_I Haue heretofore said suffici|entlie of our faires, in the chapter of fairs and markets; and now to performe my pro|mise there made, I set downe here so manie of our faires as I haue found out by mine owne obseruation, and helpe of others in this behalfe. Certes it is impossible for me to come by all, sith there is almost no towne in England, but hath one or more such marts holden yearelie in the same, although some of them (I must needs confesse) be scarse comparable to Lowse faire, and little else bought or sold in them more than good drinke, pies, and some pedlerie trash: wherefore it were no losse if diuerse of them were abolished. Nei|ther doo I see wherevnto this number of paltrie fairs tendeth, so much as to the corruption of youth, who (all other businesse set apart) must néeds repaire vnto them, whereby they often spend not onelie the weeke daies, but also the Lords sabbaoth in great vanitie and riot. But such hath béene the iniquitie of ancient times. God grant therefore that ignorance being now abolished, and a further insight into things growne into the minds of magistrates, these old er|rors [page 245] may be considered of, and so farre reformed, as that thereby neither God may be dishonored, nor the common wealth of our countrie anie thing dimini|shed. In the meane time, take this table here insu|ing in stead of a calender of the greatest, sith that I cannot, or at the least wise care not to come by the names of the lesse, whose knowledge cannot be so profitable to them that be farre off, as they are oft preiudiciall to such as dwell neere hand to the places where they be holden and kept, by pilferers that re|sort vnto the same.
[1] THe sixt day being Twelfe day at Salisburie, the fiue and twentith being saint Paules day, at Bristow, at Grauesend, at Churchingford, at Nor|thalerton in Yorkeshire, where is kept a faire euerie wednesday from Christmasse vntill Iune.
[1] THe first day at Bromleie. The second at Lin, at Bath, at Maidstone, at Bickleswoorth, at Bud|woorth. The fourtéenth at Feuersham. On Ashwed|nesday at Lichfield, at Tamwoorth, at Roiston, at Excester, at Abington, at Cicester. The foure and twentith at Henlie vpon Thames, at Tewkesburie.
[1] ON the twelth day, at Stamford, Sappesford, and at Sudburie. The thirtéenth day at Wie, at the Mount, & at Bodmin in Cornewall. The fift sunday in Lent, at Grantham, at Salisburie. On monday before our ladie day in Lent, at Wisbich, at Ken|dall, Denbigh in Wales. On palme sunday éeuen, at Pumfret. On palmesunday, at Worcester. The twentith day at Durham. On our ladie day in Lent at Northamton, at Malden, at great Chart, at New|castell. And all the ladie daies at Huntington. And at Saffron Walden on midlentsunday.
[1] THe fift day at Wallingford. The seuenth at Darbie. The ninth at Bickleswoorth, at Belins|woorth. On monday after, at Euesham in Worce|stershire. On tuesday in Easter wéeke at Northfléet, at Rochford, at Hitchin. The third sunday after Easter, at Louth. The two and twentith at Stabford. On saint Georges day, at Charing, at Ipswich, at Tamworth, at Ampthill, at Hinninham, at Gilford, at saint Pombes in Cornewall. On saint Markes day at Darbie, at Dunmow in Essex. The six and twentith at Tenderden in Kent.
[1] ON Maie daie at Rippon, at Perin in Cornwall, at Osestrie in Wales, at Lexfield in Suffolke, at Stow the old, at Reading, at Leicester, at Chens|ford, at Maidstone, at Brickehill, at Blackeborne, at Cogilton, at Stokeneie land. The third at Bram|yard, at Henningham, at Elstow, Waltham, Holi|crosse, and Hedningham castell. The seuenth at Be|uerleie, at Newton, at Oxford. On Ascension day at Newcastell, at Yerne, at Brimechame, at saint Edes, at Bishopstratford, at Wicham, at Middle|wich, at Stopford, at Chappell frith. On Whitsun|éeuen, at Skipton vpon Crauen. On Whitsunday, at Richell, at Gribbie, and euerie wednesday fort|night at Kingston vpon Thames, at Ratesdale, at Kirbistephin in Westmerland. On monday in Whitsunwéeke, at Darington, at Excester, at Brad|ford, at Rigate, at Burton, at Salforth, at White|church, at Cockermouth, at Applebie, at Bickles|worth, at Stokeclare. On tuesday in Whitsun|wéeke, at Lewse, at Rochford, at Canturburie, at Ormeskirke, at Perith, at long Milford. On wed|nesday in Whitsunweeke, at Sandbarre, at Raiston. On Trinitie sunday, at Kendall, and at Rowell. On thursday after Trinitie sunday, at Prescote, at Stapford, at saint [...], at Newburie, at Couen|trie, at saint Eden, at Bishop [...]ford, at Rosse. The ninth at L [...], at Dimstable. The twentie se|venth day at L [...]ham. The twentie ninth at Cram|brooke. On monday in Rogation weeke at Reth, and sunday after Ascension day, at Thaxsted.
[1] THe ninth day at Maidstone. The xi, at Oking|ham, at Newbourgh, at Bardfield, at Maxfield, & Holt. The seuenteenth at Hadstocke. The twentie thrée at Shrewsburie, at saint Albans. The twentie fourth day, at Horsham, at Bedell, at Strackstocke, at saint Annes, at Wakefield, at Colchester, at Rea|ding, at Bedford, at Barnewell beside Cambridge, at Woollerhampton, at Crambrooke, at Glocester, at Lincolne, at Peterborow, at Windsor, at Har|stone, at Lancaster, at Westchester, at Halifax, at Ashborne. The twentie seuenth, at Folkestone. The twentie eight, at Hetcorne, at saint Pombes. The twentie ninth, at Woodhurst, at Marleborough, at Hollesworth, at Woollerhampton, at Peterfield, at Lempster, at Sudburie, at Gargrainge, at Brom|leie.
[1] THe second at Congreton, at Ashton vnder line. The sunday after the third of Iulie, at Raiston. The eleuenth at Partneie, and at Lid. The fiftéenth, at Pichbacke. The seuentéenth, at Winchcombe. The twentith, at Uxbridge, at Catesbie, at Bolton. The twentie two, at Marleborow, at Winchester, at Colchester, at Tetburie, at Cooling, at Yealdon, at Bridgenorth, at Clitherall, at Norwich in Cheshire, at Cheswike, at Battelfield, at Bicklewoorth. The twentie fift, at Bristow, at Douer, at Chilham, at Darbie, at Ipswich, at Northampton, at Dudleie in Staffordshire, at saint Iames beside London, at Reading, at Ereth in the Ile, at Walden, at Thremhall, at Baldocke, at Louth, at Malmesburie, at Bromeleie, at Chichester, at Liuerpoole, at Alter|gam, at Rauenglasse in the north. The twentie sixt, at Tiptrie. The twentie seuenth at Canturburie, at Horsham, at Richmund in the north, at Waring|ton, at Chappell frith.
[1] THe first day at Excester, at Feuersham, at Dunstable, at saint Edes, at Bedford, at Nor|tham church, at Wisbich, at Yorke, at Rumneie, at Newton, at Yeland. The fourth at Linton. The tenth at Waltham, at Thaxsted, at Blackemoore, at Hun|gerford, at Berdford, at Stroides, at Fernam, at S. Laurence by Bodmin, at Walton, at Croileie, at Seddell, at new Brainford. The xv, at Cambridge, at Dunmow, at Caerleill, at Preston in Andall, at Wakefield on the two ladie daies, and vpon the sun|day after the fiftéenth day of August, at Hauerhull, On Bartholomew day, at London, at Beggers bush beside Rie, at Teukesburie, at Sudburie, at Rie, at Nantwich, at Pagets, at Bromleie, at Nor|wich, at Northalerton, at Douer. On the sunday [page 246] after Bartholomew day, at Sandwich. The twentie seuenth, and at Ashford.
[1] THe first day at S. Giles at the Bush. The eight day at Woolfpit, at Wakefield, at Sturbridge, in Southwarke at London, at Snide, at Recoluer, at Gisbourgh both the ladie daies, at Partneie. The thrée ladie daies at Blackeburne, at Gisborne in Yorkeshire, at Chalton, at U [...]ester OOn Holiroode day, at Richmond in Yorkeshire, at [...]ippond a horse faire, at Penhad, at Bersleie, as Wal [...]ablie, at Wotton vnder hedge, at Smalding, at Chester|field, at Denbigh in Wales. On saint Mathies day, at Marleborough, at Bedford, at Croidon, at Hol|den in Holdernes, at saint Edmundsburie, at Mal|ton, at saint Iues, at Shrewesburie, at Laneham, at Witnall, at Sitting borne, at Brainetrie, at Bal|docke, at Katharine hill beside Gilford, at Douer, at Eastrie. The twentie ninth day being Michaelmas day, at Canturburie, at Malton a noble horsse faire, at Lancaster, at Blackeborne, at Westchester, at Cokermouth, at Ashborne, at Hadleie, at Malden an horsse faire, at Waie hill, at Newburie, and at Leicester.
[1] THe fourth day at Michell. The sixt day at saint Faiths beside Norwich, at Maidstone. The eight at Harborough, at Hereford, at Bishop Storford. On S. Edwards day, at Roiston, at Grauesend, at Windsor, at Marshfield. The ninth day at Colchester. On saint Lukes eeuen, at Elie, at Wrickle, at U|pane, at Thirst, at Bridgenorth, at Stanton, at Cha|ring, at Burton vpon Trent, at Charleton, at Wi|gan, at Friswides in Oxford, at Tisdale, at Middle|wich, at Holt in Wales. The twentie one day at Saffron Walden, at Newmarket, at Hertford, at Cicester, at Stokesleie. The twentie third, at Pre|ston, at Bikelsworth, at Ritchdale, at Whitechurch. The twentie eight, at Newmarket, and Hertford. On all saints eeuen, at Wakefield, and at Rithen.
[1] THe second at Blechinglie, at Kingston, at Max|field, at Epping. The sixt day, at Newport pond, at Stanleie, at Tregnie, at Salford, at Lesford, and Wetshod faire at Hertford. The tenth, at Leuton. The eleuenth, at Marleborough, at Douer. The thir|tenth, at saint Edmundsburie, at Gilford. The se|uenteenth day, at Low, at Hide. The ninetéenth, at Horsham. On saint Edmunds day, at Hith, at In|gerstone. The twentie third day, at Sandwich. On saint Andrews day at Colingbourgh, at Rochester, at Peterfield, at Maidenhed, at Bewdleie, at Wa|rington in Lancashire, at Bedford in Yorkeshire, at Osestrie in Wales, and at Powles Belcham.
[1] ON the fift day, at Pluckeleie. On the sixt, at Ca|sed, at Hedningham, at Spalding, at Excester, at Sinocke, at Arnedale, and at Northwich in Ches|shire. The seuenth day at Sandhurst. The eight day being the conception of our la|die, at Clitherall in Lancashire, at Malpas in Cheshire. The twen|tie ninth, at Canturburie, and at Salisburie.