1.7. Into how manie kingdoms this Iland hath beene diuided. Cap. 7.

Into how manie kingdoms this Iland hath beene diuided. Cap. 7.

[1] _IT is not to be doubted,Britaine at the first one entire king|dome. but that at the first, the whole Iland was ruled by one onelie prince, and so continued from time to time, vntill ciuill discord, grounded vpõ ambitious desire to reigne, caused the same to be gouerned by diuerse. And this I meane so well of the time before the comming of Brute, as af|ter the extinction of his whole race & posteritie. Howbe|it, as it is vncerteine into how manie regions it was seuered, after the first partition; so it is most sure that this latter disturbed estate of regiment, continued in the same, not onelie vntill the time of Caesar, but also in maner vnto the daies of Lucius, with whome the whole race of the Britons had an end, and the Romans full possession of this Iland, who gouerned it by Legats after the maner of prouince. It should séeme also that within a while after the time of Dunwallon (who ra|ther brought those foure princes that vsurped in his time to obedience, than extinguished their titles, & such partition as they had made of the Iland among them|selues) [page 15] each great citie had hir fréedome and seuerall kind of regiment, proper vnto hir selfe, beside a large circuit of the countrie appertinent vnto the same, wherein were sundrie other cities also of lesse name, which owght homage and all subiection vnto the great|ter sort. And to saie truth, hereof it came to passe, that each of these regions, whereinto this Iland was then diuided, tooke his name of some one of these cities; al|though Ciuitas after Caesar doth sometime signifie an whole continent or kingdome, whereby there were in old time Tot ciuitates quot regna, and contrariwise as may appeare by that of the Trinobantes, which was so called of Trinobantum the chiefe citie of that portion, whose territories conteined all Essex, Middlesex, and part of Hertfordshire, euen as the iurisdiction of the bishop of London is now extended, for the ouersight of such things as belong vnto the church. Ech of the go|uernors also of these regions, called themselues kings, and therevnto either of them dailie made warre vpon other, for the inlarging of their limits. But for somuch as I am not able to saie how manie did challenge this authoritie at once, and how long they reigned ouer their seuerall portions, I will passe ouer these ancient times, and come néerer vnto our owne, I meane the 600. yéere of Christ, whereof we haue more certeine no|tice, & at which season there is euident proofe, that there were twelue or thirtéene kings reigning in this Iland.

[1] We find therefore for the first, how that Wales had hir thrée seuerall kingdomes,Wales di|uided into three king|domes. which being accompted togither conteined (as Giraldus saith) 49. cantreds or cantons (whereof thrée were in his time possessed by the French and English) although that whole portion of the Iland extended in those daies no farder than a|bout 200. miles in length, and one hundred in bredth, and was cut from Lhoegres by the riuers Sauerne and Dée, of which two streames this dooth fall into the Irish sea at Westchester, the other into the maine O|cean, betwixt Somersetshire and Southwales, as their seuerall courses shall witnesse more at large.

[1] In the begining it was diuided into two kingdoms onelie, that is to saie, Venedotia or Gwynhedh G [...]inhed. (other|wise called Dehenbarth) and Demetia, for which we now vse most cõmonlie the names of South & North|wales. But in a short processe of time a third sprung vp in the verie middest betwéene them both, which from thence-foorth was called Powisy, as shalbe shewed here|after. For Roderijc the great, who flourished 850. of Christ, and was king of all Wales (which then contei|ned onlie six regions) leauing thrée sons behind him, by his last will & testament diuided the countrie into thrée portions, according to the number of his children, of which he assigned one vnto either of them, wherby Mor|wing or Morwinner had Gwynhedh or Northwales, Cadelh Demetia or Southwales, and Anaralt Powisy, as Giraldus and other doo remember. Howbeit it came to passe that after this diuision, Cadelh suruiued all his brethren, and thereby became lord of both their porti|ons, and his successors after him vntill the time of Teu|ther or Theodor (all is one) after which they were con|tended to kéepe themselues within the compasse of De|metia, which (as I said) conteined 29. of those 49. can|treds before mentioned, as Powisy did six, and Gwin|hedh fouretéene, except my memorie doo faile me.

[1] The first of these thrée, being called as (I said) North|wales or Venedotia Venedotia. (or as Paulus Iouius saith Malfa|brene, for he diuideth Wales also into thrée regions, of which he calleth the first Dumbera, the second Berfrona, and the third Malfabrene) lieth directlie ouer against the Ile of Anglesei, the chiefe citie whereof stood in the Ile of AnglesetAnglesei. and was called Aberfraw. It conteineth 4. regions, of which the said Iland is the first, and whereof in the chapter insuing I will intreate more at large. The second is called Arfon,Arfon. and situate betwéene two riuers,Merioneth. the Segwy and the Conwy. The third is Me|rioneth, and as it is seuered from Arfon by the Con|wy, so is it separated from TegeniaStradcluyd or Tegenia. (otherwise called Stradcluyd and Igenia the fourth region) by the riuer Cluda. Finallie, the limits of this latter are extended also euen vnto the Dée it selfe, and of these foure regi|ons consisteth the kingdome of Venedotia, whereof in times past the region of the Canges was not the smal|lest portion.

[1] The kingdome of Powisy, last of all erected,Powisy. as I said, hath on the north side Gwinhedh, on the east (from Chester to Hereford, or rather to Deane forest) Eng|land, on the south and west the riuer Wy and verie high hilles, whereby it is notablie seuered from South|wales, the chiefe citie thereof being at the first Salops|burg, in old time Pengwerne, and Ynwithig, but now Shrowesburie, a citie or towne raised out of the ruines of Vricouium, which (standing 4. miles from thence, and by the Saxons called Wrekencester and Wroke|cester, before they ouerthrew it) is now inhabited with méere English, and where in old time the kings of Powisy did dwell and hold their palaces, till English|men draue them from thence to Matrauall in the same prouince, where they from thencefoorth aboad. Upon the limits of this kingdome, and not far from Holt ca|stell, upon ech side of the riuer, as the chanell now run|neth, stood sometime the famous monasterie of Ban|gor,Bangor. whilest the abated glorie of the Britons yet remai|ned vnextinguished, and herein were 2100. monkes, of which, the learned sort did preach the Gospell, and the vnlearned labored with their hands, thereby to main|teine themselues, and to sustaine their preachers. This region was in like sort diuided afterward in twaine, of which,Mailrosse. the one was called Mailor or Mailrosse, the other reteined still hir old denomination, and of these the first laie by south, & the latter by north of the Sauerne.

[1] [2] As touching Mailrosse, I read moreouer in the gests of Fowkes de Warren, Fowkes de Warren. how that one William sonne to a certeine ladie sister to Paine Peuerell, the first lord of Whittington, after the conquest did win a part of the same, and the hundred of Ellesmore from the Welshmen, in which enterprise he was so desperat|lie wounded, that no man hight him life; yet at the last by eating of the shield of a wild bore, he got an appetite and recouered his health. This William had issue two daughters,Helene. Mellent. to wit, Helene maried to the heire of the Alans, and Mellent which refused mariage with anie man, except he were frist tried to be a knight of prow|esse. Herevpon hir father made proclamation, that a|gainst such a daie & at such a place, whatsoeuer Gentle|man could shew himselfe most valiant in the field, should marrie Mellent his daughter, & haue with hir his castell of Whittington with sufficient liueliehood to mainteine their estates for euer. This report being spred, Fowkes de Warren came thither all in red, with a shield of siluer and pecocke for his crest, whereof he was called the red knight, and there ouercomming the kings sonne of Scotland, and a Baron of Burgundie, he maried the maid, and by hir had issue as in the trea|tise appeareth. There is yet great mention of the red knight in the countrie there about; and much like vnto this Mellent was the daughter sometime of one of the lord Rosses, called Kudall, who bare such good will to Fitz-Henrie clarke of hir fathers kitchen,The origi|nall of Fitz-Henries. that she made him carie hir awaie on horssebacke behind him, onlie for his manhood sake, which presentlie was tried. For being pursued & ouer taken, she made him light, & held his cloke whilest he killed and draue hir fathers men to flight: and then awaie they go, till hir father conceiuing a good opinion of Fitz-Henrie for this act, receiued him to his fauour, whereby that familie came vp. And thus much (by the waie) of Mailrosse, whereof this may suffice, sith mine intent is not as now to make anie precise description of the particulars of Wales; but onelie to shew how those regions laie, [page 16] which sometime were knowne to be gouerned in that countrie.Demetia. The third kingdome is Demetia, or South|wales, sometime knowne for the region of the Syl|lures, wherevnto I also am persuaded, that the Ordo|lukes laie in the east part thereof, and extended their re|gion euen vnto the Sauerne: but howsoeuer that mat|ter falleth out, Demetia hath the Sauerne on hir south, the Irish sea on hir west parts, on the east the Sauerne onelie, and by north the land of Powisy, whereof I spake of late.

[1] Of this region also Caermarden, which the old wri|ters call Maridunum, Cair Mari|dunum. was the chéefe citie and palace belonging to the kings of Southwales, vntill at the last through forren and ciuill inuasions of enimies, the princes thereof were constrained to remooue their courts to Dinefar (which is in Cantermawr, and si|tuate neuerthelesse vpon the same riuer Tewy, wher|on Caermarden standeth) in which place it is far better defended with high hils, thicke woods, craggie rocks, and déepe marises. In this region also lieth Pembroke aliàs Penmoroc shire, whose fawcons haue béene in old time very much regarded, and therein likewise in Mil|ford hauen, whereof the Welsh wisards doo yet dreame strange toies, which they beleeue shall one daie come to passe. For they are a nation much giuen to fortelling of things to come, but more to beléeue such blind pro|phesies as haue béene made of old time, and no man is accompted for learned in Wales that is not supposed to haue the spirit of prophesie.

[1] That Scotland had in those daies two kingdoms,Pictland. Scotland. Picts. Scots. (besides that of the Orchades) whereof the one consisted of the Picts, and was called Pightland or Pictland, the other of the Irish race, and named Scotland: I hope no wise man will readilie denie. The whole region or portion of the Ile beyond the Scotish sea also was so diuided, that the Picts laie on the east side, and the Scots on the west, ech of them being seuered from o|ther, either by huge hils or great lakes and riuers, that ran out of the south into the north betwéene them. It séemeth also that at the first these two kingdoms were diuided from the rest of those of the Britons by the ri|uers Cluda and Forth, till both of them desirous to in|large their dominions, draue the Britons ouer the Solue and the Twede, which then became march be|twéene both the nations. Wherefore the case being so plaine, I will saie no more of these two, but procéed in order with the rehersall of the rest of the particular-kingdoms of this our south part of the Ile, limiting out the same by shires as they now lie, so néere as I can, for otherwise it shall be vnpossible for me to leaue certaine notice of the likeliest quantities of these their seuerall portions.

[1] The first of these kingdoms therefore was begunne in Kent by Henghist in the 456. of Christ,Kent Hen|ghist. and thereof called the kingdome of Kent or Cantwarland, and as the limits thereof extended it selfe no farther than the said countie (the cheefe citie whereof was Dorobernia or Cantwarbyry now Canturburie) so it indured well néere by the space of 400. yeares, before it was made and earledome or Heretochie, and vnited by Inas vnto that of the West Saxons, Athelstane his sonne, being the first Earle or Heretoch of the same. Maister Lam|bert in his historie of Kent dooth gather, by verie proba|ble coniectures, that this part of the Iland was first in|habited by Samothes, and afterward by Albion. But howsoeuer that case standeth, sure it is that it hath béen the onlie doore, whereby the Romans and Saxons made their entrie vnto the conquest of the region, but first of all Caesar, who entred into this Iland vpon the eightéenth Cal. or 14. of September, which was foure daies before the full of the moone, as he himselfe confes|seth, and then fell out about the 17. or 18. of that mo|neth, twelue daies before the equinoctiall (apparant) so that he did not tarrie at that time aboue eight or ten daies in Britaine. And as this platforme cannot be de|nied for his entrance, so the said region and east part of Kent, was the onelie place by which the knowledge of Christ was first brought ouer vnto vs, whereby we became partakers of saluation, and from the darke|nesse of mistie errour, true conuerts vnto the light and bright beames of the shining truth, to our eternall be|nefit and euerlasting comforts.

[1] The second kingdome conteined onelie Sussex,South sax Esta. and a part of (or as some saie all) Surrie, which Ella the Saxon first held: who also erected his chéefe palace at Chichester, when he had destroied Andredswald in the 492. of Christ. And after it had continued by the space of 232. years, it ceased, being the verie least kingdome of all the rest, which were founded in this Ile after the comming of the Saxons (for to saie truth, it conteined little aboue 7000. families) & within a while after the erection of the kingdome of the Gewisses or West sax|ons, notwithstanding that before the kings of Sussex pretended and made claime to all that which laie west of Kent, and south of the Thames, vnto the point of Corinwall, as I haue often read.

[1] The third regiment was of the East Saxons,Eastsa [...]. Erkenwiin. or Trinobantes. This kingdome began vnder Erken|wijn, whose chéefe seat was in London (or rather Col|chester) and conteined whole Essex, Middlesex, and part of Herfordshire. It indured also much about the pricke of 303. yeares, and was diuided from that of the East Angles onlie by the riuer Stoure, as Houeden and o|thers doo report, & so it continueth separated from Suf|folke euen vnto our times, although the said riuer be now growne verie small, and not of such greatnesse as it hath béene in times past, by reason that our countrie|men make small accompt of riuers, thinking carriage made by horsse and cart to be the lesse chargeable waie. But herin how far they are deceiued, I will else-where make manifest declaration.

[1] The fourth kingdome was of the West Saxons,Westsax. and so called, bicause it laie in the west part of the realme, as that of Essex did in the east, and of Sussex in the south. It began in the yeare of Grace 519. vn|der Cerdije,Cerdiic. and indured vntill the comming of the Normans, including at the last all Wiltshire, Bar ke|shire, Dorset, Southampton, Somersetshire, Glocester+shire, some part of Deuonshire (which the Britons occu|pied not) Cornewall, and the rest of Surrie, as the best authors doo set downe. At the first it conteined onelie Wiltshire, Dorcetshire, and Barkeshire, but yer long the princes thereof conquered whatsoeuer the kings of Sussex and the Britons held vnto the point of Corne|wall, and then became first Dorchester (vntill the time of Kinigils) then Winchester the chéefe citie of that kingdome. For when Birinus the moonke came into England, the said Kinigils gaue him Dorchester, and all the land within seauen miles about, toward the maintenance of his cathedrall sea, by meanes where|of he himselfe remooued his palace to Winchester.

[1] The first kingdome began vnder Ida,Brennicia, aliàs Nor|thumber|land. Ida. in the 548. of Christ, and was called Northumberland, bicause it laie by north of the riuer Humber. And from the comming of Henghist to this Ida, it was onlie gouerned by earls or Heretoches as an Heretochy, till the said Ida conuer|ted it into a kingdome. It conteined all that region which (as it should séeme) was in time past either wholie apperteining to the Brigants; or whereof the said Bri|gants did possesse the greater part. The cheefe citie of the same in like maner was Yorke, as Beda, Capgraue, Leyland, and others doo set downe, who ad thereto that it extended from the Humber vnto the Scotish sea, vn|till the slaughter of Egfride of the Northumbers, after which time the Picts gat hold of all, betweene the Forth and the Twede, which afterward descending to the Scots by meanes of the vtter destruction of the Picts, hath not béene sithens vnited to the crowne [page 17] of England, nor in possession of the meere English, as before time it had béene. Such was the crueltie of these Picts also in their recouerie of the same, that at a cer|teine houre they made a Sicilien euensong, and slew euerie English man, woman and child, that they could laie hold vpon within the aforesaid region, but some es|caped narrowlie, and saued themselues by flight.

[1] Afterward in the yeare of Grace 560. it was parted in twaine,Deira. Ella. vnder Adda, that yeelded vp all his portion, which lay betweene Humber and the Tine vnto his brother Ella (according to their fathers appointment) who called it Deira, or Southumberland, but reteining the rest still vnto his owne vse, he diminished not his title, but wrote himselfe as before king of all Northum|berland. Howbeit after 91. yeares, it was revnited a|gaine, and so continued vntill Alfred annexed the whole to his kingdome, in the 331. after Ida, or 878. of the birth of Iesus Christ our Sauiour.

[1] The seauenth kingdome,Eastangles Offa, à quo Offlingae. called of the East-angles, began at Norwich in the 561. after Christ, vnder Of|fa, of whom the people of that region were long time called Offlings. This included all Norfolke, Suffolke, Cambridgeshire, and Elie, and continuing 228. yeares, it flourished onelie 35. yeares in perfect estate of liber|te, the rest being consumed vnder the tribut and vassal|lage of the Mercians, who had the souereigntie thereof, and held it with great honour, till the Danes gat hold of it, who spoiled it verie sore, so that it became more miserable than any of the other, and so remained till the kings of the West-saxons vnited it to their crownes. Some saie that Grantcester, but now Cambridge (a towne erected out of hir ruines) was the chéefe citie of this kingdome, and not Norwich. Wherein I may well shew the discord of writers, but I cannot resolue the scruple. Some take this region also to be all one with that of the Icenes, but as yet for my part I cannot yeeld to their assertions, I meane it of Leland himselfe, whose helpe I vse chéefelie in these collections, albeit in this behalfe I am not resolued that he doth iudge aright.

[1] [2] The 8. & last was that of Mertia, which indured 291. yeares, and for greatnesse exceeded all the rest. It tooke the name either of Mearc the Saxon word, bicause it was march to the rest (and trulie, the limits of most of the other kingdomes abutted vpon the same) or else for that the lawes of Martia the Queene were first vsed in that part of the Iland.Mertia. Creodda. But as this later is but a méere coniecture of some, so the said kingdome began vnder Creodda, in the 585. of Christ, & indured well néere 300. yeares before it was vnited to that of the West-saxons by Alfred, then reigning in this Ile. Before him the Danes had gotten hold thereof, and placed one Ceo|lulph an idiot in the same; but as he was soone reiec|ted for his follie, so it was not long after yer the said Alfred (I saie) annexed it to his kingdome by his man|hood. The limits of the Mertian dominions included Lincolne,Limits of Mertia. Northampton, Chester, Darbie, Notting|ham, Stafford, Huntington, Rutland, Oxford, Buc|kingham, Worcester, Bedford shires, and the greatest part of Shropshire (which the Welsh occupied not) Lan|caster, Glocester, Hereford (aliàs Hurchford) Warwijc and Hertford shires: the rest of whose territories were holden by such princes of other kingdomes through force as bordered vpon the same. Moreouer, this king|dome was at one time diuided into south and north Mertia, whereof this laie beyond and the other on this side of the Trent, which later also Oswald of Northum|berland did giue to Weada the sonne of Penda for kindred sake, though he not long inioied it. This also is worthie to be noted, that in these eight kingdomes of the Saxons, there were twelue princes reputed in the popish Catalog for saints or martyrs, of which Alci|mund, Edwine, Oswald, Oswijn and Aldwold reigned in Northumberland; Sigebert, Ethelbert, Edmond, and another Sigebert among the Estangels; Kenelme and Wistan in Mertia; and Saint Edward the confessor, ouer all; but how worthilie, I referre me to the iudge|ment of the learned. Thus much haue I thought good to leaue in memorie of the aforesaid kingdomes: and now will I speake somewhat of the diuision of this I|land also into prouinces, as the Romanes seuered it whiles they remained in these parts. Which being done, I hope that I haue discharged whatsoeuer is promised in the title of this chapter.

[1] The Romans therefore hauing obteined the posses|sion of this Iland, diuided the same at the last into fiue prouinces, as Vibius Sequester saith. The first whereof was named Britannia prima, Britannia prima. and conteined the east part of England (as some doo gather) from the Trent vnto the Twede.Valentia. The second was called Valentia or Valentiana, and included the west side, as they note it, from Lirpoole vnto Cokermouth.Britannia secunda. The third hight Bri|tannia secunda, and was that portion of the Ile which laie southwards, betwéene the Trent and the Thames. The fourth was surnamed Flauia Caesariensis, Flauia Cae|sariensis. and con|teined all the countrie which remained betweene Do|uer and the Sauerne, I meane by south of the Thames, and wherevnto (in like sort) Cornewall and Wales were orderlie assigned. The fift and last part was then named Maxima Caesariensis, Maxima Caesariensis now Scotland, the most barren of all the rest, and yet not vnsought out of the gréedie Romanes, bicause of the great plentie of fish and foule, fine alabaster and hard marble that are in|gendred and to be had in the same, for furniture of houshold and curious building, wherein they much deli|ted. More hereof in Sextus Rufus, who liued in the daies of Valentine, and wrate Notitiam prouinciarum now ex|tant to be read.

1.7.1. A Catalog of the kings and princes of this Iland, first from Samothes vnto the birth of our sauiour Christ, or rather the comming of the Romans: secondlie of their Legates: thirdlie of the Saxon princes according to their seuerall kingdomes: fourthlie of the Danes, and lastlie of the Normans and English princes, accor|ding to the truth conteined in our Histories.

A Catalog of the kings and princes of this Iland, first from Samothes vnto the birth of our sauiour Christ, or rather the comming of the Romans: secondlie of their Legates: thirdlie of the Saxon princes according to their seuerall kingdomes: fourthlie of the Danes, and lastlie of the Normans and English princes, accor|ding to the truth conteined in our Histories.

Of the kings of Bri|taine, from Samothes to Brute.

  • SAmothes.
  • Magus.
  • Sarronius.
  • Druiyus.
  • Bardus.
  • Longho.
  • Bardus Iunior.
  • Lucus.
  • Celtes.
  • Albion.
  • Celtes after Albion slaine.
  • Galates.
  • Harbon.
  • Lugdus.
  • Beligius.
  • Iasius.
  • Allobrox.
  • Romus.
  • Paris.
  • Lemanus.
  • Olbius.
  • Galates 2.
  • Nannes.
  • Remis.
  • Francus.
  • Pictus.

After whom Brute entreth into the Iland, either neglected by the Celts, or otherwise by conquest, and reigned therein with his posteritie by the space of 636. yeares, in such order as foloweth.

  • Brute.
  • Locrinus.
  • Gwendolena his widow.
  • Madan.
  • Mempricius.
  • Ebracus.
  • Brutus Iunior.
  • Leil.
  • Rudibras.
  • Bladunus
  • Leir.
  • Cordeil his daughter.
  • Cunedach and Morgan.
  • Riuallon.
  • Gurgustius.
  • Sisillus.
  • Iago.
  • Kimmachus.
  • Gorbodug.
  • Ferres and Porrex.

These 2. being slaine, the prin|ces of the land straue for the superioritie and regiment of the same, by the space of 50. yéeres (after the race of Brute was decaied) vntill Dunwal|lon king of Cornwall subdued them all, & brought the whole to his subiection, notwithstan|ding [page 18] that the aforesaid num|ber of kings remained still, which were but as vassals & inferiours to him, he being their chéefe and onelie soue|reigne.

  • Dunwallon reigneth.
  • Belinus his sonne, in whose tune Brennus vsurpeth.
  • Gurgwinbatrus.
  • Guittellinus.
  • Seisill.
  • Kymarus.
  • Owan aliàs Ellan.
  • Morwich aliàs Morindus.
  • Grandobodian aliàs Gorbonian.
  • Arcigallon.
  • Elidurus aliàs Hesidor.
  • Arcigallon againe.
  • Elidurus againe.
  • Vigen aliàs Higanius, & Petitur aliàs Petidurus.
  • Elidurus the third time.
  • Gorbodia aliàs Gorbonian.
  • Morgan.
  • Meriones aliàs Eighuans.
  • Idouallon.
  • Rhimo Rohugo.
  • Geruntius Voghen.
  • Catellus.
  • Coellus.
  • Pyrrho aliàs Porrex.
  • Cherinus.
  • Fulganius aliàs Sulgenis.
  • Eldadus.
  • Androgius.
  • Vrian.
  • Hellindus.
  • Dedantius Eldagan.
  • Clotenis Claten.
  • Gurguintus.
  • Merian.
  • Bledunus Bledagh.
  • Cophenis.
  • Owinus aliàs Oghwen.
  • Sisillus or Sitsiltus.
  • Blegabridus.
  • Arcimalus Archiuall.
  • Eldadus.
  • Ruthenis thrée moneths.
  • Rodingarus aliàs Rodericus.
  • Samulius Penysell.
  • Pyrrho 2.
  • Carporis aliàs Capporis.
  • Dynellus aliàs Dygnellus.
  • Hellindus a few moneths.
  • Lhoid.
  • Casibellane.
  • Theomantius.
  • Cynobellinus.
  • Aruiragus.
  • Marius.
  • Coellus.
  • Lucius.

Hitherto I haue set foorth the catalog of the kings of Bri|taine, in such sort as it is to be collected out of the most anci|ent histories, monuments and records of the land. Now I will set foorth the order and succession of the Romane ie|gates or deputies, as I haue borowed them first out of Ta|citus, then Dion, and others: howbeit I cannot warrant the iust course of them from Iulius Agricola forward, bi|cause there is no man that re|herseth them orderlie. Yet by this my dooing herein, I hope some better table may be fra|med hereafter by other, wher|of I would be glad to vnder|stand when soeuer it shall please God that it may come to passe.

  • Aulus Plautius.
  • Ostorius Scapula.
  • Didius Gallus.
  • Auitus.
  • Veranius a few moneths.
  • Petronius Turpilianus.
  • Trebellius Maximus.
  • Vectius Volanus.
  • Petilius Cerealis.
  • Iulius Frontinus.
  • Iulius Agricola.

Hitherto Cornelius Tacitus re|herseth these vicegerents or deputies in order.

  • Salustius Lucullus.
  • Cneius Trebellius.
  • Suetonius Paulinus.
  • Calphurnius Agricola.
  • Publius Trebellius.
  • Pertinax Helrius.
  • Vlpius Marcellus.
  • Clodius Albinas.
  • Heraclius.
  • Carus Tyrannus.
  • Iunius Seuerus, alias Iulius Se|uerus.
  • Liuius Gallus.
  • Lollius Vrbicus.
  • Maximus.
  • Octauius.
  • Traherus.
  • Maximinianus.
  • Gratianus.
  • Aetius.

Other Legates whose names are taken out of the Scotish historie but in incertein order.

  • Fronto sub Antonino.
  • Publius Trebellius.
  • Aulus Victorinus.
  • Lucius Antinoris.
  • Quintus Bassianus. Wales. 1.
Wales. 1.

¶The Romans not regarding the gouernance of this Iland, the Britons ordeine a king in the 447. after the incarna|tion of Christ.

  • VOrtiger.
  • Vortimer.
  • Aurelius Ambrosius.
  • Vther.
  • Arthur.
  • Constantine.
  • Aurelius Conanus.
  • Vortiporius.
  • Maglocunus.
  • Caretius.
  • Cadwan.
  • Cadwallon.
  • Cadwallader.

¶The kingdome of Wales cea|seth, and the gouernance of the countrie is translated to the Westsaxons by Inas, whose second wife was Denwalline the daughter of Cadwallader: & with hir he not onlie obtei|ned the principalitie of Wales but also of Corinwall & Ar|morica now called little Bri|taine, which then was a colo|nie of the Britons, and vnder the kingdome of Wales. Kent. 2.
Kent. 2.

Hengist in the 9. of the recoue|rie of Britaine proclaimeth himselfe king of Kent, which is the 456. of the birth of our Lord & sauior Iesus Christ.

  • HEngist.
  • Osrijc aliàs Osca.
  • Osca his brother.
  • Ermenricus.
  • Athelbert.
  • Eadbaldus.
  • Ercombert.
  • Ecbert.
  • Lother.
  • Edrijc.

The seat void.

  • Withredus.
  • Adelbert Iunior.
  • Eadbert.
  • Alrijc.
  • Eadbert.
  • Guthred.
  • Alred.

¶As the kingdome of Wales was vnited vnto that of the Westsaxons by Inas, so is the kingdom of Kent, at this pre|sent by Ecbert in the 827. of Christ, who putteth out Al|dred and maketh Adelstane his owne base sonne Hertoch of the same, so that whereas it was before a kingdome, now it becometh an Hertochie or Dukedome, and so continu|eth for a long time after. Southsex. 3.
Southsex. 3.

Ella in the 46. after Britaine giuen ouer by the Romanes erecteth a kingdom in South|sex, to wit, in the 492. of Christ whose race succéedeth in this order.

  • ELla.
  • Cyssa.
  • Ceaulijn.
  • Celrijc.
  • Kilwulf.
  • Kinigils.
  • Kinwalch.
  • Ethelwold.
  • Berthun.
  • Aldwijn.

¶This kingdome endured not verie long as ye may sée, for it was vnited to that of the Westsaxons by Inas, in the 4689. of the world, which was the 723. of Christ, according to the vsuall supputation of the church, and 232. after Ella had erected the same, as is a|foresaid. Estsex. 4.
Estsex. 4.

Erkenwijn in the 527. after our sauiour Christ beginneth to reigne ouer Estsex, and in the 81. after the returne of Bri|taine from the Romaine obe|dience.

  • ERkenwijn.
  • Sledda.
  • Sebertus.
  • Sepredus and Sywardus.
  • Sigebert fil. Syward.
  • Sigebert.
  • Swithelijn.
  • Sijgar and Sebba.
  • Sebba alone.
  • Sijgard.
  • Offa.
  • Selredus.
  • Ethelwold.
  • Albert.
  • Humbcanna.
  • Sinthredus.

¶In the 303. after Erkenwijn, Ecbert of the Westsaxons v|nited the kingdome of Estsex vnto his owne, which was in the 828. after the birth of our sauiour Christ. I cannot as yet find the exact yéeres of the later princes of this realme, and therefore I am constrai|ned to omit them altogither, as I haue done before in the kings of the Britons, vntill such time as I may come by such monuments as may re|store the defect. Westsex. 5.
Westsex. 5.

Cerdijc entreth the kingdome of the Westsaxons, in the 519. of the birth of Christ, & 73. of the abiection of the Romaine seruitude.

  • CErdijc aliàs Cercit.
  • Cenrijc.
  • Ceaulijn.
  • Kilriic aliàs Celrijc.
  • Kilwulf.
  • Kinigils.
  • Ceuwalch.
  • Sexburgh.

The seat void.

  • Centwinus.
  • Cadwallader.
  • Inas.
  • Ethelard.
  • Cuthredus.
  • Sigebert.
  • Kinwulf.
  • Brithrijc.
  • Ecbert.
  • Ethelwulf.
  • Ethebald.
  • Ethelbert.
  • Ethelfrid.
  • Alfrid.
  • Edward. 1.
  • Adelstane.
  • Edmund.
  • Eadred.
  • Edwijn.
  • Edgar.
  • Edward 2.
  • Eldred.
  • Edmund 2.
  • Canutus.
  • Harald.
  • Canutus 2.
  • Edward 3.
  • Harald 2.

¶The saxons hauing reigned hitherto in this land, and brought the same into a per|fect monarchie, are now dis|possessed by the Normans, & put out of their hold. Bernicia. 6.
Bernicia. 6.

Ida erecteth a kingdome in the North, which he extended from the Humber mouth to S. Iohns towne in Scot|land, & called it of the Nor|thumbers. This was in the 547. after the birth of our sa|uiour Christ.

  • IDa.
  • Adda.
  • Glappa.
  • Tidwaldus.
  • Fretwulfus.
  • Tidrijc.
  • Athelfrid.
  • Edwijn.
  • Kinfrid.
  • Oswald.
  • Oswy.
  • Egfrid.
  • Alfrid.
  • Osred.
  • Kinred.
  • Osrijc.
  • Kilwulf.
  • Edbert.
  • Offulse.
  • Ethelwold.
  • Elred.
  • Ethelred.
  • Alswold.
  • Osred.
  • [page 19] Ethelred.
  • Osbald.
  • Eardulf.
  • Aldeswold.
  • Eandred.
  • Edelred.
  • Redwulf.
  • Edelred againe.
  • Osbright.
  • Ecbert.
  • Ricisiuus a Dane.
  • Ecbert againe.

Alfride king of the westsax|ons subdueth this kingdome in the 878. after our sauiour Christ, and 33. after Ida. Deira. 7.
Deira. 7.

Ella brother to Adda is ouer the south Humbers, whose kingdome reched from Hum|ber to the These, in the 590. after the incarnation of Ie|sus Christ our sauiour.

  • ELla.
  • Edwijn.
  • Athelbright.
  • Edwijn againe,
  • Osrijc.
  • Oswald.
  • Oswijn.

¶Of all the kingdomes of the Saxons, this of Deira which grew by the diuision of the kingdome of the Nor|thumbers betwéene the sons of Ida was of the smallest continuance, & it was vnited to the Northumbers (wherof it had bene I saie in time past a member) by Oswijn in the 91. after Ella, when he had most traitorouslie slaine his brother Oswijn in the yéer of the world, 4618. (or 651. af|ter the comming of Christ) and conteined that countrie which we now call the bi|shoprike. Estanglia. 8.
Estanglia. 8.

Offa or Vffa erecteth a king|dome ouer the Estangles or Offlings in the 561. after the natiuitie of Christ, and 114. after the deliuerie of Bri|taine.

  • OFfa.
  • Titellius.
  • Redwaldus.
  • Corpenwaldus.
  • The seat void.
  • Sigebert.
  • Egricus.
  • Anna.
  • Adeler.
  • Ethelwold.
  • Adwulf.
  • Beorne.
  • Ethelred.
  • Ethelbert.

Offa of Mercia killeth Ethel|bert, and vniteth Estanglia vnto his owne kingdome, in the 793. of Christ, after it had continued in the posteritie of Offa, by the space of 228. yéers and yet of that short space, it enioyed onelie 35. in libertie, the rest being vnder the tri|bute of the king of Mercia a|foresaid. Mercia. 9.
Mercia. 9.

Creodda beginneth his king|dome of Mercia, in the 585. of our sauiour Christ, and 138. after the captiuitie of Bri|teine ended.

  • CReodda.
  • Wibba.
  • Cherlus.
  • Penda.
  • Oswy.
  • Weada.
  • Wulferus.
  • Ethelred.
  • Kinred or Kindred.
  • The seat void.
  • Kilred.
  • Ethebald.
  • Beorred.
  • Offa.
  • Egferth.
  • Kinwulf.
  • Kenelme.
  • Kilwulf.
  • Bernulf.
  • Ludicane.
  • Willaf.
  • Ecbert.
  • Willaf againe.
  • Bertulf.
  • Butred.
  • Kilwulf.

Alfride vniteth the kingdome of Mercia, to that of the west|saxons, in the 291. after Cre|odda, before Alfred the Dane had gotten hold thereof, and placed one Clcolulphus there|in, but he was soone expelled, and the kingdome ioyned to the other afore rehearsed.

1.7.2. The succession of the kings of England from William bastard, vnto the first of Queene ELIZABETH.

The succession of the kings of England from William bastard, vnto the first of Queene ELIZABETH.
  • WIlliam the first.
  • William his sonne.
  • Henrie 1.
  • Stephen.
  • Henrie 2.
  • Richard 1.
  • Iohn.
  • Henrie 3.
  • Edward 1. aliàs 4.
  • Edward 2.
  • Edward 3.
  • Richard 2.
  • Henrie 4.
  • Henrie 5.
  • Henrie 6.
  • Edward 4. aliàs 7.
  • Edward 5.
  • Richard 3.
  • Henrie 7.
  • Henrie 8.
  • Edward 6.
  • Marie his sister.
  • Elizabeth.

¶Thus haue I brought the Catalog of the Princes of Britaine vnto an end, & that in more plaine and certeine order than hath béene done hertofore by anie. For though in their regions since the con|quest few men haue erred that haue vsed any diligence, yet in the times before the same, fewer haue gone any thing néere the truth, through great ouersight & negligence. Their seuerall yéeres also doo ap|péere in my Chronologie in|suing.