Snippet: 1 of 1 (1587, Volume 1, p. 131) The Contents of the second Booke.
- 1 Of the ancient and present estate of the church of England.
- 2 Of the number of bishoprikes and their seuerall circuits.
- 3 Of vniuersities.
- 4 Of the partition of England into shires and counties.
- 5 Of degrees of people in the com|mon-wealth of England.
- 6 Of the food and diet of the English.
- 7 Of their apparell and attire.
- 8 Of the high court of parlement & authoritie of the
- 9 Of the lawes of England since hir first inhabitation.
- 10 Of prouision made for the poore.
- 11 Of fundrie kinds of punishment appointed for malefactors.
- 12 Of the maner of building and fur|niture of our houses.
- 13 Of cities and townes in England.
- 14 Of castels and holds.
- 15 Of palaces belonging to the prince.
- 16 Of armour and munition.
- 17 Of the nauie of England.
- 18 Of faires and markets.
- 19 Of parkes and warrens.
- 20 Of gardens and orchards.
- 21 Of waters generallie.
- 22 Of woods and marishes.
- 23 Of baths and hot welles.
- 24 Of antiquities found.
- 25 Of the coines of England.