4.14. In what state the Iland stood whiles Ar|uiragus reigned; the dissolute and loose gouernement of Petronius Turpilianus, Trebellius Maximus, and Victius Vo|lanus, three lieutenants in Britaine for the Romane emperours, of Iulius Fron|tinus who vanquished the Silures. The xiiij. Chapter.

In what state the Iland stood whiles Ar|uiragus reigned; the dissolute and loose gouernement of Petronius Turpilianus, Trebellius Maximus, and Victius Vo|lanus, three lieutenants in Britaine for the Romane emperours, of Iulius Fron|tinus who vanquished the Silures. The xiiij. Chapter.

[1] _IN place of Suetonius,Petronius Turpilia|nus lieu|tenant. was Petronius Turpilianus (who had latelie béene consull) ap|pointed to haue the gouer|nance of the armie in Bri|taine, the which neither trou|bling the enimie, nor being of the enimie in anie wise troubled or prouoked, did colour slouthfull rest with the honest name of peace and quietnesse, and so sat still without exploiting anie notable enterprise.

[1] AFter Turpilianus,Trebel|lius Max|imus lieu|tenant. Trebellius Maximus was made lieutenant of Britaine, who likewise with courteous demeanous sought to kéepe the Britains in rest rather than by force to compell them. And now began the people of the Ile to beare with plea|sant faults and flattering vices, so that the ciuill warres that chanced in those daies after the death of the emperour Nero at home, might easilie excuse the slouthfulnesse of the Romane lieutenants.

[1] Moreouer, there rose dissention amongest their men of warre, which being vsed to lie abroad in the field, could not agrée with the idle life; so that Tre|bellius Maximus was glad to hide himselfe from the sight of the souldiers being in an vprore against him, till at length humbling himselfe vnto them further than became his estate, he gouerned by waie of intreatie, or rather at their courtesie. And so was the commotion staied without bloudshed, the armie as it were hauing by couenant obteined to liue li|centiouslie, and the capteine suertie to liue without danger to be murthered.

[1] NEither Uictius Uolanus that succéeded Maxi|mus whilest the time of the ciuill warres as yet endured,Victius Volanus lieutenãt. did trouble the Britains, vsing the same slacknesse and slouth that the other lieutenants had vsed before him, and permitted the like licence to the presumptuous souldiers: but yet was Uolanus innocent as touching himselfe, and not hated for a|nie notable crime or vice: so that he purchased fa|uour, although authoritie wanted.

[1] But after that the emperour Uespasianus had subdued his aduersaries, and atteined the imperiall gouernment, as well ouer Britaine as ouer other parts of the world,Cor. Tacitus. there were sent hither right no|ble capteins, with diuers notable bands of souldi|ers, and Petilius Cerialis being appointed lieute|nant, put the Britains in great feare, by inuading the Brigants the mightiest nation of all the whole Iland: and fighting manie battels, and some right bloudie with those people, he subdued a great part of the countrie at the last.

[1] AFter him succéeded as lieutenant of Britaine, one Iulius Frontinus,Iulius Frontinus lieutenãt. who vanquished and brought to the Romane subiection by force of armes the people called Silures, striuing not onelie a|gainst the stout resistance of the men, but also with the hardnesse & combersome troubles of the places.

[1] ¶Thus may you perceiue in what state this Ile stood in the time that Aruiragus reigned in the same, as is supposed by the best histories of the old Britains: so that it may be thought that he gouer|ned rather a part of this land, than the whole, and bare the name of a king, the Romans not hauing so reduced the countrie into the forme of a prouince, but that the Britains bare rule in diuerse parts thereof, and that by the permission of the Romans, which neuerthelesse had their lieutenants and procu|ratours here, that bare the greatest rule vnder the aforesaid emperours.