[1] _THe Sauerne which Ptolomie calleth Sabriana, Sauerne. Tacitus Sa|brina, diuideth England or that part of the Iland, which sometime was called Lhoe|gres from Cambria, so called of Camber, the second sonne of Brute, as our histories doo report. But now that region hight Wales, of the Germane word Walsh, whereby that nation dooth vse to call all strangers without respect of countrie. This riuer tooke the name of a certeine ladie, called Habren or Hafren, base daughter to Locrinus be|gotten vpon Estrildis daughter to Humber other|wise called Cumbrus or Umar, and for which some write Chonibrus king of Scithia, that sometime in|uaded this Island, and was ouerthrowne here in the daies of this Locrinus, as shall be shewed at hand: although I suppose rather that this ladie was called Ine, and that the word Sabrina is compounded of Aber and Ine, and the letter S added Propter euphoni|am: for the mouth or fall of euerie riuer in the British spéech is called Aber, whereby Aber Ine is so much to saie as, the fall of Ine. But let vs returne againe to our discourse of Humber or Umar, which is worthie to be remembred.
[1] [2] For after the death of Locrinus, it came to passe that Guendolena his wife ruled the kingdome in the nonage of hir sonne: and then getting the said Estrildis and Habren hir daughter into hir hands, she drowned them both in this riuer. And in perpetu|all remembrance of hir husbands disloialtie towards hir, she caused the streame to be called Habren of the yoong ladie, for which the Romans in processe of time for readinesse and mildnesse of pronunciation, wrote Sabrina, and we at this time doo pronounce the Sa|uerne. Of the drowning of the said Abren also I find these verses insuing:
In fluuium praecipitatur Abren,Nomen Abren, fluuio de virgine, nomeneidemNomine corrupto deinde Sabrina datur.
[1] But to returne to our Sauerne. It falleth into the maine sea betwéene Wales and Cornewall, which is and shall be called the Sauerne sea, so long as the riuer dooth keepe hir name. But as the said streame in length of course, bountie of water, and depth of chanell commeth farre behind the Thames: so for o|ther commodities, as trade of merchandize, plentie of cariage, & store of all kind of fish, as salmon, trouts, breames, pikerell, tench, perch, &c: it is nothing at all inferiour or second to the same. Finallie, there is no|thing to be discommended in this riuer, but the o|pennesse thereof in manie places to the weather, whereby sundrie perils oft ouertake such as fish or saile in small vessels on the same.
[1] The head of this noble streame is found in the high mounteines of south Wales called Helennith or Plim limmon; in English, the blacke mounteins, or moore heads, from whence also the Wie and the Rhidoll do procéed: and therefore these thrée waters are commonlie called the thrée sisters, and haue in la|titude two and fiftie degrees ten minutes, in lon|gitude fiftéene and fiftie, as the description inferreth. So soone as it is out of the ground, it goeth southeast|ward, till it come within a mile of Laundlos, where it receiueth a chanell from by south southwest, called the Dulas, which commeth thereinto on the south side, & southwest of Lan Idlos. It riseth (as it should séeme) of diuerse heads in the edge of Radnorshire, [page 69] and taking in sundrie small rilles, it meeteth at the last with the Brueham brooke,Brucham. and so they go to|gither till they fall into the Sauerne. Beneath Lan Idlos it taketh in the Clewdogh from northwest,Clewdogh. a water producted by the influence of foure pretie brookes, whereof one is called Bacho,Bacho. another Dun|gumDungum.. comming out of lin Glaslin, the third LhoidLhoid. ri|sing in lin Begilin, and the most southerlie called Bigga.Bigga. After which confluence our Sauerne procée|deth on by Berhlaid toward Landiman, taking in by the waie, on the east side the Couine,Couine. thence to Cairfuse castell, where it meeteth with the Carnon,Carnon. and the TaranTaran. both in one chanell, and going not far from the aforesaid fortresse. After this it crosseth the HawesHawes. on the north halfe beneath Abcerhawes, next of all the DulesseDulesse. 2. that riseth in the edge of Radnor shire, and méeteth with it before it come at Newton in Powisie, otherwise called Trenewith, as I find in British language. Being come to Trenewith, I cannot eschue (right honorable) to giue one note, as by the waie, touching the originall of my ladie your bed|fellowes ancestrie, which came from hence, & were surnamed Newtons onelie, for that the grandfather of sir Iohn Newton either dwelled or was borne there: otherwise the right name is Caradoc, for which some doo corruptlie write Cradocke, respecting rather the shortnesse of pronuntiation, than the true orthographie and writing of the word. Certes the Ca|radockes haue béene, and yet are a linage of great honor, antiquitie, and seruice; their lands also some|time belonged (for the most part) to the noble Gon|noanies of Summersetshire: but in what order they descended to the Newtons, in good sooth I cannot tell. But to procéed with our riuer, which being past New|ton, runneth foorth by Landilouarne, and so foorth on till it come to the fall of the Mule, whose head is in the edge of Radnor also,Mule. and thereto his passage by Kerie and Lanmereiwtjc. After this also it procée|deth further till it meet with the KenletLenlet. or the Cama|let,Camalet. which taketh in also the TateTate. or Tadbrooke water rising out of the hilles a mile from Bishops towne, the whole course thereof being about seauen miles from the head (as I haue often heard.) Of this also I find two descriptions, whereof one I borrow out of Leland, who saith that it is a pretie brooke, running in the vale by Mountgomerie, and comming within halfe a mile of the place where Chirbirie priorie stood, it falleth into the Sauerne about a mile from thence. Of the rilles (saith he) that run from the hilles tho|rough Mountgomerie, which are a mile from the Sauerne shore,Lan Idlos. and likewise of the Lan Idlos brooke that méeteth withall within foure miles of the head, I speake not, but thinke it sufficient to touch those of some estimation, onelie leauing the rest to such as maie hereafter deale with things more particularlie as time and trauell maie reueale the truth to them. And hitherto Leland, whose words I dare not alter. But another noteth this Camalet or Kenlet to run by More, Liddiom, Sned, Churchstocke, Chirbirie, Walcote, and Winsbirie, and so into the Sauerne.
[1] From hence then, and after this confluence it go|eth on by Fordon, Leighton, and Landbreuie to|ward Meluerleie, and there it méeteth with sundrie waters in one chanell,Tanet. Peuereie or Murnewie. whereof the one called the Ta|net is a verie pretie water (whereinto the Peuereie or Murneweie doth fall, which descendeth from the hilles by west of Matrafall not farre from Lhan Fi|lin) the other Auerneie,Auernie. and ioining beneath Abertan|noth, or aboue Lannamonach neere vnto the ditch of Offa,Mordant. it is not long yer they méet with the Mordant brooke, and there loose their names so soone as they ioine and mix their waters with it. The head of the Mordant issueth out of the Lanuerdan hilles, where diuerse saie, that the parish church of crosse Oswald or Oswester sometimes stood. Certes, Oswester is thirtéene miles northwest from Shrewesburie, and conteineth a mile within the walles. It hath in like sort foure suburbs or great stréetes, of which one is called Stratlan, another Wuliho, the third Bete|rich, wherein are one hundred and fortie barns stand|ing on a row belonging to the citizens or burgesses, and the fourth named the Blackegate stréet, in which are thirtie barns mainteined for corne & haie. There is also a brooke running thorough the towne by the crosse, comming from Simons well, a bow shoote without the wall;Simons becke. & going vnder the same betweene Thorowgate & Newgate, running vnder the Blacke gate. There is another, ouer whose course the Bade|rikes or Bederich gate standeth, and therefore called Bederich brooke.Bederich. The third passeth by the Willigate or Newgate, & these fall all togither with the Crosse brooke, a mile lower by south into the Mordant that runneth (as I said) by Oswester. From hence also it goeth to Mordant towne, and betwéene Landbre|uie and Meluerleie doth fall into the Sauerne. After this our principall streame goeth to Sheauerdon ca|stell, Mountford, and Bicton chappell: and here it re|ceiueth a water on the left hand, that riseth of two heads, whereof one is aboue Merton, the other at El|lismere, and ioining betweene Woodhouses & Bag|leie, the confluence runneth on by Radnall, Halton, T [...]ddesmer, Roiton, Baschurch, Walford, Grafton, Mitton, and so into the Sauerne. From hence it runneth to Fitz, Eton, or Leiton, Barwtjc, vpper Rossall, Shelton, and so to Shrewsburie, where it cros|seth the Mele water, whose head (as I heare) is said to be in Weston.
[1] The Mele therefore rising at Weston,Mele. goeth by Brocton, Worthen, Aston Pigot, Westleie, After|leie,Haberleie. and at Lea it méeteth with the Haberleie water that commeth downe by Pontesford and Aunston. After this confluence also it runneth to Newenham & Crokemele, there taking in a rill on the other side that descendeth by Westburie and Stretton, & thence going on to Hanwood, Noball, Pulleie, Bracemele, and Shrewesburie, it falleth (as I said) into the open Sauerne. From hence our Sauerne hasteth to Uf|fington, Preston, and betwéene Chilton and Bramp|ton taketh in the Terne, a faire streame and worthie to be well handled; if it laie in me to performe it. This riuer riseth in a mere beside Welbridge parke, néere vnto Ternemere village in Staffordshire. From whence it runneth by the parkes side to Knighton, Norton, Betton, and at Draiton Hales crosseth with a water comming from about Adbaston (where maister Brodocke dwelleth) and runneth by Chip|penham and Amming:Terne. so that the Terne on the one side, and this brooke on the other, doo inclose a great part ofSée Hen. 6. pag. 649. Blore heath, where a noble battell was som|time purposed betwéene king Henrie the sixt, and the duke of Yorke: but it wanted execution.
[1] But to procéed. After this confluence, it runneth to Draiton Hales, Ternehill bridge: and yer long taking in a rill from Sandford by Blechleie, it goeth to Stoke Allerton, Peplaw, and Eaton, where it crosseth with a brooke that riseth about Brinton, and going by Higham, Morton, the great Mere, Forton, Pilson, Pickstocke, Keinton, Tibberton, and Bo|las, it ioineth with the said Terne not farre from Water Upton. Thence passing to Crogenton, it méeteth with another brooke that commeth from Chaltwen Aston, by Newport, Longford, Aldneie, and so through the Wilde moore to Kinsleie & Sléepe, and finallie into the Terne, which hasteth from thence to Eston bridge, and néere vnto Walcote taketh in the Roden. This water riseth at Halton in Cumber|mere lake:Roden. and comming to Ouenleie, crosseth a rill from Cowlemere by Leniall. Thence it goeth to [page 70] Horton, and (ioining with another rill beneath Non|laie that commeth from Midle) runneth on to Wen, Aston, there crossing a rill beneath Lacon hall from Prées ward, and so to Lée, Befford, Stanton, Mor|ton Shabrée, Painton, Roden, Rodington, and then into Terne, that runneth from thence by Charlton, Upton, Norton, Barwijc, Acham, and so into the Sauerne two miles beneath Shrewesburie (as I wéene.)
[1] Thus haue I described the Terne in such wise as my simple skill is able to performe. Now it resteth that I proceed on (as I maie) with the Sauerne streame, with which, after this former confluence, it goeth vnto Roxater or Roxcester, Brampton, Eaton vpon Sauerne,Euerne. Draiton, where it ioineth with the E|uerne that runneth from Frodesleieward by Withi|all and Pitchford, Cresfedge, Garneston, Leighton, and betwéene the two Bildasses crosseth the Rhe or Wenlocke water,Wenlocke or Rhe. and so goeth on to Browsleie and Hoord parke, where it vniteth it selfe with another brooke to be described in this place, whilest the Sa|uerne rests, and recreates it selfe here among the ple|sant bottoms.
[1] This water ariseth aboue Tongcastell, and yer it haue run anie great distance from the head, it mée|teth with a rill comming by Sheriffe Hales, and Staunton. Thence it goeth on to Hatton, Roi|ton, and there crossing another from Woodhou|ses, comming by Haughton and Euelin, it pro|céedeth to Beckebirie and Higford, and not omitting here to crosse the WorfeWorfe. (sometime a great streame that runneth vnto it out of Snowdon poole) and so passeth foorth to Badger, Acleton, Worffield: a litle from whence (about Wickin) it taketh in another brooke into it called Churle, & so goeth on to Rindle|ford, and then into Sauerne somwhat aboue Bridge|north at Penston mill (except mine information de|ceiue me.) From Bridgenorth our Sauerne des|cendeth to Woodburie, Ouatford, and there taking in the Marbrooke beneath Eaton that riseth aboue Collaton,Marbrooke. and goeth by Moruill & Underton, it run|neth by Didmanston, Hempton, Aueleie, & beneath in the waie to Bargate, crosseth with a brooke com|ming from Upton parke, by Chetton, Billingsleie, and Highleie, which being admitted, it holdeth on to Areleie,Dowlesse. Ciarnewood parke, Hawbach and Dowlesse. Here also it méeteth with the Dowlesse water, a pre|tie brooke issuing out of the Cle hilles in Shropshire, verie high to looke vpon, and thrée miles or therea|bouts from Ludlow, which runneth through Clebirie parke in Wire forrest,Lempe. & taking withall the Lempe, dooth fall into the Sauerne not far from Bewdleie.
[1] But to procéed. From Bewdleie our Sauerne ha|steth directlie to Ribford, Areleie and Redston, and here it meeteth with a water called Stoure, descen|ding from Elie,Stoure. or out of the ponds of Hales Owen in Worcestershire, where it receiueth a rill from the left hand, and another from the right, and then goeth on to Sturbridge (taking in there the third water yer long running from Sturton castell) then to Kni|uer Whittenton, Ouerleie and Kidormister, aboue which it crosseth one brookelet that commeth thither by Church hill, and another beneath it that runneth by Belborow, betwixt which two waters lieth an od peece of Staffordshire included, and also the Cle hill. From hence the aforesaid Sauerne hasteth by Redston to Shrawleie; and aboue this towne recei|ueth the Astleie water,Astleie. as beneath the same it dooth another. From Witleie then it goeth on to Holt castell, and so to Grimleie, taking in thereabout with the Doure,Doure. Sulwaie. and Sulwaie waters, whereof this riseth at Chadswijc, and runneth by Stoke priorie, & Droit|wich, the other aboue Chaddesleie, and commeth by Dourdale. After this it goeth foorth vnto Worcester, in old time called Cair Brangon, or Cair Frangon, where it méeteth with the Tiber, or Tiberton water,Tiber. on the right hand aboue that citie, and beneth it neere vnto Powijc with the Temde, whose description shall be set downe before I procéed or go anie further with the Sauerne.
[1] The Temde, or (as some name it) the Tame ri|seth vp in Radnorshire, out of the Melenith hilles,Temde. and soone after his issue, méeting with a water from Wi|thall, it runneth to Begeldie, Lanuerwaterden, and so to Knighton, which is fiue or six miles (as I heare) from his originall. From Knighton it goeth ouer the ditch of Offa vnto Standish,Clude. and crossing a rill that commeth from betwéene the parke named Clude, (and is a bound of Radnorshire) it goeth to Buckton, Walford, and Lanuarden, where it meeteth with the Bardwell or Berfield, and the Clun, both in one cha|nell, of which I find these descriptions here folowing word for word in Leland. The Bardwell or Bar|field riseth aboue New Chappell, in the honour of Clun,Barfield Clun. hard by the ditch of Offa, and goeth by Buck|nell. The Clun issueth out of the ground betwéene Lhan Uehan and Maiston, and going on by Bucton, Cluncastell, Clundon, Purslaw, and Clunbirie, it crosseth with a brooke that runneth along by Kemp|ton and Brampton. Thence going foorth by Clunbi|rie, Brome, Abcot and Marlow, it méeteth with the Bardwell, and so in the Temde, not verie far from Temderton. I suppose that Leland calleth the Bard|well by the name of Owke,Owke. but I will not abide by it bicause I am not sure of it. After these confluen|ces therefore, our Temde goeth by Trippleton, Dounton, Burrington, and Broomefield, where it méeteth with the Oneie, which is an indifferent streame,Oneie. and increased with sundrie waters, where|of I saie as followeth.
[1] The first of all is called the Bow.Bow. It riseth (as I learne) in the hilles betwéene Hissingten and Shelue, and from thence commeth downe by Lindleie and Hardwtjc,Warren. where it crosseth the Warren that issueth out of the ground about Rotlie chappell, and runneth by Adston and Wentnor. After the confluence also going on by Choulton and Cheinies, it taketh in the Queneie and Strabroke both in one chanell,Queneie and Strabroke. wherof the first riseth at Lebo [...]wood, and commeth downe by the Strettons, till it passe by Fellanton. The se|cond mounteth about Longuill, and goeth by Rush|burie, Newhall, Harton, and Alcaster, from whence it is not long yer it fall into the Queneie, and so by Stratford into the Oneie, which hath borne that name since the confluence of the Bow and War|ren at Hardwtjc, whereof I spake before. Finallie, the Oneie which some call the Somergill being thus increased,Somergill. it runneth on to Hawford chappell, O|neibirie, Broomefield, and so into Temde, and next of all to Ludlow.Corue. The Temde being thus brought to Ludlow, méeteth with the Corue, which commeth tho|rough Coruedale from aboue Brocton by More|houses, Shipton, Hungerford, and a little beneath ta|king in a rill that commeth by Tugford, and Bren|cost castell, goeth on to Corsham castell, and there crossing another from saint Margarets Clée, it hi|eth to Stanton Lacie, and so likewise to Ludlow.
[1] From Ludlow in like sort it goeth to Ludford, the Ashfordes, little Hereford, Burrington, and at Burfford vniteth it selfe with the Ladwich that com|meth beneath Milburne stoke,Ladwich. from betweene Browne, Cleehill, and Stittertons hill, to Middle|ton, Henleie, Ladwich, Conam, and so into Temde, which beneath Temdbirie receiueth another rill on the other side, and the second on the left hand called Rhe,Rhe. that commeth from aboue Ricton, Staterton, Hound, Nene, Clebirie, Knighton, and then into the Temde. From hence the Temde doeth goe by [page 71] Astham, Lingridge, Shelleie Welch, Clifton, Whit|burne (and crossing a water that commeth from the Sapies) to Knightwtjc and Bradwaies. Hereabout againe it interteineth a rill that descendeth from a|bout Kidburie on the right hand, and goeth by Collo|matherne, Credeleie, Aufrike, and so into Temde, and then procéeding forward, the said streame run|neth to Braunford, and yer long (taking in the Langherne that riseth about Martleie,Langherne. and passeth by Kengewtjc) it goeth to Powtjc, and so into the Sauerne before it come at Wickecester.
[1] Thus haue I brought all such streames before me that fall into the Sauerne from the head, vntill I come to Powijc, wherof (as you may easily perceiue) the Temde is the most excellent. Now it resteth that I proceed with the rest of the discourse intended concerning this our riuer. Certes, from Powtjc mils which are about halfe a mile beneth Worcester, the Sauerne runneth on to Kempseie and Cleueld, whence after it hath crossed a brooke comming from Cowleie, it hasteth first to Stoke, and so to Upton, which is eleuen or twelue miles from Glocester, whi|ther it floweth manie times at high tides, but yer it come there, it drowneth another fall descending from Maluerne hilles by Blackemoore parke, & soone after the third growing by two branches, wherof one commeth also from Maluerne hils by little Mal|uerne and Welland, the other from Elderford by Pendocke and Longdon. After these confluences in like sort, it runneth to Bushelleie, and Tewkesbu|rie, where it receiueth the Auon, that follweth next of all in order to be described, before I procéed anie further in my discourse of Sauerne.
[1] The Auon riseth at Nauesbie in the borders of Northhamptonshire,Auon 4. a little side hand of Gillesbo|row and foot of the hils whereon Nauesbie standeth, and euen out of the church yard of the said village. From hence it goeth to Welford, Stamford, Lil|burne, Clifton, and Rugbie, by north whereof it cros|seth a water called Swiff, which commeth from a|boue Kimcote, to Lutterworth, Browne ouer and Colsford.Swiuethus. From thence also it goeth to Newbold, Wolston, Ruington, and betwéene the Stonlies ta|keth in the Sow.Souus. This Sow is a pretie water com|ming from aboue Calendon to Whitleie, and soone after méeting with a riueret from Couentrie, which some doo call Shirburne water, it goeth thence to Bagginton, where it taketh in a rill called Kinell, as I haue red from Kenelsworth,Kinell. from whence it run|neth to Stonleie, & so into the Auon. After this con|fluence the Auon procéedeth on to Stonleie abbeie, Ashehow, Miluerton, Edmonds cote, and appace to Warwijc.
[1] But yer it come there, it méeteth from south east with two waters in one chanell, whereof the least commeth to Marton from Bishops Itchington, by Herburbirie and Thorpe, where it crosseth a rill from Southam.Leame. The other is called Leame, or Lime that descendeth from about Helladon, or néere vnto Ca|tesbie in Northamptonshire, and going by Ouen|cote, Braunston, Lemington and Mertun, it ioineth with the other, and then go from thence togither vn|der the name of Leame, to Hunnington, Cobbing|ton, and so into the Auon, as I gaue notice before. At Warwike also the Auon taketh in a water run|ning northwest from Groue parke. Thence it goeth on to Bereford, and there crossing another from Shir|burne, it passeth forth to Bishops Hampton, méeting finallie with the third, from Kineton that runneth by Walton and Charle [...]ote. After this last rehearsed confluence, it hasteth to Stretford vpon Auon, and then to Luddington ward, where it taketh in the Stoure that riseth aboue Cherington, & whose course from thence is such,Stoure. as that being once past the head, it goeth by Weston, and yer long crossing a water from Campden, hanging Aston, & Todnam, it run|neth to Barcheston, Aldermaston, Clifford, & so into the Auon.
[1] From hence then the said Auon goeth to Lud|dington, Burton, Bitford, and Cleue, and being par|ted from the said towne, yer it come at Sawford, it receiueth the Arow or Aur,Arow. which rising in the blacke hils in Worchestershire, commeth by Alchurch, Be|leie parke, Ypsleie, Studleie, and then taking in an|other rill called Alne,Alne. out of Fecknam forrest, and going by Coughton parke, it hasteth to Alcester, A|row, Ragleie, Wheteleie, Bouington, Standford, and so into Auon, which after this coniunction goeth to Uffenton & then to Eouesholme: but yer it come there it receiueth two waters in one chanell, where|of the first riseth about Willerseie, the other néere to Buckland, and ioining beneath Badseie, they fall into Auon,Pludor. vnder the name of Pludor brooke, before it come to Eouesholme.
[1] Being past Eouesholme it crosseth the Uincell, which rising out of the hils somewhere about Sud|leie, runneth two miles further to Winchelcombe,Vinc [...]lus. and Gretton, and taking in a rill by the waie from Hailes, procéedeth on (going within one quarter of a mile of Hailes abbaie) to Tuddington, or Dodding|ton, beneath which when it hath crossed another rill that commeth from Stanwaie, it goeth to War|mington, Sedgeborow, and receiuing there the last on the right hand also (as all aboue rehearsed) it fal|leth into the Auon, when it is come by Hinton, vnto a towne called Hampton, or (as some doo write it) Ampton. After this confluence the Auon goeth to Charleton, to Crapthorne (and there taking in a rill on the left hand) to Fladbirie wike, and almost at Persore bridge, méeteth with a branched water that commeth by Piddle, whereof one head is at Alber|ton, an other at Piddle.Piddle. From Persore it goeth to Birlingham, and soone after carrieng a brooke with|all descending from Fakenham, by Bradleie, Him|bleton, Huddenton, Crowleie, Churchhill, Pible|ton, Besseford and Desseford, it fléeteth to Ecking|ton, Bredon, Twining, Mitton, and Tewkesburie, where it ioineth with the Sauerne.
[1] Now to resume the course of the Sauerne, you shall vnderstand, that from Tewkesburie it goeth to Derehirst, the How passage, and soone after recei|uing the Chiltenham water that commeth thither by Bodenton,Chilus. Sawton, and Norton, it runneth to Ashelworth, Sainthirst; and here it parteth it selfe till it come to Glocester, where it vniteth it selfe a|gaine. But in the meane time the easterlie branch receiueth a forked chanell, whereof one head is not far frõ Leke Hampton, the other about Witcombe, from whence it goeth to Brockworth. The other branch or arme taketh in the Leadon that commeth downe by Preston,Leadon. Dimmocke, Pantleie vpper Leadon, Leadon court, and there taking in one rill that commeth from Linton by Areknoll, and ano|ther beneath it from Tainton by Rudford, it falleth into the said branch on the right side, before it come at Glocester.
[1] The Sauerne therefore being past Glocester, it méeteth with a litle rill on the right hand, and thence holding on his course by Elmore, Minsterworth, Longneie, to Framilode, it receiueth yer it come at this latter the Strowd brooke, which rising not farre from Side,Strowd. goeth by Massade, Edgeworth, Framp|ton, Strowd, and receiuing there a water that com|meth from Panneswijc Lodge, by Pittescombe on the one side, and another from Radbridge on the o|ther, it prosecuteth his voiage to Stone house, Es|lington, white Misen, & so toward Framilode, where the said Strowd dooth fall into the Sauerne. After [page 72] the fall of Strowd, the Sauerne goeth from thence to Newenham, and Arlingham, and soone after re|ceiuing a water on each side, whereof one commeth from Uleie by Cham and Chambridge, the other by Blackneie and Catcombe, it goeth foorth till it méet with another water on ech side, whereof that on the English halfe is forked, so that one head thereof is to be found about Boxwell, the other at Horton, and méeting aboue Tortworthie, they run by Stone and Barkeleie castell, and so into the Sauerne. That on the Welsh halfe is named Newarne, which cõmeth from the forrest of Deane,Newarne. and so into the Sauerne.