[1] [2] _LOcrinus or Locrine the first begotten sonne of Brute began to reigne ouer the countrie called Logiers,Locrine the se|cond ru|ler of Britain in the yeare of the world 1874, and held to his part the countrie that reached from the souht sea vnto the riuer of Humber. While this Locrinus gouerned Logiers, his brother Albanact ruled in Albania,Gal. Mon. Mat. West. Fa. out of G. de Co. where in fine he was slaine in a battell by a king of the Hunnes or Scy|thians, called Humber, who inuaded that part of Britaine, and got possession thereof, till Locrinus with his brother Camber,Gal. Mon. Mar. West. in reuenge of their other brothers death, and for the recouerie of the king|dome, gathered their powers togither, and comming against the said king of the Hunnes, by the valiancie of their people they discomfited him in battell,It should seeme that he was come o|uer the Hum|ber. and chased him so egerlie, that he himselfe and a great number of his men were drowned in the gulfe that then parted Loegria and Albania, which after tooke name of the said king, and was called Humber, and so continueth vnto this daie.
[1] Moreouer in this battell against the Hunnes were thrée yong damsels taken of excellent beautie,Gal. Mon. spe|cially one of them, whose name was Estrild, daugh|ter to a certeine king of Scythia. With this Estrild king Locrine fell so farre in loue, notwithstanding a former contract made betwixt him and the ladie Guendoloena, daughter to Corineus duke of Corn|wall, that he meant yet with all spéed to marie the same Estrild. But being earnestlie called vpon, and in manner forced thereto by Corineus, hée chan|ged his purpose, and married Guendoloena, kee|ping neuertheles the aforesaid Estrild as paramour still after a secret sort, during the life of Corineus his father in law.
[1] Now after that Corineus was departed this world, Locrine forsooke Guendoloena, and maried Estrild. Guendoloena therefore being cast off by hir husband, got hir into Cornewall to hir friends and kinred, and there procured them to make warre against the said Locrine hir husband, in the which warres hée was slaine, and a battell fought néere to the riuer of Sture, after he had reigned (as writers affirme) twentie yeares, & was buried by his father in the Citie of Troinouant,Mat. West. leauing behind him a yoong sonne (begotten of his wife Guendoloena) named Madan, as yet vnméete to gouerne.
[1] Guendoloena or Guendoline the wife of Locri|nus,Shée is not numbred a|mongst those that reigned as rulers in this land by Mat. West. and daughter of Corineus duke of Cornewall, for so much as hir sonne Madan was not of yeeres sufficient to gouerne, was by common consent of the Britons made ruler of the Ile, in the yéere of the world 2894, and so hauing the administration in hir hands, she did right discreetlie vse hir selfe therein, to the comfort of all hir subiects, till hir sonne Madan came to lawfull age, and then she gaue ouer the rule and dominion to him, after she had gouerned by the space of fifteene yeares.Gal. Mon.
[1] MAdan the sonne of Locrine and Guendoline entred into the gouernement of Britaine in the 2909,Madan the third ruler. of the world. There is little left in wri|ting of his doings, sauing that he vsed great tyran|nie amongst his Britons: and therefore after he had ruled this land the tearme of 40. yeares, he was deuoured of wild beastes, as he was abroad in hun|ting. He left behind him two sonnes, Mempri|cius and Manlius. He builded (as is reported) Ma|dancaistre, now Dancastre, which reteineth still the later part of his name.
[1] MEmpricius the eldest sonne of Madan began his reigne ouer the Britons in the yeare of the world 2949,Mempri|cius the fourth ruler. he continued not long in peace. For his brother Manlius vpon an ambitious mind prouoked the Britons to rebell against him, so that sore and deadly warre continued long betweene them. But finallie, vnder colour of a treatie, Fabian. Manlius is slaine. Gal. Mon. Man|lius was slaine by his brother Mempricius, so that then he liued in more tranquillitie and rest. Howbe|it, being deliuered thus from trouble of warres, he fell into slouth,Slouth en|gendred leche|rie. and so into vnlawfull lust of le|cherie, and thereby into the hatred of his people, by forcing of their wines and daughters: and finallie became so beastlie, that he forsooke his lawfull wife and all his concubines, and fell into the abhomina|ble sinne of Sodomie. And thus from one vice he fell into another,Mempricius is deuoured of beastes. till he became odious to God and man, and at length, going on hunting, was lost of his people, and destroied of wild beastes, when he had reigned twentie yeares, leauing behind him a noble yoong sonne named Ebranke, begotten of his lawfull wife.
[1] EBranke the sonne of Mempricius began to rule ouer the Britons in the yeare of the world 2969Ebranke the fift ruler. He had as writers doo of him record,Ebranke had 21. wiues: his thirtie daughters sent into I|talie. one and twentie wiues, on whom he begot 20. sonnes and 30. daughters, of the which the eldest hight Guales, or Gualea. These daughters he sent to Alba Syl|uius, which was the eleuenth king of Italie, or the sixt king of the Latines, to the end they might be [page 12] married to his noble men of the bloud of Troians, because the Sabines refused to ioine their daugh|ters with them in marriage.Bergomas lib. 6. Furthermore, he was the first prince of his land that euer inuaded France after Bute, and is commended as au|thor and originall builder of many cities, both in his owne kingdome, and else where. His sonnes also vnder the conduct of Assaracus, one of their el|dest brethren, returning out of Italie, after they had conducted their sisters thither, inuaded Germanie, being first molested by the people of that countrie in their rage, and by the helpe of the said Alba subdued a great part of that countrie, & there planted them|selues. Our histories say, that Ebracus their fa|ther married them in their returne, and aided them in their conquests, and that he builded the citie of Caerbranke,The citie of Caerbranke builded. Matth. West. now called Yorke, about the 14, yeare of his reigne. He builded also in Albania now called Scotland, the castle of Maidens, afterward called Edenburgh of Adian one of their kings. The citie of Alclud was builded likewise by him (as some write) now decaied. After which cities thus buil|ded, he sailed ouer into Gallia,Fortie yeares hath Math. West. and Gal. Mon|uine. now called France, with a great armie, and subduing the Galles as is aforesaid, he returned home with great riches and triumph. Now when he had guided the land of Bri|taine in noble wise by the tearme of fortie yeares, he died, and was buried at Yorke.
[1] BRute Greeneshield,Brute Greene|shield the sixt ruler. the sonne of Ebranke, was made gouernor of this land in the yeare of the world 3009, Asa reigning in Iuda, and Baasa in Israell. This prince bare alwaies in the field a gréene shield, whereof he tooke his surname,Iacobus Lef. and of him some forraine authors affirme, that he made an attempt to bring the whole realme of France vn|der his subiection, which he performed, because his father susteined some dishonor and losse in his last voiage into that countrie. Howbeit they say, that when he came into Henaud, Brinchild a prince of that quarter gaue him also a great ouerthrow, and compelled him to retire home againe into his coun|trie. This I borrow out of William Harison, who in his chronologie toucheth the same at large, con|cluding in the end, that the said passage of this prince into France is verie likelie to be true, and that he named a parcell of Armorica lieng on the south, and in manner vpon the verie loine after his owne name, and also a citie which he builded there Bri|taine.Strabo lib. 4. For (saith he) it should séeme by Strabo. lib. 4. that there was a noble citie of that name long be|fore his time in the said countrie, whereof Plinie also speaketh lib. 4. cap. 7. albeit that he ascribe it vnto France after a disordered maner. More I find not of this foresaid Brute, sauing that he ruled the land a certeine time, his father yet liuing, and after his decease the tearme of twelue yeares, and then died, and was buried at Caerbranke now called Yorke.
[1] LEill the sonne of Brute Greeneshield,Leill the seuenth ruler. began to reigne in the yeare of the world 3021, the same time that Asa was reigning in Iuda, and Ambri in Israell. He built the citie now called Carleil,Carleil buil|ded. which then after his owne name was called Caerleil, that is, Leill his citie, or the citie of Leill. He re|paired also (as Henrie Bradshaw saith) the citie of Caerleon now called Chester,Chester re|paired. which (as in the same Bradshaw appeareth) was built before Brutus en|trie into this land by a giant named Leon Gauer. But what authoritie he had to auouch this it may be doubted, for Ranulfe Higden in his woorke inti|tuled Polychronicon, saith in plaine wordes; that it is vnknowen who was the first founder of Chester, but that it tooke the name of the soiourning there of some Romaine legions, by whome also it is not vnlike that it might be first built by P. Ostorius Sca|pula, who as we find, after he had subdued Carata|cus king of the Ordouices that inhabited the coun|tries now called Lancashire, Cheshire, and Salop|shire, built in those parts, and among the Silures, certeine places of defense, for the better harbrough of his men of warre, and kéeping downe of such Britaines as were still readie to moue rebellion.
[1] But now to the purpose concerning K. Leill. We find it recorded that he was in the beginning of his reigne verie vpright, and desirous to sée iu|stice executed, and aboue all thinges loued peace & quietnesse; but as yeares increased with him, so his vertues began to diminish, in so much that a|bandoning the care for the bodie of the common|wealth, he suffered his owne bodie to welter in all vice and voluptuousnesse, and so procuring the ha|tred of his subiects, caused malice and discord to rise amongst them, which during his life he was neuer able to appease. But leauing them so at variance, he departed this life, & was buried at Carleil, which as ye haue heard he had builded while he liued.
[1] [2] LUd or Ludhurdibras the sonne of Leill began to gouerne in the yeare of the world 3046.Lud or Ludhur|dibras the eight ruler. In the beginning of his reigne, hée sought to appease the debate that was raised in his fathers daies, and bring the realme to hir former quietnesse, and after that he had brought it to good end, he builded the towne of Kaerkin now called Canterburie:Kaerking or Canterburie is builded. also the towne of Caerguent now cleped Winchester,Caerguent is builded. and mount Paladour now called Shaftsburie.Paladour is builded. A|bout the building of which towne of Shaftsburie, A|quila a prophet of the British nation wrote his pro|phesies, of which some fragments remaine yet to be seene, translated into the Latine by some ancient writers. When this Lud had reigned 29. yeares, he died, and left a sonne behind him named Baldud.Baldud or Bla|dud the ninth ru|ler. BAldud the sonne of Ludhurdibras began to rule ouer the Britaines in the yeare of the world 3085. This man was well séene in the sciences of astronomie and nigromancie, by which (as the com|mon report saith) he made the hot bathes in the ci|tie of Caerbran now called Bath. But William of Malmesburie is of a contrarie opinion, Gal. Mon. The king was learned. Hot bathes. affirming that Iulius Cesar made those bathes, or rather re|paired them when he was here in England: which is not like to be true: for Iulius Cesar, as by good con|iecture we haue to thinke, neuer came so farre with|in the land that way forward. But of these bathes more shall be said in the description. Now to pro|céed. This Baldud tooke such pleasure in artificiall practises & magike, that he taught this art through|out all his realme. And to shew his cunning in o|ther points, vpon a presumptuous pleasure which he had therein, Mat. West. The prince did flie. he tooke vpon him to flie in the aire, but he fell vpon the temple of Apollo, which stood in the citie of Troinouant, and there was torne in pée|ces after he had ruled the Britaines by the space of 20. yeares.
[1] [2] [3] LEir the sonne of Baldud was admitted ruler ouer the Britaines,Leir the 10. ruler. in the yeare of the world 3105, at what time Ioas reigned in Iuda. This Leir was a prince of right noble demeanor, gouer|ning his land and subiects in great wealth. He made the towne of Caerleir now called Leicester, Mat. West. Leicester is builded. which standeth vpon the riuer of Sore. It is written that he had by his wife thrée daughters without other is|sue, whose names were Gonorilla, Regan, and Cor|deilla which daughters he greatly loued, but specially Cordeilla the yoongest farre aboue the two elder. When this Leir therefore was come to great yeres, & began to waxe vnweldie through age,Gal. Mon. he thought to vnderstand the affections of his daughters to|wards him, and preferre hir whome he best loued to the succession ouer the kingdome. Whervpon he first [page 13] asked Gonorilla the eldest,A triall of loue. how well she loued him:
who calling hir gods to record, protested that she lo|ued him more than hir owne life, which by right and reason should be most déere vnto hir. With which an|swer the father being well pleased, turned to the se|cond, and demanded of hir how well she loued him: who answered (confirming hir saiengs with great othes) that she loued him more than toong could ex|presse, and farre aboue all other creatures of the world.
Then called he his yoongest daughter Cordeilla before him,The answer of the yoon|gest daugh|ter. and asked of hir what account she made of him,vnto whome she made this answer as fol|loweth:
knowing the great loue and fatherlie zeale that you haue alwaies borne towards me (for the which I maie not answere, you otherwise than I thinke, and as my conscience leadeth me) I protest vnto you, that I haue loued you euer, and will conti|nuallie (while I liue) loue you as my naturall fa|ther. And if you would more vnderstand of the loue that I beare you, assertaine your selfe, that so much as you haue,The two eldest daugh|ters are ma|ried. so much you are worth, and so much I loue you,The realme is promised to his two daughters. and no more.The father being nothing con|tent with this answer, married his two eldest daugh|ters, the one vnto Henninus the duke of Corne|wall, and the other vnto Maglanus the duke of Al|bania, betwixt whome he willed and ordeined that his land should be diuided after his death, and the one halfe thereof immediatlie should be assigned to them in hand: but for the third daughter Cordeilla he reserued nothing.
[1] [2] Neuertheles it fortuned that one of the princes of Gallia (which now is called France) whose name was Aganippus, hearing of the beautie, womanhood, and good conditions of the said Cordeilla, desired to haue hir in mariage, and sent ouer to hir father, re|quiring that he might haue hir to wife: to whome answer was made, that he might haue his daugh|ter, but as for anie dower he could haue none, for all was promised and assured to hir other sisters alrea|die. Aganippus notwithstanding this answer of deni|all to receiue anie thing by way of dower with Cor|deilla, tooke hir to wife, onlie moued thereto (I saie) for respect of hir person and amiable vertues. This Aganippus was one of the twelue kings that ruled Gallia in those daies,He gouerned the third part of Gallia as Gal. Mon. saith. as in the British historie it is recorded. But to proceed.
[1] After that Leir was fallen into age, the two dukes that had married his two eldest daughters, thinking it long yer the gouernment of the land did come to their hands, arose against him in armour, and rest from him the gouernance of the land, vpon conditi|ons to be continued for terme of life: by the which he was put to his portion, that is, to liue after a rate assigned to him for the maintenance of his estate, which in processe of time was diminished as well by Maglanus as by Henninus. But the greatest griefe that Leir tooke, was to see the vnkindnesse of his daughters, which seemed to thinke that all was too much which their father had, the same being neuer so little: in so much that going from the one to the o|ther, he was brought to that miserie, that scarslie they would allow him one seruant to wait vpon him.
[1] In the end, such was the vnkindnesse, or (as I maie saie) the vnnaturalnesse which he found in his two daughters, notwithstanding their faire and pleasant words vttered in time past, that being constreined of necessitie, he fled the land, & sailed into Gallia, there to seeke some comfort of his yongest daughter Cor|deilla, whom before time he hated. The ladie Corde|illa hearing that he was arriued in poore estate, she first sent to him priuilie a certeine summe of monie to apparell himselfe withall, and to reteine a certeine number of seruants that might attend vpon him in honorable wise, as apperteined to the estate which he had borne: and then so accompanied, she appointed him to come to the court, which he did, and was so ioifullie, honorablie, and louinglie receiued, both by his sonne in law Aganippus, and also by his daugh|ter Cordeilla, that his hart was greatlie comforted: for he was no lesse honored, than if he had beene king of the whole countrie himselfe.
[1] Now when he had informed his sonne in law and his daughter in what sort he had béene vsed by his o|ther daughters, Aganippus caused a mightie armie to be put in a readinesse, and likewise a great nauie of ships to be rigged, to passe ouer into Britaine with Leir his father in law, to see him againe resto|red to his kingdome. It was accorded, that Cordeil|la should also go with him to take possession of the land, the which he promised to leaue vnto hir, as the rightfull inheritour after his decesse, notwithstan|ding any former grant made to hir sisters or to their husbands in anie maner of wise.
[1] Herevpon, when this armie and nauie of ships were readie, Leir and his daughter Cordeilla with hir husband tooke the sea, and arriuing in Britaine, fought with their enimies, and discomfited them in battell, in the which Maglanus and Henninus were slaine: and then was Leir restored to his kingdome, which he ruled after this by the space of two yéeres, and then died, fortie yeeres after he first began to reigne. His bodie was buried at Leicester in a vaut vnder the chanell of the riuer of Sore beneath theMatth. West. towne.