1.20. How Britaine at the first grew to be diuided into three portions. Cap. 21.

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How Britaine at the first grew to be diuided into three portions. Cap. 21.

[1] _AFter the comming of Brutus into this Iland (which was, as you haue read in the foresaid treatise, about the yeare of the world, 2850, or 1217 be|fore the incarnation of Christ, although Goropius after his maner doo vtterlie denie our historie in this behalfe) he made a generall surueis of the whole Iland from side to side, by such means to view and search out not onelie the limits and bounds of his dominions, but also what commodities this new atchiued conquest might yéeld vnto his people. Ferthermore, finding out at the last also a conuena|ble place wherin to erect a citie, he began there euen the verie same which at this daie is called London, naming it Trenouanton, in remembrance of old Troie, from whence his ancestors proceeded, and for which the Romans pronounced afterward Trino|bantum, although the Welshmen doo call it still Tre|newith. This citie was builded (as some write) much about the tenth yeare of his reigne, so that he liued not aboue fiftéene yeares after he had finished the same. But of the rest of his other acts attempted and doone, before or after the erection of this citie, I find no certeine report, more than that when he had reig|ned in this Iland after his arriuall by the space of foure and twentie yeares, he finished his daies at Trenouanton aforesaid, being in his yoong and flo|rishing age, where his carcase was honourablie interred. As for the maner of his death, I find as yet no mention thereof among such writers as are ex|tant; I meane whether it grew vnto him by defect of nature, or force of gréeuous wounds receiued in his warres against such as withstood him from time to time in this Iland, and therefore I can saie nothing of that matter. Herein onelie all agree, that during the time of his languishing paines, he made a dispo|sition of his whole kingdome, diuiding it into three parts or portions, according to the number of his sonnes then liuing, whereof the eldest excéeded not eight and twentie yeares of age, as my coniecturs giueth me.

[1] To the eldest therefore,Locrine. whose name was Locrine, he gaue the greatest and best region of all the rest, which of him to this daie is called Lhoegres among the Britons,Lhoegria. but in our language England: of such English Saxons as made conquest of the same. This portion also is included on the south with the British sea, on the est with the Germane Ocean, on the north with the Humber, and on the west with the Irish sea, and the riuers Dee and Sauerne, whereof in the generall description of this Iland I haue spo|ken more at large. To CamberCamber. his second sonne he assigned all that lieth beyond the Sauerne and Dee,Cambria. toward the west (which parcell in these daies contei|neth Southwales and Northwales) with sundrie I|lands adiacent to the same, the whole being in maner cut off and separated from England or Lhoegria by the said streams, wherby it séemeth also a peninsula or by-land, if you respect the small hillie portion of ground that lieth indifferentlie betweene their maine courses, or such branches (at the least) as run and fall into them. The Welshmen or Britons call it by the ancient name still vnto this day, but we Eng|lishmen terme it Wales: which denomination we haue from the Saxons, who in time past did vse the word Walsh in such sort as we doo Strange: for as we call all those strangers that are not of our nati|on, so did they name them Walsh which were not of their countrie.

[1] The third and last part of the Iland he allotted vn|to Albanact his yoongest sonne (for he had but three ill all,Albanact. as I haue said before) whose portion séemed for circuit to be more large than that of Camber, and in maner equall in greatnesse with the dominions of Locrinus. But if you haue regard to the seuerall commodities that are to be reaped by each, you shall find them to be not much discrepant or differing one from another: for what soeuer the first & second haue in plentie of corne, fine grasse, and large cattell, this latter wanteth not in excéeding store of fish, rich met|tall, quarries of stone, and abundance of wild foule: so that in mine opinion, there could not be a more e|quall partition then this made by Brute, and after the aforesaid maner. This later parcell at the first, tooke the name of Albanactus, who called it Albania. But now a small portion onelie of the region (being vnder the regiment of a duke) reteineth the said de|nomination, the rest being called Scotland, of cer|teine Scots that came ouer from Ireland to inha|bit in those quarters.Albania. It is diuided from Lhoegres also by the Solue and the Firth, yet some doo note the Humber; so that Albania (as Brute left it) conteined all the north part of the Iland that is to be found be|yond the aforesaid streame, vnto the point of Cath|nesse.

[1] To conclude, Brute hauing diuided his king|dome after this maner, and therein contenting him|selfe as it were with the generall title of the whole, it was not long after yer he ended his life; and being solemnelie interred at his new citie by his thrée chil|dren, they parted each from other, and tooke possessi|on of their prouinces.Locrine king also of Scot|land. But Scotland after two yeares fell againe into the hands of Locrinus as to the chiefe lord, by the death of his brother Albanact, who was slaine by Humber king of the Scithians, and left none issue behind him to succéed him in that kingdome.