3.5. Of Gurguintus, Guintolinus, and Sici|lius, three kings of Britaine succeeding ech other by lineall descent in the regi|ment, and of their acts and deeds, with a notable commendation of Queene Martia. The fift Chapter.

Of Gurguintus, Guintolinus, and Sici|lius, three kings of Britaine succeeding ech other by lineall descent in the regi|ment, and of their acts and deeds, with a notable commendation of Queene Martia. The fift Chapter.

[1] [2] _GUrguintus the sonne of Beline began to reigne ouer the Britains,Gurguin|tus. in the yeare of the world 1596, after the buil|ding of Rome 380, after the deliuerance of the Israelites out of captiuitie 164 com|plet, which was about the 33 yeare of Artaxerxes Mnenon, surnamed Magnus, the seuenth king of the Persians. This Gurguint in the English chronicle is named Corinbratus,Matth. West. Gal. M. and by Matthew Westmin. he is surnamed Barbiruc, the which bicause the tribute granted by Guilthdag king of Denmarke in perpetuitie vnto the kings of Bri|taine was denied, he sailed with a mightie nauie and armie of men into Denmarke, where he made such warre with fire and sword,Gurguint cõ|strained the Danes by force to pay their tribute. that the king of Den|marke with the assent of his barons was constreined to grant eftsoones to continue the paiment of the a|foresaid tribute.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] After he had thus atchiued his desire in Den|marke, as he returned backe towards Britaine, he encountred with a nauie of 30 ships beside the Iles of Orkenies. These ships were fraught with men and women, and had to their capteine one called Bartholin or Partholin,Matth. West. Gal. Mon. who being brought to the presence of king Gurguint, declared that he with his people were banished out of Spaine, and were na|med Balenses or Baselenses,Basques. and had sailed long on the sea, to the end to find some prince that would assigne them a place to inhabit, to whom they would become subiects, & hold of him as of their souereigne gouernor.Sée more hereof in Ire|land. Therefore he besought the king to consi|der their estate, and of his great benignitie to ap|point some void quarter where they might settle. The king with the aduice of his barons granted to them the Ile of Ireland, which as then (by report of some authors) lay waste and without habitation. ButPolychron. it should appeare by other writers, that it was inha|bited long before those daies, by the people called Hi|bemeneses, of Hiberus their capteine that brought them also out of Spaine.

[1] [2] [3] After that Gurguintus was returned into his countrie, he ordeined that the laws made by his an|cestors should be dulie kept and obserued. And thus administring iustice to his subiects for the tearme of 19 yeares, he finallie departed this life, and was bu|ried at London, or as some haue at Caerleon. In his daies was the towne of Cambridge with the vniversitie first founded by Cantaber, brother to theCaius. aforesaid Bartholin (according to some writers) as after shall appeare.

[1] [2] GUintollius or Guintellius the sonne of Gur|guintus was admitted king of Britaine in the yere of the world of 614, after the building of the citie of Rome 399,Guinto|linus. and second yere of the 206 Olimpiad. This Guintoline was a wise prince, graue in coun|sell, and sober in behauior. He had also a wife named Martia, a woman of perfect beautie, & wisedome in|comparable, as by hir prudent gouernement and equall administration of iustice after hir husbands deceasse, during hir sonnes minoritie, it most mani|festlie appeared.

[1] It is thought that in an happie time this Guinto|line came to the gouernement of this kingdome, be|ing shaken and brought out of order with ciuill dis|sentions, to the end he might reduce it to the former estate, which he carnestlie accomplished: for hauing once got the place, he studied with great diligence to reforme anew, and to adorne with iustice, lawes and good orders, the British common wealth, by o|ther kings not so framed as stood with the quietnesse thereof. But afore all things he vtterlie remooued and appeased such ciuill discord, as séemed yet to re|maine after the maner of a remnant of those sedi|tious factions and partakings, which had so long time reigned in this land. But as he was busie in hand herewith, death tooke him out of this life, after he had reigned 27 yeares, and then was he buried at London.

[1] [2] SIcilius the sonne of Guintoline,Sicilius. being not past seuen yeares of age when his father died, was ad|mitted king, in the yeare 3659, after the building of Rome 430, & after the deliuerance of the Israelites out of captiuitie 218, & in the sixt after the death of Alexander. By reason that Sicilius was not of age sufficient of himselfe to guide the kingdome of the Britains,Queene Martia go|uerneth in hir sonnes roome. his mother that worthie ladie called Mar|tia, had the gouernance both of his realme and per|son committed to hir charge.

[1] [2] [3] [4] She was a woman expert and skilfull in diuers sciences, but chiefelie being admitted to the gouer|nance of the realme, she studied to preserue the com|mon wealth in good quiet and wholsome order, and therefore deuised and established profitable and con|uenient lawes, the which after were called Martian lawes,She maketh lawes. of hir name that first made them. These lawes, as those that were thought good and necessa|rie for the preseruation of the common wealth, Al|fred, or Alured, that was long after king of Eng|land, translated also out of the British toong, into the English Saxon speech, and then were they called after that translation Marchenelagh, that is to meane, the lawes of Martia.Matth. West. To conclude, this wor|thie woman guided the land during the minoritie of hir sonne right politikelie; and highlie to hir perpe|tuall renowme and commendation. And when hir sonne came to lawfull age, she deliuered vp the go|uernance into his handes. How long he reigned writers varie, some auouch but seuen yeares,Matt. Westm. though [page 20] other affirme 15. which agréeth not so well with the accord of other histories and times. He was buried at London.