[1] _MOreouer,The king|dome of the east Angles began not till Aurclius Co| [...]naus reig|ned. 561 in the daies of the afore-named Aurelius Ambrosius, about the yeare of our Lord 561, the king|dome of the east Angles be|gan vnder a Saxon named Uffa. This same kingdome conteined Northfolke and Suffolke, hauing on the east and north parts the sea, on the northwest Cambridgeshire, and on the west saint Edmunds ditch with a part of Hertfordshire, and on the southside lieth Essex. At the first it was called Uffines dominion, and the kings that reig|ned, or the people the inhabited there, ware at the first named Uffines, but at length they were called east Angles.
[1] FUrthermore,Cerdic. Wil. Malm. 495 Fabian. Polychron. about the yeare of our Lord 495, and in the eight yeare after that Hengist was dead, one Cerdicus and his sonne Kenricus came out of Gerrmanie with fiue ships, and landed at a place called Cerdicshore, which as some thinke is called Yermouth in Northfolke. [...] Malm. He was at the first receiued with battell by the Britains, but being an old skilfull warriour, he easilie beate backe and re|pelled the inconstant multitude of his enimies, and caused them to flée: by which good successe he procu|red both vndoubted assurance to himselfe for the time to come, and to the inhabitants good and per|fect quietnes. For they thinking good neuer after to prouoke him more by resistance, submitted them|selues to his pleasure: but yet did not he then giue himselfe to slouthfull rest, but rather extending his often atchiued victories on ech side, in the 24 yeare after his comming into this land, he obteined the rule of the west parts thereof, and gouerned there as king, so that the kingdome of the west Saxons began vnder the said Cerdicus in the 519 of Christ, as after shall be shewed.
[1] ¶Thus ye maie sée,529 that Aurelius Ambrosius did succéed Uortigerne, and reigned in the time suppo|sed by the British histories, as before is alledged, the land euen in his daies was full of trouble, and the old inhabitants the Britains sore vexed by the Sax|ons that entred the same, so that the Britains were dailie hampered, and brought vnder subiection to the valiant Saxons, or else driuen to remooue fur|ther off, and to giue place to the victors. But now to procéed with the succession of the British kings, as in their histories we find them registred, which I deliuer such as I find, but not such as I doo wish, being written with no such colour of credit as we maie safelie put foorth same for an vndoubted truth.
[1] [2] After that Aurelius Ambrosius was dead, his brother Uter Pendragon (whome some call Aurelius Uterius Ambrosianus)Matth. West. noteth. 500 was made king in the yeare of our Lord 500, in the seuenth yeare of the emperour Anastasius, and in the sixtéenth yeare of Clodoueus king of the Frenchmen. The cause why he was surnamed Pendragon, was, for that Merline the great prophet likened him to a dragons head, that at the time of his natiuitie maruelouslie appeared in the firmament at the corner of a blasing star, as is reported. But others supposed he was so called of his wisedome and serpentine subiltie, or for that he gaue the dragons head in his banner. This Uter, hearing that the Saxons with their capteins Occa or Otta the sonne of Hengist, and his brother Osca had besieged the citie of Yorke, ha|sted thither, and giuing them battell, discomfited their power, and tooke the said Occa and Osca pri|soners.
[1] From this varieth Hector Boetius in his chroni|cle of Scotland,Hector Boe [...]. writing of these dooing in Bri|taine: for he affirmeth, that the counterfeit moonke, which poisoned Aurelius Ambrosius, was suborned and sent to woorke that feat by Occa, and not by his brother Pascentius: and further, that about the selfesame time of Aurelius his death, his brother U|ter Pendragon lay in Wales, not as yet fullie reco|uered of a sore sicknesse, wherewith of late he had béene much vexed. Yet the lords of Britaine after the buriall of Aurelius Ambrosius, came vnto him and crowned him king: and though he was not able to go against the Saxons (which as then by reason of Aurelius Ambrosius his death were verie busie, and more earnest in pursuing the warre than before) yet an armie was prepared and sent foorth with all conuenient spéed vnder the leading of one Natha|liod, a man neither of anie great ancient house, nor yet of skill in warlike affaires.
[1] The noble men were nothing pleased herewith, as misliking altogither the lacke of discretion in their new king, & doubted sore, least in time to come he would haue more delight to aduance the men of base degrée, than such as were descended of noble parentage. Yet because they would not put the state of the common wealth in danger through anie mu|tinie, they agréed to go foorth with him in that iour|nie. Occa had aduertisement giuen him by cer|teine letters sent to him from some close friends a|mongest the Britains of the whole matter: and therefore in hope of the better spéed, he hasted foorth to incounter the Britains, and so the whole armie comming within sight of the other, they prepared to the battell, and shortlie after buckling togither, the Britains were soone discomfited, by reason that one of their chiefest capteins called Gothlois disdai|ning to be at the appointment of Nathaliod, got him vp to the next hill with the next battell which he led, leauing the other Britains in all the danger: which they séeing began by & by to flée. There died no great number of the Britains, except those that were kil|led in the fight: for Occa mistrusting what Goth|lois meant by his withdrawing aside, would not suffer the Saxons to follow the chase, but in the night following Gothlois got him awaie, and re|sted not till he was out of danger. Occa then per|ceiuing himslefe to haue the vpper hand, sent an herald vnto king Uter with a certeine message, threatning destruction to him and to his people, if he refused to doo that which he should appoint.
[1] Uter perceiuing what disloialtie rested in the harts of his owne subiects, agréed that the matter might be committed to eight graue and wise cour|restors, foure Britains and foure Saxons, which might haue full power to make an end of all con|trouersies [page 88] and variances depending betwixt the two nations. Occa was likewise contented therewith, wherevpon were named on either part foure per|sons, of such wisedome, knowledge and experience, as were thought meetest for the ordering of such a weightie matter. So that by the arbitrement, award and doome of those eight persons authorised thereto, a league was concluded vpon certeine ar|ticles of agreement, amongst the which the chiefest was, that the Saxons from thencefoorth should qui|etlie inioy all that part of Britaine which lieth fore against the Almaine seas, the same to be called euer after Engistlaund, and all the residue should re|maine to the Britains as their owne rightfull and ancient inheritance. Thus far Hector Boetius.
[1] But now to returne vnto Uter according to that we find in the British histories, and to procéed af|ter our owne historians; we find, that when he had vanquished the Saxons and taken their two chiefe|teins prisoners, in processe of time he fell in loue with a verie beautifull ladie called Igwarne or I|gerna,Gorolus duke of Cornewall. wife to one Gorolus or Gorlois duke of Cornewall, the which duke he slue at length neere to his owne castell called Diuulioc in Cornewell, to the end that he might inioy the said ladie, whome he afterwards maried, and begot on hir that noble knight Arthur, and a daughter named Amie or An|na. Occa and Osca escaping also out of prison assem|bled eftsoones a poer of Saxons, and made warre against the Britains, whereof Uter hauing aduer|tisement prepared to resist them, and finallie went himselfe in person against them, and at saint Al|bans (as some write) gaue them battell,Harding. and slue them both in the field.
[1] By that which Polydor Virgil writeth, it should séeme that Germane the bishop of Auxerre came in|to Britaine in the daies of this Uter, by whose pre|sence the Britains had victorie against the Saxons (as before ye haue heard) after which victorie both rested from troubling either other for a time. The Saxons as it were astonied with that present mira|cle, & the Britains not following their good successe, shortlie after fell at discord amongst themselues, which finallie brought them to vtter decaie, as after shall appeare. But the Saxons desirous to spoile the Britains of the whole possession of that part of the Ile which they held, whereas they accounted the ci|ties and townes of small strength to be defended, they got them to an high mounteine called Badon hill, which Polydor supposeth to be Blackamore that lieth néere to the water of Theise,Badon hill. which diui|deth the bishoprike of Durham from Yorkeshire, hauing at the mouth thereof an hauen méet to re|ceiue such ships as come out of Germanie, from whence the Saxons looked for aid, hauing alreadie sent thither for the same.
[1] The Britains being thereof aduertised, made hast towards the place, and besieged it on euerie side. They also laie the sea coasts full of souldiers, to kéepe such of the enimies from landing as should come out of Germanie. The Saxons kept themselues for a certeine space aloft vpon the high ground, but in the end constreined through want of vittels, they came downe with their armie in order of battell to the next plaines, and offering to fight, the battell was anon begun, which continued from the mor|ning till far in the day, with such slaughter, that the earth on euerie side flowed with bloud: but the Sax|ons susteined the greater losse, their capteins Occa and Osca being both slaine, so that the Britains might séeme quite deliuered of all danger of those enimies: but the fatall destinie could not be auoi|ded, as hereafter may appeare. And thus was the slaughter made of the Saxons at Badon hill, where|of Gyldas maketh mention, and chanced the same yeare that he was borne,Gyldas. which was in the 44 yeare after the first comming of the Saxons in|to this land, the yeare of Grace 492,492 The decease of Uter Pen|dragon. & 15 indiction.
[1] About the same time Uter departed out of this life (saith Polydor) so that this account agréeth no|thing with the common account of those authors, whome Fabian and other haue followed. For either we must presuppose, that Uter reigned before the time appointed to him by the said authors, either else that the siege of Badon hill was before he began to reigne, as it should séeme in déed by that which Wil. Malmesburie writeth thereof, as hereafter shall be also shewed. Finallie (according to the agréement of the English writers) Uter Pendragon died by poison, when he had gouerned this land by the full terme of 16 years, & was after buried by his brother Aurelius at Stoneheng, otherwise called Chorea Gigantum, Stoneheng, Chorea Gi|gantum. leauing his sonne Arthur to succéed him. ¶Here ye must note that the Scotish chroni|cles declare, that in all the warres for the more part wherein the Britains obteined victorie against the Saxons, the Scots aided them in the same warres, and so likewise did the Picts, but the same chroni|cles doo not onelie varie from the British writers in account of yeares, but also in the order of things doone, as in the same chronicles more plainelie may appeare, & namelie in the discourse of the accidents which chanced during the reigne of this Uter. For whereas the British histories, as ye haue heard, at|tribute great praise vnto the same Uter for his vic|tories atchiued against the Saxons and their king Occa, whome he slue in battell, and obteined a great victorie, the Scotish writers make other report, af|firming in deed that by the presence of bishop Ger|mane he obteined victorie in one battell against them: but shortlie after the Britains fought againe with the Saxons, and were discomfited, although Occa in following the chase ouer rashlie chanced to be slaine: after whose deceasse the Saxons ordeined his sonne named also Occa to succéed in his place, who to make himselfe strong against all his eni|mies, sent into Germanie for one Colgerne, the which with a great power of Dutchmen came ouer into this our Britaine, and conquered by Occas ap|pointment the countrie of Northumberland, situ|ate betwéene Tine and Tweed, as in the Scotish chronicles may further appeare.
[1] Also this is to be remembred, that the victorie which was got against the Saxons by the Britains, at what time Germane bishop of Auxerre was pre|sent: Hector Boetius affirmeth (by authoritie of V [...]|remond that wrote the Scotish chronicles) to haue chanced the second time of his comming ouer into this land, where Beda auoucheth it to be at his first being heere. Againe the same Boetius writeth, that the same victorie chanced in the daies of Uter Pen|dragon. Which can not be, if it be true that Beda wri|teth, touching the time of the death of the said Ger|mane: for where he departed this life before the yeare of our Lord 459, as aboue is said, Uter Pendragon began not his reigne till the yeare of our Lord 500 or as the same Hector Boetius saith 503, so that bi|shop Germane was dead long before that Uter be|gan to reigne.
[1] In déed some writers haue noted, that the third battell which Uortimer fought against the Saxons, was the same wherein S Germane was present, and procured the victorie with the crie of Alleluia, as before ye haue heard. Which seemeth to be more a|gréeable to truth, and to stand also with that which holie Beda hath written, touching the time of the be|ing héere of the said Germane, that the opinion of other, which affirme that it was in the time of the [page 89] reigne of Uter. The like is to be found in the resi|due of Hector Boetius his booke, touching the time speciallie of the reignes of the British kings that go|uerned Britaine about that season. For as he affir|meth, Aurelius Ambrosius began his reigne in the yeare of our Lord 498, and ruled but seuen yeares, and then succéeded Uter, which reigned 18 yeares, and departed this life in the yeare of our Lord 521.
[1] [2] ¶Notwithstanding the premisses, here is to be re|membred, that whatsoeuer the British writers haue recorded touching the victories of this Uter had a|gainst the Saxons, and how that Osca the sonne of Hengist should be slaine in battell by him and his power: in those old writers which haue registred the acts of the English Saxon kings we find no such matter, but rather that after the deceasse of Hen|gist, his sonne Osca or Occa reigned in Kent 24 yeares,Osca. 34 saith. Hen|ne Hunt. in corrupted co|pres. defending his kingdome onelie, and not séeking to inlarge it (as before is touched.) After whose death his sonne Oth, and Irmenrike sonne to the same Oth succéeded, more resembling their fa|ther than their grandfather or great grandfather. To their reignes are assigned fiftie and three yeares by the chronicles: but whether they reigned iointlie togither, or seuerallie & apart either after other, it is not certeinlie perceiued.