[1] _RIuallus,Rïuallus the 13. ruler. the sonne of Cu|nedag, began to reigne ouer the Britaines in the yeare of the world 3203, before the building of Rome 15, Ioa|than as then being king of Iuda, and Phacea king of Is|rael. This Riuall gouerned the Iland in great welth and prosperitie. In his time it rained bloud by the space of thrée daies togither;It rained bloud. Matth. West. after which raine ensued such an excéeding number and multitude of flies, so noisome and contagious, that much people died by reason thereof. When he had reigned 46 yeares he died, and was buried at Caerbranke now called Yorke. In the time of this Riuals reigne was the citie of Rome builded,Rome builded after concordance of most part of writers. Perdix also a wizard, and a learned astrologian florished and writ his prophesies, and Herene also.
[1] GUrgustius,Gurgusti|us the 14. ruler. the son of the before named Riuall, began to gouerne the Britaines in the yeare af|ter the creation of the world 3249, and after the first foundation of Rome 33, Ezechias reigning in Iuda. This Gurgustius in the chronicle of England, is cal|led Gorbodian the sonne of Reignold, he reigned 37 yeares, then departing this life, was buried at Caer|branke (now called Yorke) by his father.
[1] SYsillius,Sysillius the 15. ruler. or after some writers Syluius, the bro|ther of Gurgustius, was chosen to haue the go|uernance of Britaine, in the yere of the world 3287, and after the building of Rome 71, Manasses still reigning in Iuda. This Sysillius in the English chronicle is named Secill. He reigned 49 yeares, and then died, and was buried at Carbadon, now called Bath.
[1] IAgo or Lago, the cousin of Gurgustius,Iago the 16. ruler. as next inheritor to Sysillius, tooke vpon him the go|uernement of Britaine, in the yeare of the world 3336, and after the building of Rome 120, in whose time the citie of Ierusalem was taken by Nabucho|donozar and the king of Iuda, Mathania, otherwise called Zedechias, being slaine. This Iago or Lago died without issue, when he had reigned 28 yeares, and was buried at Yorke.
[1] KInimacus or Kinmarus the sonne of Sysillius as some write,Kinima|cus the 17 ruler. or rather the brother of Iago, be|gan to gouerne the land of Britain, in the yere of the world 3364, and after the building of Rome 148, the Iewes as then being in the third yeare of their capti|uitie of Babylon. This Kinimacus departed this life, after he had reigned 54 yeares, and was buried at Yorke.