1.16. Of such ports and creeks as our sea|faring-men doo note for their benefit vpon the coasts of England. Chap. 17.

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Of such ports and creeks as our sea|faring-men doo note for their benefit vpon the coasts of England. Chap. 17.

_IT maie be that I haue in these former chapters omit|ted sundrie hauens to be found vpon the shore of England, and some of them serued with backe waters, through want of sound and sufficient infor|mation from such as haue written vnto me of the same. In recompense where|of I haue thought good to adde this chapter of ports and creekes, whereby (so farre as to me is possible) I shall make satisfaction of mine ouersights. And albe|it I cannot (being too too much abused by some that haue béerest me of my notes in this behalfe) bring my purpose to passe for all the whole coast of Eng|land round about, from Berwike to the Solue: yet I will not let to set downe so much as by good hap remaineth, whereby my countriemen shall not alto|gither want that benefit, hoping in time to recouer also the rest, if God grant life and good successe thereto.

In Northumberland therefore we haue Berwike,Northum|berland. Holie Iland, Bamborow, Bedwell, Donstanborow, Cocket Iland, Warkeworth, Newbiggin, Almow, Blithes nuke, and Tinmouth hauen.

In the bishoprijc,Durham. Sonderland, Stocketon, Har|tlepoole, These.

In Yorkeshire,Yorkeshire. Dapnam sands, Steningreene, Staies, Runswike, Robinhoods baie, Whitbie, Scar|borow, Fileie, Flamborow, Bricklington, Horne|seie becke, Sister kirke, Kelseie, Cliffe, Pattenton, Holmes, Kenningham, Pall, Hidon, Hulbrige, Be|uerleie, Hull, Hasell, Northferebie, Bucke creeke, Blacke cost, Wrethell, Howden.

In Lincolneshire,Lincolne|shire. Selbie, Snepe, Turnebrige, Rodiffe, Catebie, Stockwith, Torkeseie, Gainsbo|row, Southferebie, Barton a good point, Barrow a good hauen, Skatermill a good port, Penningham, Stalingborow a good hauen, Guimsbie a good port, Clie, March chappell, Saltfléete, Wilgripe, Maple|ford, saint Clements, Wenfléete, Friscon, Toft, Skerbike, Boston, Frompton, Woluerton, Fosse|dike a good hauen.

In Northfolke,Northfolke. Linne a good hauen, Snatch|ham, Hitchham, Desingham good, Thunstone, Thorneham good, Brankester good, Burnham good, with diuers townes and villages thereto belonging, Welles good, Strikeie, Marston, Blakeleie towne, Withon Claie, Blakelie hauen good, Salthouse créeke, Sheringham hith, Roughton, Cromer, Beston, Trinningham, Mounsleie, Bromwall, Haseborow, Wakesham, Eckelles, Winterton, Custer, Helmesleie, Okell, Upton, Waibridge, Yarmouth, good all the waie to Norwich, with di|uerse villages on the riuer side.

In Suffolke,Suffolke. Becles, Bongeie, Southton, Cor|ton, Gorton, Laistow a good port, Kirtill, Pakefield, Kasseldon, Bliborow, Coffe hith, Eston, Walders|wijc, Donewich, Swold hauen, Sisewell, Thorpe, Al|borow, Orford a good hauen, Balseie good, Felixstow, Colneie, Sproten, Ypswich, Downambridge good, Pinnemill, Shoteleie, Cataweie, Barfold.

In Esse [...] we haue Dedham,Essex. Maning trée, Thorne, Wrabbesnes, Ramseie, Harwich, Douercourt, Handford, Okeleie, Kirbie, Thorpe, Brichwill, Wal|ton mill, Walton hall, Ganfléete, Newhauen good, S. Osithes, Bentleie good, Bricleseie, Thorlington (where good ships of a hundred tun or more be made) Alsford, Wiuenhall, Colchester, Cold hith, Rough hedge, Fingering ho, east Merseie, west Merseie, Salcot, Goldanger, Borow, Maldon, Stanesgate, Sudmester, S. Peters, Burnham, Crixseie, Aldon, Clements gréene, Hulbridge, Pacleston, Barling, litle Wakering, much Wakering, south Sudburie, Wakeringham, Melton, Papper hill, or Lee, Bea [...]|fléete, Pidseie range, Fobbing, Hadleie good, Muck|ing, Stanford, and Tilberi [...] ferrie.

In Kent,Kent. Harling, Cliffe, Tanfleete, Stokehow, Snodlond, Melhall, Maidston, Ailessord, New hith, Rochester, Gelingham, Reinham, Upchurch, Hal|sted, Quinborow, Milton, Feuersham, Whit [...]aple, Herne, Margate, Brodestaier, Ramsgate; and ma|nie of these good créekes: also Sandwich, Douer, Hide, reasonable ports, although none of the best.

In Sussex we haue Smalade with the créekes adioining to the same,Sussex. Ridon, Appledoure, Rie a good hauen, and Winchelseie nothing at all inferiour to the same, and so manie shires onelie are left vnto me at this time, wherefore of force I must abruptlie leaue off to deale anie further with the rest, whose knowledge I am right sure would haue beene proff|table: and for the which I hoped to haue reaped great thankes at the hands of such sea-faring-men, as should haue had vse hereof.

Desunt caetera.