[1] _AFter that Brute and the said Troians,Brute and Corineus ioin their com|panies toge|ther. by conference interchangeablie had, vnder|stood one anothers estates, and how they were descen|ded from one countrie and progenie, they vnited them|selues togither, greatlie re|ioising that they were so fortunatlie met: and hoi|sing vp their sailes,They arriue on the coasts of Gallia, now called France. Goffarius surnamed Pictus. Les annales d Aquitaine. Agathyrsi, otherwise cal|led Picts, of painting their bodies. directed their course forward still, till they arriued within the mouth of the riuer of Loire, which diuideth Aquitaine from Gall Celtike, where they tooke land within the dominion of a king called Goffarius, surnamed Pictus, by reason he was descended of the people Agathyrsi, otherwise named Picts, bicause they vsed to paint their faces and bodies, insomuch that the richer a man was a|mongst them, the more cost he bestowed in painting himselfe; and commonlie the haire of their head was red, or (as probable writers say) of skie colour. He|rodotus calleth them [...],Marcellus. Plinie. Herodotus li. 4. bicause they did weare much gold about them. They vsed their wiues in common, and because they are all supposed to be brethren, there is no strife nor discord among them. Of these Agathyrsi, it is recorded by the said Hero|dotus, that they refused to succour the Scythians a|gainst Darius, giuing this reason of their refusall; bicause they would not make warre against him who had doone them no wrong.Virg. Aeneid. 4: And of this people dooth the poet make mention, saieng, ¶Cretés Dryopés fremunt picti Agathyrsi.
To paint their faces not for amiablenesse,Caesar com. li. 5 but for terriblenesse, the Britons in old time vsed, and that with a kind of herbe like vnto plantine. In which re|spect I sée no reason why they also should not be cal|led Picts, as well as the Agathyrsi; séeing the deno|mination sprang of a vaine custome in them both. And here by the way,P. Mart. com. part. 2. sect. 60. sithens we haue touched this follie in two seuerall people, let it not séeme tedious to read this one tricke of the Indians, among whom there is great plentie of pretious stones, wherewith they adorne themselues in this maner; namelie, in certein hollow places which they make in their flesh, they inclose and riuet in pretious stones, and that as well in their forheads as their chéekes, to none other purpose, than the Agathyrsi in the vse of their pain|ting.
[1] The countrie of Poictou (as some hold) where the said Goffarius reigned, tooke name of this people: & likewise a part of this our Ile of Britaine now con|teined within Scotland,Pightland or Pictland. which in ancient time was called Pightland or Pictland, as elsewhere both in this historie of England, and also of Scotland may further appeare. But to our purpose.
[1] [2] [3] When Goffarius the king of Poictou was aduer|tised of the landing of these strangers within his countrie,Goffarius sendeth vnto Brute. he sent first certeine of his people to vnder|stand what they ment by their comming a land with|in his dominion, without licence or leaue of him ob|teined. They that were thus sent, came by chance to a place where Corineus with two hundred of the companie were come from the ships into a forrest néere the sea side, to kill some veneson for their suste|nance: [page 10] and being rebuked with some disdainfull speach of those Poictouins,Corineus an|swereth the messengers. Imbert. he shaped them a round answer: insomuch that one of them whose name was Imbert, let driue an arrow at Corineus: but he auoiding the danger thereof, shot againe at Im|bert, in reuenge of that iniurie offered,Imbert is slaine by Co|rincus. and claue his head in sunder. The rest of the Poictouins fled there|vpon, and brought word to Goffarius what had hap|pened:Goffarius raiseth an armie. who immediatlie with a mightie armie made forward to encounter with the Troians, and com|ming to ioine with them in battell, after sharpe and sore conflict, in the end Brute with his armie ob|teined a triumphant victorie,Goffarius is discomfited. speciallie through the noble prowesse of Corineus.
[1] [2] Goffarius escaping from the field,Goffarius sée|keth aid a|gainst Brute. fled into the in|ner parts of Gallia, making sute for assistance vnto such kings as in those daies reigned in diuers pro|uinces of that land, who promised to aid him with all their forces, and to expell out of the coasts of Aqui|taine, such strangers as without his licence were thus entred the countrie.Brute spoi|leth the coun|trie. But Brute in the meane time passed forward, and with fire and sword made hauocke in places where he came: and gathering great spoiles,Turonium or Tours built by Brute. fraught his ships with plentie of ri|ches. At length he came to the place, where after|wards he built a citie named Turonium, that is, Tours.
[1] [2] Here Goffarius, with such Galles as were as|sembled to his aid,Goffarius ha|uing renewed his forces, fighteth eft|soones with Brute. gaue battell againe vnto the Troians that were incamped to abide his com|ming. Where after they has fought a long time with singular manhood on both parties: the Troians in fine oppressed with multitudes of aduersaries (euen thirtie times as manie mo as the Troians) were constreined to retire into their campe, within the which the Galles kept them as besieged, lodging round about them, and purposing by famine to com|pell them to yéeld themselues vnto their mercie. But Corineus taking counsell with Brute, deuised to de|part in the darke of the night out of the campe, to lodge himselfe with thrée thousand chosen souldiers secretlie in a wood, and there to remaine in couert till the morning that Brute should come foorth and giue a charge vpon the enimies, wherewith Cori|neus should breake foorth and assaile the Galles on the backes.
[1] This policie was put in practise, and tooke such effect as the deuisers themselues wished: for the Galles being sharplie assailed on the front by Brute and his companie, were now with the sudden com|ming of Corineus (who set vpon them behind on their backes) brought into such a feare, that incontinentlie they tooke them to flight, whom the Troians egerlie pursued, making no small slaughter of them as they did ouertake them. In this battell Brute lost manie of his men, and amongst other one of his nephues named Turinus, after he had shewed maruellous proofe of his manhood. Of him (as some haue writ|ten) the foresaid citie of Tours tooke the name, and was called Turonium, because the said Turinus was there buried.
[1] Andrew Theuet affirmeth the contrarie,Theuet. and mainteineth that one Taurus the nephue of Hani|ball was the first that inclosed it about with a pale of wood (as the maner of those daies was of fensing their townes) in the yeare of the world 3374.3374 and be|fore the birth of our sauiour 197.
[1] But to our matter concerning Brute, who after he had obteined so famous a victorie, albeit there was good cause for him to reioise, yet it sore troubled him to consider that his numbers dailie decaied, and his enimies still increased, and grew stronger: wherevpon resting doubtfull what to doo,Brute in dout what to doo. whether to procéed against the Galles, or returne to his ships to séeke the Ile that was appointed him by oracle, at length he chose the surest and best way, as he tooke it, and as it proued. For whilest greater part of his armie was yet left aliue, and that the victorie remai|ned on his side, he drew to his nauie, and lading his ships with excéeding great store of riches which his people had got abroad in the countrie, he tooke the seas againe. After a few daies sailing they landed at the hauen now called Totnesse,Brute with his remnant of Troians arriue in this Ile. the yeare of the world 2850, after the destruction of Troy 66, after the deliuerance of the Israelites from the captiuitie of Babylon 397,Anno mundi 2850. almost ended; in the 18 yeare of the reigne of Tineas king of Babylon, 13 of Melan|thus king of Athens, before the building of Rome 368, which was before the natiuitie of our Sauior Christ 1116,1116 almost ended, and before the reigne of Alexander the great 783.