[1] [2] _AFter that Britaine was thus recouered by the Ro|mans, Dioclesian and Maxi|mian ruling the empire, the Iland tasted of the crueltie that Dioclesian exercised a|gainst the christians, in prese|cuting them with all extre|mities, continuallie for the space of ten yéeres. A|mongst [page 62] other, one Alban a citizen of Werlamche|ster, a towne now bearing his name, was the first that suffered here in Britaine in this persecution, be|ing conuerted to the faith by the zealous christian Amphibalus,Beda and Gyldas. whom he receiued into his house: in|somuch that when there came sergeants to séeke for the same Amphibalus, the foresaid Alban to preserue Amphibalus out of danger, presented himselfe in the apparell of the said Amphibalus, & so being apprehen|ded in his stead, was brought before the iudge and examined: and for that he refused to doo sacrifice to the false gods, he was beheaded on the top of an hill ouer against the towne of Werlamchester aforesaid where afterwards was builded a church and mona|sterie in remembrance of his martyrdome, inso|much that the towne there restored, after that Wer|lamchester was destroied, tooke name of him, and so is vnto this day called saint Albons.
[1] [2] It is reported by writers, that diuers miracles were wrought at the time of his death, insomuch that one which was appointed to doo the execution, was conuerted, and refusing to doo that office, suffe|red also with him: but he that tooke vpon him to doo it, Beda. Sée the booke of acts and monuments set forth by master Fox. reioised nothing thereat, for his eies fell out of his head downe to the ground, togither with the head of that holie man which he had then cut off. There were also martyred about the same time two constant witnesses of Christ his religion, Aaron and Iulius, citizens of Caerleon Arwiske. Iohn Rossus. Warwicens. in lib. de Wi|gorniens. epis. Lichfield whereof it tooke name. Moreouer, a great number of Christians which were assembled togither to heare the word of life, preached by that vertuous man Amphibalus, were slaine by the wicked pagans at Lichfield, whereof that towne tooke name, as you would say, The field of dead corpses.
[1] To be briefe, this persecution was so great and greeuous, and thereto so vniuersall, that in maner the Christian religion was thereby destroied.Gyldas. The faith|full people were slaine, their bookes burnt, and chur|ches ouerthrowne.Ran. Cestren. Matth. West. Constantius. It is recorded that in one mo|neths space in diuers places of the world there were 17000 godlie men and women put to death, for pro|fessing the christian faith in the daies of that tyrant Dioclesian and his fellow Maximian.
[1] COelus earle of Colchester began his dominion ouer the Britains in the yeere of our Lord 262. This Coelus or Coell ruled the land for a certeine time,Coelus. so as the Britains were well content with his gouernement,262 Fabian. and liued the longer in rest from in|uasion of the Romans, bicause they were occupied in other places: but finallie they finding time for their purpose, appointed one Constantius to passe o|uer into this Ile with an armie, the which Constan|tius put Coelus in such dread, that immediatlie vp|on his arriuall Coelus sent to him an ambassage, and concluded a peace with him, couenanting to pay the accustomed tribute, & gaue to Constantius his daughter in mariage called Helen, a noble ladie and a learned. Shortlie after king Coell died,Gal. Mon. Fabian. Caxtoa. when he had reigned (as some write) 27 yéeres, or (as other haue) but 13 yeeres.
[1] ¶But by the way touching this Coelus, I will not denie, but assuredly such a prince there was: howbeit that he had a daughter named Helen, whom he ma|ried vnto Constantius the Romane lieutenant that was after emperor, I leaue that to be decided of the learned. For if the whole course of the liues, as well of the father and the sonne Constantius and Con|stantine, as likewise of the mother Helen, be consi|deratelie marked from time to time, and yeere to yéere, as out of authors both Greeke and Latin the same may be gathered, I feare least such doubt maie rise in this matter, that it will be harder to prooue Helen a Britaine, than Constantine to be borne in Bithynia (as Nicephorus auoucheth.)Lib. 7. cap. 18. But forsomuch as I meane not to step from the course of our coun|trie writers in such points, where the receiued opi|nion may séeme to warrant the credit of the historie, I will with other admit both the mother and sonne to be Britains in the whole discourse of the historie following, as though I had forgot what in this place I haue said.