[1] [2] _THere is no riuer called Humber from the hed.Humber. Wher|fore that which we now call Humber, Ptolomie Abie, Le|land Aber, as he gesseth, hath the same denomination no higher than the confluence of Trent with the Ouze, as be|side Leland sundrie ancient writers haue noted be|fore vs both. Certes it is a noble arme of the sea, and although it be properlie to be called Ouze or Ocellus euen to the Nuke beneath Ancolme, yet are we con|tented to call it Humber of Humbrus or Umar, a king of the Scithians, who inuaded this Ile in the time of Locrinus, thinking to make himselfe mo|narch of the same. But as God hath from time to time singularlie prouided for the benefit of Bri|taine, so in this businesse it came to passe, that Hum|ber was put to flight, his men slaine: and further|more, whilest he attempted to saue himselfe by hast|ing to his ships (such was the prease of his nobilitie that followed him into his owne vessell, and the rage of weather which hastened on his fatall daie) that both he and they were drowned togither in that arme. And this is the onelie cause wherefore it hath béene called Humber, as our writers saie; and wher|of I find these verses:
Dum fugit obstat ei flumen submergitur illic,Déque suo tribuit nomine nomen aquae.
[1] This riuer in old time parted Lhoegres or Eng|land from Albania, which was the portion of Alba|nactus, the yongest sonne of Brute. But since that time the limits of Lhoegres haue béene so inlarged, first by the prowesse of the Romans, then by the con|quests of the English, that at this present daie, the Twede on the one side, & the Solue on the other, be taken for the principall bounds betweene vs and those of Scotland. In describing therefore the Hum|ber, I must néeds begin with the Ouze, whose water bringeth foorth a verie sweet, fat and delicat sa|mon, as I haue beene informed, beside sundrie o|ther kinds of fish, which we want here on the south [page 93] and southwest coasts & riuers of our land, whereof I may take occasion to speake more at large heerafter.
[1] The Ure therfore riseth in the furthest parts of all Richmondshire,Ure aliàs Ouze, or Isis. among the Coterine hilles, in a mosse, toward the west fourtéene miles beyond Mi|dleham. Being therefore issued out of the ground, it goeth to Holbecke, Hardraw, Hawshouse, Butter|side, Askebridge (which Leland calleth the Askaran, and saith thereof and the Bainham, that they are but obscure bridges) then to Askarth, through Wanlesse parke, Wenseleie bridge (made two hundred yeares since, by Alwin, parson of Winslaw) New parke, Spennithorne, Danbie, Geruise abbeie, Clifton and Masham. When it is come to Masham, it recei|ueth the Burne,Burne. by south west (as it did the Wile,Wile. from verie déepe scarrie rockes, before at Askaran) and diuerse other wild rilles not worthie to be re|membred. From Masham, it hasteth vnto Tanfield (taking in by the waie a rill by southwest) then to an|other Tanfield, to Newton hall, and Northbridge, at the hither end of Rippon, and so to Huickes bridge. But yer it come there it meeteth with the Skell,Skell. which being incorporat with the same, they run as one to Thorpe, then to Alborow, and soone after re|ceiue the Swale.Swale.
[1] Here (saith Leland) I am brought into no little streict, what to coniecture of the méeting of Isis and Ure, for some saie that the Isis and the Ure doo méet at Borowbridge, which to me dooth séeme to be verie vnlikelie, sith Isurium taketh his denomination of Isis and Vro, for it is often séene that the lesse riuers doo mingle their names with the greater, as in the Thamesis and other is easie to be found. Neither is there any more mention of the Ure after his passage vnder Borowbridge, but onelie of Isis or the Ouze in these daies, although in old time it held vnto Yorke it selfe, which of the Ure is truelie called Ure|wtjc (or Yorke short) or else my persuasion dooth faile me. I haue red also Ewerwtjc and Yorwtjc. But to procéed, and leaue this superfluous discourse.
[1] From Borowbridge, the Ouze goeth to Aldbo|rough, and (receiuing the Swale by the waie) to Ald|worke, taking in Usburne water, from the south|west, then to Linton vpon Ouze, to Newton vpon Ouze, and to Munketun, méeting with the Nid yer long, and so going withall to the Redhouses, to Po|pleton,Fosse. Clifton, Yorke (where it crosseth the Fosse) to Foulfoorth, Middlethorpe, Acaster, & Acaster, Kelfléet, Welehall, Barelebie, Selbie, Turmonhall, Skurt|hall, Hokelath, Hoke, Sandhall, Rednesse, White|gift, Uslet, Blacketoff, Foxfléet, Brownfléet, and so into Humber.
[1] The course of the Ouze being thus described,Ouze. and as it were simplie without his influences, now will I touch such riuers as fall into the same also by them|selues, contrarie to my former proceeding, imagi|ning a voiage from the Rauenspurne, vntill I come néere to the head of These, & so southwards about a|gaine by the bottome of the hillie soile vntill I get to Buxston, Sheffeld, Scrobie, & the verie south point of Humber mouth, whereby I shall crosse them all that are to be found in this walke, & leaue (I doubt) some especiall notice of their seuerall heads and courses.Hull or Hulne. The course of the Hull, a streame aboun|ding with sturgeon and lampreie, as also the riuers which haue their issue into the same, being (as I say) alreadie described, I thinke it not amisse, as by the waie to set downe what Leland saith thereof, to the end that his trauell shall not altogither be lost in this behalfe; and for that it is short, and hath one or two things worthie to be remembred conteined in the same.
[1] The Hulne (saith he) riseth of thrée seuerall heads, whereof the greatest is not far from Oriefield, now a small village sixtéene miles from Hull. Certes it hath beene a goodlie towne, and therein was the pa|lace of Egbright king of the Northumbers, and place of sepulture of Alfred the noble king sometime of that nation, who died there 727, the ninetéene Cal. of Iulie, the twentith of his reigne, and whose toombe or monument dooth yet remaine (for ought that I doo know) to the contrarie with an inscription vpon the same written in Latine letters. Néere vn|to this towne also is the Danefield, wherein great numbers of Danes were slaine, and buried in those hils, which yet remaine there to be séene ouer their dones and carcasses. The second head (saith he) is at Estburne, and the third at Emmeswell, and mée|ting all togither not farre from Orifield, the water there beginneth to be called Hulne, as I haue said alreadie.
[1] From hence also it goeth through Beuerleie me|dowes, and comming at the last not farre from an arme led from the Hulne by mans hand (and able to beare great vessels) almost to Beuerleie towne, which in old time either hight or stood in Deirwald, vntill Iohn of Beuerleie (whom Leland nameth out of an old author to be the first doctor or teacher of di|uinitie that euer was in Oxford, and (as it should séeme also by an ancient monument yet remaining) to be of an hostell where the vniuersitie college now standeth; & therefore they write him, Somtime fellow of that house) began to be of fame, of whom it is cal|led Beuerleie (as some affirme) to this daie. In déed all the countrie betwéene the Deirwent & the Hum|ber was sometime called Deira, and the lower part Caua Deira in respect of the higher soile, but now it is named the east Riding. But what is this to my purpose? The Hulne therefore being come almost to Beuerleie towne, & méeting thereabout also with the CottinghamCottingham. becke comming from Westwood by the waie, it hasteth to Kingston vpon Hulne or Hull, and so into the Humber without anie maner impeachment.
[1] The Fowlneie riseth about Godmanham,Fowlncie. from whence it goeth by Wighton, Hareswell, Seton, Williams bridge, and soone after spreading it selfe, one arme called Skelfleet goeth by Cane Cawseie to Brownefléet and so into the Ouze.Skelfléet. The other pas|seth by Sandholme, Gilberts dike, Scalbie chappell, Blacketoff, and so into the aforesaid Ouze, leauing a verie pretie Iland, which is a parcell (as I heare) of Walding fen more, though otherwise obscure to vs that dwell here in the south.
[1] The Darwent riseth in the hilles that lie west of Robin Whoodes baie,Darwent. or two miles aboue Aiton bridge, west from Scarborow as Leland saith: and yer it hath run farre from the head, it receiueth two rilles in one bottome from by west, which ioine with|all about Longdale end. Thence they go togither to Broxeie, and at Hacknesse take in another water comming from about Silseie. Afterward it com|meth to Aiton, then to Haibridge, and there crosseth the Kenford that descendeth from Roberteston.Kenford. Af|ter this also it goeth on to Potersbrumton where it taketh in one rill, as it dooth another beneath run|ning from Shirburne, and the third yet lower on the further banke, that descendeth from Brumton. From these confluences it runneth to Fowlbridge, Axbridge, Yeldingham bridge, & so to Cotehouse, re|ceiuing by the waie manie waters, & yéelding great plentie of delicate samons to such as fish vpon the same. Leland reckoning vp the names of the seue|rall brookes, numbreth them confusedlie after his ac|customed order. The Darwent (saith he) receiueth di|uerse streames, as the Shirihutton.Shirihutton. The second is the Crambecke,Crambecke. descending from Hunderskell castell (so called Tanquam à centum fontibus, or multitude of [page 94] springs that rise about the same) and goeth the Rie,Rie. which comming out of the Blackemoore, passeth by Riuers abbeie, taking in the RicollRicoll. on the left hand, then the Seuen,Seuen. the Costeie,Costeie. and PickeringPickering. brooke. The Seuin also (saith he) riseth in the side of Blacke|moore, and thence goeth by Sinnington foure miles from Pickering, and about a mile aboue a certeine bridge ouer Rie goeth into the streame. The Costeie in like sort springeth in the verie edge of Pickering towne, at a place called Keld head, and goeth into the Rie two miles beneath Pickering, about Kirbie minster, Finallie, Pickering water ariseth in Blackemoore, and halfe a mile beneath Pickering falleth into Costeie, meeting by the way with the Pocklington becke,Pocklington. and an other small rill or two, of whose names I haue no knowledge. Hitherto Le|land. But in mine opinion, it had béene far better to haue described them thus. Of those waters that fall into the Darwent beneath Cotehouse, the first com|meth from Swenton, the second from Ebberston, the third from Ollerston, the fourth from Thorneton & Pickering, and the fift on the other side that com|meth thither from Wintringham. For so should he haue dealt in better order, and rid his hands of them with more expedition, referring the rest also vnto their proper places.
[1] But to procéed after mine owne maner. Being past Cotehouse, & yer the Darwent come at Wick|ham,Rie. it crosseth the Rie, which riseth of two heads, and ioining west of Locton they run through Glans|bie parke. Finallie, receiuing the Costeie,Costeie. it mée|teth at the last with an other streame increased by the fals of six waters and more yer it come into the Darwent. The most easterlie of these is called Se|uen,Seuen. and riseth (as is aforesaid) in Blackemoore, from whence it goeth by Sinnington, Murton, Norman|bie, Newsound, How, and so into the Rie. The se|cond named Dou hath his originall likewise in Blackemoore,Dou or Doue. and descending by Rasmore, Keldon and Edston (where it receiueth the Hodgebecke,Hodgebecke. that commeth by Bernesdale, Kirkedale, & Welburne) it goeth to Sawlton, and there taketh in first the Ri|coll,Ricoll. that goeth by Careton, and whereof Ridall (as some thinke, but falslie) doth séeme to take the name. Then Fesse,Fesse. which riseth aboue Bilisdale chappell, and méeteth with the Rie at the Shaking bridge, from whence they go togither vnder the Rie bridge, to Ri|uis abbeie, and thence (after it hath crossed a becke from the west) through a parke of the earle of Rut|lands to Newton, Muniton, and so to Sawton or Sawlton, as I doo find it written. Here also it ta|keth in the Holbecke brooke,Holbecke. that commeth thithex from by west by Gilling castell, and Stangraue, from whence it goeth on to Brabie, next into the Se|uen, then into the Rie, and so into the Darwent, which from thence dooth run to Wickham.
[1] Being past Wickham, it méeteth with a water that commeth thereinto from Grinston to Sette|rington at southeast, and thence it goeth on the Mal|ton and Malton (where the prouerbe saith that a bu|shell of rie and an other of malt is woorth but six pence, carie awaie whilest you may, so as you can kéepe them from running through the sarkes) Sut|ton, Wellam, Furbie, and Kirkeham, receiuing by the waie one rill on the one side and an other on the other, whereof this commeth from Burdfall, that o|ther from Conisthorpe. From Kirkeham it goeth to Cramburne and Owsham bridge (crossing by the waie an other brooke comming from saint Edwards gore, by Faston) then to Aldbie, Buttercram (aliàs Butterham) bridge, Stamford bridge, Kexbie bridge Sutton, Ellerton, Aughton, Bubwith, Wresill, Babthorpe, and so into the Ouze, wherewith I finish the description of Darwent: sauing that I haue to let you vnderstand how Leland heard that an arme ran some time from the head of Darwent also to Scarborow, till such time as two hils betwixt which it ran, did shalder and so choke vp his course.
[1] [2] [3] The Fosse (a slow streame yet able to beare a good vessell) riseth in Nemore Calaterio, Fosse: that is, Galters wood or Cawood, among the wooddie hilles, and in his descent from the higher ground, he leaueth Crake castell, on his west side: thence he goeth by Marton abbeie, Marton, Stillington, Farling|ton, Towthorpe, Erswtjc, Huntington, & at Yorke into the Ouze. The Kile riseth flat north at New|borow,Kile. from whence it goeth by Thorneton on the hill, Ruskell parke, Awne, Tollerton, and so into the Ouze about Newton vpon Ouze.Swale. The Swale is a right noble riuer, & march in some places betwéene Richmondshire and Westmerland, it riseth not far from Pendragon castell in the hilles aboue Kirke|dale, and from this towne it goeth to Kelde chap|pell, Carret house, Crackepot, Whiteside, and neere vnto Yalen taketh in the Barneie water,Barneie. which com|meth from the north east. Thence it goeth by Harca|side to Reth (where it méeteth with the Arcleie)Arcleie. and so to Flemington, Grinton, Marrike (taking in the Holgate that commeth from by south:Holgate. and in the waie to Thorpe, the Mariske becke,Mariske becke. or peraduenture Applegarth water, as Leland calleth it, that descen|deth from the north) then to Thorpe, Applegarth, Rich|mond, Easbie and Brunton.
[1] Here by north it interteineth two or thrée waters in one chanell, called Rauenswath water, whereof the two furthest doo ioine not farre from the Dawl|tons,Rauenswath. and so go by Rauenswath, Hartfoorth, Gil|ling, and at Skebie méet with the third, comming from Richmond beaconward. By west also of Brunton, the Swale méeteth with the Rhe,Rhe. running from Resdale, and being past Brunton, it goeth to Caterijc bridge beneath Brunton, then to Ellerton, Kirkebie, Langton parua, Thirtoft, Anderbie stée|ple: and before it come vnto Gatenbie, it meeteth with the Bedall brooke, aliàs Lemings becke,Bedall aliàs Leming. that commeth west of Kellirbie, by Cunstable, Burton, Langthorpe, Bedall, and Leming chappell. From Gattenbie likewise it goeth to Mawbie, & at Bra|kenbirie receiueth the Wiske,Wiske. which is a great wa|ter, rising betwéene two parkes aboue Swanbie in one place, and southeast of Mountgrace abbeie in another; and after the confluence which is about Sid|dlebridge, goeth on betwéene the Rughtons to Ap|pleton, the Smetons, Birtbie, Hutton Coniers, Danbie, Wijc, Yafford, Warlabie, and taking in there a rill from Brunton Aluerton, it procéedeth to Otterington, Newlie, Kirbie Wiske, Newson, and Blackenburie, there méeting (as I said) with the Swale, that runneth frõ thence by Skipton bridge, Catton, Topcliffe, and Raniton, and aboue Eldmire méeteth with sundrie other rilles in one bottome, whereof the northwesterlie is called Cawdebec:Cawdebec Kebecke. the south easterlie Kebecke, which ioine est of Thorneton moore, and so go to Thorneton in the stréet, Kiluing|ton, Thruske, Sowerbie, Grastwijc, and soone after crossing another growing of the mixture of the Wil|low, and likewise of the Cuckewold beckes,Cuckwolds becke. which ioine aboue Bridforth, and running on till it come almost at Dawlton, it maketh confluence with the Swale, and go thence as one with all their samons by Thorneton bridge, Mitton vpon Swale, and so into the Ouze.
[1] The Skell riseth out of the west two miles from Founteines abbeie,Skell. and commeth (as Leland saith) with a faire course by the one side of Rippon, as the Ure dooth on the other. And on the bankes hereof stood the famous abbeie called Founteines or Ad|fontes, so much renowmed for the lustie monks that [page 95] sometimes dwelled in the same. It receiueth also the Lauer water (which riseth three miles from Kirbie,Lauer. and meeteth withall néere vnto Rippon) and finallie falleth into the Ure, a quarter of a mile beneath Rip|pon towne, & almost midwaie betwéene the North and Huicke bridges.
[1] The Nidde,Nidde. which the booke of statutes called Ni|dor (anno 13. Edw. 1) and thereto noteth it to be in|riched with store of samon, as are also the Wheof and Aire, riseth among those hilles that lie by west north|west of Gnarresborow, fiue miles aboue Pakeleie bridge, and going in short processe of time by West|houses, Lodgehouses, Woodhall, Newhouses, Mid|lesmore, Raunsgill, Cowthouse, Gowthwall, Bure|leie, Brimham, Hampeswale, and soone after mée|ting with the Killingale becke,Killingale. it goeth after the con|fluence by Bilton parke, Gnaresbridge, Washford, Cathall, Willesthorpe, Munketon, or Nonmocke, and so into the Ouze, fouretéene miles beneath Gna|resborow, being increased by the waie with verie few or no waters of anie countenauce. Leland ha|uing said thus much of the Nidde, addeth here vnto the names or two other waters, that is to saie, the CouerCouer. and the Burne,Burne. which doo fall likewise into the Ure or Ouze. But as he saith little of the same, so a|mong all my pamphlets, I can gather no more of them, than that the first riseth six miles aboue Couer|ham by west, and falleth into the Ure, a little beneath Middleham bridge, which is two miles beneath the towne of Couerham. As for the Burne, it riseth at More hilles, and falleth into the said riuer a little be|neath Massham bridge. And so much of these two.
[1] The Wharffe or Gwerfe ariseth aboue Ughter|shaw,Wharfe aliàs Gwerfe. from whence it runneth to Beggermons, Rosemill, Hubberham, Backden, Starbotton, Ket|tlewell, Cunniston in Kettlewell, and here it mee|teth with a rill comming from Haltongill chappell, by Arnecliffe, and ioining withall northeast of Kil|neseie crag, it passeth ouer by the lower grounds to Girsington, and receiuing a rill there also from Tresfeld parke, it proceedeth on to Brunfall bridge. Furthermore at Appletréew [...]jc, it méeteth with a rill from by north, and thence goeth to Barden towre, Bolton, Beth and Misseie hall, where it crosseth a rill comming from by west, thence to Addingham, ta|king in there also another from by west, and so to I|keleie, and receiuing yer long another by north from Denton hall, it hasteth to Weston Uauasour, Ote|leie, and Letheleie, where it taketh in the Padside,Padside. & the WashburneWashburne. (both in one streame from Lind|leie ward) and thence to Casteie chappell, and there it crosseth one from by north, and another yer long from by south, and so to Yardwood castell, Kerebie, Woodhall, Collingham, Linton, Wetherbie, Thor|patch, Newton, Tadeaster, and when it hath recei|ued the Cockebecke from southwest, that goeth by Barwie,Cockebecke. Aberfoorth, Leadhall, and Grimston, it runneth to Exton, Kirbie Wharfe, Uskell, Rither, Nunapleton, & so into the Ouze beneath Cawood, a castell belonging to the archbishop of Yorke, where he vseth oft to lie when he refresheth himselfe with change of aire and shift of habitation, for the auoi|ding of such infection as may otherwise ingender by his long abode in one place, for want of due purga|tion and airing of his house.
[1] The Air or Arre riseth out of a lake or tarne south of Darnbrooke,Air. wherein (as I heare) is none o|ther fish but red trowt, and perch. Leland saith it riseth néere vnto Orton in Crauen, wherfore the ods is but little. It goeth therefore from thence to Maw|lam, Hamlith, Kirbie, Moldale, Calton hall, Are|ton, and so foorth till it come almost to Gargraue, there crossing the OtterburneOtterburne. water on the w [...]st, and the WinterburneWinterburne. on the north, which at Flasbie re|ceiueth a rill from Helton, as I heare. Being past Gargraue, our Air goeth on to Eshton, Elswood, and so foorth on, first receiuing a brooke from south|west (whereof one branch commeth by Marton, the o|ther by Thorneton, which meete about Broughton) then another from northeast, that runneth by Skip|ton castell. After this confluence it hasteth by ma|nifold windlesses, which caused thirteene bridges at the last to be ouer the same within a little space, to Newbiggin, Bradleie, and Kildwijc, by south east whereof it méeteth with one water from Mawsis, and Glusburne or Glukesburne,Glike. called Glike; ano|ther likewise a little beneath from Seton, beside two rilles from by north, after which confluence it run|neth by Reddlesden, and ouer against this towne the LacockeLacocke. and the WoorthWoorth. doo meet withall in one cha|nell, as the MoretonMoreton. water dooth on the north, al|though it be somewhat lower. Thence it goeth to Rishfoorth hall, and so to Bungleie, where it taketh a rill from Denholme parke to Shipeleie, and there crossing another from Thorneton, Leuenthorpe, and Bradleie, it goeth to Caluerleie, to Christall, and so to Léedes, where one water runneth there into by north from Wettlewood, & two other from by south in one chanell, wherof the first hath two armes, of which the one commeth from Pudseie chappell, the other from Adwalton, their confluence being made aboue Farnesleie hall. The other likewise hath two heads, whereof one is aboue Morleie, the other commeth from Domingleie, and méeting with the first not far southwest of Leedes, they fall both into the Air, and so run with the same to Swillington, and there taking in the Rodwell becke south of the bridge, it proceedeth to Ollerton, Castleford, Brotherton & Ferribridge, there receiuing the Went, a becke from Pontefract or Pomfret,Redwell. Went. which riseth of diuerse heads, wherof one is among the cole pits. Thence to Beall, Berkin, Kellington, middle Hodleseie, Templehirst, Gowl|dall, Snath, Rawcliffe, Newland, Armie, and so into the Ouze with an indifferent course. Of all the ri|uers in the north, Leland (in so manie of his bookes as I haue séene) saith least of this. Mine annotations also are verie slender in the particular waters wher|bie it is increased: wherfore I was compelled of ne|cessitie to conclude euen thus with the description of the same, and had so left it in déed, if I had not recei|ued one other note more to ad vnto it (euen when the leafe was at the presse) which saith as followeth in maner word for word.
[1] There is a noble water that falleth into Air, whose head (as I take it) is about Stanford. From whence it goeth to Creston chappell, to Lingfield, and there about receiuing one rill neere Elfrabright bridge, and also the Hebden by northwest, it goeth to Brear|leie hall,Hebden. and so taking in the third by north, it procee|deth on eastward by Sorsbie bridge chappell (and there a rill from southwest) and so to Coppeleie hall. Beneath this place I find also that it receiueth one rill from Hallifax, which riseth from two heads, and two other from southwest, of which one commeth by Baresland, and Staneland in one chanell, as I read. So that after this confluence the aforesaid water go|eth on toward Cowford bridge, and as it taketh in two rilles aboue the same on the north side, so be|neath that bridge there falleth into it a pretie arme increased by sundrie waters cõming from by south, as from Marsheden chappell, from Holinesworth chappell, and Kirke-Heton, each one growing of sun|drie heads; whereof I would saie more, if I had more intelligence of their seuerall gates and passages.
[1] But to proceed. From Cowford bridge it runneth to Munfeld, and receiuing yer long one rill from Leuersage hall, and another from Burshall by Dewesburie, it goeth on northeast of Thornehull, [page 96] south of Horbirie thornes, and thereabout crossing one rill from by south from Woller by new Milner Dam, and soone after another from northwest, cal|led Chald;Chald. rising in the Peke hils, whereon Wake|field standeth, and likewise the third from southeast, and Waterton hall, it goeth by Warmefield, New|land, Alto [...]es, and finallie into the Aire, west of Ca|stelworth, as I learne. What the name of this riuer should be as yet I heare not, and therefore no mar|uell that I doo not set it downe, yet is it certeine that it is called Chald, after his cõfluence with the Chald, and finallie Chaldair or Chaldar after it hath ioined with the Air or Ar. But what is this for his denomi|nations from the head? It shall suffice therefore thus farre to haue shewed the course thereof: and as for the name I passe it ouer vntill another time.
[1] The Trent is one of the most excellent riuers in the land,Trent. not onelie for store of samon, sturgeon, and sundrie other kinds of delicate fish wherewith it dooth abound, but also for that it is increased with so manie waters, as for that onelie cause it may be compared wither with the Ouze or Sauerne, I meane the second Ouze, whose course I haue latelie described. It riseth of two heads which ioine beneath Norton in the moore, and from thence goeth to Hil|ton abbeie, Bucknell church, and aboue Stoke recei|ueth in the Foulebrooke water, which commeth thi|ther from Tunstall,Foulebrooke. by Shelton, and finallie making a confluence they go to Hanfleet, where they méet with another on the same side, that descendeth from Newcastell vnder Line, which Leland taketh to be the verie Trent it selfe, saieng: that it riseth in the hils aboue Newcastell, as may be séene by his com|mentaries.
[1] But to proceed. At Trentham, or not farre from thence, it crosseth a riueret from northeast, whose name I know not, & thence going to Stone Aston, Stoke Burston, the Sandons and Weston, a little aboue Shubburne & Hawood, it receiueth the Sow, a great chanell increased with sundrie waters, which I will here describe, leauing the Trent at Shub|burne, till I come backe againe.Sow. The Sow descen|deth from the hilles, aboue Whitemoore chappell, and goeth by Charleton, and Stawne; and beneath Shal|ford ioineth with another by northeast that commeth from bishops Offeleie, Egleshall, Chesbie, Raunton. After this confluence also it runneth by Bridgeford, Tillington, & Stafford, beneath which towne it cros|seth the Penke becke, that riseth aboue Nigleton,Penke. & Berwood, & aboue Penke bridge vniteth it selfe with another comming from Knightleie ward, by Gnas|hall church, Eaton: and so going foorth as one, it is not long yer they fall into Sow, after they haue pas|sed Draiton, Dunstan, Acton, and Banswich, where loosing their names, they with the Sow & the Sow with them doo ioine with the Trent, at Shubburne, vpon the southerlie banke.
[1] From Shubburne the Trent goeth on to little Harwood (meeting by the waie one rill at Ousleie bridge, and another south of Riddlesleie) thence by Hawksberie, Mauestane, Ridware, and so toward Yoxhall; where I must state a while to consider of o|ther waters, wherewith I meet in this voiage. Of these therefore the lesser commeth in by south from Farwall, the other from by west, a faire streame, and increased with two brooks, whereof the first riseth in Nedewood forrest, northeast of Haggersleie parke, whereinto falleth another west of Hamsteed Rid|ware, called Blith,Blith. which riseth among the hilles in Whateleie moore, aboue Weston Conie, and thence going to the same towne, it commeth to Druicote, aliàs Dracote, Painsleie, Gratwitch, Grimleie, Ald|maston, Hamstéed, Ridware, and finallie into the Trent, directlie west of Yoxhall, which runneth also from thence, & leauing kings Bromleie in a parke (as I take it) on the left hand, and the Blacke water comming from Southton and Lichfield on the right, goeth streightwaie to Catton, where it mée|teth with the Tame,Tame. whose course I describe as fol|loweth.
[1] It riseth in Staffordshire (as I remember) not farre from Petteshall, and goeth foorth by Hamsted, toward Pirihall and Brimichams Aston, taking in by the waie a rill on each side, whereof the first grow|eth through a confluence of two waters, the one of them comming from Tipton, the other from Aldbu|rie, and so running as one by Wedburie till they fall into the same. The latter commeth from Woolfhall, and ioineth with it on the left hand. After this, and when it is past the aforesaid places, it crosseth in like sort a rill from Smethike ward: thence it goeth to Yarneton hall, beneath which it méeteth with the Rhée, and thence through the parke, at Parke hall by Watercote,Rhée. Cote. crossing finallie the Cole, whose head is in the forrest by Kingesnorton wood, and hath this course, whereof I now giue notice. It riseth (as I said) in the forrest by Kingesnorton wood, and going by Yareleie and Kingeshirst, it méeteth betweene that and the parke, with a water running betwéene Helmedon and Sheldon.
[1] Thence it passeth on to Coleshull, by east where|of it ioineth with a brooke,Blith. mounting southwest of Golthull called Blith, which going by Henwood and Barston, crosseth on ech side of Temple Balshall, a rill, whereof one commeth thorough the Quéenes parke or chase that lieth by west of Kenelworth, & the other by Kenelworth castell it selfe, from about Hase|lie parke. After which confluences it procéedeth in like maner to Hampton in Arden, and the Pac|kingtons, and so to Coleshull, where it meeteth with the Cole, that going a little further, vniteth it selfe with the Burne on the one side (whereinto runneth a water comming from Ansleie on the east)Burne. and soone after on the other dooth fall into the Tame, that which some call the Rhee,Rhée. a common name to all waters that mooue and run from their head. For [...] in Gréeke is to flow and run, although in truth it is proper to the sea onelie to flow. Leland nameth the Brimicham water, whose head (as I heare) is a|boue Norffield, so that his course shuld be by Kinges|norton, Bremicham, Budston hall, till it fall beneath Yarneton into the Tame it selfe, that runneth after these confluences on by Lée, Kingesbirie parke, and going by east of Oraiton, Basset parke, to Falkes|leie bridge, it méeteth with another water called Burne, also comming from Hammerwich church, by Chesterford, Shenton, Thickebrowne, and the north side of Oraition, Basset parke, wherof I spake before. From hence our Tame runneth on to Tam|worth, there taking in the Anchor by east, whose de|scription I had in this maner deliuered vnto me.
[1] It riseth aboue Burton, from whence it goeth by Nonneaton,Anchor. Witherleie and Atherstone. Yer long also it taketh in a water from northeast, which com|meth by Huglescote, Shapton, Cunston, Twicrosse (vniting it selfe with a water from Bosworth) Rat|cliffe, & so to the Anchor, which after this confluence passeth by Whittendon, Crindon, Pollesworth, Ar|mington, Tamworth, & so into Tame, that hasteth to Hopwash, Comberford hall, Telford, and soone af|ter crossing a rill that riseth short of Swinfield hall, and commeth by Festirike, it runneth not farre from Eroxhall, and so to Catton, thereabout receiuing his last increase not worthie to be omitted. This brooke is named Mese,Mese. and it riseth in the great parke that li|eth betwéene Worthington, and Smothike, from whence also it goeth by Ashhie de la Souche, Pac|kington, Mesham, and Stretton, and therabout cros|sing [page 97] a rill about Nethersale grange, from Ouer|sale by east, it proceedeth by Chilcote, Clifton, Crox|all, into the Thame, and both out of hand into the maine riuer a mile aboue Repton. Leland writing of this riuer (as I earst noted) saith thereof in this wise. Into the Thame also runneth the Bremicham brooke, which riseth foure or fiue miles about Bremi|cham in the Blacke hils in Worcestershire, and go|eth into the aforesaid water a mile aboue Crud|worth bridge. Certes (saith he) this Bremicham is a towne mainteined chieflie by smiths, nailers, cut|lers, edgetoole forgers, lorimers or bitmakers, which haue their iron out of Stafford and Warw [...]jc shires, and [...]oles also out of the first countie. Hitherto Le|land. Now to resume the Trent, which being grow|en to some greatnesse, goeth on to Walton, Drake|low, and there crossing a water that commeth by Nowbold hall, it runneth to Stapenell, Winshull, Wightmere, and Newton South, where it recei|ueth two chanels within a short space, to be described apart.
[1] The first of these is called the Dou or Doue, it ri|seth about the thrée shires méere,Dou. and is as it were limes betweene Stafford and Darbishires, vntill it come at the Trent. Descending therefore from the head, it goeth by Earlesbooth, Pilsburie grange; Hartington, Wolscot, Eaton, Hunsington grange; and aboue Thorpe receiueth the Manifold water,Manifold. so called, bicause of the sundrie crinckling rills that it receiueth, and turnagaines that it selfe sheweth be|fore it come at the Dou. Rising therefore not farre from Are edge crosse (in the bottome thereby) it run|neth from thence to Longmore, Shéene, Warslow chappell, and Welton, Beneath Welton also it ta|keth in the Hansleie water that commeth out of Blackemoore hilles to Watersall,Hansleie. where it falleth in|to the ground: and afterward mounting againe is receiued into the Manifold, north of Throwleie (as I heare) which goeth from thence to Ilam, and aboue Thorpe dooth cast it selfe into Dou. Hauing therefore met togither after this maner, the Dou procéedeth on to Maplington, beneath which it crosseth one water descending from Brassington by Fennie Bentleie, and another somewhat lower that commeth from Hooston hall by Hognaston and Ashburne, and then going to Matterfield, Narburie, Ellaston, Rawston Rowcester, it meeteth with the Churne,Churne. euen here to be described before I go anie further. It riseth a good waie aboue Delacrasse abbie, and comming thither by Hellesbie wood, it taketh in the Dunsmere,Dunsmere. be|tweene Harracrasse and Leike.
[1] Thence it goeth to the Walgrange, and a little beneath receiueth the Yendor that commeth from a|boue Harton,Yendor. thence to Cheddleton, and hauing cros|sed the Ashenhirst brooke aboue Cnutes hall,Aula Canuti. Ashenhirst. it run|neth by Ypston, Froghall, Below hill, Alton castell, Préestwood, and at Rowcester falleth into the Dou, which yer long also receiueth a rill from Crowsden,Teine. and then going to Eton méeteth first with the Teine that commeth thither from each side of Chedleie by Teinetwone, Bramhirst and Stranehill. Secondlie with the Uncester or Uttoxeter water,Uttoxeter or Uncester. and then go|ing on to Merchington, Sidberie, Cawlton, it cros|seth a brooke from Sidmister college, by Saperton. From this confluence in like sort it passeth foorth to Tilberie castell, Mars [...]on, and at Edergton méeteth with the water that commeth from Yeldersleie by Longford (where into runneth another that commeth from Hollington) and so to Hilton. These waters be|ing thus ioined, and manie ends brought into one, the Dou it selfe falleth yer long likewise into the Trent, aboue Newton Souch. So that the maine riuer being thus inlarged, goeth onwards with his course, and betwéene Willington and Repton mee|teth with two waters on sundrie sides, whereof that which falleth in by Willington, riseth néere Dawbe|rie Lies, and runneth by Trusselie and Ashe: the o|ther that entereth aboue Repton, descendeth from Hartesburne, so that the Trent being past these, ha|steth to Twiford, Inglebie, Staunton, Weston, Newton, and Aston, yer long also méeting with the Darwent; next of all to be dispatched.Darwent. The Dar|went, or (to vse the verie British word) Dowrgwine (but in Latine Fluuius Dereuantanus) riseth plaine west, néere vnto the edge of Darbishire, aboue Blackwell a market towne, and from the head run|neth to the New chappell, within a few miles after it be risen. From hence moreouer it goeth by Howden house, Darwent chappell, Yorkeshire bridge, and at Witham bridge dooth crosse the Neue or Nouius that commeth from Newstole hill,Neue. by Netherburgh, Hope (crossing there one rill from Castelton, ano|ther from Bradwell, and the third at Hathersage, from Stonie ridge hill) and so goeth on to Padleie, Stockehall, receiuing a rill by the waie from by west, to Stonie Middleton, and Baslow, and hauing here taken in the Burbrooke on the one side, and an|other from Halsop on the other,Burbroke. it goeth to Chat|worth and to Rowseleie, where it is increased with the Wie comming from by west, and also a rill on the east, a little higher. But I will describe the Wie before I go anie further.
[1] The Wie riseth aboue Buxston well,Wie. and there is increased with the Hawkeshow,Hawkeshow. and the WileWile. brooke, whose heads are also further distant from the edge of Darbishire than that of Wie, and races som|what longer, though neither of them be worthie to be accompted long. For the Wile, hauing two heads, the one of them is not farre aboue the place where Wilebecke abbeie stood, the other is further off by west, about Wilebecke towne: and finallie ioining in one they runne to Cuckneie village, where recei|uing a becke that commeth downe from by west, it holdeth on two miles further, there taking in the se|cond rill, and so resort to Rufford, or the Manbecke. Unto this also doo other two rills repaire,Rufford aliàs Manbecke. wherof the one goeth through and the other hard by Maunsfield, of which two also this latter riseth west about foure miles, and runneth foorth to Clipston (three miles lower) and so likewise to Rufford, whereof I will speake hereafter. In the meane time to returne a|gaine to the Wie. From Buxston well, it runneth to Staddon, Cowdale, Cowlow, New medow, Mil|houses, Bankewell, and Haddon hall, beneath which it receiueth the Lath kell,Lathkell. that runneth by Ouerhad|don, and the Bradford,Bradford. both in one bottome after they be ioined in one at Alport. And this is the first great water that our Darwent dooth méet withall. Being therefore past the Rowsleies, the said Darwent go|eth to Stancliffe, Darleie in the peake, Wensleie, Smitterton hall, and at Matlocke taketh in a rill by northeast, as it dooth another at Crumford that go|eth by Boteshall.
[1] [2] From Mattocke, it procéedeth to Watston, or Watsond, Well bridge, Alderwash, and ioineth with another streame called Amber comming in from by north by Amber bridge,Amber. whose description shall insue in this wise, as I find it. The head of Am|ber is aboue Edleston hall, or (as Leland saith) est of Chesterfield, and comming from thence by Middle|ton to Ogston hall, it taketh withall another brooke, descending from Hardwijc wood, by Alton and Streton. Thence it goeth to Higham, Brackenfield, and aboue Dale bridge meeteth with a brooke run|ning from Hucknalward to Shireland parke side, there crossing the Moreton becke,Moreton. and so to Alferton, except I name it wrong. From Dale bridge it go|eth by Wingfeld, to Hedge, Fritchlin, and so into [page 98] Darwent, taking the water withall that descendeth from Swanswtjc by Pentridge, as Leland doth re|member. From this confluence likewise it runneth to Belper, where it méeteth with a rill comming from Morleie parke: thence to Makenie, and at Duf|feld,Eglesburne. receiueth the Eglesburne, which ariseth about Wirkesworth or Oresworth, but in the same parish out of a rocke, and commeth in by Turnedich. From Duffeld, it passeth to Bradsall, Darleie abbeie, and at Darbie taketh in a rill comming from Mirkaston by Weston vnderwood, Kidleston and Merton. If a man should say that Darwent riuer giueth name to Darbie towne, he should not well know how euerie one would take it, and peraduenture therby he might happen to offend some. In the meane time I beleeue it, let other iudge as pleaseth them, sith my coniec|ture can preiudice none. To proceed therefore. From Darbie it runneth on by Aluaston, Ambaston, the Welles, and so into Trent, which goeth from hence to Sawleie, and north of Thrumpton taketh in the Sore, a faire streame, and not worthie to be ouerpas|sed.Sora, or Surus.
[1] It riseth in Leicestershire aboue Wigton, and thence goeth to Sharneford, Sapcote, and beneath Staunton taketh in a rill that commeth by Doun|ton and Broughton Astleie. Thence to Marleborow, and before it come to Eston, crosseth another on the same side (descending by Burton, Glen, Winstow, Kilbie and Blabie) then to Leircester towne, Bel|graue, Burstall, Wanlip; and yer it come at Cus|sington or Cositon, crosseth the Eie,Eie. which riseth néere Occam aboue Bramston, Leland calleth one of these rilles Croco. going by Knawstow, So|merbie; Pickwell, Whitesonden; and beneath (a litle) receiueth a rill on the right hand from Coldnorton. Thence to Stapleford, & soone after crossing a brooke from aboue Sproxton, Coson, Garthorpe and Sax|bie, it runneth to Wiuerbie, Brentingbie; and yer it come at Milton, meeteth with two other small rilles, from the right hand whereof one commeth from a|bout Caldwell by Thorpe Arnold, and Waltham in the Would; the other from Skaleford ward, and from Melton goeth by Sisonbie, there méeting with another from northeast ouer against Kirbie Hellars, after which time the name of Eie is changed into Warke or Urke, and so continueth vntill it come at the Soure.Warke, Urke, or Wr [...]ke. From hence also it goeth to Asterbie, Radgale, Habie, Trussington, Ratcliffe; and soone after crosseth sundrie waters not verie farre in sun|der, whereof one commeth from Oueston, by Twi|ford, Ashbie, and Gadesbie; another from Losebie, by Baggraue, and Crawston, and ioining with the first at Ouennihow, it is not long yer they fall into the Warke. The second runneth from Engarsbie, by Barkeleie, and Sison. But the third and greatest of the thrée, is a chanell increased with thrée waters, whereof one commeth from Norton by Burton, Kil|bie, Foston and Blabie, the other from Dounton by Broughton and Astleie, and méeting with the third from Sapcoth, and stonie Staunton, they run togi|ther by Narborow, and soone after ioining aboue El|ston, with the first of the thrée, they go as one by El|ston to Leircester, Belgraue, Wanlip, and aboue Cussington doo fall into the Warke, and soone after into the Soure. The Soure in like sort going from thence to mount Sorrell, & taking in another brooke southwest from Leircester forrest, by Glenfield, Au|stie, Thurcaston and Rodelie, ioineth with the Soure, which goeth from thence to mount Sorrell, and Qua|rendon (where it taketh in a water comming from Charnewood forrest, and goeth by Bradegate and Swithland) and then procéedeth to Cotes, Lughbo|row and Stanford, there also taking in one rill out of Notinghamshire by northeast; and soone after an|other from southwest, comming from Braceden to Shepesheued, Garrington, & Dighlie grange, and likewise the third from Worthington, by Disworth, long Whitton, and Wathorne. Finallie, after these confluences, it hasteth to Sutton, Kingston, and Ratcliffe, and so into the Trent.
[1] These things being thus brought togither, and we now resuming the discourse of the same riuer, it dooth after his méeting with the Some, proceed with|all to Barton, where it taketh in the Erwash, which riseth about Kirbie,Erwash. and thence goeth to Sel [...]on, Wansbie, Codnor castell, Estwood, and crossing a water from Be [...]all, runneth to Coshall, Trowe [...] (and there taking in another rill comming from He|nor by Shipleie) it proceedeth on to Stapleford, long Eaton, and so into the Trent. This bring soone it goeth to Clifton, and yer it come at Wilford, it mee|teth with a brooke that passeth from Staunton by Bonnie and Rodington, and thence to Notingham, where it crosseth the Line, wh [...] riseth aboue New|sted; and passing by Papple [...], H [...]eknall, Bafford, Radford and Linton, next of all to Thorpe & Farm|don, where it brancheth and maketh an Iland, and into the smaller of them goeth a brooke from Beuer castell, which rising betweene east Well and Eaton in Leircester is called the Dene,Dene. and from thence runneth by Bramston to Knipton, & beneath Knip|ton méeteth with a brooke that commeth by west of [...]roxston, and thence holdeth on with his course, be|twéene Wille [...]horpe and Beuer castell aforesaid and so to Bottesworth, Normanton, Killington Shilton, there receiuing the Snite from by south (whose head is néere Clauston,Snite. & course from thence by Hickling, Langer, Whalton, Orston, and Flare|borow) and yer long another comming from Bing|ham, and Sibthorpe. Thence our Trent runneth to Coxam, Hawton, Newarke castell, and so to Win|thorpe, where the branches are reunited, and thence go on by Holme to Cromwell (and soone after taking in a brooke comming from Bilsthorpe, by Kersall, Cawnton, Norwell and Willowbie) to Carlton, and to Sutton, there making a litle Ile, then to Grinton, where it toucheth a streame on ech side, whereof one commeth from Morehouse by Weston & Gresthorpe, another from Langthorpe, by Collingham, and Bos|thorpe. From hence likewise it passeth to Clifton, Newton, Kettlethorpe, Torkeseie, Knath, Guinsbo|row, Waltrith, Stockwith; and leauing Axholme on the left hand, it taketh withall Hogdike water out of the Ile, and so goeth foorth to Wildsworth, East|ferrie, Frusworth, Burringham, Guinmeis, Hix|burgh, Burton, Walcote, and at Ankerburie into the Humber, receiuing the swift Doue by the waie, which for his noblenesse is not to be ouerpassed, espe|ciallie for that Anno 1536 Hen. 8, 28, it was (by Gods prouidence) a staie of great bloudshed like to haue fallen out betwéene the kings side and the rebelles of the north, in a quarrell about religion. For the night before the battell should haue béene stricken, and without anie apparent cause (a little showre of raineA miracle. excepted farre vnpossible vpon such a sudden to haue made so great a water) the said riuer arose so high, & ran with such vehemencie, that on the morow the ar|mies could not ioine to trie & fight it out: after which a pacification insued, and those countries were left in quiet. Secondlie, the description hereof is not to be ouerpassed, bicause of the fine grasse which grow|eth vpon the banks thereof, which is so fine and bata|ble, that there goeth a prouerbe vpon the same; so oft as a man will commend his pasture, to say that there is no better féed on Doue banke: that maketh it al|so the more famous.
[1] The Doue therefore riseth in Yorkeshire amongDoue. the Peke hilles, and hauing receiued a water com|ming by Ingbirchworth (where the colour thereof is [page 99] verie blacke) it goeth to Pennistone, which is foure miles from the head: then by Oxspring to Thurgo|land, and soone after (ioining by the waie with the Midhop water,Midhop. that runneth by Midhop chappell, and Hondshelfe) it méeteth with another comming from Bowsterston chappell. Then goeth it by Waddesleie wood to Waddesleie bridge, and at Aluerton recei|ueth the Bradfeld water. Then passeth it to Crokes, and so to Sheffeld castell (by east whereof it receiueth a brooke from by south that commeth through Shef|feld parke.) Thence it procéedeth to Westford bridge, Briksie bridge; and southwest of Timsleie receiueth the Cowleie streame that runneth by Ecclefield.Cowleie. Next of all it goeth to Rotheram, where it méeteth with the Rother,Rother. a goodlie water, whose head is in Darbieshire about Pilsleie, from whence it goeth vnder the name of Doleie, till it come at Rotheram, by north Winfield church, Wingerworth, and Fore|land hall, twelue miles from Rotheram, to Chester|ford, where it méeteth with the Iber,Iber. and BramptonBrampton. water that commeth by Holme hall, both in one cha|nell. Thence it runneth to Topton castell, and yer long crossing one water comming from Dronefeld by Whittington on the one side, and the second from aboue Brimington on the other, it goeth through Stalie parke, and soone after méeteth with the Craw|leie becke, whereof I find this note.
[1] The Crawleie riseth not farre from Hardw [...]jc,Crawleie. and going by Stanesbie and Woodhouse, it receiueth aboue Netherhorpe, one water on the one side com|ming from the Old parke, and another from Barlbo|row hill on the other, that runneth not farre from Woodthorpe. After this confluence likewise they run as one into the Rother, which hasteth from thence to Eckington (there crossing a rill that runneth by Bir|leie hill) and so to Kilmarsh, in the confines of Dar|bieshire,Gunno. where it taketh in the Gunno from by east. Thence to Boughton, vniting it selfe therabout with another by west from Gledles, called Mesebrooke,Mesebrooke. which diuideth Yorkeshire from Darbieshire, and so runneth to Treton, Whiston, there taking in a rill from Aston, and so to Rotheram, where it méeteth with the Doue, and from whence our Doue (yéelding plentie of samon all the waie as it passeth) hasteth to Aldwa [...]ke, Swaiton, Mexburge, there taking in the Darne, which I will next describe, and staie with the Doue, vntill I haue finished the same. It riseth at Combworth, and so commeth about by Bretton hall, to Darton ward, where it crosseth a water that run|neth from Gonthwake hall, by Cawthorne vnited of two heads. From hence it goeth to Burton grange, then to Drax, where it toucheth with a water from southwest, & then goeth to Derfield and Goldthorpe: but yer it come to Sprotborow, it vniteth it selfe with a faire riuer, increased by diuerse waters, before it come at the Doue, & whereinto it falleth (as I heare) northeast of Mexburgh. After this confluence like|wise the Doue goeth by Sprothorow, to Warnes|worth, Doncaster, Wheatleie (there méeting with the Hampall créeke on the northeast side,Hampall. which riseth east of Kirbie) thence to Sandall, Kirke Sandall, Bran|with ferrie, Stanford, Fishlake, and so to Thuorne or Thurne, where it crosseth the Idle (whose description followeth) and finallie into Trent, and so into the Humber.
[1] But before I deale with the description of the Idle, I will adde somewhat of the Rume, a faire water. For though the description thereof be not so exactlie deliuered me as I looked for; yet such as it is I will set downe, conferring it with Lelands booke, and hel|ping their defect so much as to me is possible. It ri|seth by south of Maunsfield, fiue miles from Rumford abbeie, and when the streame commeth neere the ab|beie, it casteth it selfe abroad and maketh a faire lake. After this it commeth againe into a narrow chanell, and so goeth on to Rumford village, carrieng the Budbie and the Gerberton waters withall.Budbie Gerberton. From thence, and with a méetlie long course, it goeth to Bawtrie or Uautrie, a market towne in Notting|hamshire, fiue miles from Doncaster, and so into the Trent. Beneath Rumford also commeth in the Girt, which goeth vnto Southwell milles,Girt. and so into the Trent. Now as concerning our Idle.
[1] The Idle, which some call Brier streame,Idle. riseth at Sutton in Ashfield, from whence it runneth to Maunsfield, Clipston & Allexton, where it taketh in a water that riseth in the forrest, one mile north of Bledworth, and runneth on by Rughford abbeie, till it come to Allexton.Manbecke. The forresters call this Man|becke, whereof Leland also speaketh, who describeth it in this maner. Manbrooke riseth somewhere about Linthirst wood, from whence it goeth to Blisthorpe, and so to Allerton. But to procéed. The Idle hauing taken in the Manbecke, it runneth to Bothomsall, by Boughton, & Perlethorpe: but yer it come there, it méeteth the Meding Maiden, or Midding brooke, which rising about Teuersall,Meding becke. goeth to Pleasleie, Nettleworth, Sawcan, Warsop, Budleie, Thursbie, Bothomsall, and so into the Idle. After this it procee|deth to Houghton, west Draiton, but yer it touch at Graunston or Gaunston, it taketh in the Wilie,Wilie. which commeth from Clowne, to Creswell, Hol|becke, Woodhouse, Wilebecke, Normenton, Elsleie, Graunston, and so into the Idle. Being thus increa|sed, the Idle runneth on to Idleton, Ordsall, Retford, Bollam, Tilneie, Matterseie abbeie, and so to Baw|trie, where it méeteth another from the shire Okes, that riseth aboue Geitford, passeth on to Worksop (or Radfurth) Osberton,Blith. Bilbie, and Blith, there vni|ting it selfe with thrée rilles in one bottome, whereof one commeth from Waldingwell to Careleton, and so thorough a parke to Blith towne, another from by west Furbecke thrée miles, and so to Blith: but the third out of the White water néere to Blith, and there being vnited they passe on to Scrobie, and so into the Idle.
[1] [2] From hence it runneth on to Missen, to Sad|lers bridge, and next of all to Santoft, where it mée|teth with the Sandbecke,Sandbecke. which rising not farre from Sandbecke towne, passeth by Tickhill, Ro|sington bridge, Brampton, Rilholme, Lindholme, and one mile south of Santoft into the Idle water, which runneth from thence to Thorne, where it mée|teth with the Doue, and so with it to Crowleie. Fi|nallie, inuironing the Ile of Areholme, it goeth vn|to Garthorpe, Focorbie, & so into the Trent. Leland writing of the Wilie, Wile, or Gwilie (as some write it) saith thus therof. The Wile hath two heads, whereof one is not farre aboue the place where Wil|becke abbeie stood; the other riseth further off by west aboue Welbecke or Wilebecke towne: finallie ioi|ning in one, they runne to Cuckeneie village, where crossing a becke that commeth in from by west, it holdeth on two miles further, there taking in the se|cond rill, and so resort to Rufford. To this riuer like|wise (saith he) doo two other waters repaire, whereof the one goeth hard by Maunsfield (rising foure miles from thence by west) and then com|meth thrée miles lower to Rufford; the other (so far as I remem|ber) goeth quite through the towne.