1.11. Of such streames as fall into the sea, betweene the Thames and the mouth of the Sauerne. Chap. 12.

Of such streames as fall into the sea, betweene the Thames and the mouth of the Sauerne. Chap. 12.

[1] _AFter the Midwaie we haue the Stoure that riseth at Kingeswood,Stoure. which is fourtéene or fifteene miles from Canturburie. This riuer pas|seth by Ashford,Nailburne water also (as I heare) neer to Cantwar|birie, but I wote not whereabouts: sée Marianus Scotus. Wie, Nacking|ton, Canturburie, Fordish, Stan|dish, and Sturemouth, where it receiueth another riuer growing of three branches. After our Stoure or Sture parteth it self in twaine, & in such wise, that one arme therof goeth toward the north, and is called (when it commeth at the sea) the north mouth of Stoure; the other runneth southeast ward vp to Richborow, and so to Sandwich, from whence it goeth northeast againe and falleth into the sea. The issue of this later tract is called the hauen of Sandwich. And peraduenture the streame that com|meth downe thither, after the diuision of the Stoure, maie be the same which Beda calleth Wantsome;Wantsome. but as I cannot vndoo this knot at will, so this is cer|teine, that the Stoure on the one side, and peraduen|ture, the Wantsome on the other, parteth and cutteth the Tenet from the maine land of Kent, whereby it is left for an Iland.

[1] There are other little brookes which fall into the Stoure, whereof Leland speaketh, as Fishpoole becke that ariseth in Stonehirst wood, and meeteth with it foure miles from Canturburie: another beginneth at Chislet, and goeth into the Stoure gut, which sometime inclosed Thanet, as Leland saith: the third issueth out of the ground at Northburne (where Eadbert of Kent sometime past held his palace) and runneth to Sandwich hauen, as the said authour re|porteth: and the fourth called Bridgewater that ri|seth by S. Marie Burne church, and going by Bi|shops Burne, meeteth with Canturburie water at Stourmouth: also Wiham that riseth aboue Wi|ham short of Adsam, and falleth into Bridgewater at Dudmill, or Wenderton: and the third name|lesse, which riseth short of Wodensburgh (a towne wherein Hengist & the Saxons honored their grand idoll Woden, or Oshine) and goeth by Staple to Wingam: but sith they are obscure I will not touch them here. From hence passing by the Goodwine, a plot verie perilous for sea-faring men (sometime firme land, that is, vntill the tenth of the conque|rours sonne, whose name was William Rufus, and wherein a great part of the inheritance of erle Good|wine in time past was knowne to lie) but escaping it with case, we came at length to Douer. In all which voiage we found no streame, by reason of the cliffes that inuiron the said coast. Howbeit vpon the south side of Douer, there is a pretie fresh riuer, whose head ariseth at Erwell, not passing foure miles from the sea, and of some is called Dour,Dour. which in the British foong is a common name for waters, as is also the old British word Auon for the greatest riuers, into whose mouthes or falles shippes might find safe en|trance; and therefore such are in my time called ha|uens, a new word growen by an aspiration added to the old: the Scots call it Auen. But more of this else-where, sith I am now onelie to speake of Dour, wherof it is likelie that the towne & castell of Douer did sometime take the name. From hence we go toward the Camber (omitting peraduenture here and there sundrie small creeks void of backwater by the waie) whereabouts the Rother a noble riuer fal|leth into the sea. This RotherRother. separateth Sussex from Kent, and hath his head in Sussex, not farre from Argas hill néere to Waterden forrest, and from thence directeth his course vnto Rotherfield. After this it goeth to Ethlingham or Hitchingham, and so foorth by Newendon vnto Mattham ferrie, where it diuideth it selfe in such wise, that one branch thereof goeth to Appledoure (where is a castell some|time builded by the Danes, in the time of Alfred, as they did erect another at Middleton, and the third at Beamflete) and at this towne, where it méeteth the BilieBilie. that riseth about Bilsington, the other by I|den, so that it includeth a fine parcell of ground cal|led Oxneie, which in time past was reputed as a par|cell of Sussex; but now vpon some occasion or other (to me vnknowne) annexed vnto Kent. From hence also growing into some greatnesse, it runneth to Rie, where it méeteth finallie with the Becke,Becke. which commeth from Beckleie: so that the plot wherein Rie standeth, is in manner a by-land or peninsula, as experience doth confirme. Leland and most men are of the likeliest opinion, that this riuer should be called the Limen, which (as Peter of Cornhull saith)Limenus. doth issue out of Andredeswald, where the head there|of is knowne to be. Certes, I am of the opinion, that it is called the Rother vnto Appledoure, & from thence the Limen, bicause the Danes are noted to enter into these parts by the Limen; and sailing on the same to Appledoure, did there begin to fortifie, as I haue noted alreadie. Howbeit, in our time it is knowne by none other name than the Rother or Ap|pledoure water, whereof let this suffice.

[1] Being thus crossed ouer to the west side of Rie hauen, & in vewing the issues that fall into the same, I meet first of all with a water that groweth of two brookes, which come downe by one chanell into the east side of the mouth of the said port. The first ther|fore that falleth into it descendeth from Beckleie or thereabouts (as I take it) the next runneth along by Pesemarsh, & soone after ioining with all, they hold on as one, till they fall into the same at the westerlie side of Rie: the third streame commeth from the north, and as it mounteth vp not farre from Mun|field, so it runneth betweene Sescambe and Wack|linton néere vnto Bread, taking another rill with|all that riseth (as I heare) not verie far from West|field. There is likewise a fourth that groweth of two heads betweene Ielingham and Pet, and going by Winchelseie it méeteth with all about Rie hauen, so that Winchelseie standeth inuironed on thrée parts with water, and the streames of these two that I haue last rehearsed.

[1] The water that falleth into the Ocean, a mile by southwest of Hastings, or therabouts, is called Aestus Aestus. or Asten: perhaps of Hasten or Hasting the Dane, (who in time past was a plague to France and Eng|land) & rising not far from Penhirst, it meeteth with the sea (as I heare) by east of Hollington. Buluer|hithBuluerhithe. is but a creeke (as I remember) serued with no backewater; and so I heare of Codding or Old ha|uen, wherefore I meane not to touch them.

[1] [2] Into Peuenseie hauen diuerse waters doo resort,Peuensete. and of these, that which entereth into the same on the east side riseth out from two heads, where of the most easterlie is called Ash, the next vnto the Burne,Ash. Burne. and vniting themselues not farre from Ashburne, they continue their course vnder the name and title of Ashburne water, as I read. The second that com|meth thereinto issueth also of two heads, whereof the one is so manie miles from Boreham, the other not [page 54] far from the Parke east of Hellingstowne, and both of them concurring southwest of Hirstmowsen, they direct their course toward Peuenseie (beneath which they meet with another rising at Foington) and thence go in one chanell for a mile or more, till they fall togither into Peuenscie hauen.Cucomarus. The Cuck|mer issueth out at seuerall places, and hereof the more easterlie branch commeth from Warbleton ward, the other from Bishops wood, and méeting be|neth Halling, they run in one bottome by Micham Arlington, Wellington, old Frithstan, and so into the sea.

[1] Unto the water that commeth out at Newha|uen,Isis, ni fallor. sundrie brookes and riuerets doo resort, but the chiefe head riseth toward the west, somewhat be|twéene Etchinford and Shepleie, as I heare. The first water therefore that falleth into the same on the east side, issueth out of the ground about Uertwood, and running from thence by Langhton and Ripe, on the west side; it falleth into the aforesaid riuer be|neath Forle and Glime, or thrée miles lower than Lewis, if the other buttall like you not. The next herevnto hath his head in Argas hill, the third des|cendeth from Ashedon forrest, and ioining with the last mentioned, they crosse the maine riuer a little beneath Isefield. The fourth water commeth from Ashedon forrest by Horstéed Caines (or Dusestate Caines) and falleth into the same, likewise east of Linfield. Certes I am deceiued if this riuer be not called Isis, after it is past Isefield.Sturewell. The fift riseth a|bout Storuelgate, and meeteth also with the maine streame aboue Linfield, and these are knowen to lie vpon the right hand as we rowed vp the riuer. On the other side are onelie two, whereof the first hath his originall neere vnto Wenefield, and holding on his course toward the east, it meeteth with his mai|ster betweene Newicke and Isefield (or Ifield) as some read it.Plimus. The last of all commeth from Pli|modune or Plumpton, and hauing met in like sort with the maine riuer about Barcham, it runneth foorth with it, & they rest in one chanell by Barcham, Hamseie, Malling, Lewis, Piddingburne, and so foorth into the maine.

[1] The next riuer that we came vnto west of Bright|hemston is the Sore,Soru. which notwithstanding I find to be called Brember water, in the ancient map of Marton colledge in Oxford: but in such sort (as I take it) as the Rother or Limen is called Appledoure streame, bicause of the said towne that standeth ther|vpon. But to procéed, it is a pleasant water, & there|to if you consider the situation of his armes, and branches from the higher grounds, verie much re|sembling a foure stringed whip. Whereabout the head of this riuer is, or which of these branches may safelie be called Sora from the rising, in good sooth I cannot say. For after we had passed nine or ten mils thereon vp into the land, suddenlie the crosse waters stopped vs, so that we were inforced to turne either east or west, for directlie foorth-right we had no waie to go. The first arme on the right hand as we went, riseth out of a parke by south of Alborne, and going on for a certeine space toward the northwest, it tur|neth southward betwéene Shermonburie and Twin|ham, and soone after méeteth with the Bimar,Bimarus. not much south from Shermonburie, whence they run to|gither almost two miles, till they fall into the Sore. That on the west side descendeth from about Bil|lingeshirst, & going toward the east, it crosseth with the fourth (which riseth a litle by west of Thacam) east from Pulborow, and so they run as one into the Sore, that after this confluence hasteth it selfe south|ward by Brember, Burleis, the Combes, and yer long into the Ocean.

[1] The Arun (of which beside Arundell towne the ca|stellArunus. and the vallie wherin it runneth is called Val|lis Aruntina, or Arundale in English) is a goodlie wa|ter, and thereto increased with no small number of excellent & pleasant brookes. It springeth vp of two heads, whereof one descendeth from the north not far from Gretham, and going by Lis, méeteth with the next streame (as I gesse) about Doursford house. The second riseth by west from the hils that lie toward the rising of the sunne from East maine, and run|neth by Peterfield. The third commeth from Beri|ton ward, and ioineth with the second betwéene Pe|terfield and Doursford, after which confluence they go togither in one chanell still toward the east (ta|king a rill with them that cõmmeth betwéene Fer|nehirst and S. Lukes chappell, southwest of Linch|mere, and meeting with it east of Loddesworth (as I doo read, and likewise sundrie other in one chanell beneath Stopham) to Waltham, Burie, Houghton, Stoke, Arundell, Tortington ford, Climping (all on the west side) and so into the sea.

[1] Hauing thus described the west side of Arun, let vs doo the like with the other in such sort as we best may. The first riuer that we come vnto therfore on the east side, and also the second, rise of sundrie places in S. Leonards forrest, & ioining a little aboue Horsham, they méet with the third, which commeth from Ifield parke, not verie farre from Slinfeld. The fourth hath two heads, whereof one riseth in Witleie parke, the other by west, neere vnto Heselméere chappell, and meeting by west of Doursfeld, they vnite themselues with the chanell, growing by the confluence that I spake of beneath Slinfeld, a little aboue Billing|shirst. The last water commeth from the hils aboue Linchemere, and runneth west and south, and pas|sing betwéene Billingthirst and Stopham, it com|meth vnto the chanell last mentioned, and so into the Arun beneath Stopham, without anie further in|crease, at the least that I doo heare of.

[1] [2] [3] Burne hath his issue in a parke néere Aldingbur|rie (or rather a little aboue the same toward the north,Burne. as I haue since beene informed) and running by the bottomes toward the south, it falleth betwéene north Berflete and Flesham. Erin riseth of sundrie heads,Elin. by east of Erinleie, and directing his course toward the sunne rising, it peninsulateth Seleseie towne on the southwest and Pagham at northwest. Deel springeth about Benderton,Delus. and thence run|ning betwéene middle Lauant and east Lauant, it goeth by west of west Hampnet, by east of Chiche|ster, or west of Rumbaldesdowne, and afterward by Fishburne, where it meeteth with a rill comming north west from Funtingdon (a little beneath the towne) & then running thus in one streame toward the sea, it méeteth with another rillet comming by north of Bosham, and so into Auant gulfe by east of Thorneie Iland.

[1] [2] [3] [4] The Racon riseth by east of Racton or Racodu|num (as Leland calleth it) and comming by Chid|ham,Racunus. it falleth into the sea, northeast of Thorneie a|foresaid. The Emill commeth first betwéene Rac|ton and Stansted,Emill. then downe to Emilsworth or Emmesworth, & so vnto the Ocean, separating Sus|sex from Hampshire almost from the very head. Ha|uing in this maner passed along the coasts of Sus|sex, the next water that I remember, riseth by east of the forrest of Estbirie, from whence it goeth by Southwike, west Burhunt, Farham, and so into the gulfe almost full south.Badunus forre Then come we to Bedenham creeke (so called of a village standing thereby) the mouth whereof lieth almost directlie against Porche|ster castell, which is situat about three miles by wa|ter from Portesmouth towne, as Leland dooth re|port. Then go we within halfe a mile further to Forten creeke,Forten or Fordon. which either giueth or taketh name of [page 55] a village hard by.Osterpoole. After this we come to Osterpoole lake, a great créeke, that goeth vp by west into the land, and lieth not far from a round turret of stone, from whence also there goeth a chaine to another tower on the east side directlie ouer against it, the like whereof is to be séene in diuerse other hauens of the west countrie, wherby the entrance of great ves|sels into that part may be at pleasure restreined.

[1] From hence we go further to Tichefeld water, that riseth about Eastmaine parke,Tichefield. ten or twelue miles by northeast or there abouts from Tichefeld. From Eastmaine it goeth (parting the forrests of Waltham, and Eastberie by the way) to Wicham or Wicombe, a pretie market towne & large through|fare, where also the water separateth it selfe into two armelets, and going vnder two bridges of wood commeth yer long againe vnto one chanell. From hence it goeth three or foure miles further, to a bridge of timber by maister Writhoseleies house (leauing Tichfeld towne on the right side) and a little beneath runneth vnder Ware bridge, whither the sea floweth as hir naturall course inforceth. Finallie, within a mile of this bridge it goeth into the water of Hamp|ton hauen, whervnto diuerse streames resort, as you shall heare hereafter.

[1] After this we come to Hamble hauen,Hamelrish. or Hamel|rish créeke, whose fall is betwéene saint Andrewes castell, and Hoke. It riseth about Shidford in Wal|tham forrest, & when it is past Croke bridge, it mée|teth with another brooke, which issueth not farre from Bishops Waltham, out of sundrie springs in the high waie on Winchester, from whence it passeth (as I said) by Bishops Waltham, then to Budeleie or Botleie, and then ioining with the Hamble, they run togither by Prowlingsworth, Upton, Brusill, Hamble towne, and so into the sea.

[1] Now come we to the hauen of Southhampton,Southhamp|ton. by Ptolomie called Magnus portus, which I will briefelie describe so néere as I can possiblie. The bredth or entrie of the mouth hereof (as I take it) is by estimation two miles from shore to shore. At the west point therof also is a strong castell latelie buil|ded, which is rightlie named Caldshore, but now Cawshot, I wote not by what occasion. On the east side thereof also is a place called Hoke (afore men|tioned) or Hamell hoke; wherein are not aboue thrée or foure fisher houses, not worthie to be remembred. This hauen shooteth vp on the west side by the space of seuen miles, vntill it come to Hampton towne, standing on the other side, where it is by estimation a mile from land to land. Thence it goeth vp further about thrée miles to Redbridge, still ebbing and flow|ing thither, and one mile further, so farre as my me|morie dooth serue mée. Now it resteth that I describe the Alresford streame, which some doo call the Arre or Arle, and I will procéed withall in this order fol|lowing.

[1] The Alresford beginneth of diuerse faire springs,Alresford. about a mile or more frõ Alresford, or Alford as it is now called, and soone after resorting to one bottome, they become a broad lake, which for the most part is called Alford pond. Afterward returning againe to a narrow chanell, it goeth through a stone bridge at the end of Alford towne (leauing the towne it selfe on the lest hand) toward Hicthingstocke thrée miles off, but yet it commeth there, it receiueth two rils in one bottome, whereof one commeth from the Forrest in maner at hand, and by northwest of old Alresford, the other frõ Browne Candiuer, that go|eth by Northenton, Swarewotton, Aberstone, &c: vntill we méet with the said water beneath Alford towne. Being past Hichinstocke, it commeth by A|nington to Eston village, and to Woorthie, where it beginneth to branch, and ech arme to part it selfe in|to other that resort to Hide and the lower soiles by east of Winchester, there seruing the stréets, the close of S. Maries, Wolueseie, and the new college verie plentifullie with their water. But in this meane while, the great streame commeth from Worthie to the east bridge, and so to saint Elizabeth college, where it dooth also part in twaine, enuiro|ning the said house in most delectable maner. After this it goeth toward S. Crosses, leauing it a quarter of a mile on the right hand: then to Twiford (a mile lower) where it gathereth againe into one bottome, and goeth six miles further to Woodmill, taking the Otter brooke withall on the east side,Otter. and so into the salt créeke that leadeth downe to the hauen.

[1] [2] On the other side of Southhampton, there resor|teth into this hauen also both the Test & the Stock|bridge water in one bottome,Stocke. whereof I find this large description insuing. The verie head of the Stockewater, is supposed to be somewhere about Basing stoke, or church Hockleie, and going from thence betwéene Ouerton and Steuenton, it com|meth at last by Lauerstocke & Whitchurch, and soone after receiuing a brooke by northwest, called the Bourne (descending from S. Marie Bourne,Bourne. south|east from Horsseburne) it procéedeth by Long paroch and the wood, till it meet with the Cranburne, on the cast side (a pretie riuelet rising about Michelneie, and going by Fullington, Barton, and to Cram|burne) thence to Horwell in one bottome, beneath which it meeteth with the Andeuer water, that is in|creased yer it come there by an other brooke, whose name I doo not know. This Andeuer streame riseth in Culhamshire forrest, not far by north from Ande|uer towne, and going to vpper Clatford, yer it touch there it receiueth the rill of which I spake before, which rising also néeer vnto Anport, goeth to Monke|ton, to Abbatesham, the Andeuer, and both (as I said) vnto the Test beneath Horwell, whereof I spake e|uen now.

[1] These streames being thus brought into one bot|tome, it runneth toward the south vnder Stock|bridge, and soone after diuiding it selfe in twaine, one branch thereof goeth by Houghton, & a little beneath meeteth with a rill, that commeth from bywest of S. Ans hill, and goeth by east of vpper Wallop, west of nether Wallop, by Bucholt forrest, Broughton, and called (as I haue béene informed) the Gallop, but now it is named Wallop.Ualopius. The other arme runneth through the parke, by north west of kings Som|burne, and vniting themselues againe, they go forth by Motteshunt, and then receiue the Test,Test. a pretie water rising in Clarendun parke, that goeth by west Deane, and east Deane, so to Motteshunt, and finallie to the aforesaid water, which from thence|foorth is called the Test, euen vnto the sea. But to procéed. After this confluence, it taketh the gate to Kimbebridge, then to Rumseie, Longbridge, and be|neath the same receiueth a concourse of two rilles whereof the one commeth from Sherefield, the other from the new Forrest, and ioining in Wadeleie parke, they beat vpon the Test, not verie farre from Murseling. From thence the Test goeth vnder a pretie bridge, before it come at Redbridge, from whence it is not long yer it fall into the hauen.

[1] [2] The next riuer that runneth into this port, spring|eth in the new Forrest, and commeth thereinto a|bout. Eling,Eling. not passing one mile by west of the fall of Test. From hence casting about againe into the maine sea, and leauing Calde shore castell on the right hand, we directed our course toward the south|west, vnto Beaulieu hauen, whereinto the Mineie descendeth. The Mineie riseth not far from Mineie|stéed,Mineie. a village in the north part of the new Forrest; and going by Beaulieu, it falleth into the sea south|west, [page 56] west (as I take it) of Exburie, a village standing vpon the shore.

[1] [2] Being past the Mineie,Limen. we crossed the Limen as it is now called, whose head is in the verie hart of the new Forrest (sometime conuerted into a place of nourishment for déere by William Rufus, buieng his pleasure with the ruine of manie towns and vil|lages, as diuerse haue inclosed or inlarged their parks by the spoile of better occupiengs) & running southwest of Lindhirst & the parke, it goeth by east of Brokenhirst, west of Bulder, & finallie into the sea south and by east of Lemington. I take this not to be the proper name of the water, but of the hauen, for Limen in Gréeke is an hauen: so that Limendune is nothing else, but a downe or higher plot of ground lieng on the hauen: neuerthelesse, sith this denomi|nation of the riuer hath now hir frée passage, I think it not conuenient to séeke out any other name that should be giuen vnto it. The next fall that we passed by is namelesse, except it be called Bure, & as it des|cendeth from new Forrest,Bure. so the next vnto it hight Mile,Milis. as I haue heard in English. Certes the head thereof is also in the southwest part of the said For|rest, & the fall not far from Milford bridge, beyond the which I find a narrow going or strictland leading fro the point to Hirst castell which standeth into the sea, as if it hoong by a thred, from the maine of the Iland, readie to be washed awaie by the continuall wor|king and dailie beating of the waues.

[1] The next riuer that we came vnto of anie name is the Auon,Auon. which (as Leland saith) riseth by northeast, and not far from Woolfehall in Wilthshire, supposed to be the same which Ptolomie called Halenus. The first notable bridge that it runneth vnto, is at Upha|uen, thence foure miles further it goeth to little Am|bresburie, and there is another bridge, from thence to Woodford village, standing at the right hand banke, and Newton village on the left. The bishops of Sa|rum had a proper manor place at Woodford, which bishop Shaxton pulled downe altogither, bicause it was somewhat in ruine. Thence it goeth to Fisher|ton bridge, to Cranebridge, old Salisburie, new Sa|lisburie, and finallie to Harnham, which is a statelie bridge of stone, of six arches at the least. There is at the west end of the said bridge, a little Iland, that lieth betwixt this and another bridge, of foure pretie arches, and vnder this later runneth a good round streame, which (as I take it) is a branch of Auon, that breaketh out a little aboue, & soone after it reuniteth it selfe againe: or else that Wilton water hath there his entrie into the Auon, which I cannot yet deter|mine. From Harneham bridge it goeth to Doun|ton, that is about foure miles, and so much in like sort from thence to Fordingbridge, to Kingwood bridge fiue miles, to Christes church Twinham fiue miles, and streight into the sea; and hitherto Leland of this streame, which for the worthinesse thereof (in mine o|pinion) is not sufficientlie described. Wherefore I thinke good to deliuer a second receiued of another, which in more particular maner dooth exhibit his course vnto vs.

[1] Certes this Auon is a goodlie riuer, rising (as I said before néere) vnto Wolfe hall; although he that will séeke more scrupulouslie for the head in déed, must looke for the same about the borders of the for|rest of Sauernake (that is Soure oke) which lieth as if it were imbraced betwéene the first armes thereof, as I haue beene informed. These heads also doo make a confluence by east of Martinshall hill, and west of Wootton. From whence it goeth to Milton, Pow|seie, Manningfield abbeie, Manningfield crosse, and beneath Newington taketh in one rill west from Rudborow, and another a little lower that riseth also west of Alcanninges, and runneth into the same by Patneie, Merden, Wilford, Charleton, and Rusti|sall. Being therefore past Newington, it goeth to Uphauen (whereof Leland speaketh) to Chesilburie, Compton, Ablington, little Almsburie, Darntford, Woodford, old Salisburie, and so to new Salisburie, where it receiueth one notable riuer from by north|west, & another from north east, which two I will first describe, leauing the Auon at Salisburie for a while. The first of these is called the Wilugh,Wilugh. whereof the whole shire dooth take hir name, and not of the great plentie of willowes growing therein, as some fanta|sticall heads doo imagine: whereof also there is more plentie in that countrie than is to be found in other places. It riseth among the Deuerels, and running thence by hill Deuerell, & Deuerell long bridge, it go|eth toward Bishops straw, taking in one rill by west & another from Upton by Werminster at northwest. From Bishops straw it goeth to Norton, Upton, Badhampton, Steplinford, and Stapleford, where it meeteth with the Winterburie water from by north, descending from Maddenton by Winterburne. From Stapleford it hasteth to Wishford, Newton, Chilhampton, Wilton: and thither commeth a wa|ter vnto it from southwest, which riseth of two heads aboue Ouerdonet. After this it goeth by Wordca|stell, to Tisburie, and there receiueth a water on ech side, whereof one commeth from Funthill, the other from two issues (of which one riseth at Austie, the o|ther at Swalodise) and so keeping on still with his course, our Wilugh runneth next of all by Sutton. Thence it goeth to Fouant, Boberstocke, Southbur|combe, Wilton (where it taketh in the Fomington or Nader water) Westharnam,Nader becke. Salisburie, and Eastharnam: and this is the race of Wilugh.

[1] The other is a naked arme or streame without a|nie branches. It riseth aboue Colingburne King|ston in the hils, and thence it goeth to Colingburne, the Tidworths (whereof the more southerlie is in Wiltshire) Shipton, Cholterton, Newton, Toneie, Idmerson, Porton, the Winterburns, Lauerstocke, and so into Auon east of Salisburie. And thus is the confluence made of the aforesaid waters, with this our second Auon,Becquith brooke. whereinto another water falleth (calleth Becquithes brooke) a mile beneath Harne|ham bridge, whose head is fiue miles from Sarum, and thrée miles aboue Becquithes bridge, as Leland dooth remember,Chalkeburne. who noteth the Chalkeburne water to haue his due recourse also at this place into the a|foresaid riuer. Certes it is a pretie brooke, and riseth six miles from Shaftesburie, and in the waie toward Salisburie in a bottome on the right hand, whence it commeth by Knighton and Fennistratford, to Hon|ington, that is about twelue miles from the head, and about two miles and an halfe from Honington be|neath O [...]stocke, goeth into the Auon, a mile lower than Harnham bridge, except he forget himselfe. This Harnham, whereof I now intreat, was some|time a pretie village before the erection of new Sa|lisburie, and had a church of S. Martin belonging vnto it, but now in stéed of this church, there is one|lie a barne standing in a verie low mead on the northside of S. Michaels hospitall. The cause of the relinquishing of it was the moistnesse of the soile, verie oft ouerflowne. And whereas the kings high waie laie sometimes through Wilton, licence was obteined of the king and Richard bishop of Salisbu|rie, to remooue that passage vnto new Salisburie in like maner, and vpon this occasion was the maine bridge made ouer Auon at Harneham. By this ex|change of the waie also old Salisburie fell into vtter decaie,Thrée towns decaied by changing one waie. & Wilton which was before the head towne of the shire, and furnished with twelue parish chur|ches, grew to be but a poore village, and of small re|putation. Howbeit, this was not the onelie cause of [page 57] the ruine of old Salisburie, sith I read of two other, whereof the first was a salue vnto the latter, as I take it. For whereas it was giuen out, that the townesmen wanted water in old Salisburie, it is flat otherwise; sith that hill is verie plentifullie ser|ued with springs and wels of verie swéet water. The truth of the matter therefore is this.

[1] In the time of ciuill warres, the souldiors of the castell and chanons of old Sarum fell at ods, inso|much that after often bralles, they fell at last to sad blowes.An holie conflict. It happened therefore in a rogation weeke that the cleargie going in solemne procession, a con|trouersie fell betwéene them about certeine walkes and limits, which the one side claimed and the other denied. Such also was the hot intertainment on ech part, that at the last the Castellanes espieng their time, gate betwéene the cleargie and the towne, and so coiled them as they returned homeward, that they feared anie more to gang about their bounds for the yeare. Héerevpon the people missing their bellie cheare (for they were woont to haue banketing at euerie station, a thing commonlie practised by the re|ligious in old time, wherewith to linke in the com|mons vnto them, whom anie man may lead whither he will by the bellie, or as Latimer said, with beefe, bread and beere) they conceiued foorthwith a deadlie hatred against the Castellans. But not being able to cope with them by force of armes, they consulted with Richard Pore their bishop, and he with them so effectuallie, that it was not long yer they, I meane the chanons, began a new church vpon a péece of their owne ground called Mirifield, pretending to serue God there in better safetie, and with far more quietnesse than they could doo before. This church was begun 1219, the nine and twentith of Aprill, and finished with the expenses of 42000 marks,New Salis|burie begun. in the yeare 1260, and fiue & twentith of March, where|by it appeereth that it was aboue fortie yéers in hand, although the clearks were translated to the new towne 1220, or the third yeere after the fraie. The people also séeing the diligence of the chanons, and reputing their harmes for their owne inconueni|ence, were as earnest on the other sid [...] to be néere vnto these prelats, and therefore euerie man brought his house vnto that place, & thus became old Sarum in few yeeres vtterlie desolate, and new Salisburie raised vp in stéed thereof, to the great decaie also of Harnham and Wilton, whereof I spake of late. Neuerthelesse it should séeme to me that this new citie is not altogither void of some great hinderan|ces now and then by water: for in the second of Edward the second (who held a parlement there) there was a sudden thaw after a great frost, which caused the waters so fast to arise, that euen at high masse time the water came into the minster, and not onelie ouerflowed the nether part of the same, but came vp all to the kings pauase where he sate, whereby he became wetshod, and in the end inforced to leaue the church, as the executour did his masse, least they should all haue béene drowned: and this rage indured there for the space of two daies, where|vpon no seruice could be said in the said minster.

[1] Now to returne againe from whence I thus di|gressed. Our Auon therefore departing from Salis|burie, goeth by Burtford, Longford, and taking in the waters afore mentioned by the waie, it goeth by Stanleie,Sturus. Dunketon, Craiford, Burgate, Fording bridge, Kingwood, Auon, Christes church; and finallie into the sea. But yer it come all there & a litle beneth Christes church, it crosseth the Stoure or S [...]ure, a ve|rie faire streame, whose course is such as may not be left vntouched. It riseth of six heads, whereof of thrée lie on the north side of the parke at [...] within the pale, the other rise without the parke; & of this riuer the towne and baronie of Sturfon dooth take his name as I gesse, for except my memorie do too much faile me, the lord Sturton giueth the six heads of the said water in his armes. But to procéed. After these bran [...]hes are conioined in one bottome, it goeth to long Laime mill, Stilton, Milton, and beneath Gil|lingham receiueth a water that descendeth from Mere. Thence the Sture goeth to Bugleie, Stoure, Westouer bridge, Stoure prouost, and yer long it taketh in the Cale water,Cale. from Pen that commeth downe by Wickhampton to Moreland, & so to Sta|pleford, seuen miles from Wickhampton, passing in the said voiage, by Wine Caunton, and the fiue bridges. After this confluence, it runneth to Hinton Maries,Lidden. Deuilis. and soone after crosseth the Lidden and Deui|lis waters all in one chanell, whereof the first riseth in Blackemore vale, and goeth to the bishops Caun|dell: the second in the hils south of Pulham, and so runneth to Lidlinch; the third water issueth néere Ibberton, and going by Fifehed to Lidlington, and there méeting with the Lidden,Iber. Blackewater. they receiue the Blackewater aboue Bagburne, and so go into the Stoure.

[1] After this the Stoure runneth on to Stoureton minster, Fitleford, Hammond, and soone after ta|king in one water that commeth from Hargraue by west Orchard, and a second from Funtmill, it goeth on to Chele, Ankeford, Handford, Durweston, Knighton, Brainston, Blandford, Charleton: and crossing yer long a rill that riseth about Tarrent, and goeth to Launston, Munketon, Caunston, Tar|rant, it proceedeth foorth by Shepw [...], and by and by receiuing another brooke on the right hand, that ri|seth about Strictland, and goeth by Quarleston, Whitchurch, Anderston, and Winterburne, it hast|eth forward to Stoureminster, Berford lake, Alen bridge, Winburne, aliàs Twinburne minster, whi|ther commeth a water called Alen (from Knolton, Wikehampton, Estambridge, Hinton, Barnsleie) which hath two heads, whereof one riseth short of Woodcotes, and east of Farneham, named Terig, the other at Munketon aboue S. Giles Winburne, and going thence to S. Giles Ashleie, it taketh in the Horton becke, as the Horton dooth the Cranburne. Finallie, méeting with the Terig aboue Knolton,This Stoure aboundeth with pike, perch, roch, dace, gudge|on and éeles. they run on vnder the name of Alen to the Stoure, which goeth to the Canfords, Preston, Kingston, Perleie, and Yolnest: but yer it come at Yolnest it taketh in two brookes in one bottome, whereof one commeth from Woodland parke by Holt parke, and Holt, another from aboue vpper Winburne, by Ed|mondesham, Uertwood, and Mannington, and ioi|ning about S. Leonards, they go to Hornebridge, and so into Stoure. After which confluence, the said Stoure runneth by Iuor bridge, and so into Auon, leauing Christs church aboue the méeting of the said waters (as I haue said before.)

[1] [2] Hauing in this maner passed Christes church head we come to the fall of the Burne,Burne. which is a little brooke running from Stourefield heath, without branches; from whence we proceeded: & the next fall that we come vnto is Poole,Poole. from whose mouth vpon the shore, by southwest in a bale of thrée miles off, is a poore fisher towne called Sandwich, where we saw a péere and a little fresh brooke. The verie vtter part of saint Adelmes point, is fiue miles from Sand|wich. In another baie lieth west Lilleworth, where (as I heare) is some profitable harborough for ships. The to wite of Poole is from Winburne about foure miles, and it standeth almost as an Ile in the hauen. The hauen it selfe also, if a man should measure it by the circuit, wanteth little of twentie miles, as I did gesse by the view.

[1] Going therefore into the same, betwéene the north [page 58] and the south points, to sée what waters were there, we left Brunkeseie Iland, and the castell on the left hand within the said points; and passing about by Pole, and leauing that créeke, bicause it hath no fresh, we came by Holton and Kesworth, where we beheld two falles, of which one was called the north, the other the south waters. The north streame hight Piddle as I heare.Piddle. It riseth about Alton, and goeth from thence to Piddle trench head, Piddle hinton, Walterstow, and yer it come at Birstam, receiueth Deuils brooke that commeth thither from Brugham and Melcombe by Deuilish towne.Deuit [...]s. Thence it goeth to Tow piddle, Ashe piddle, Turners piddle (taking in yer it come there, a water that runneth from Hel|ton by Middleton, Milburne & Biere) then to Hide, and so into Pole hauen, and of this water Marianns Scotus speaketh, except I be deceiued. The south wa|ter is properlie called Frome for Frame.Frome. It riseth néere vnto Euershot, and going downe by Frome|quitaine, Chelmington, and Catstocke, it receiueth there a rill from beside Rowsham, and Wraxehall. After this it goeth on to Chilfrome, and thence to Maden Newton,Ocus. where it méeteth with the Owke, that riseth either two miles aboue Hoke parke at Kenford, or in the great pond within Hoke parke, and going by the Tollards, falleth into the Frome about Maden Newton, & so go as one from thence to Fromevauchirch, Crokewaie, Frampton, and Muckilford, and receiueth néere vnto the same a rill from aboue Upsidling by S. Nicholas Sidling,Silleie. and Grimston. From hence it goeth on by Stratton and Bradford Peuerell, and beneath this Bradford, it crosseth the Silleie aliàs Minterne and Cherne brooks both in one chanell:Minterne Cherne. whereof the first riseth in vpper Cherne parish, the other at Minterne, and méeting aboue middle Cherne, they go by nether Cherne, Forston, Godmanston, and aboue Charneminster into Frome. In the meane time also our Frome brancheth and leaueth an Iland aboue Charnemin|ster, and ioining againe néere Dorchester, it goeth by Dorchester, and Forthington; but yer it come at Beckington, it meeteth with another Becke that runneth thereinto from Winterburne, Stapleton, Martinstow, Heringstow, Caine and Stafford, and from thence goeth without anie further increase as yet to Beckington, Knighton, Tinkleton, Morton, Wooll, Bindon, Stoke, & beneath Stoke receiueth the issue of the Luckeford lake,Luckford. from whence also it passeth by Eastholme, Warham, and so into the Baie.Séeke more for wilie brooke that goeth by west burie to Pole hauen. From this fall we went about the arme point by Slepe, where we saw a litle créeke, then by Owre, where we beheld an other, & then comming againe toward the entrance by saint Helens, and Furleie castell, we went abroad into the maine, and found our selues at libertie.

[1] [2] When we were past Pole hauen, we lest the Hand|fast point, the Peuerell point, S. Adelmes chappell, and came at last to Lughport hauen, whereby and al|so to the Luckeford lake, all this portion of ground last remembred, is left in maner of a byland or peninsu|la, and called the Ile of Burbecke, wherein is good store of alum and hard stone. In like sort going still westerlie, we came to Sutton points, where is a créeke. Then vnto Waie or Wilemouth, by kings Welcombe, which is twentie miles from Pole, and whose head is not full foure miles aboue the hauen by northwest at Uphill in the side of a great hill. Hereinto when we were entred, we saw three falles, whereof the first and greatest commeth from Up|weie by Bradweie, and Radipoole, receiuing after|ward the second that ran from east Chekerell, and likewise the third that maketh the ground betwéene Weimouth and Smalmouth passage almost an I|land. There is a little barre of sand at the hauen mouth, and a great arme of the sea runneth vp by the right hand; and scant a mile aboue the hauen mouth on the shore, is a right goodlie and warlike castell made, which hath one open barbicane. This arme runneth vp also further by a mile as in a baie, to a point of land where a passage is into Portland, by a little course of pibble sand. It goeth vp also from the said passage vnto Abbatsbirie about seauen miles off, where a litle fresh rondell resorteth to the sea. And somewhat aboue this,Chesill. is the head or point of the Che|sill lieng northwest, which stretcheth vp from thence about seauen miles, as a maine narrow banke, by a right line vnto the southeast, and there abutteth vp|on Portland scant a quarter of a mile aboue the Newcastle there. The nature of this banke is such, that so often as the wind bloweth vehementlie at southeast, so often the sea beateth in, and losing the banke soketh through it: so that if this wind should blow from that corner anie long time togither, Port|land should be left an Iland as it hath béene before. But as the southwest wind dooth appaire this banke, so a northwest dooth barre it vp againe. It is pretie to note of the Townelet of Waimouth, which lieth streight against Milton on the other side, and of this place where the water of the hauen is but of small breadth, that a rope is commonlie tied from one side of the shore to another, whereby the ferrie men doo guide their botes without anie helpe of Ores. But to procéed with our purpose. Into the mouth of this riuer doo ships often come for succour.

[1] Going by Portland and the point thereof cal|led the Rase, we sailed along by the Shingle, till we came by saint Katharins chappell, where we saw the fall of a water that came downe from Blackdéene Beaconward, by Portsham and Ab|batsburie. Thence we went to another that fell into the sea, neere Birton, and descended from Litton by Chilcombe,Bride. Nature hath set the mouth of this riuer in maner be|twixt two hils, so that a little cost would make an hauẽ there. then vnto the Bride or Brute port, a pre|tie hauen, and the riuer it selfe serued with sundrie waters. It riseth halfe a mile or more aboue Bemi|ster, and so goeth from Bemister to Netherburie by Parneham, then to Melplash, and so to Briteport, where it taketh in two waters from by east in one chanell, of which one riseth east of Nettlecourt, and goeth by Porestoke and Milton, the other at Asker|well, and runneth by Longlether. From hence also our Bride going toward the sea,Simen. taketh the Simen on the west that commeth by Simensburge into the same, the whole streame soone after falling into the sea, and leauing a pretie haue not.

[1] [2] The next port is the Chare,Chare. serued with two rits in one confluence, beneath Charemouth. The cheefe head of this riuer is (as Leland saith) in Marshwood parke, and commeth downe by Whitechurch: the o|ther runneth by west of Wootton, and méeting be|neath Charemouth towne (as I said) dooth fall into the sea. Then came we to the Cobbe, and beheld the Lime water,Buddle. which the townesmen call the Buddle, which commeth about thrée miles by north of Lime, from the hils, fleting vpon Rockie soile, and so falleth into the sea. Certes, there is no hauen héere that I could sée, but a quarter of a mile by west southwest of the towne, is a great and costlie iuttie in the sea for succour of ships. The towne is distant from Coliton, about fiue miles. And heere we ended our voiage from the Auon, which conteineth the whole coast of Dorcester, or Dorcetshire, so that next we must enter into Summerset countie, and see what waters are there.

[1] [2] The first water that we méet withall in Sum|mersetshire is the Axe,Axe. which riseth in a place called Are knoll, longing to sir Giles Strangwaie, néere vnto Cheddington in Dorsetshire, from whence it runneth to Mosterne, Feborow, Claxton, Weiford [page 59] bridge, Winsham foord, and receiuing one rill from the east by Hawkechurch, and soone after another comming from northwest by Churchstoke, from Wainbroke, it goeth to Axeminster, beneath which it crosseth the Yare,Yare aliàs A [...]rte. that commeth from about Buck|land, by Whitstaunton, Yarecombe, Long bridge, Stockeland, Kilmington bridge (where it receiueth a brooke from by south, that runneth by Dalwood) and so into the Axe. From hence our Axe goeth to Drake, Musburie, Culliford: but yer it come altogi|ther at Culliford, it méeteth with a water that riseth aboue Cotleie, and goeth from thence by Widwor|thie, Culliton, and there receiuing a rill also, procée|deth on after the confluence aboue Culliford bridge, into the Axe, and from thence hold on togither into the maine sea, whereinto they fall vnder the roots of the winter cliffes, the points of them being almost a mile in sunder. The most westerlie of them called Berewood, lieth within halfe a mile of Seton.

[1] But the other toward the east is named White|cliffe, of which I saie no more, but that

in the time of Athelstane, the greatest nauie that euer aduentu|red into this Iland, arriued at Seton in Deuon|shire, being replenished with aliens that sought the conquest of this Iland, but Athelstane met and in|countered with them in the field, where he ouerthrew six thousand of his aforesaid enimies. Not one of them also that remained aliue, escaped from the battell without some deadlie or verie gréeuous wound. In this conflict moreouer were slaine fiue kings, which were interred in the churchyard of Axe minster, and of the part of the king of England were killed eight earles of the chéefe of his nobilitie, and they also buried in the churchyard aforesaid. Héervn|to it addeth how the bishop of Shireburne was in like sort slaine in this battell, that began at Brune|dune neere to Coliton, and indured euen to Axe min|ster, which then was called Brunberie or Brunburg. The same daie that this thing happened the sunne lost his light, and so continued without anie bright|nesse, vntill the setting of that planet, though other|wise the season was cléere and nothing cloudie.

[1] [2] As for the hauen which in times past as I haue heard, hath béene at Sidmouth (so called of Sidde a rillet that runneth thereto) and likewise at Seton,Sidde. Seton. I passe it ouer, sith now there is none at all. Yet hath there béene sometime a notable one, albeit, that at this present betweene the two points of the old ha|uen, there lieth a mightie bar of pibble stones, in the verie mouth of it, and the riuer Axe is driuen to the verie east point of the hauen called White cliffe. Thereat also a verie little gull goeth into the sea, whither small fisherbotes doo oft resort for succour. The men of Seton began of late to stake and make a maine wall within the hauen to haue changed the course of the Axe, and (almost in the middle of the old hauen) to haue trenched through the Chesill, thereby to haue let out the Axe, & to haue taken in the maine sea, but I heare of none effect that this attempt did come vnto.Colie. From Seton westward lieth Coliton, about two miles by west northwest, whereof riseth the riuer Colie, which going by the aforesaid towne, passeth by Colecombe parke, and afterward falleth betweene Axe bridge and Axe mouth towne into the Axe riuer.

[1] [2] [3] [4] By west of Bereworth point lieth a créeke, ser|ued (so farre as I remember) with a fresh water that commeth from the hilles south of SoutleieSid. or Brans|combe. Sidmouth hauen is the next, and thither com|meth a fresh water by S. Maries from the said hils, that goeth from S. Maries aforesaid to Sidburie, & betweene Saltcombe & Sidmouth into the maine sea.Autrie aliàs Ottercie. By west of Auterton point also lieth another hauen, and thither commeth a pretie riueret, whose head is in the Hackpendon hilles, and commeth downe first by Upauter, then by a parke side to Mo|huns Auter, Munketon, Honniton, Buckewell, and north of Autrie receiueth a rill called Tale,Tale. that ri|seth northwest of Brodemburie in a wood, and from whence it commeth by Pehemburie, Uinniton, and making a confluence with the other, they go as one betwéene Cadde and Autrie, to Herford, Luton, Collaton, Auterton, Budeleie, and so into the sea. On the west side of this hauen is Budeleie almost directly against Otterton. It is easie to be seene also, that within lesse space than one hundred yeers, ships did vse this hauen, but now it is barred vp. Some call it Budeleie hauen of Budeleie towne, others Salterne port, of a little créeke comming out of the maine hauen vnto Salterne village, that hath in time past béene a towne of great estimation.

[1] [2] The Exe riseth in Exemore in Summersetshire,Exe. néere vnto Exe crosse, and goeth from thence vnto Exeford, Winsford, and Extun, where it receiueth a water comming from Cutcombe, by north. After this confluence it goeth on toward the south, till it méet with a pretie brooke rising northeast of Whet|tell (going by Brunton Regis) increased at the least with thrée rilles which come all from by north. These being once met, this water runneth on by west of the beacon that beareth the name of Haddon, & soone after taketh in the Barleie,Barleie. Done aliàs Done stroke. that receiueth in like sort the Done at Hawkbridge, and from hence goeth by Dauerton, and Combe, and then doth méet with the Exe, almost in the verie confines betwéene Dorset & Summerset shires. Being past this coniunction, our Exe passeth betwéene Brushford and Murbath, and then to Exe bridge, where it taketh in (as I heare) a water by west from east Austie: and after this like|wise another on ech side, whereof one commeth from Dixford,Woodburne. and Baunton, the other called Woodburne, somewhat by east of Okeford. From these meetings it goeth to Caue and through the forrest and woods to Hatherland and Washfields, vntill it come to Ti|uerton, and here it receiueth the Lomund water that riseth aboue Ashbrittle, & commeth downe by Hock|worthie, vpper Loman, and so to Tiuerton that stand|eth almost euen in the verie confluence. Some call this Lomund the Simming brooke or Sunnings bath.Lomund or Simming. After this our Exe goeth to Bickleie, Theuer|ten (taking in a rill by west) nether Exe, Bramford, beneath which it ioineth with the Columbe that ri|seth of one head northeast of Clarie Haidon,Columbe. and of another south of Shildon, and méeting beneath Co|lumbe stocke, goeth by Columbe and Bradfeld, and there crossing a rill that commeth by Ashford, it run|neth south to Wood, More haies, Columbton, Brand|nicke, Beare, Columbe Iohn, Horham, and ioining (as I said) with the Exe at Bramford, passing vnder but one bridge, yer it meet with another water by west, growing of the Forten and Cride waters (ex|cept it be so that I doo iudge amisse.)Cride. Forten. The Cride riseth aboue Wolle sworthie, and néere vnto Upton: after it is past Dewrish, crosseth a rill from betweene Pug|gill and Stockeleie by Stocke English, &c. From hence it goeth to Fulford, where it méeteth with the Forten, wherof one branch commeth by Caldbrooke, the other from S. Marie Tedburne, and ioining a|boue Crediton, the chanell goeth on to the Cride, (which yer long also receiueth another from by north, comming by Stockeleie and Combe) then betwéene Haine and Newton Sires, to Pines, and so into the Exe, which staieth not vntill it come to Excester. From Excester (whither the burgesses in time past laboured to bring the same, but in vaine) it runneth to Were, there taking in a rill from by west, and an other lower by Exminster, next of all vnto Toppes|ham;Cliuus. beneath which towne the Cliue entreth there|into, [page 60] which rising about Plumtree, goeth by Clift Haidon, Clift Laurence, Brode Clift, Honiton, Souton, Bishops Clift, S. Marie Clift, Clift saint George, and then into the Exe, that runneth forward by Notwell court, Limston and Ponderham castell. Here (as I heare) it taketh in the Ken, [...] or Kenton brooke (as Leland calleth it) comming from Hol|combe parke, by Dunsdike, Shillingford, Kenford, Ken, Kenton, and so into Exe hauen, at whose mouth lie certeine rocks which they call the Checkstoñes, ex|cept I be deceiued. The next fall, whereof Leland saith nothing at all, commeth by Ashcombe and Du|lish, and hath his head in the hilles thereby.

[1] The Teigne mouth is the next fall that he came to,Teigne. & it is a goodlie port foure miles from Exemouth. The head of this water is twentie miles from the sea at Teigne head in Dartmore among the Gidleie hilles. From whence it goeth to Gidleie towne,Crokerne. Teignton drue, where it receiueth the Cro|kerne comming from by north, and likewise an o|ther west of Fulford parke. Then it goeth to Dufford, Bridford, Kirslowe, Chidleie, Knighton, and beneath the bridge there receiueth the Bouie, whose course is to north Bouie, Lilleie, and Bouitracie. Thence it runneth to kings Teignton,Bouie. Eidis. taking in Eidis, a brooke beneath Preston that commeth from Edeford by the waie. And when it is past this confluence, at kings Teignton,Leman. it crosseth the Leman, which com|meth from Saddleton rocke by Beckington, and Newton Bushels:Aller. and soone after the Aller that ri|seth betwéene Danburie and Warog well, after|ward falling into the sea by Bishops Teignton, south of Teignmouth towne.

[1] The verie vtter west point of the land, at the mouth of Teigne is called the Nesse, and is a verie high red cliffe. The east part of the hauen is named the Poles, a low sandie ground, either cast vp by the spuing of the sand out of the Teigne, or else throwne vp from the shore by the rage of wind and water. This sand occupieth now a great quantitie of the ground betweene the hauen where the sand riseth, and Teignmouth towne, which towne (surnamed Re|gis) hath in time past béen sore defaced by the Danes, and of late timeby the French.

[1] From Teignemouth we came to Tor baie, wher|of the west point is called Birie, and the east Perri|torie, betwéene which is little aboue foure miles. From Tor baie also to Dartmouth is six miles, where (saith Leland) I marked diuerse things. First of all vpon the east side of the hauen a great hillie point called Downesend, and betwixt Downesend, and a pointlet named Wereford is a little baie. Were it selfe, in like sort, is not full a mile from Downesend vpward into the hauen. Kingswere towne stand|eth out as another pointlet, and betwixt it & Were|ford is the second baie. Somewhat moreouer aboue Kingswere towne goeth a little créeke vp into the land from the maine streame of the hauen called Waterhead, and this is a verie fit place for vessels to be made in. In like sort halfe a mile beyond this into the landward goeth another longer créeke, and aboue that also a greater than either of these called Gawnston, whose head is here not halfe a mile from the maine sea, by the compassing thereof, as it run|neth in Tor baie.

[1] [2] The riuer of Dart or Darent (for I read De|renta muth for Dartmouth)Dart. commeth out of Dart|more fiftéene miles aboue Totnesse, in a verie large plot, and such another wild morish & forrestie ground as Ermore is. Of it selfe moreouer this water is verie swift, and thorough occasion of tin-workes whereby it passeth, it carrieth much sand to Totnesse b [...]dge, and so choketh the depth of the riuer downe|ward, that the hauen it selfe is almost spoiled by the same. The mariners of Dartmouth accompt this to be about a kenning from Plimmouth. The Da|rent therefore proceeding from the place of his vpri|sing, goeth on to Buckland,Ashburne. from whence it goeth to Buckland hole; and soone after taking in the Ash|burne water on the one side that runneth from Sad|dleton rocke by north,Buckeastlich. and the Buckfastlich that com|meth from north west, it runneth to Staunton, Da|rington, Hemston, and there also crossing a rill on ech side passeth foorth to Totnesse, Bowden, and a|boue Gabriell Stoke méeteth with the Hartburne that runneth vnder Rost bridge, two miles aboue Totnes,Hartburne. or (as another saith) by Ratter, Harberton, Painesford, and Asprempton into Darent, which yer long also commeth to Corneworthie, Grenewaie, Ditsham, Darntmouth towne (whervnto king Iohn gaue sometimes a maior, as he did vnto Totnesse) from thence betwéene the castelles, and finallie into sea.

[1] From hence we went by Stokeflemming to another water, which commeth from blacke Auton, then to the second that falleth in east of Slapton, and so coasting out of this baie by the Start point, we saile almost directlie west, till we come to Saltcombe hauen. Certes this port hath verie little fresh water comming to it, and therefore no meruell though it be barred; yet the head of it (such as it is) riseth neere Buckland, and goeth to Dudbrooke, which standeth betwéene two créekes. Thence it hieth to Charleton, where it taketh in a rill, whose head commeth from south and north of Shereford. Finallie, it hath ano|ther créeke that runneth vp by Ilton: and the last of all that falleth in north of Portlemouth, whose head is so néere the baie last afore remembred, that it ma|keth it a sorie peninsula (as I haue heard it said.)

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Then come we to the Awne,Awne. whose head is in the hils farre aboue Brent towne, from whence it goeth to Dixford wood, Loddewell, Hache, Aunton, Thor|leston, and so into the sea ouer against a rocke called S. Michaels burrow. Arme riseth aboue Harford,Arme. thence to Stoford, Iuie bridge, Armington bridge, Fléet, Orchardton, Ownewell, and so vnto the sea, which is full of flats and rocks, so that no ship com|meth thither in anie tempest, except it be forced ther|to, through the vttermost extremitie and desperat ha|zard of the fearefull mariners. King Philip of Ca|stile lost two ships here in the daies of king Henrie the seuenth,See Hen. 7. pag. 792, 793, 794. when he was driuen to land in the west countrie by the rage of weather.Yaline. Yalme goeth by Cornewood, Slade, Stratleie, Yalmeton, Collaton. Newton ferrie, and so into the sea, about foure miles by south east from the maine streame of Plim|mouth. Being past these portlets, then next of all we come to Plimmouth hauen,Plim. a verie busie péece to describe, bicause of the numbers of waters that resort vnto it, & small helpe that I haue for the know|ledge of their courses; yet will I doo what I may in this, as in the rest, and so much I hope by Gods grace to performe, as shall suffice my purpose in this be|halfe.

[1] [2] The Plimne or Plim,Plim. is the verie same water that giueth name to Plimpton towne. The mouth of this gulfe, wherein the ships doo ride, is walled on ech side and chained ouer in time of necessitie, and on the south side of the hauen is a blocke house vpon a rockie hill: but as touching the riuer it selfe, it riseth in the hils west of Cornewood, and commeth downe a short course of thrée miles to Newenham after it be issued out of the ground. From Newenham also it runneth to Plimpton, and soone after into the Stoure,Stoure aliàs Catwater. which Stoure ariseth northwest of Shepi|stour, & goeth frõ thence to Memchurch, Hele. Shane, Bickleie, and so to Eford, where taking in the Plim, it runneth downe as one vnder the name of Plim, [page 61] vntill it go past Plimmouth, and fall into the hauen south east of Plimmouth aforesaid. I haue often|times trauelled to find out the cause whie so manie riuers in England are called by this name Stoure, and at the first supposing that it was growne by the corruption of Dour, the Brittish word for a streame, I rested thervpon as resolued for a season: but after|ward finding the word to be méere Saxon, and that Stouremare is a prouince subiect to the duke of Saxonie, I yéelded to another opinion: whereby I conceiue that the said name was first deriued from the Saxons. But to returne to our purpose.

[1] Plimmouth it selfe standeth betweene two créeks, not serued with anie backewater, therefore passing ouer these two, we enter into the Thamer that dis|chargeth it selfe into the aforsaid hauen. Going ther|fore vp that streame, which for the most part parteth Deuonshire from Cornewall, the first riueret that I met withall on the east side is called Tauie,Taue or Tauie. the head whereof is among the mounteins foure miles aboue Peters Tauie, beneath which it meeteth with ano|ther water from by west, so that these two waters include Marie Tauie betwéene them, though no|thing neere the confluence. From hence the Taue or Tauie runneth to Tauistocke, aboue which it ta|keth in a rill from by west, and another aboue north Buckland, whose head is in Dartmore, and com|meth therevnto by Sandford and Harrow bridge. From hence it goeth into Thamar, by north Buck|land, moonks Buckland, Beare, and Tamerton fol|lie. Hauing thus dispatched the Tauie,Lidde. the next that falleth in on the east side vpwards is the Lidde, which rising in the hils aboue Lidford, runneth downe by Curriton and Siddenham, and so to Lidstone, aboue which it receiueth the Trushell brooke,Trushell. which rising north east of Brediston, goeth by Trusholton to Ibaine, where it receiueth a rill that commeth by Bradwood from Germanswike, and after the con|fluence runneth to Liston, and from thence into the Thamar. The next aboue this is the Corewater,Core. this ariseth somewhere about Elwell or Helwell, and going by Uirginston, runneth on by saint Giles without anie increase vntill it come to Thamar. Next of all it taketh in two brookes not much distant in sunder, whereof the one commeth in by Glanton, the other from Holsworthie, and both east of Ta|merton, which standeth on the further banke, & other side of the Thamar, and west northwest of Tedcote, except the quarter deceiue me.

[1] Certes, the ThamarThamar. it selfe riseth in Summerset|shire, about thrée miles northeast of Hartland, and in maner so crosseth ouer the whole west countrie be|twéene sea and sea, that it leaueth Cornewall, a by|land or peninsula. Being therefore descended from the head, by a tract of six miles, it commeth to Den|borow, Pancrase well, Bridge Reuell, Tamerton, Tetcote, Luffencote, Boiton, and Wirrington, where it meeteth with a water on the west side called Arteie,Arteie. that riseth short of Iacobstow. Two miles in like sort frõ this confluence, we met with the Ken|seie, whose head is short of Warpeston by south east:Kenseie. from whence it goeth by Treneglos, Tremone, Tresmure, Trewen, Lanfton, and so into the Tha|mar, that runneth from hence by Lowwhitton vn|to Bradston, and going on toward Dunterton, ta|keth in a rill from south Pitherwi [...]c,Enian. and by Lesant; beneath Dunterton also it crosseth the Enian. This riuer riseth at Dauidston, and directeth his race by saint Clethir, Lancast, and Trelaske first; and then vnder sundrie bridges, vntill it méet with the Tha|mar. From hence also the Thamar goeth by Sid|denham to Calstocke bridge, Calstocke towne, Clif|ton, Cargreue (there abouts taking in a créeke a|boue Landilip) and running on from thence, hasteth toward Saltash,Liuer. where it receiueth the Liuer wa|ter. The head of Liuer is about Broomwellie hill, from whence it goeth on to North hill, Lekenhorne, South hill, and taking in a rill by east (from aboue Kellington) it runneth on to Newton, Pillaton, Wootton, Blosfleming, saint Erne, and beneath this village crosseth a rillet that runneth thither from Bi|cton by Quithiocke, saint Germans, and Sheuiocke. But to procéed. After the confluence, it goeth be|tweene Erlie and Fro Martine castell, and soone af|ter taking in a rill from by north, that passeth west of saint Steuens, it is not long yer it fall into the Thamar, which after this (receiuing the Milbrooke creeke) goeth on by Edgecombe, and betwéene saint Michaels Ile and Ridden point into the maine sea. And thus haue I finished the description of Plim|mouth water, and all such falles as are betwéene Mewston rocke on the east side, and the Ram head on the other.

[1] [2] After this we procéeded on with our iournie to|ward the west,Sutton. and passing by Longstone, we came soone after to Sothan baie, where we crossed the Se|ton water, whose head is about Liscard, & his course by Minheniet, Chafrench, Tregowike, Sutton, and so into the sea. Then came we to Low,Low. and going in betwéene it and Mount Ile, we find that it had a branched course, and thereto the confluence aboue Low. The chiefe head riseth in the hils, as it were two miles aboue Gaine, and going by that towne, it ceaseth not to continue his course east of Dulo, till it come a little aboue Low, where it crosseth and ioi|neth with the Brodoke water that runneth from Brodokes by Trewargo, and so into the sea. Next vnto these are two other rils, of which one is called Polpir,Polpir. Fawie. before we come at Foy, or Fawy.

[1] [2] Foy or Fawy riuer riseth in Fawy moore, on the side of an hill in Fawy moore, from whence it run|neth by certeine bridges, till it méet with the Glin water west of Glin towne,Glin. which rising aboue Tem|ple, & méeting with a rill that commeth in from S. Neotes, doth fall into Fawy a mile and more aboue Resprin from by east. After this confluence then, it goeth to Resprin bridge, Lestermen castell, Loft|withiell bridge, Pill, saint Kingtons, saint Win|now, and Golant, and here also receiueth the Lerine water out of a parke,Lerinus. that taketh his waie into the maine streame by Biconke, Tethe, and the Fining house. Being thus vnited, it proceedeth vnto Fawy towne, taking in a rill or creeke from aboue it on the one side, and another beneath it south of Halling on the other: of which two this latter is the longest of course, fith it runneth thrée good miles before it come at the Foy. Leland writing of this riuer addeth ve|rie largelie vnto it after this maner.Faw. The Fawy ri|seth in Fawy moore (about two miles from Camil|ford by south, and sixtéene miles from Fawy towne) in a verie quaue mire on the side of an hill. From hence it goeth to Drainesbridge, to Clobham bridge, Lergen bridge, New bridge, Resprin bridge, and Lostwithiell bridge, where it meeteth with a little brooke, and néere therevnto parteth it selfe in twaine. Of these two armes therefore one goeth to a bridge of stone, the other to another of timber, and soone af|ter ioining againe, the maine riuer goeth to saint Gwinnowes, from thence also to the point of saint Gwinnowes wood, which is about halfe a mile from thence, except my memorie dooth faile me. Here go|eth in a salt créeke halfe a mile on the east side of the hauen, and at the head of it is a bridge called Lerine bridge; the créeke it selfe in like maner bearing the same denomination.

[1] From Lerine creeke, to S. Caracs pill or créeke,In the mid|dle of this créeke was a cell of S. Ci|ret in an Islet longing some|time to Moun+tagew a prio|rie. is about halfe a mile, and Lower on the east side of the said hauen: it goeth vp also aboue a mile and [page 62] an halfe into the land. From Caracs créeke to Poul|morland a mile, and this likewise goeth vp scant a quarter of a mile into the land, yet at the head it par|teth it selfe in twaine. From Poulmorland weto Bodnecke village halfe a mile, where the passage and repassage is commonlie to Fawy. From Bod|necke to Pelene point (where a créeke goeth vp not fullie a thousand paces into the land) a mile, thence to Poulruan a quarter of a mile, and at this Poulruan is a tower of force, marching against the tower on Fawy side, betwéene which (as I doo heare) a chaine hath sometime beene stretched, and likelie inough; for the hauen there is hardly two bow shot ouer. The ve|rie point of land at the east side of the mouth of this hauen, is called Pontus crosse, but now Panuche|crosse. It shall not be amisse in this place somewhat to intreat of the towne of Fawy, which is called in Cornish Comwhath,Comwhath. and being situat on the north|side of the hauen, is set hanging on a maine rockie hill, being in length about one quarter of a mile, ex|cept my memorie deceiue me.

[1] The renowme of Fawy rose by the wars vnder king Edward the first, Edward the third, and Hen|rie the fift, partlie by feats of armes, and partlie by plaine pirasie. Finallie, the townesmen feeling themselues somwhat at ease and strong in their pur|ses, they fell to merchandize, and so they prospered in this their new deuise, that as they trauelled into all places, so merchants from all countries made resort to them, whereby within a while they grew to be ex|ceeding rich. The ships of Fawy sailing on a time by Rhie and Winchelseie in the time of king Ed|ward the third, refused stoutlie to vale anie bonet there, although warning was giuen them so to doo by the portgreues or rulers of those townes. Herevp|on the Rhie and Winchelseie men made out vpon them with cut and long taile: but so hardlie were they interteined by the Fawy pirates (I should saie aduenturers) that they were driuen home againe with no small losse and hinderance. Such fauour found the Fawy men also immediatlie vpon this bickering, that in token of their victorie ouer their winching aduersaries, and riding ripiers (as they called them in mockerie) they altered their armes and compounded for new, wherein the scutchion of Rhie and Winchelseie is quartered with theirs, and beside this the Foyens were called the gallants of Fawy or Foy,Gallants of Foy or Fa|wy. whereof they not a little reioised, and more peraduenture than for some greater bootie. And thus much of Fawy towne, wherein we sée what great successe often commeth of witlesse and rash aduentures. But to returne againe to our pur|pose from whence we haue digressed, and as hauing some desire to finish vp this our voiage, we will leaue the Fawmouth & go forward on our iournie.

[1] Being therefore past this hauen, we come into Trewardith baie, which lieth into the land betwéene Canuasse and the Blacke head point, and hereabout Leland placeth Vrctoum promontorium. In this we saw the fall of two small brookes, not one verie far distant from another. The first of them entring west of Trewardith, the other east of saint Blaies, and both directlie against Curwarder rocke, except I mistake my compasse. Neither of them are of anie great course, and the longest not full thrée miles and an halfe. Wherfore sith they are neither branched nor of anie great quantitie, what should I make long haruest of a little corne, and spend more time than may well be spared about them?

[1] When we were past the Blacke head, we came to Austell brooke,Austell. which is increased with a water that commeth from aboue Mewan, and within a mile after the confluence, they fall into the sea at Pentoren, from whence we went by the Blacke rocke, and about the Dud [...]an point, till we came to Chare haies, where falleth in a pretie water,Chare. whose head is two miles aboue saint Tues. Thence we went by here and there a méere salt créeke, till we passed the Graie rocke, in Gi [...]in [...]raith baie, and S. Anthonies point, where Leland maketh his accompt to enter into Falamouth hauen.

[1] The Fala riseth a little by north of Penuenton towne,Fala. and going westward till it come downwards toward saint Dionise, it goeth from thence to Mela|der, saint Steuens Grampont, Goldon, Crede, Cor|neleie, Tregue, Moran, Tregu [...]an, it falleth into the hauen with a good indifferent force: and this is the course of Fala. But least I should séeme to omit those creekes that are betwéene this and S. Antho|nies point, I will go a little backe againe, and fetch in so mani [...] of them, as come now to my remem|brance. Entring therefore into the port, we haue a créeke that runneth vp by saint Anthonies toward saint Gereus, then another that goeth into the land by east of saint Maries castell, with a forked head, pas|sing in the meane time by a great rocke that lieth in the verie midst of the hauen, in maner of the third point of a triangle, betwéene saint Maries castell and Pendinant.

[1] Thence we cast about by the said castell, and came by another créeke that falleth in by east, then the se|cond aboue saint Iustus, the third at Ardenora, the fourth at Rilan. And hauing as it were visited all these in order, we come backe againe about by Tre|gonnian, and then going vpward betweene it and Taluerne, till we came to Fentangolan, we found the confluence of two great creekes beneath saint Clements, whereof one hath a fresh water comming downe by S. Mer [...]her, the other another from Tru|ro, increased with sundrie branches, though not one of them of anie greatnesse, and therefore vnworthie to be handled. Pole hole standeth vpon the head al|most of the most easterlie of them. S. Kenwen and Truro stand aboue the confluence of other two. The fourth falleth in by west from certeine hils: as for the fift and sixt, as they be little créeks and no fresh, so haue I lesse language and talke to spend about them.

[1] Of saint Caie, and saint Feokes créeke, whose issue is betwéene Restronget and créeke of Trurie, I sée no cause to make any long spéech; yet I remem|ber that the towne of S. Feoke standeth betwéene them both.S. Caie. S. Feoks That also called after this saint, rising a|boue Perannarwothill, and comming thence by Kirklo, falleth into Falamouth, northeast of Milor, which standeth vpon the point betwéene it and Milor créeke. Milor creeke is next Restronget:Milor. some call it Milor poole, from whence we went by Trefusis point, and there found an other great fall from Pe|rin, which being branched in the top, hath Perin towne almost in the verie confluence. And thus much by my collection of the fall. But for somuch as Leland hath taken some paines in the description of this riuer, I will not suffer it to perish, sith there is other matter conteined therein worthie remem|brance, although not deliuered in such order as the thing it selfe requireth.

[1] The verie point (saith he) of the hauen mouth (be|ing an hill whereon the king hath builded a castell)Fala. is called Pendinant. It is about a mile in compasse, almost inuironed with the sea: and where the sea co|uereth not, the ground is so low that it were a small mastrie to make Pendinant an Iland. Further|more, there lieth a cape or foreland within the hauen a mile and a halfe, and betwixt this and maister Kil|ligrewes house one great arme of the hauen run|neth vp to Penrine towne, which is three miles from the verie entrie of Falamouth hauen, and two good [page 63] miles from Penfusis.Leuine. Moreouer, there is Leuine, Priselo, betwixt saint Budocus and Pendinas, which were a good hauen but for the barre of sand. But to procéed.

[1] The first creeke or arme that casteth on the north|west side of Falemouth hauen, goeth vp to Perin, and at the end it breaketh into two armes, whereof the lesse runneth to Glasenith, Viridis nidus, the gréene nest, or Wagméere at Penrine: the other to saint Glunias the parish church of Penrine. In like sort out of each side of Penrine créeke, breaketh an arme yer it come to Penrine. This I vnderstand also that stakes and foundations of stone haue béene set in the créeke at Penrine a litle lower than the wharfe, where it breakech into armes: but howsoe|uer this standeth, betwixt the point of Trefusis and the point of Restronget is Milor créeke,Milor. which goeth vp a mile into the land, and by the church is a good rode for ships. The next creeke beyond the point of Restronget wood, is called Restronget, which going two miles vp into the maine,Restronget. breaketh into two armes. In like order betwixt Restronget and the creeke of Trurie be two créekes; one called saint Feokes,S. Feoks. the other saint Caie,S. Caie. next vnto which is Trurie créeke that goeth vp about two miles creek|ing from the principall streame, and breaketh within halfe a mile of Trurie, casting in a branch west|ward euen hard by Newham wood.

[1] This creeke of Trurie is diuided into two parts before the towne of Trurie,Trurie créeke and each of them hauing a brooke comming downe and a bridge, the towne of Trurie standeth betwixt them both. In like sort Kenwen stréet is seuered from the said towne with this arme, and Clements street by east with the other. Out of the bodie also of Trurie creeke breaketh an|other eastward a mile from Crurie, and goeth vp a mile and a halfe to Cresilian bridge of stone. At the verie entrie and mouth of this créeke is a rode of ships called Maples rode: and here fought not long since eightéene ships of Spanish merchants, with foure ships of warre of Deepe, but the Spaniards draue the Frenchmen all into this harborow. A mile and an halfe aboue the mouth of Crurie creeke, is another named Lhan Moran of S. Morans church at hand.Moran. This créeke goeth vp a quarter of a mile from the maine streame into the hauen, as the maine streame goeth vp two miles aboue Moran créeke eb|bing and flowing: and a quarter of a mile higher is the towne of Cregowie, where we found a bridge of stone vpon the Fala riuer. Fala it selfe riseth a mile or more west of Roche hill, and goeth by Graund pont, where I saw a bridge of stone.

[1] This Graund pont is foure miles from Roche hill,Graund pont. and two little miles from Cregowie, betwixt which the Fala taketh his course. From Cregowie to passe downe by the bodie of the hauen of Fala|mouth to the mouth of Lanie horne pill or créeke, on the south side of the hauen is a mile, and (as I remem|ber) it goeth vp halfe a mile from the principall streame of the hauen. From Lanihorne pill also is a place or point of sand about a mile waie of fortie a|cres or thereabout (as a peninsula) called Ardeue|rauter. As for the water or créeke that runneth into the south southeast part, it is but a little thing of halfe a mile vp into the land, and the créeke that hemmeth in this peninsula, of both dooth seeme to be the grea|ter. From the mouth of the west creeke of this pen|insula, vnto saint Iustes creeke, is foure miles or more.

[1] In like maner from saint Iustes pill or créeke (for both signifie one thing) to saint Mawes creeke is a mile and a halfe,S. Iustus. S. Mawes. and the point betwéene them both is called Pendinas. The créeke of saint Mawes goeth vp a two miles by east northeast into the land, and beside that it ebbeth and floweth so farre, there is a mill driuen with a fresh créeke that resorteth to the same. Halfe a mile from the head of this downe|ward to the hauen, is a créeke in maner of a poole, whereon is a mill also that grindeth with the tide. And a mile beneath that on the south side entereth a créeke (about halfe a mile into the countrie) which is barred from the maine sea by a small sandie banke, and another mile yet lower, is an other little créeke|let. But how so euer these créekes doo run, certeine it is that the bankes of them that belong to Fala are meruellouslie well woodded. And hitherto Leland, whose words I dare not alter, for feare of corruption and alteration of his iudgement. Being past Fal|mouth hauen therefore (as it were a quarter of a mile beyond Arwennach, maister Killegrewes place which standeth on the brimme or shore within Fal|mouth) we came to a little hauen which ran vp be|twéene two hilles, but it was barred: wherefore we could not learne whether it were serued with anie backe fresh water or not.

[1] [2] From thence we went by Polwitherall creekePolwitherall. Polpenrith. (parted into two armes) then to the Polpenrith, wherevnto a riueret falleth that riseth not farre from thence, and so goeth to the maine streame of the hauen at the last, whither the créeke resorteth about thrée miles and more from the mouth of the hauen,Wike. and into which the water that goeth vnder GareGare. and MogunMogun. bridges, doo fall in one bottome (as Leland hath reported.) Unto this hauen also repaireth the Penkestell,Penkestell. the Callous,Callous. the Cheilow,Cheilow. and the Gil|ling,Gilling. although this latter lieth against saint Maw|nons on the hither side hard without the hauen mouth (if I haue doone aright.) For so motheaten, mouldie, & rotten are those bookes of Leland which I haue, and beside that, his annotations are such and so confoun|ded, as no man can (in a maner) picke out anie sense from them by a leafe togither. Wherefore I suppose that he dispersed and made his notes intricate of set purpose: or else he was loth that anie man should easilie come to that knowledge by reading, which he with his great charge & no lesse trauell atteined vn|to by experience. Thus leauing Fala hauen, as more troublesome for me to describe, than profitable for seafaring men, without good aduise to enter into, we left the rocke on our left hand, and came straight southwest to Helford hauen, whose water commeth downe from Wréeke (where is a confluence of two small rilles whereof that rill consisteth)Haile. by Mawgan and Trelawarren, and then it receiueth a rill on the north ripe from Constantine, after whose confluence it goeth a maine vntill it come to the Ocean, where the mouth is spoiled by sand comming from the tin|works. See Leland in the life of S. Breaca. Beneath this also is another rill comming from S. Martyrs, by whose course, and another ouer against it on the west side that falleth into the sea by Winniton, all Menage is left almost in maner of an Iland. From hence we go south to the Manacle point, then south|west to Lisard, and so north and by west to Predan|nocke points, beyond which we méet with the fall of the said water, that riseth in the edge of Menag, and goeth into the sea by Melien on the north, and Win|niton on the south. By north also of Winniton is the Curie water that runneth short of Magan,Curie. and tou|cheth with the Ocean south of Pengwenian point.

[1] From hence we sailed to the Loo mouth,Loo. which some call Lopoole, because it is narrower at the fall into the sea, than it is betwéene the sea and Hailston. It riseth aboue S. Sethians, and comming downe by Wendron, it hasteth to Hailston or Helston, from whence onelie it is called Loo: but betwéene Helston and the head, men call it commonlie Cohor. Of this riuer Leland saith thus: The Lopoole is two miles in [page 64] length, and betwixt it and the maine Ocean is but a barre of sand that once in thrée or foure yéeres, what by weight of the fresh water, and working of the sea breaketh out, at which time it maketh a wonder|full noise: but soone after the mouth of it is barred vp againe. At all other times the superfluitie of the wa|ter of Lopole (which is full of trout and éele) draineth out through the sandie barre into the open sea: certes if this barre could alwaies be kept open, it would make a goodlie hauen vp vnto Haileston towne, where coinage of tin is also vsed, as at Trurie and Lostwithiell, for the quéenes aduantage.

[1] Being passed the Loo, I came to another water that descendeth without anie increase from Crowan by Simneie,Simneie. whose whole course is not aboue thrée miles in all. Then going by the Cuddan point, we entered the mounts Baie, and going streight north (leauing S. Michaels mount a little vpon the left hand) we came to the Lid, which rising short of Tewidnacke, descendeth by Lidgenan,Lid. and so into the sea. Certes the course of these waters cannot be long, sith in this verie place the breadth of land is not aboue foure miles, and not more than fiue at the verie lands end. There is also a rill east of Korugie, and Guluall, and another west of the same hard at hand, and like|wise the third east of Pensants: and not a full quar|ter of a mile from the second, southwest of Pensants also lieth the fourth that commeth from Sancrete ward by Newlin, from whence going southwest out of the baie by Moushole Ile, that lieth south of Moushole towne, we come to a water that entreth into the Ocean betwixt Remels & Lamorleie point. Trulie the one head thereof commeth from by west of Sancrete, the other from by west of an hill that standeth betwéene them both, and ioining aboue Remels, it is not long yer they salute their gran|dame. After this, and before we come at Rosecastell, there are two other créekes, whereof one is called Boskennie, that riseth south of saint Buriens, and an other somewhat longer than the first, that issueth by west of the aforesaid towne, wherein is to be noted, that our cards made heretofore doo appoint S. Buri|ens to be at the very lands end of Cornewall, but ex|perience now teacheth vs, that it commeth not néere the lands end by thrée miles. This latter rill also is the last that I doo reade of on the south side, and like|wise on the west and north, till we haue sailed to S. Ies baie, which is full ten miles from the lands end, or Bresan Ile eastward,Bresan Ile & rather more, if you reckon to the fall of the Haile, which lieth in the very middest and highest part of the baie of the same. The soile also is verie hillie here, as for saint Ies towne, it is al|most (as I said) a byland, and yet is it well watered with sundrie rilles that come from those hilles vnto the same.

[1] The Haile riseth in such maner,Haile. and from so manie heads, as I haue before said: howbeit I will adde somewhat more vnto it, for the benefit of my rea|ders. Certes the chéefe head of Haile riseth by west of Goodalfin hilles, and going downe toward saint Erthes, it receiueth the second, and best of the other three rilles from Goodalfin towne: finallie, comming to saint Erthes, and so vnto the maine baie, it ta|keth in the Clowart water from Guimer,Clowart. south of Phelacke, which hath two heads the said village stan|ding directlie betwixt them both.

[1] The Caine riseth southeast of Caineburne towne a mile and more,Caine. from whence it goeth without in|crease by west of Gwethian, and so into the sea west of Mara Darwaie. From hence we coasted about the point, & left the baie till we came to a water that riseth of two heads from those hilles that lie by south of the same: one of them also runneth by saint Uni, another by Redreuth, and méeting within a mile, they fall into the Ocean beneath Luggam or Tug|gan.Luggam. A mile and a halfe from this fall we come vnto another small rill, and likewise two other créekes, betwixt which the towne of saint Agnes standeth; and likewise the fourth halfe a mile beyond the most ea|sterlie of these, whose head is almost thrée miles within the land in a towne called saint Alin. Thence going by the Manrocke, and west of saint Piran in the sand, we find a course of thrée miles and more from the head, and hauing a forked branch, the parts doo méet at west aboue saint Kibbard, and so go into the sea. I take this to be saint Pirans créeke,S. Pirans creeke. Carantocke. for the next is Carantocke pill or créeke, whose head is at Guswarth, from whence it goeth vnto Tre|rise, and soone after taking in a rill from by west, it runneth into the sea coast of saint Carantakes. Be|yond this is another créeke that riseth aboue little saint Colan, and goeth by lesse saint Columbe: and east and by north hereof commeth downe one more whose head is almost south of the Nine stones, & go|ing from thence to great saint Columbes, it passeth by Lamberne, and so into the sea. S. Merous créeke is but a little one, rising west of Padstow, and fal|ling in almost ouer against the Gull rocke. Then turning betwéene the point and the blacke rocke, we entred into Padstow hauen thrée miles lower than port Issec, and a mile from port Gwin,Padstow. Locus bufo|nis. Alannus. whose waters remaine next of all to be described.

[1] The Alan ariseth flat east from the hauen mouth of Padstow, well néere eight or nine miles about Dauidstone, neere vnto which the Eniam also issueth,Eniam. that runneth into the Thamar. Going therefore from hence it passeth to Camelford, saint Aduen, saint Bernard (both Cornish saints) and soone after re|ceiueth a rill at northeast, descending from Row|ters hill. Thence it goeth to Bliseland, and Hel|ham, the first bridge of name that standeth vpon A|lin. Yer long also it taketh in one rill by south from Bodman, another from saint Laurence, the third by west of this, and the fourth that commeth by Wethi|ell, no one of them excéeding the course of thrée miles, and all by south. From hence it goeth toward Igle|saleward, and there receiueth a water on the east side, which commeth about two miles from saint Teath, by Michelston, saint Tuchoe, saint Maben (mo Cornish patrons) and finallie south of Iglesall, méeteth with the Alen that goeth from thence by S. Breaca to Woodbridge. Hereabout I find, that into our Alein or Alen, there should fall two riuerets, whereof the one is called Carneseie,Carneseie. Laine. the other Laine, and comming in the end to full notice of the matter, I sée them to issue on seuerall sides beneath Wood|bridge almost directlie the one against the other. That which descendeth from northwest, and riseth about saint Kew, is named Carneseie, as I heare: the other that commeth in on the southwest banke hight Laine, and noted by Leland to rise two miles aboue S. Esse. But howsoeuer this matter standeth, there are two other créekes on ech side also, beneath these, as Pethrike creeke,Pethrike. Minner. and Minner créeke (so called of the Cornish saints) for that soile bred manie, where|with I finish the description of Alen, or (as some call it) Dunmere,Dunmere. and other Padstow water.

[1] [2] From Padstow hauen also they saile out full west to Waterford in Ireland. There are likewise two rockes, which lie in the east side of the hauen, se|cretlie hidden at full sea, as two pads in the straw, whereof I thinke it taketh the name. Yet I remem|ber how I haue read that Padstow is a corrupted word for Adlestow, and should signifie so much as A|thelstani locus, as it may well be. For it is euident that they [...]ad in time past sundrie charters of priui|lege from Athelstane, although at this present it be well stored with Irishmen. But to our purpose. Le|land [page 65] supposeth this riuer to be the same Camblan, where Arthur fought his last and fatall conflict: for to this daie men that doo eare the ground there, doo oft plow vp bones of a large size, and great store of armour, or else it may be (as I rather coniecture) that the Romans had some field (or Castra) thereabout, for not long since (and in the remembrance of man) a brasse pot full of Romane coine was found there, as I haue often heard. Being thus passed Padstow ha|uen, and after we had gone three miles from hence, we came to Portgwin a poore fisher towne, where I find a brooke and a péere. Then I came to Portissec aliàs Cunilus two miles further, and found there a brooke, a péere, and some succor for fisher boats. Next of all vnto a brooke that ran from south east, directlie north into the Sauerne sea, and within halfe a mile of the same laie a great blacke rocke like an Iland. From this water to Treuenni is about a mile, where the paroch church is dedicated to saint Sim|phorian, and in which paroch also Tintagell or Dun|dagie castell standeth, which is a thing inerpugna|ble for the situation, and would be made with little reparations one of the strongest things in Eng|land. For it standeth on a great high terrible crag inuironed with the sea. There is a chappell yet stan|ding in the dungeon thereof, dedicated to saint U|let. Tintagell towne and Treuenni are not a mile in sunder.

[1] The next creeke is called Bosinni, which is a mile from Tintagell, and to the same Tredwie water resorteth,Tredwie. and so they go to the sea betwixt two hils, whereof that on the one side lieth out like an arme or cape, and maketh the fashion of an hauenet or peere, whither shiplets sometime doo resort for succour. A frier of late daies tooke vpon him to make an hauen at this place, but in vaine. There lie also two blacke rocks as Ilets, at the west northwest point, or side of this créeke, the one (sauing that a little gut dooth part them) ioining with the other, and in these by all likelihood is great store of gulles. I can not tell whe|ther this be the water that runneth by Boscastell or not, but if it be not, then haue I this description of the latter.Boscastell. Boscastell créeke that lieth east of Tin|tagell, is but a small thing, running at the most not aboue two miles, into the land, yet it passeth by foure townes, whereof the first is called Lesneth, the se|cond saint Iuliet, the third Minster, and the fourth Boscastell or Bushcastell, as some men doo pro|nounce it.

[1] In Bede baie I find the Bedewater,Bede. whose chiefe head is not farre from Norton. Thence running to Strat [...]on,Lancels. it receiueth the Lancels rill before it come at Norham. And here also it crosseth another whose head is east of saint Marie w [...]ke, from whence it runneth by Wolston and Whalesborow, and thence into the sea betweene Efford and Plough hill. And thus much of the waters that lie betweene the point of Cornewall, and the Hartland head vpon the north side of Cornewall. Now let vs doo the like with those that remaine of Deuonshire, whereof the said Hart|land is the verie first point in this our poeticall voi|age. Hauing therefore brought Hartland point on our backs, we come next of all to Barstable bar, and so into the hauen, where into two principall streams doo perpetuallie vnburden their chanels.

[1] The first and more westerlie of these is called O|cus, Ocus. whose head is not farre west of the head of Darnt, and doth in Darntmore. Rising therefore in the aforesaid place, it runneth northwest to Snorton, and so to Okehampton, beneath which towne it mée|teth with an other water comming from southeast, & riseth not much west from the head of Tawe. From hence it goeth to Stow Exborne, Moonke Oking|ton, & Iddesleie,Tanridge. Turrege. where it taketh in the Tanridge a ve|rie pretie streamelet, whose issue is not full a mile by east from the head of Thamar, thrée miles by north east from Hartland. Comming therefore by west and east Putford, Bulworthie, Bockington, New|ton, and Shebbor, it receiueth a forked rill that run|neth from ech side of Bradworthie by Sutcombe, Treborow, Milton, & so to Thornebirie, where mée|ting with an other forked water (whereof one head comming from Duns [...]and, ioineth with the other north of Cockbirie) it goeth with speed into the Tan|ridge water. After this confluence it runneth on to Shéepewash (by west whereof falleth in the Buck|land water from by north) thence to high Hainton,Buckland. and so to Haitherlaie, north wherof it taketh in a rill from by south, and endeth his race at Iddesleie, by ioining with the Oke. Hence then the Ocus hasteth to Dowland, and betwéene it and Doulton, recei|ueth one rill from by east, as it dooth an other be|twéene Doulton and Marton from by west, and so procéeding on with his course, it commeth cast of Torrington the lesse, and taking in a water at east, that runneth from thrée heads (by Wollie parke) be|tweene which Combe and Roughborow are situat, it descendeth to Torington the more, and meeting with the Langtrée water on the one side,Langtrée. and the Ware brooke on the other,Were or Ware. it procéedeth to Bediford, crossing a rill by the waie that commeth vnto it be|twéene Annarie & Littham. From Bediford bridge it goeth without anie increase to Westleie, Nor|ham, Appledoure, and so into the hauen.

[1] The Taw of both is the more noble water,Taw. not|withstanding that his hauen be barred with sand; and thereby dangerous, and hath most rils descen|ding into his chanell. Howbeit, by these two is all the hart of Deuonshire well watered on the northside of the moores. The Tawy riseth directlie at south west of Throwleie, and north of the head of Darnt, or (as Leland saith) in Exmoore south east from Barstable. From thence also it runneth to Sele, South Taueton, Cockatre, Bath, Northta|ueton, Ashridge, Colridge, and soone after receiueth the Bowmill créeke,Bowmill. wherof one head riseth at Bow, the other at Mill, and meeting beneth Bishops Mor|chard, they fall into the Taw north of Nimeth Row|land, as I haue béene informed. From hence then it runneth by Edgeforth, to Chimligh, by south where|of it méeteth with a rill comming downe of two heads from about Rakenford, by Wetheridge and Chawleie. Thence it goeth to Burrington, and Chil|tenholtwood, and there taketh in the Moulebraie wa|terMoulebraie. consisting of two in one chanell, wherof the Moll dooth rise aboue north Moulton, and comming to Moulton receiueth another rill running from Mol|land, and soone after the second that growing by two brookes (the head of one being at Knawston, and of the other west of Crokeham, and both vniting them|selues beneath Mariston) dooth fall into the same yer long also, and so go togither till it crosse the Braie, which (being the second of the two that maketh the Moulbraie) riseth at Braie,Braie. commeth by Buckland, and south of Holtwood dooth make his confluence with Taw. Being past the wood, it goeth on to Brightleie hall, Taueton, Tauestocke, & Berstable, sometime a pretie walled towne with foure gates, but now a little thing; and such in déed, as that the suburbes thereof are greater than it selfe. I suppose that the name of this towne in the British speach was Abertaw, bicause it stood toward the mouth of Taw, and Berdnesse pronounced short (as I gesse) for Abernesse. As for Staple, it is an addition for a market, & therefore hath nothing to doo in the proper name of the towne. King Athelstane is taken here for the chiefe priuileger of the towne. This is also worthie to be noted hereof, that the houses there are [page 66] of stone, as most are in all the good townes there|about.

[1] But to proceed with our purpose. Beneath this towne there falleth in a water that hath one head néere about Challacombe, & another at east Downe, whereof this descending by Stoke riuer, and the o|ther by Sherwell, they vnite themselues within thrée miles of Berstaple. Soone after also it taketh in ano|ther that descendeth from Bitenden by Ashford, and the last of all east of saint Anthonies chappell, named the Doneham,Doneham. bicause one head is at west Done, and the other at Ham, both of them méeting west of Ash. And thus is Taue described, which is no great water nor quicke streame, as may appéere in Low water marke at Berstable, and yet is it a pretie ri|ueret. This also is worthie to be noted thereof, that it receiueth no brooke from by west, whereof I would somewhat maruell, if Taurige were not at hand.

[1] Being past the Taue, Cride baie and Bugpoint aliàs Bagpoint, we go by More baie, Morstone aliàs Mortstone, and then toward the northeast, till we come by a créekelet to Ilfare combe, & so to Combe Marton,Paradine. whereat (I meane ech of them) are sundrie créekes of salt water, but not serued with anie fresh that I as yet doo heare of. Marrie there is be|twéene Martinbow & Trensow, a créeke that hath a backewater, which descendeth from Parracombe (so farre as I call to mind named Parradine becke) but the greatest of all is betweene Linton and Con|nisberie called Ore,Orus. which riseth in Summersetshire in Exmore (east of Hore oke, more than a mile) and going by Owre, falleth into the sea betwéene Lin|ton and Conisberie, so that the whole race thereof a|mounteth in and out to an eight miles, as I haue heard reported. Thus haue I finished the discourse of the waters of Deuonshire,The bredth of Deuonshire & Cornewall. whose breadth in this place from hence ouerthwart to the Checkstones in the mouth of Ex, on the south side of the Ile, is eight and thirtie miles or vnder fortie, and so much like|wise is it from Plimmouth to Hartland point, but the broadest part there commeth to six and thirtie miles, whereas the broadest part of Cornewall doth want two miles of fortie.

[1] Being past the aforesaid limits of the counties we came to Portloch baie,Loch. whither commeth a wa|ter named Loch that descendeth from Stokepero, Lucham and Portloch without increase. Thence to Dunsteir brooke,Durus. which runneth from about Woot|ton, and Courtneie by Tunbercombe and Dunsteir, then to another that commeth west of Old Cliffe, leauing a parke on the west side, next of all to Wat|chet water,Vacetus. whereof one head commeth from the Quantocke hils south of Bickualer by Westquan|tocke head, and almost at Doniford, receiueth the WillitonWilliton. becke, then to east Quantocke brooke (o|mitting a créeket) & next of all to DoddingtonDoddington. wa|ter, that goeth by Holford, Alfoxton, and afterward into the sea. From hence we go by Bottesall point, to Stert point, where two noble riuers doo make their confluence, which I will seuerallie describe, as to my purpose apperteineth.

[1] The first of these is called the Iuell, or (as I find it in an ancient writer) Yoo,Iuelus. who saith that the riuer Yoo dooth runne from Ilchester to Bridgewater, and so into the sea. It riseth aboue Oburne, and at Shir|burne receiueth a water, whereof Leland saith thus. There are seuen springs in an hill called the seuen si|sters,The seuen sisters. north east from Shireburne, which gather into one bottome, & come into the Mere. Another brooke likewise commeth by Heidon from Puscandell, three miles from thence by flat east, betwixt the parke and the Mere full so great as the streame of the Mere, and ioining at the lower mill of Shireburne, with the Mere water, it is not long yer it fall into the E|uill. Thence our Euill goeth on towards Glasen Bradford, and yer it come there taketh in a forked rill from by south, descending from about west Chel|burie and Chetnall in Dorsetshire, beneath which towne the other head falleth into the same, so that they run foorth by Bearhaggard and Thorneford (till they méet with the Iuell) and so to Clifton, Euill a proper market towne, Trent, Mutford, Ashinton, and east of Limminton it méeteth with the CadeCade. that runneth from Yarlington, by north Cadbirie, and soone after crossing a rill also from by east, that commeth from Blackeford by Compton, it hasteth to south Cadbirie, Sparkeford, Queenes Camell, west Camell, and so into Iuell, which runneth on to Kimmington, Ilchester, Ilbridge, long Sutton, and yer it come at Langport, taketh in two famous wa|ters in one chanell, next of all to be remembred be|fore I go anie further. The first of all these riseth southeast betwéene the Parrets (where it is called Parret water) and goeth to Crokehorne,Parret. and at Meriot taketh in a brooke from the east, which consi|steth of two courses vnited at Bowbridge, whereof the one descendeth from Pen by Hasilburie, the o|ther from aboue the thrée Chenocks, as I doo vnder|stand.

[1] From hence also they go as one with the Parret water, toward south Pederton (taking in at east a becke comming from Hamden hill) thence to Pe|derton, Lambrooke, Thorneie bridge, and Muchelneie where it méeteth with the second called Ill or Ilus, Ill. whose head is aboue Chellington, & comming downe from thence by Cadworth, before it come at Dun|niet, it taketh in a rill that runneth by Chascombe and Knoll. Thence leauing Ilmister on the east side, it meeteth with another from by east, descending from about Whitlakington. Then it goeth to Po|kington (where it crosseth the Ilton water by west)Ilton. next to Ilbruers, and there it ioineth with a rillet that riseth by west at Staple, and runneth by Bick|nell and Abbats Ilie, and after this confluence goeth on toward Langport. And here after some mens o|pinion, the Iuell looseth his name, and is called Par|ret: but this coniecture cannot hold, sith in the old writers it is called Iuell, till it fall into the sea. Ne|uerthelesse, how soeuer this matter standeth), being past Langport, it goeth by Awber toward saint An|thonies, where it méeteth with the Tone next of all to be described.

[1] The Tone issueth at Clatworthie,Tone. and goeth by west of Wiuelscombe, to Stawleie, Ritford; Run|ton, Wellington and Bradford, beneath which it ta|keth in a faire water cõming from Sanford Combe, Elworthie, Brunt Rafe, Miluerton, Oke and Hil|farens. After this confluence also it runneth to He|lebridge, and there below méeteth with one water that runneth by Hawse, Hethford and Norton, then another from Crokeham by bishops Slediard, and the third & fourth at Taunton, that descendeth from Kingston by north, and another by south that riseth about Pidmister. And thus is the Tone increased, which goeth from Taunton to Riston, Crech, North|currie, Ling, and so by Anthonie into the Iuell, that after this confluence méeteth yer long with the Chare, a pretie riuer that commeth by east from Northborow,Chare or Care. by Carleton, Badcare, Litecare, So|merton, Higham, Audrie moore, Audrie, and Michels|borow. From whence going on betweene Quéenes moore and North moore, it receiueth one brooke called Peder from by southwest, that runneth through Pe|derton parke and North moore;Peder. and likewise another that passeth by Durleie, yer it doo come at Bridge|water. From Bridgewater it goeth by Chilton di|rectlie north west, and then turning flat west, it go|eth northward towards the sea, taking in two wa|ters [page 67] by the waie, whereof one runneth by Coripole & Camington,Camington. Brier. and beareth the name of Camington, the other by Siddington and Comage, and then re|ceiuing the Brier before it come at Start point, they fall as one into the Ocean, whereof let this suf|fice for the description of the Iuell, whose streame dooth water all the west part of Summersetshire and leaueth it verie fruitfull.

[1] The Brier,Brier. Bruer, or Bréer, riseth of two waters, wherof one is in Selwood forrest, & commeth downe by Bruecombe,Leland wri|teth the first Brieuelus and the second Mellodunus or the Milton water. Bruham, and Bruton. The other which Leland nameth Mellos, is northest of Staffor|dell towne, and going by the same, it runneth by Redlinch, to Wike; where it méeteth with the other head, and thence go on as one to Awnsford, Alford (where it taketh in a water called Dulis from by north that riseth néere Dolting,Dulis. and commeth by E|uerchurch parke) then to the Lidfords, Basbo|row wood, the Tor hill,Sowaie or Stowaie. Pont perilous (whereinto they fable that Arthur being wounded to death did throw Calibur his sword) by Glastenburie and so in|to the Méere. Beside this riuer there are two other also that fall into the said Méere, whereof the one cal|led Sowaie commeth from Créechurch parke, and Pulton by Hartlacke bridge,Cos. the other named Cos or the Coscombe water, from aboue Shepton, Mal|let (which east of Wike taketh in a water comming from Welles) by Wike, Gedneie, and so into the Méere. Finallie, returning all into one chanell, it runneth to Burtlehouse, and soone after diuiding it selfe, one arme goeth by Bastian aliàs Brent bridge, to High bridge, leauing Huntspill a market towne by southwest, the other by Marke to Rokes bridge, Hebbes passage, and so into the sea, leauing a faire Iland, wherin beside Brentmarsh are seuen or eight townes, of whose names I haue no knowledge.

[1] Now as touching the water that commeth from Welles, which falleth (as I said) into the Coscombe water on the right hand of the Cawseie; you shall vnderstand that as manie springs are in Wels, so the chiefe of them is named Andres well, which riseth in a medow plat not farre from the east end of the cathedrall church, and afterward goeth into the Cos|combe, in such place as I haue noted. Leland spea|keth of the Milton & Golafer waters,Milton. Golafer. which should fall likewise into the Brier: but whether those be they whereof the one riseth aboue Staffordell, and in the descent runneth by Shipton, Pitcombe, and so to Awnsford on the one side, as the other dooth rise be|twéene Batcombe and Upton noble on the other halfe; or vnto whether of them either of these names are seuerallie to be attributed: as yet I doo not read.

[1] [2] The second Axe which commeth by Axe towne in old time called Uexa,Axe. 2. The Cheder|brooke, driueth twelue miles within a quar+ter of a mile of his head. issueth out of Owkie hole, from whence it goeth by Owkie towne, afterward meeting with the Chederbrooke that commeth from the Cheder rocks, wherein is an hole in old time cal|led Carcer Aeoli, wherof much hath béene written & surmised past credit. It runneth by Were, Ratcliffe, and after a little compasse into the northeast branch of the aforesaid riuer last described, betweene Rokes bridge and Hebbes passage, as I haue beene infor|med. From the fall of Axe we come to an other cal|led Bane, northeast of Woodspring,Bane. whose head is a|bout Banwell parke, or else in Smaldon wood. Then to an other, and to the third, called Artr [...],Artro. which riseth about Litton, and going by the Artroes, Ubbeie, Perribridge (receiuing a rill yer it come thither from by south) beneath Cungesbirie, or (as I learne) be|twéene Kingston and Laurence Wike, it méeteth with the sea.

[1] [2] Sottespill water riseth betwéene Cheueleie and Naileseie,S [...]ttespill. howbeit it hath no increase before it come into the sea at Sottespill, more than the next vnto it, which is named Cleueden water, of a certeine towne neere to the fall thereof.Cleueden. It riseth southeast of Barrow, goeth by Burton Naileseie, and so vnto Cleuedon. The Auon, commonlie called the third Auon, is a goodlie water,Auon. 3. and growne to be verie fa|mous by sundrie occasions, to be particularlie tou|ched in our description of Bristow. Yet thus much will I note héere thereof as a rare accident, how that in king Edgars daies, the verie same yeare that the old monasterie of Euesham fell downe by it selfe, a porpasse was taken therein neere to the said monasterie, and neuer anie before or since that time heard of to haue béene found in that streame. And euen so not manie yeares before I first wrote this treatise,Sturgion ta|ken in Roche|ster water. a sturgion was taken aliue in Roche|ster streame, which the bishop gaue vnto your honor, and you would as gladlie haue sent it to the quéenes maiestie, if she might haue béene presented withall a|liue as it was taken. Certes both these rare occur|rents gaue no lesse occasion of strange furmises to the inhabitants of both places, than the blockes of Brerton, when they appeare, doo vnto that familie; of which the report goeth that they are neuer séene but against some mischéefe or other to befall vnto that house. But how farre am I gone from my pur|pose?

[1] The Auon therefore riseth in the verie edge of Tetburie, and goeth by long Newton to Broken|ton, Whitchurch, and Malmsburie, where it receiueth two waters, that is to saie, one from by west com|ming by Foxeleie and Bromleham, which runneth so néere to the Auon in the west suburbe of Malms|burie, that the towne thereby is almost made an I|land. Another from Okeseie parke by Hankerton, Charleton, and Garesden. After this confluence it hasteth to Cole parke, then goeth it toward the south|east, till it méet with a water comming from south|west (betwéene Hullauington and Bradfield) by A|ston: and soone after with another at the northside from Binall by Wootton Basset (through the parke to Gretenham, and Idouer bridges) and after the confluence to Dauntseie, Segar, Sutton, Christ|malford, Auon, Calwaies house, and then to west Tetherton. Beneath this towne also it taketh in a water increased by two brookes, whereof one com|ming from Cleue by Hilmarton, Whitleie house and Bramble (and there receiuing another that commeth by Calne) passeth on by Stanlie into the Auon, which from thence foorth goeth to Chippenham, Rowdon, Lekham, and then receiuing Cosham water,Cosham. goeth to Lacocke, Melsham, and yer it come at Whaddon, crosseth two other in one chanell, whereof one riseth about Brumham house, and goeth to Sene, the other about the Diuizes, and from thence runneth to Pot|terne wood, Creke wood, Worton, Maston, Buck|lington, and ioining with the other aboue Litleton, they run by Semmingto [...], and north of Whaddon aforesaid into the maine streame, whereof I now intreat. From hence our Auon runneth to Stauer|ton, and southwest of that towne méeteth with the Were that commeth from Upton by Dilton,Were. Brooke parke (there crossing a rill called Bisse from West|birie vnder the plaine) then to north Bradleie,Westbirie vn|der ye plaine, neuer with|out a théefe or twaine. Tru|bridge, and so into Auon that goeth from thence to Bradford, & within a mile or there abouts, before it come at Freshford, it méeteth with the Frome, whose description dooth insue.

[1] The Frome riseth in the east part of Mendip hils,Frome. and from thence runneth by Astwti [...], the Cole pits, Lie vnder Mendip, Whateleie, Elmesbridge, and soone after taketh in the Nonneie water, com|ming from Nonneie castell,Nonneie. thence to Walles and Orcharleie bridge, where it receiueth a pretie brooke [page 68] descending from Frome Selwood west of Brack|leie, increased with sundrie rils, whereof two come out of Selwood forrest (and one of them from the Fratrie) another out of Long lead parke, from Hor|ningsham, and the fourth from Cofleie. Hence our Frome goeth to Lullington, Beckington, Farleie castell, Bord and Fresh foord, and taking in the Sil|ling brooke, falleth into the Auon beneath Bradford, and east of Freshford. From thence going beneath Stoke,Silling. it receiueth on the left hand a water com|ming from southwest, increased by sundrie brookes, whereof one commeth from Camelet by Litleton, and Dankerton, the other from Stone Eston, Mid|summer Norton, by Welston, Rodstocke, Wrigle|ton, Foscot, and Wellow, and there (taking in a rill from Phillips Norton) it goeth by Clauerton to Hampton, and there it méeteth with another water comming from Barthford, whose head is at Litleton from whence it runneth by west Kineton to Castell combe (where it ioineth with a rill rising by north from Litleton drue) and thence commeth south to Slaughtenford, Haselburie, Box, Baithford, and so into the Auon, which turning plaine west, hasteth to Baithwijc, and (meeting with another in his passage from Caldaston) to Bath, the Tiuertons, and Co|ston.

[1] Héere also it taketh in a rill by the waie from Markesburie by Wilmerton and Newton, and then going on to Sawford, it méeteth with one rill soone west of Northstocke,Swinford. named Swinford, and another by Bitton, from Durhain by Wike, and so procée|deth still holding on his way to Caimsham,Swinford parteth Sum+merset & Glo|cestershires in sunder. a towne in Summerset shire (so called of Caim an English saint, by whose praiers, as the countrie once beléeued, all the adders, snakes and serpents were turned in|to stone, their formes reserued, and for a certeine space of ground about the said towne, and whereof some store as yet is to be found in those quaries. But this miracle is so true as the historie of Hilda, or that S. Patrike should chase all venemous crea|tures out of Italie with his staffe; or that maid Ra|degund should driue the crowes to the pound, which did annoie hir corne while she went vnto a chappell to heare & sée a masse) where it crosseth the Chute, which issueth at Winford, and goeth by bishops Chue to Penford, and there receiueth the Clue comming from Cluton, and from thence to Chute, & so into the Auon. The Auon likewise after all these confluen|ces goeth to Briselton, and so to Bristow, beneath which it receiueth a rill on each side (wherof one com|meth from about Stoke lodge in Glocestershire, be|ing a faire water and running by Acton, Framp|ton, Hambroch, Stapleton, and through Bristow, the other by south from Dundreie hill and towne, by Bisport and Bedminster) and so descending yet lower, goeth to Rawneham passage and Clifton, then by S. Uincents rocke and Laie, next of all to Crocampill, and finallie into the sea, whither all wa|ters by nature doo resort.

[1] Beside this water, Leland maketh mention of AlderleieAlderleie. brooke, which in some ancient records is al|so called Auon, and runneth by Barkeleie. In like maner he talketh of Douresleie booke, whose princi|pall head is in DouresleieDouresleie. towne: howbeit he saith no thing of it more, than that it serueth sundrie tuck|ing lucking milles, and goeth by Tortworth or foure miles further,Torworth. before it come at the Sauerne. Fi|nallie, making mention of an excellent quarrie of hard stone about Douresleie, he telleth of the Tort|worth becke, that runneth within a flight shot of Barkeleie towne, and falleth on the left hand into Sauerne marches, taking with all the Alderleie or Auon, except I mistake his meaning, which may soone be doone among his confused notes.