northumbers had receiued the faith (as before is mentioned) at the preaching of Pau|line, sent vnto the said Pauline the pall,Beda lib. [...] 17. confirming him archbishop in the sée of Yorke. He sent also let|ters of exhortation vnto king Edwin, to kindle him the more with fatherlie aduise to continue and pro|céed in the waie of vnderstanding, into the which he was entered. At the same time also, bicause Iustus the archbishop of Canturburie was dead, and one Honorius elected to that see, pope Honorius sent to the said elect archbishop of Canturburie his pall, with letters,A decree con|cerning the archbishops of Canturbu|rie and Yorke. wherein was conteined a decrée by him made, that when either the archbishop of Can|turburie or Yorke chanced to depart this life, he that suruiued should haue authoritie to ordeine another in place of him that was deceassed, that they should not néed to wearie themselues with going to Rome, being so farre distant from them. The copie of which letter is registred in the ecclesiasticall historie of Be|da, bearing date the third Ides of Iune, in the yéere of our Lord 633.633 The same pope sent letters also to the Scotish people,The feast of Easter. exhorting them to celebrate the feast of Easter in such due time as other churches of the christian world obserued.The heresie of the Pelagi|ans. And also bicause the he|resie of the Pelagians began to renew againe a|mongst them (as he was informed) he admonished them to beware thereof, and by all meanes to auoid it. For he knew that to the office of a pastor it is ne|cessarilie incident, not onelie to exhort, teach, and shew his sheepe the waies to a christian life, but also stronglie to withstand all such vniust meanes, as might hinder their procéeding in the truth of reli|gion. For as poison is vnto the bodie, that is here|sie vnto veritie. And as the bodie by poison is disa|bled from all naturall faculties, and vtterlie extin|guished, vnlesse by present meanes the force thereof be vanquished: so truth and veritie by errors and heresies is manie times choked and recouereth, but neuer strangled.
[1] [2] [3] But now that the kingdome of Northumberland flourished (as before is partlie touched) in happie state vnder the prosperous reigne of Edwin, at length, after he had gouerned it the space of 17 yeeres, Cad|walline, or Cadwallo king of Britaine,Cadwallin, or Cadwallo king of Bri|taine. who succee|ded Cadwane, as Gal. Mon. saith, rebelled against him. For so it commeth to passe, that nothing can be so sure confirmed by mans power, but the same by the like power may be againe destroied. Penda king of MerciaPenda king of Mercia. enuieng the prosperous procéedings of Edwin, procured Cadwallo to mooue this rebellion against Edwin: and ioining his power with Cad|wallo, they inuaded the countrie of Northumber|land iointlie togither. Edwin heereof aduertised, ga|thered, his people, & came to incounter them, so that both armies met at a place called Hatfield,King Edwin slaine. Matth. West. where was fought a verie sore and bloudie battell. But in the end Edwin was slaine with one of his sonnes named Osfride, and his armie beaten downe and dispersed. Also there was slaine on Edwins part, Eodbald king of Orkenie. Moreouer there was an other of Edwins sonnes named Eadfride constrei|ned of necessitie to giue himselfe into the hands of Penda, and was after by him cruellie put to death, contrarie to his promised faith in king Oswalds daies that succéeded Edwin. Thus did king Edwin end his life in that battell, fought at Hatfield afore|said, on the fourth ides of October, in the yere of our Lord 6 [...], he being then about the age of 47 yéeres and vpwards.